Face Slapping the General

Chapter 5: capital galaxy


Wu Qiao stared blankly at Ya Jiu.

Ya Jiu sat up and adjusted the pillow and quilt, as if to make herself more comfortable, then lay down again and closed her eyes.

"..." The mech's IQ is too low, and Wu Qiao gets a little angry.

After Wu Qiao fell asleep and woke up, he heard that the empire had recovered the ore star. The people of the Republic found the secret base, but only found three mechas that had already exploded. Just when they were about to search for the ore star further, the imperial support troops arrived, and it didn't take long for them to take the initiative.

Afterwards, the Empire began to count the list of the dead. Wu Qiao did not see Donovan on the list. Presumably he had successfully escaped into the nearest mine at that time. As for the others... Wu Qiao saw two teammates from the same team. Seeing the names on the death list, Wu Qiao remembered that these two people had children, they worked thousands of light years away, they looked forward to being discharged from the army day and night, and they never expected that they would die in a foreign land one day. Wu Qiao sighed. People he was familiar with suffered misfortune overnight and passed away suddenly. He was very shocked in his heart. He could only hope that the empire could properly arrange their families.

Because the mine star dealt with the wounded, no one had time to talk to Wu Qiao for the next few days.

Wu Qiao saw that some people were sent in, and some people were sent out after recovering from injuries.

They didn't want to bring trouble to the busy people in the base, so Wu Qiao and Ya Jiu stayed in the room obediently every day.

There is a TV in the room, but Wu Qiao doesn’t watch it much. He only watches the 80th edition of "Journey to the West" every night. Wu Qiao thinks that the story of the four masters and the disciples overcoming the difficulties of ninety-nine and eighty-one and finally becoming a Buddha is very beautiful.

As for the usual times, it was basically Ya Jiu who was watching.

Ya Jiu likes the dramas of dog blood, and immerses herself in them from time to time, feeling the joys and sorrows in the dramas, but can't find those obvious logical loopholes.

Wu Qiao could see that Crow Nine's machine brain had simple common sense, which was given by the program, but Wu Qiao only allocated 10 IQ.

"Hey..." Sometimes I would say a few words with emotion while watching TV, "Will I be able to find a suitable partner in the future?"

Wu Qiao: "..."

It was a little hard for him to imagine how sad it would be if the Crow Nine found out that he was not a human being.

— It was two weeks later when I saw Tan Yan again.

At this time, Tan Yan's injuries have completely healed, and his every move is particularly eye-catching.

In fact, on the day they arrived at the base, when Tan Yan sent Ya Jiu, his injuries had already healed a lot.

"What's wrong?" Wu Qiao asked.

"Get ready and go back to Capital Star tomorrow." Tan Yan paused, and then said, "Also, we have reached a consensus on how to deal with Crow Nine."

Wu Qiao felt suffocated: "... what is it?"

"Forcibly change the driving."


"It must be crying at the beginning, and it will be fine in a few days, and in a few years... your name will have no special meaning to it."

"...Well." Wu Qiao smiled bitterly, "I agree." His future is completely uncertain, he can't delay Yajiu, Yajiu should shine.

"We try not to format it, just change the driver for it." Tan Yan said again.


"The first reason I said before... the mecha will not be formatted at will. There are strict regulations on this. If there is no such regulation, the mecha machine brain will feel uneasy, and it will not be able to fully exert its combat power."

"Yes, you did."

"The second reason is that formatting is a wear-and-tear operation, and resetting the energy distribution system will also reduce the service life of the mecha. We generally do not tend to replace core hardware."

"... Oh." Wu Qiao asked, "So, under what circumstances will it be formatted?"

"The most common situation is that the mech pilot dies."


"The reason I said this is," Tan Yan said in a rare comforting sentence, "Yaojiu will never forget you."

"Yeah." Wu Qiao lowered his eyes, "Thank you, I'm fine—it wouldn't have belonged to me in the first place."

Separation is something that is destined to happen, and Wu Qiao knew it very well from the first second of becoming the pilot of Crow Nine. No matter how many common experiences the two of them have had, there is only one final outcome. However, even after such a long preparation, the reluctance in Wu Qiao's heart when this incident actually happened did not decrease one iota.

Back in the room, Wu Qiao told Ya Jiu that he was going back to Capital Star.

He didn't tell Yajiu about changing the driver, he hoped to keep the happiness as long as possible.

Wu Qiao and Yajiu shared some of his favorite books, such as "Things You Must Never Think About in Life", "Recognize Yourself", "Seven Bad Habits, You Are Doomed to Fail"... Prayer can help Yajiu become stronger and more Turning danger into safety again and again.

Throughout the whole process, Ya Jiu leaned lightly on Wu Qiao's body, watching Wu Qiao mark out the important points every word.

Sometimes, when Crow Nine was reading, Wu Qiao would watch it quietly. A few times when Ya Jiu found out, he said very coyly, "You, what are you doing peeking at me?" Every time at this time, Wu Qiao would give a wry smile helplessly.

The next day after the conversation, they returned to Capital Star.

Wu Qiao was temporarily arranged to live in a corner of the military dormitory. The military thought that Wu Qiao would only stay for a few days.

Ya Jiu was quickly taken away from Wu Qiao.

Wu Qiao begged Tan Yan not to tell Yajiu, because Yajiu would definitely not accept this. After discussing with each other, they decided that when Yajiu finds a driver who likes each other, Wu Qiao will explain to it, so that Yajiu can feel better. After all, the new driver also likes it.

Therefore, Ya Jiu didn't know what was going to happen, but was led to meet many people.

Wu Qiao originally thought that the Crow Nine would never come back, but the fact is that it would return to Wu Qiao every night.

After this state lasted for two weeks, Tan Yan came to Wu Qiao's room again: "This matter... is a bit troublesome."

"What's wrong?" Wu Qiao asked.

"... Yajiu is too stupid, no one wants it."

"...how is it possible?" Crow Nine was so powerful, so strong that he could break free from all kinds of obstacles.

Tan Yan over there seemed to be a little annoyed, "That's the truth, they would rather wait for a new mecha than directly accept the Crow Nine."

Thinking of the phrase "Hello Hello, everyone, my name is Yajiu" when Yajiu met everyone on the first day, Tan Yan felt his head get bigger three times. Reliable, no one dared to hand over their lives to that stuff.

"Then..." Wu Qiao asked again, "What should I do?" He had a little expectation in his heart, hoping that Tan Yan would continue to look for a suitable driver, and that he could get along with Ya Jiu for a while longer.

Tan Yan looked away: "I can only check it."

"Format?!" Hearing this, Wu Qiao only felt panicked: "You once said... It won't be formatted easily."

"The Raven Nine must have a pilot. It is the latest type of mech. Since no one is willing to accept it, getting rid of it is the only way."

"...Oh." Wu Qiao felt that his heart was getting heavier and heavier, pressing on the diaphragm between the chest cavity and the abdominal cavity, causing pain in all internal organs. The focus of the eyes drifted a little, and seeing the wall behind Tan Yan, it felt extremely white and glaring.

Crow Nine, watching dog blood dramas every day, and always looking forward to the future, constantly fantasizing about its future. Now...but it's about to be formatted and turned into a new Yajiu that he doesn't know at all.

Wu Qiao thought hard, how to save Ya Jiu from this bad luck. After all, Ya Jiu trusted and relied on him so much.

"...Admiral." A moment later, Wu Qiao clenched his fists and stared into the opponent's eyes, "The one-year military training course... Those who successfully graduate will be qualified to pilot mechas, right?"

"Almost." Tan Yan nodded, "They will all become imperial officers."

"So, have you ever thought about it... If other mechas and pilots know that the pilot identified by Yajiu is clearly alive, and has also applied for the training course of the military department, preparing to get the qualification to drive it, but the military department insists Is it not good to redistribute all the points...isn't it good?"


"According to what you said earlier, all mechas are afraid that they will be reset to zero... Besides, what if other mechas talk nonsense about it in the future, so what if it affects its state?"

Tan Yan frowned. It also sounds... not unreasonable. Every time a mecha is blocked, there is still a lot of movement... Smart mechas are annoying because they have the ability to think independently.

wait... something is wrong...

Saying that sentence again in his heart, Tan Yan finally knew what was wrong: "But you won't be able to pass the training course of the military department."

"That's not the point at all." Wu Qiao continued to persuade, "The point is that you completely ignore the wishes of the mecha and the pilot, and solve all problems by killing the mecha."


"Since you are sure that I won't pass the exam, why can't you wait another three months? When I fail the exam, I can justifiably pass it. Before that, the military department can continue to look for people who are willing to directly accept Yajiu , in case it is found, it can also avoid the loss of the lifespan of the mech."

Wu Qiao didn't think that he could get Crow Nine just by passing the exam. What he thought was that after three months, Yajiu should be able to find a new driver—a person who felt that Yajiu was very suitable for him. Wu Qiao didn't think Crow Nine was unsuitable for fighting, on the contrary, in Wu Qiao's heart, it was the strongest.

"You..." Over there, Tan Yan changed the subject, "Are you really planning to take the exam?"


"Your idea is too strange." Tan Yan looked at Wu Qiao, "Take a sum of money, then go home, buy whatever you want, isn't it good to live happily?"

"No," Wu Qiao replied, "People should have some ideals to repay the world. Ease and pleasure are not the purpose of life. Einstein called this the ideal of a pigsty."

"...that's because he's Einstein."

Wu Qiao shook his head and didn't speak any more.

Tan Yan really wanted to shake his neck to wake him up—why doesn't this guy have any sense of being a good-for-nothing

"Crow Nine..." Wu Qiao hesitated and opened his mouth again.

"Listen to you, wait for three months, after all, you brought it back."

After this conversation, Ya Jiu was still often taken out for a walk.

Wu Qiao also temporarily stayed in the military headquarters. Originally, the military department wanted to drive Wu Qiao out, but Ya Jiu cried and howled again.

Usually, what Wu Qiao mainly does is to use software to simulate mech battles. But, you know, that won't work—only one experience of actually manipulating a mech won't work.

Wu Qiao felt worried.

He had to pass that test, for himself and for Ya Jiu. In case Yajiu still fails to find a new driver, it will be formatted after three months. If you pass the exam yourself...at least there is room for maneuver.

Ya Jiu saw that Wu Qiao was not very happy, and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Wu Qiao looked at it and smiled: "I need to operate a real mecha."

"Oh… "

For the next three days, Ya Jiu didn't speak.

After sitting blankly facing the wall for three days, it suddenly jumped up and ran out quickly.

Wu Qiao chased him out, but he didn't see Ya Jiu, but he received an order.

The order stated that after 7:00 p.m., you can go to the D training ground to let Yajiu do some simple movements, but all weapons will be locked and accompanied by another senior pilot.

"What did you do?" Seeing Crow Nine coming back to Wuqiao, he went to ask it.

"I... I... I said, I seem to have forgotten how to walk when I was a normal size... They were all frightened by me, afraid that I would not be able to use it in the future... They said that my IQ was only 10... They agreed to let me go for a walk at night. of… "

Wu Qiao silently thought that the army must also be troubled by this situation. Letting him touch Yajiu again, can be said to be... a very bold decision.

"Who made the decision?"

"That Tan Yan."

"… Hey?"

"He said, anyway, you've met me a long time ago, and you've seen all the places..." Ya Jiu was a little shy when he said this.



"Crow Nine," Wu Qiao suddenly looked at it with some worry, "No one wants you... What should you do?"

Another month passed, and still no one dared to use Crow Nine.

"... Huh?" Ya Jiu asked in a puzzled way, "Wu Qiao, don't you want me?"

"Me?" Wu Qiao smiled wryly, "Of course I will want you."