Face Slapping the General

Chapter 49: Promoted again


"Is that so?" Wu Qiao remained silent about Ya Jiu's comment.

Has he changed? Maybe, maybe not, who knows.

Aquash must be killed, and he must ask where Chongguang is, and the rest can't be controlled.

Wu Qiao looked down at Aquash's mecha—the chest part of the black mecha had been destroyed, and the shape of the huge hole appeared there strangely. There were some rough cuts and curls on the metal edges. All the lights have been extinguished, and it is impossible to see what is smeared inside, only dark red blood stained on the outer shell.

"..." After killing Aquash, Wu Qiao was even in a daze.

That's it, is it over

Seems a little too simple.

The person he hated who brought him the most painful night was killed here so easily by himself.

After everything was over, there was a bit of emptiness.

Wu Qiao knew that the other party was dead, which actually meant nothing.

After this battle is over, he will go to Songzixing to pick up people and bury Chongguang properly.

The grief of losing a friend will never end, and love and hate will not end today.

"Crow Nine," Wu Qiao said, "let's go."

"Oh!" Crow Nine replied, "My heart is still a little chubby..."

"There is no time for Tutu, we have to continue fighting."

"… Oh!"

Wu Qiao flew into the sky again and shuttled freely under the artillery fire.

Crow Nine is extremely fast, these are not problems.

Wu Qiao soon discovered that one of his comrades couldn't bear it anymore.

"Crow Nine, over there."


Wu Qiao arrived at a very suitable place in his mind, and Ya Jiu raised the laser cannon while the opponent was not paying attention and blasted it!

"...!" The opponent completely failed to notice the sudden attack.

Wu Qiao felt that he was gradually getting more comfortable.

After finishing one opponent, go straight to the next opponent.

His mind, five internal organs, muscles and bones seemed to be integrated into a whole, a kind of power seemed to overflow from the inside of the body, and gradually spread from the center to all the limbs.

He had never felt this freewheeling before.

Darrell in the distance noticed Wu Qiao, because Wu Qiao's performance was too conspicuous.

If Wu Qiao had always had some problems before, now he is like a waking lion cub, already faintly showing the posture of a king on the battlefield, and the weapon in the mech's hand is as sharp as a sword.

As for his opponent, like a small boat on the sea, he tried his best to resist the violent wind and rain, but he had no ability to control his own destiny. When he took a breath, he was submerged at the bottom of the waves again. He dodged indiscriminately, like a person who fell into the sea and was about to drown, relying on instinct to fight desperately, hoping to survive.

"..." Darrell thought, when he asked Wuqiao to come, he was really right.

He didn't know why Wu Qiao had such genetic statistical results, but in his opinion, Wu Qiao was definitely a rare talent in the entire empire.

Maybe it was wrong...

He could really be called to take over, Darrell couldn't help thinking. He is too old, and he has been thinking about the next candidate. Originally, among the three brigadier generals in the base, he valued Olivier the most, but now he has to reconsider this matter, because Olivier really failed his expectations. . The remaining two people... To be honest, Darrell feels that they are not as good as Wu Qiao, either too conservative, or brave and foolhardy, but Wu Qiao's service in the army is still short, Darrell knows that there will be people who will not accept it, and let a 22-year-old It doesn't seem realistic for a person to solve such a thing alone. So... I can only hope that I can live for a few more years, until Wuqiao can really take on the big responsibility, and then he can hand over the base to him with confidence.

As time passed, the empire gradually took the initiative on the field.

After all, Xianglong Wings is just an organization that can't stand on the stage, and has suffered a major economic blow. No matter the talent or equipment, it is not at the same level as the Empire.

"Okay!" Darrell said. "Kill them all in one go!"

"Yes!" Everyone replied.

"I don't think they have any other options." Darrell sneered, "What are those things just now? Did they even use this kind of thing? It's really in line with their usual practice." dirty style!"

"..." Wu Qiao knew what Darrell was referring to.

Just now, the last batch of mechas released by Xianglong Wing can only be described by the word "dirty". On the white bodies of those mechs, there are even portraits of naked women painted all over them! Those beauties are all hot, with seductive movements, full of coquettish brows and eyes, and many mechas even have sexual intercourse scenes on the fuselage! It seems that because most of the people in the imperial army are men, Xianglong Wing thought of such a way to interfere with the opponent and make it difficult for the opponent to concentrate.

Paradoxically, however, these Imperial soldiers despised the tactics used by their opponents while being genuinely distracted. Almost all of the imperial soldiers who fought against these strange mechas did not perform at their usual fighting level. Among them, the ones who were most affected were the most important people, because they were all using brainwaves to control the mechas, and they needed to give the mechas as much as possible. The clearest instruction, once the level of concentration is not concentrated, it will be greatly reduced.

The person least affected is probably Wu Qiao. When he first saw those pictures, he also felt quite a shock. But soon he forced himself not to think about it, he felt very sorry for Tan Yan to see those pictures. At that time, Ya Jiu also said: "Wu Qiao... I didn't expect... You are such a conservative person... You don't even look at it for the sake of the general..." Wu Qiao ignored it, stared at the enemy's head, and dealt with the opponents one by one . After a while, Yajiu asked leisurely: "Wu Qiao, Wu Qiao, these models, and the general, who is better looking?" Under the question of "why", he answered with great difficulty: "Because...they are all outsiders, and they are not allowed to speak ill of outsiders behind their backs." Wu Qiao felt that they had done nothing wrong, it was just that the photos were used here.

Fortunately, although the empire suffered some obstacles, it quickly readjusted. The effect of this kind of thing can only last for a short while, just a few pictures, and soon get tired of it, and the empire was not defeated by the opponent because of this.

"Then," Wu Qiao heard Darrell say in the communication device again, "the time to defeat the opponent is now! Let us completely break through the opponent's defense, destroy the defense system on their base, and allow the second batch to land smoothly !"

"Yes!" Wu Qiao replied.

There are not many mechas that the opponent is still holding on to. If this situation continues, sooner or later all the mechas in the sky will be cleared to make way.

Great... Wu Qiao thought, everything is going according to plan.

After the defense system is blown up, the second batch will provide air cover, allowing the third batch to build platforms and make sufficient preparations for the final landing.

This is undoubtedly a very long process. However, in the entire history of confrontation between the two sides, today, it will be so short that only a few strokes will be left.

However, just when Wu Qiao thought that there would be no more accidents, several mechas rushed out of the "Gate of Light" that had been protected by Xianglong's wings!

The whole body of the mecha is red, extremely eye-catching, and looks like terrifying predators in the sunlight.

Wu Qiao saw one of the mechas flashing in front of him in an instant, and was taken aback. He quickly raised his gun and aimed at the target to violently bombard it!

The opponent escaped easily...

Their agility surprised Wu Qiao!

This is not at the same level as those opponents just now!

Xianglong Wing actually arranged for such a backup!

After only a few rounds of fighting, Wu Qiao discovered that the opponent was also brainwave manipulating, and he was extremely proficient.

Those driving levels are far above him!

It was as if they had opened their eyes, and all the shells Wu Qiao fired were easily missed!

At the same time, the opponent's fighting style is treacherous and unpredictable, with no rules at all. The pilot can always dodge from a very tricky angle, and then fly back from a very tricky angle.

What exactly is going on…

Is this their trump card? Usually not easy to use, just waiting for this last moment

Wu Qiao counted them carefully, and adding that he was fighting against this mecha, there were only eight of this kind of mecha, but he was in a hurry!

Fragments of their mechs flew around, the whole scene was very chaotic, and many people disappeared into nothingness in an instant.

The surrounding area of Wuqiao was filled with the flames of war, like many fireworks blooming at the same time. No matter how Wu Qiao and the others tried to catch them, it was difficult for them to touch the slightest bit of each other.

Can't go on like this...

Wu Qiao turned on the communication device: "Major General Darrell!"


"Major General Darrell!" Wu Qiao shouted, "I think we should regroup the remaining troops and discuss the next method of fighting!"


"Major General Darrell!" Wu Qiao said loudly again, "The situation is not good now!"


"... what?" Wu Qiao didn't hear what Darrell was saying.


Nicole? Wu Qiao was a little confused—who is Nicole

However, Wu Qiao seemed to remember the next moment—the legendary female God of War!

That year, he graduated with the first grade, and all subjects were the first!

At that time, it was already a myth!

At that time, she made great military exploits for the military department. After her, more outstanding women came to the battlefield. Leila once said that Nico is her idol, and Leila's performance in the training course is only slightly behind Wu Qiao.

Later, though, for no apparent reason, Nicole suddenly retired, when she was still very young.

Her departure once caused a lot of discussion. At that time, apart from Nicole, there was no second person with the potential of God of War among the younger generation. Therefore, her departure caused the new generation to lose its core leader, which made people feel very emotional. Some people thought that there was nothing wrong with her. Difficulties, some people ridiculed her extremely, thinking that she was an irresponsible person who did not shoulder the social responsibilities she should bear.

After her, Sean entered the public eye. At that time, almost everyone believed that Sean was not as good as Nicole, so he missed Nicole even more, and constantly fantasized that if she hadn't left back then, she would have grown up. what it looks like.

Discussions about her continue to this day.

A few years ago, Tan Yan appeared.

Tan Yan's talent is dazzling, and some citizens of the empire who like him think that he is the most talented person in the empire in the past two hundred years. But at the same time, some people recalled Nicole and said that Tan Yan is not necessarily the number one. Unfortunately, they don't know who is stronger, Nicole or Tan Yan.

Wu Qiao once asked Tan Yan this question. In his eyes, the general is such a proud person, he would definitely say something about himself, but Tan Yan was silent for a while, and then who knows what he said.

Actually, for Wu Qiao, he was not familiar with Nicole, because she was indeed a character too early, so when he heard the name, Wu Qiao really thought about it.


What was Darrell saying her name for at this moment

Darrell knew her, which was not surprising, the two of them were contemporaries after all.

Could it be... the pilots of these mechs on the opposite side act very much like Nicole

What is the relationship between them

Wu Qiao didn't think it would be her at all, because the driving styles of the other eight were very consistent.

How could there not be eight Nicoles? !

Besides, Nicole should be about as old as Darrell...

"Major General Darrell!" Wu Qiao yelled with all his strength, and finally brought the lost man back to his thoughts, "Please give me instructions! Do you want to encircle and suppress with all your strength? Or retreat temporarily to formulate tactics?!"

"Oh..." Darrell woke up, "Um... what did you say?"

"Please give me instructions! Do you want to encircle and annihilate with all your strength? Or retreat temporarily to formulate tactics?!" Wu Qiao was very surprised, because Darrell was very determined, and he always fought against the enemy with all his strength. He had never been like this before.

After a few seconds, Darrell begged Sinus to come back: "Stand back for now, and reorganize later."

"… yes."

"Wu Qiao, I'll be the last to go." Darrell said again.

"Huh?" Wu Qiao didn't understand. Things like this after the withdrawal are all done in accordance with the formation and unity.

"I'm going to try to... shoot down one and see the pilot in it."

"...Major General," Wu Qiao replied, "it will be very dangerous for you to stay alone."

"I'll settle the fight as fast as I can!" Darrell said, "I'll go when it's my turn, just last in line!!!"

Wu Qiao didn't believe it.

He felt that Darrell was irrational.

Because, if you want to fight it down, it is not something that can be done in a short time.

It's like... For example, there are eight Tanyans flying in the sky, and Darrell told him to shoot down one, which is definitely an almost impossible task.

Because the gap in strength is indeed too great.

But, Darrell is acting like crazy...

Wu Qiao felt that even if Darrell was at the end, when it was time to leave, he would probably love to fight.

In that case... Really, it's very wrong.

He felt in his heart that Darrell and Nicole were not just fighters of the same era.

Wu Qiao recalled that he had heard from someone at the base that Darrell was not a bachelor for ten thousand years, he seemed to have an ex-wife.

No way…

"Major General Darrell," Wu Qiao said, calming down, "In this case, I will leave last."


"I will try to take down one of them together with you, but if we can't do it, please don't bother to fight."


"That's it, the battle begins!"

"Wu Qiao," Darrell stopped him again, "don't...just kill the driver."

"… I see."