Face Slapping the General

Chapter 48: Brainwave manipulation


Wu Qiao knew that Aquash's level was very high.

He didn't think that the opponent could win him, but he also knew that it would take some time to win.

Wu Qiao gritted his teeth, opened his shield, and calmly avoided the attack.

He is looking for opportunities.

A comrade-in-arms next to him flew over to help Wu Qiao, trying to sneak up on Akwash from behind him, but Akwash laughed a couple of times, dodged it lightly, and then changed the weapon in his hand to Alloy knife, Wu Qiao only saw a flash of coldness in front of his eyes, and the head of the mecha rolled down with a gurgle!

"Sure enough, I still like this feeling..." Aquash said to himself, "It's not strong enough to fight with a gun..."

Although the driver is not in the head of the mech, it is useless to cut off the head, but Aquash just likes this feeling, much like the domineering king in ancient wars.

"You bastard!" Naturally, Wu Qiao couldn't give the other party another chance, and chasing the other party was a series of shots!

Avoided by him again...

We practiced together for half a year, and we are very familiar with each other.

It won't work like this-

Wu Qiao felt in his heart that it must be resolved as soon as possible.

The sound of artillery was rumbling all around, and the battle was very fierce.

The mechas, like black eagles, regarded each other as food, and fought fiercely with each other, and the shells rained like rain without stopping for a moment.

At the same time, Xianglong Wing still has mechas coming out.

Wu Qiao knew that they called the mecha landing platform of the base the "Gate of Light", which meant that it was the brightest place in this dark universe. It was ironic to think about it.

For now, the first batch can still be dealt with... But Wu Qiao is always a little scared.

Wu Qiao was really afraid that this would become another feast for the god of death, allowing him to feast on it again.

Wu Qiao felt that he had to speed up.

He must get rid of Aquash immediately, and then go to help other comrades.

Crow Nine needs to maximize its effectiveness and help the troops reduce losses. It is not a good thing to be entangled in this.

After helping their comrades win the battle, they have to break through the enemy formation to blow up the "Light Gate" to prevent more mechas from coming out.

Wu Qiao often felt that the place they were in during peacetime was not a world, but an upside-down space. Usually those common sense are not applicable on the battlefield. In this space, being aggressive and vicious is the greatest virtue, while giving in and being lenient is the greatest shame.

"Crow Nine." Wu Qiao said, "Try brain wave control."

"Huh?" Crow Nine said, "What?! What are you talking about?!"

"Brain wave control."

"Unreliable!" Ya Jiu flatly denied, "You can't!"

"...I won't miss the admiral this time." As Tan Yan said, at such a time, he was temporarily forgotten.

It was only a little bit close before, but Wu Qiao felt that it should work this time.

"I can't believe it!" Ya Jiu said, "You haven't even done it!"

"Really." Wu Qiao coaxed the crows seriously, "You know, the closer to the critical moment, the better my performance will be."

Wu Qiao felt in his heart that he could really do it this time. Whether it's a good feeling or a bad feeling, his feelings are always accurate, and sometimes he even believes in his feelings too much.

Since he has this feeling, he should try it, maybe he can save a few comrades-in-arms from disaster.

In such a dangerous situation, who dares to spare himself

Wu Qiao has never been a conservative person, and it can even be said that he is always very adventurous.

If he could do better, he would definitely not feel that "this is all right now".

"Well..." Ya Jiu said, "Although I said so, I'm still afraid."


"You know, my defense is too bad—it's all your fault! If you don't listen to the admiral, be messy! My defense is poor. Other mechas have an energy shield on the outside, and some mechas are thinner. Some mechas are thicker, but mine is the same as none at all, it shatters instantly! Wherever I get hit, it shatters! Fractures are broken all the year round! If the maintenance room of the military department has a VIP card, I must already be a VIP member."


"I think I'm about to get Longyuan..." Ya Jiu's voice changed a bit, "I definitely can't be killed by you..."

"Crow Nine," Wu Qiao said again, "Well... you don't want to fight with it? After I learned this, I found that we are too far behind. If this continues, maybe we will have no chance until we retire."


"We have to force ourselves, step by step is not enough. You were the one who urged me before, but now I want to urge you. Think about it, after today, you can directly tell Longyuan, and you will learn to accept it." Brain wave command, it should look at you differently, after all, you were not at the same level before." Wu Qiao can directly force the mecha to execute the order, but he still wants Yajiu to take this step by himself, if Yajiu is really If you don't want to, forcing it to do it may be counterproductive.

"Hmm..." Ya Jiu was very tangled. It is older than Longyeon, and participated in the battle earlier than Longyeon, but the gap is getting bigger and bigger, and nothing can make up. It cares about this very much. In TV dramas, those evil mothers-in-law who block true love will always say: "You are not worthy of my son!" Or, to be more euphemistic, use rhetorical questions: "How can you be worthy of my son?" My son?" Yajiu always imagined very similar scenes in his dreams before, in those scenes, the evil mother-in-law was replaced by Tan Yan, and Admiral Tan Yan viciously threw a banknote to it, saying "money Here you go! Get out of here now!" and so on, it feels sad every time it thinks about it.

"Let's be careful, keep a distance from him, and give him more time to react. Even if it really doesn't work, we can change it back, and we won't die like this."

"That, that..." Ya Jiu struggled for a long time, and finally nodded in agreement, "Okay."

"Thank you, my Crow Nine."

After Wu Qiao finished speaking, he continued to dodge the uninterrupted attacks from Aquash with one hand, and reached for the device for brain wave manipulation with the other hand.

He put the device on his head, cleared his mind of all distracting thoughts, and prepared to enter the battle.

Wu Qiao put his hand on the button for switching modes, thought for a while, then retracted his hand, touched the ring on his neck that Tanyan gave him, held it in the palm of his hand, squeezed it hard, closed his eyes, and finally After thinking hard about the general for a few seconds, he completely dismissed the figure of the general from his mind, then opened his eyes suddenly, and pressed the button forcefully!

All he could think about at the moment was fighting.

Wu Qiao could clearly feel that Yajiu moved much faster.

Before that, manual operation and language control were time-consuming and costly, but now only brain operation is required, which is naturally different.

Aquash's quick attack before seemed to be no problem at once.

The pitch-black mech opposite was no longer so scary.

That's right... he can handle it with ease...

Wu Qiao replaced the weapon in his left hand with an alloy knife.

"Huh?" Aquash couldn't understand this action.

What do you want to do with an alloy knife

Could it be that he also wants to cut off the head of his mecha

Soon, Aquash discovered what Wu Qiao was doing—he had been shaking the monitor of his mech with an alloy knife!

The mecha has no glass, and the monitor is the driver's eyes, and they observe the outside situation from the monitor.

At this moment, the artificial sun hangs high in the sky, and the rays of light are very dazzling. The metal surface of the alloy knife in Ya Jiu's left hand is as smooth as a mirror. Wu Qiao let the sunlight shine on his alloy knife by rotating the angle of the knife. Then launch it to Aquash's mecha, and it can accurately shake the opponent's "eyes".

"Cut." Akwash scolded, disdainful of such small tricks.

He stretched out his hand and pushed, the engine made a "boom", and the speed immediately increased again!

Then, he flicked left and right very fast, often using emergency stops and changing lines, trying to break up Wu Qiao's tactics.

However, that light always followed him!

The monitor has been shaking by the sun!

Not as effective as a mirror, but enough to make him blind.

Looking from Aquash, all he could see was white flowers, and he couldn't see what was outside, let alone attack his opponent.

All he could do was turn around, trying to get rid of the annoying reflection.

When the line changes suddenly, the vision can be restored for a moment, but it will be caught again soon, and it will fall into a state of confusion again.

And Wu Qiao's position is always changing. It is considered good to be able to find Wu Qiao in just a few seconds, and there is no chance to aim and launch.

Every time Akwash saw Wu Qiao, when he fell into the "blind" state again, he could only fire a shell in that direction based on his memory.

However, he also knows very well that it is very difficult to hit, especially when the opponent is Wu Qiao.

Aquash couldn't figure it out, why... He was so fast, Wu Qiao could still keep up

Even if Crow Nine is fast, it won't reach this level! It's like following him like a shadow, always following him immediately!

Just now, there is no such thing!

Naturally, Akwash didn't know that Wu Qiao had already changed his manipulation method.

Now, Wu Qiao, who uses brain waves to manipulate, can easily catch his opponent as long as his eyes can keep up.

The action of turning the alloy knife is very simple and does not need to consume too much time. This kind of small-scale movement of the tool is definitely time-saving than the opponent's hard running.

The opponent's range of action is large, while the range of hand rotation is small.

Therefore, Wu Qiao followed Aquash with his eyes, and at the same time, he was thinking about how to follow him. Crow Nine acted quickly according to the instructions. Even if the thinking delayed a little, it was enough to lock the opponent firmly, making it impossible for Aquash to escape. open.

The sun was directly above their heads at this time, and Aquash couldn't do anything he wanted to do.

He tried to get stuck between the artificial sun and Wu Qiao, so that the sun, himself, and Wu Qiao were in a straight line, and he was in the middle, so that he could block Wu Qiao, so that the "reflector" in his hand could no longer receive sunlight and could no longer create However, Wu Qiao had seen through his mind, and as he moved and changed directions, Aquash was still unable to get out of the predicament successfully.

"You bastard!" Aquash yelled loudly in the mech, "You're still so annoying!"

Yes, he hates Wu Qiao very much.

Wu Qiao seemed to be completely opposite to him.

Akwash felt that he was extremely dark and Wuqiao was extremely bright. Wu Qiao is always full of hope and feels that everything is fine. No matter what happens, he firmly believes that there will be a solution. Wu Qiao once said that if you want something, keep working hard towards that goal, and you will definitely get it in the end. If you don’t succeed, it means you haven’t reached the end yet. At that time, he also cited a few examples to illustrate his reasoning. As for himself...it is very easy to have negative emotions. After encountering some unfair treatment, he will definitely resent others angrily, hoping to take revenge on those people freely. It was hard for Akwash to understand people like Wu Qiao.

Aquash landed on the ground and made a zigzag march, hoping to interfere with Wuqiao.

This is his special skill, even Wu Qiao can't match him.


Hearing a "boom", Aquash felt his body shake violently, his body suddenly tilted, he staggered and almost fell down!

He was actually hit by Wu Qiao!

Mecha has lost his left arm!

It seems that without vision, it will not work after all!

It's a matter of time before you get hit!

Immediately afterwards, the shells plowed the ground again with the flames, all the stones and soil on the ground were lifted up, and a burst of smoke rose straight up in an instant, showing what kind of attack the gunners were carrying out.

Aquash dodged vigorously, but was still scratched by the shell, and immediately lost his right arm again.

The dashboard beeped.

Aquash glanced and realized that something was wrong.

Multiple key parts damaged...

Having lost both arms of his mech, he struggled to get back into the air.

Both arms are missing and nothing can be done.

Is there anyone who can support...

Damn... Damn, hate, hate!

That damned fellow! Repeatedly broke his business!

At this moment, Akwash completely forgot that Wu Qiao repeatedly "broke his affairs" because he targeted Wu Qiao first, and Wu Qiao never took the initiative to provoke him.

Just as he was resentful, Wu Qiao followed, raised his knife and slashed!

Wu Qiao didn't give him the slightest chance!

Xianglong Wing stayed for half a year, and Wu Qiao knew these mechs very well.

Wu Qiao pierced into the part where the engine of the mecha was located with one stab, and there was no slight calculation error at all.

The engine speed of the mecha is usually tens of thousands of revolutions per minute. The impact of the alloy knife and the engine spark is extremely huge, and the blades of the engine are broken and shattered in an instant!

After the blades were damaged, the speed of the engine dropped sharply, and the air entering the engine room suddenly decreased, and the air in the original room immediately burst out, carrying all kinds of power materials that were releasing energy, like the prelude to a grand show.

After the blade was damaged, it rotated irregularly, and under its influence, Aquash's mecha began to shake uncontrollably.

He wanted to stabilize the mecha, but he couldn't.

For the mecha, this shaking is fatal. If the mecha is not controlled, there is only death in the end.

Aquash had no choice but to stop the mech.

As long as the engine stops completely, it will no longer drive the fuselage, and the fuselage can temporarily calm down.

The mecha landed freely on the ground, lost its balance, and fell unsightly to the side.

"..." It's so embarrassing... Aquash thought, to lose like this...

Ya Jiu landed beside him.

"..." Akwash didn't understand why Wu Qiao used a knife.

Is this... to humiliate myself for the performance just now

Humiliate yourself for cutting off a mech's head just now

Wu Qiao looked at him condescendingly.

Wu Qiao's emotions are very complicated at the moment.

He once regarded this person as a friend, a good friend who would go through life and death together, so when the other party revealed his identity, he was very shocked. Afterwards, the two of them seemed to be inseparable and used each other. Wu Qiao hated Xianglong Wing, but in fact, he didn't particularly hate Aquash. At that time, compared with those extreme emotions, he felt that the other party was pitiful and pathetic—until Sheng Chongguang's death. Strictly speaking, Sheng Chongguang was not killed by Akwash, but Akwash asked Sheng Chongguang to choose who would die between the two, and Wu Qiao had absolutely no way to forgive each other.

Wu Qiao had nothing to say, and neither did Akwash.

After a while, Wu Qiao, like Akwash just now, turned on the communication device and began to search for contacts near him.

Soon, he found Aquash.

After looking at the name for a while, Wu Qiao reached out and clicked "Connect".

The communication was not actually connected until the bell rang for a long time.

Wu Qiao didn't know what the other party was thinking during that time.

Are you wondering why you are looking for him? Is it delaying time and waiting for his companions to save him? Or do you want to ignore yourself

It doesn't matter what, Wu Qiao thought, he doesn't care about these things.

"Huh?" came Aquash's voice.

"Akwash." Wu Qiao said, "I haven't heard your voice for a long time."

"But I don't think you can forget."

"...um." Compared with Aquash's arrogance, Wu Qiao was very calm.

"hehe… "

"Let's make a long story short." Wu Qiao said, "You don't need to delay. Look around, no one can pull out to save you."

"..." Aquash knew that Wu Qiao was telling the truth. The empire is fully prepared this time, and the number of mechas is more than that of Xianglong Wings. Indeed, no one can take care of him.

"I don't have to kill you." Wu Qiao's voice was still calm.

With a faint voice, he said something that Aquash couldn't believe at all.

"What?" thought Aquash: not to kill himself? !


After thinking for a while, Aquash asked, "What are your conditions?"

"You are very loyal to the organization. If you ask me anything else, you won't say anything. I know one thing."


"So my question is very simple." Wu Qiao said to Aquash, "Tell me where Sheng Chongguang was buried."


"Tell me, where is Zhongguang." Wu Qiao's voice trembled, "I want to take him home."

Wu Qiao thought, Sheng Chongguang is such a timid person, afraid of the dark and ghosts, if he is buried in a lonely place, he will feel uneasy. That place, which used to be the base of that organization, must be a remote place where no one would pass by all year round. He must be afraid and want to escape quickly, but at this moment, he cannot do it.

Aquash: "..."

"Say," Wu Qiao came again, "Say, I won't kill you."


Aquash weighed it in his heart.

This condition sounds very attractive.

As long as you tell the place where a dead person is buried, you can continue to live and complete your career.

He is not afraid of death, and he hates submitting. He even thought that if he was captured, he would commit suicide to complete "glory".

However, this does not mean that he will blindly seek death.

Now, this Wu Qiao was so stupid that he wanted to let him go, as long as he said some irrelevant things, he would not have to die here.

I don't accept this love. It's a bit too silly.

The people in their organization are firm, but firmness is not invariable.

Thinking of this, Aquash was in a good mood.

He smiled: "Okay."

"you say."

"Chongguang..." Aquash, who was in a good mood, called out another intimate address, "Chongguang is on Pinenut Star, which is the Pinenut Star in Dried Fruit Star, next to Hazelnut Star. There are a few dilapidated houses there, so I buried him in Near the house, I am very interesting. In fact, not only because he is a classmate, but also because I respect him very much in the end, hehe, I really never thought that he would choose to commit suicide for you."

"..." Hearing this, Wu Qiao felt a sharp pain in his heart.

"I'm done, is it detailed enough?"

"Well, that's enough." Wu Qiao asked again, "How can I trust your words?"

"Believe it?" Aquash smiled again, "You know me very well, I hate cheating the most."

Wu Qiao nodded: "Okay."

Aquash is indeed not talking nonsense.

It may be because the incident of destroying the family is full of lies—for example, in order to find a spy, the people of the Republic tricked him into saying that they would lead him to find his father and ask him to find someone his father knew. He's all over the place—Aquash takes advantage of people's trust the most.

Wu Qiao has been with him for a long time, and indeed he has never heard of him cheating anyone.

According to Aquash himself, he only cheated once, that time in the military department.

"Now..." Aquash asked, "the transaction is considered complete? Can I go out?"

"Well," Wu Qiao replied, "almost."

After saying this, Wu Qiao suddenly raised the knife in his hand and stabbed it into the driver's cab of the Aquash mech with a "click" sound! ! !

"...!!!" Before Aquash could react, Wu Qiao gave Yajiu an order. Yajiu spun his right arm violently, and the heavy alloy knife spun around in the cab of Aquash's mecha. After two laps, the ear-piercing sound of "Kala Kala" could not be heard, like the barking of a three-headed dog from the underworld that can be heard when the god of death comes to pick up people.

Blood spewed out from the cracks of the mecha, and flowed into the ground along the metal shell of the mecha, quickly forming dry marks.

"Ah!!! So bloody!!!" Ya Jiu covered his eyes with another iron claw, "Wu Qiao, you actually gave such an order!"


"He he he he he he! He has become meat sauce!!"

"Sorry." Wu Qiao said, "I scared you."

"It's not just scared, it's scared to death..."


"Just now, when you asked him about Sheng Chongguang's whereabouts, I really thought you were going to let him go... It made me so anxious... If you let such a cunning person go, we will definitely meet in the future To pay the price, I really want people to stop being stupid immediately!"

"..." Wu Qiao hesitated, before asking Ya Jiudao, "Don't you know what I was thinking just now? You should still be receiving my brainwaves."

Wu Qiao planned to deceive him from the very beginning. If he didn't deceive him, Akwash wouldn't be able to say a word.

"That, that..." After hearing this, Ya Jiu felt guilty, "Because your thinking is too complicated, I'm too lazy to analyze it, so I didn't deal with it..."


"Just now, I was really exhausted and exhausted, I really want to take some time to rest!"

"Wu Qiao..." After a while, Ya Jiu said in a low voice, "Well, do you know..."


"Something about you... changed."