Face Slapping the General

Chapter 50: Promoted again (middle)


In the end... how can we quickly win this battle

"Wu Qiao," Darrell said over there, "I'll be the leader, and you'll be the wingman."


When the two planes cooperate to fight, there will be a lead plane and a wingman. The lead plane mainly attacks and gives orders, while the wingman mainly observes the situation and covers the lead plane. The pilot of the lead plane with more combat experience will focus on attacking the enemy, basically forming a one-on-one situation, while the wingman will focus on protecting the lead plane instead of attacking the enemy plane. If the wingman pays too much attention to the attack, it will affect its own defense ability. After all, it needs to escort the lead plane at the same time, let it concentrate on attack, and help it pass the battle stage safely. Under normal circumstances, the distance between the wingman and the enemy will be farther, because the greater the distance between the two planes, the wider the observation range, which can provide better support for the lead plane, and the long distance will also weaken the attack power of the wingman. Of course, these are not laws that must be obeyed. Sometimes, the leader will ask the wingman to participate in the attack. For example, if the opponent's mecha has a thick energy shield for defense and other abilities are average, the leader will order the wingman to fire at the same time. , to destroy the opponent's defense with fierce firepower from two mechs.

"Then," Darrell said, "take advantage of this chaotic moment and get rid of one of the opponent's drivers as soon as possible."

"Yes." After speaking, Wu Qiao flew away.

Darrell locked onto his target, and the laser beam shot through the air in an instant!

Wu Qiao tried hard to cover Darrell.

He did his best to help Darrell sweep all the tails off.

When Darrell is fighting, there will be interference from other mechas, and Wu Qiao will sweep them away for him.

At the same time, he also needs to interfere with the opponent's line of travel.

He carefully figured out the opponent's intentions, speculated on the opponent's next move, and then tried his best to interrupt his action.

His flying around always made the opponent feel very uncomfortable, and he couldn't attack Darrell in the best place at the first time. Compared with before, his efficiency was indeed greatly reduced.

Sometimes the red mech wants to get rid of Wu Qiao first, but Wu Qiao flies away in an instant, and Darrell, who is the main attack point, makes him unable to ignore it.

Occasionally, Wu Qiao and Darrell would switch positions. They especially liked to fly to the sun and exchange positions with each other, so that the enemy could not distinguish their opponents instantly.

Thanks to Crow Nine's very fast speed, he can handle these matters with ease.

Wu Qiao thought to himself, two against one, it really is much easier.

Then he was distracted. He thought: If he and Tan Yan fought against the enemy together, what would it look like? He came to protect Tan Yan, or Tan Yan came to protect him. At that time, the cooperation must be perfect... Wu Qiao couldn't help but imagine that one day, he and Tan Yan stood on the final battlefield, facing the last opponent. Individuals work closely together to achieve great victories. Hey, Wu Qiao felt something was wrong. In his previous fantasies, he was the one who rescued all mankind by himself, so why did Tan Yan appear this time...

"Wu Qiao!" Ya Jiu shouted, "You should concentrate!"

"Ah? Ah!"

Wu Qiao felt extremely annoyed: If the lead plane was hit by the opponent because he was distracted just now and failed to fulfill his cover responsibility, then he could really be considered guilty.

Wu Qiao hurriedly pushed Tan Yan out.

"You're really..." Ya Jiu had finished lecturing Wu Qiao, but suddenly twitched, "Suddenly thinking about that kind of thing..."


"I... If I join forces with Longyuan... Aww..."

Wu Qiao: "..."

Hearing this sweet and greasy "owoo", Wu Qiao's whole body trembled.

He knew that this was the dream Ya Jiu had had since seeing Long Yuan for the first time.

After refocusing their attention, the two sides continued to fight in the air.

Still, Darrell was too old after all.

It has been quite a while since the order to start the raid was received.

Darrell gradually felt powerless.

The old man, the braver he is, the more he fights, those are just legends.

Two minutes later, Wu Qiao heard a "duang"!

"...!!!" Wu Qiao quickly looked at Darrell.

Sure enough, Darrell's mech was shot in the right arm, and he was emitting a horrible black smoke!

"..." Wu Qiao was terrified.

Originally, both of them were very reluctant, but now, Darrell is still injured!


Wu Qiao knew that Darrell might not agree. It's just that the unimportant mech's right arm was damaged, and Darrell might not admit defeat because of this. Darrell is the kind of character who never retreats. It can be said that he is very lucky to live to such an old age after every bloody battle to the end.

So, what else is there to do

Can you take advantage of the damage to the mecha instead? How should it be used if possible

In the flash, Wu Qiao suddenly had an idea!

An idea that can attack the opponent!

"Major General Darrell!" Wu Qiao said in the communication device, "I have a tactic, but I don't know if it will work!"

"Huh?" Darrell gritted his teeth, "You say."

"My method is, don't continue to fight with it, but pretend to be embarrassed and run away!"

"…?" Darrell thought, what kind of shit is this. But he didn't choose to ask, but listened to Wu Qiao's next words, because now Darrell knew very well that Wu Qiao wouldn't talk about nonsense.

"What I mean is," Wu Qiao continued, "Now that you've been hit, you've lost half of your weapons, and it's even more impossible to win. It's normal to retreat."


"Then, when you retreat, slow down a bit so that he can bite you. I think, as long as he can bite you, he will definitely chase you. The opponent will not be willing to give up the good opportunity to take advantage of the victory and chase you. You run ahead He will definitely come after you."

"..." The mecha was bitten by someone, and there were multiple tails behind it, but it was a big taboo.

"Afterwards, we used scissors to cross twice, and I attacked the opponent the second time! That is, the mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind."

"Twice the scissors cross? Tell me about it in detail." Darrell reluctantly dodged while giving Wu Qiao instructions.

"We want to deceive him so that he can't see it." Wu Qiao said, "At first, you fly downwards first, and let him follow behind. As for me, I will cross and fly upwards. He will definitely think that , let’s evacuate separately. Because he is chasing you, walking with my back, he will not see what I am doing. As for radar detection, please use interference so that the opponent cannot catch my shadow.”


"Afterwards, please pretend...to get rid of him, and change direction rapidly, that is to say, suddenly upward! During the whole process, fly into a U shape. Here, please fly towards the sun directly above, and use your figure Obscure your opponent's view."

"Go on."

"As for me," Wu Qiao said of his deployment, "when the time is right, I will dive down! That is to say, during the whole process, I will fly into an n-shape. Crow Nine's speed is very high, and the dive speed is even faster , It only takes about two or three seconds, and I can get him into the range of Crow Nine! During these two or three seconds, please be sure to cover your opponent, and don't let him know that I am rushing towards him! You are close to him, the range you can cover is not small, and you are walking toward the light, it should be possible!"

After a pause, Wu Qiao said again: "When he enters my range, please bounce him away immediately, and I will attack him! I will not miss!"

"...I understand your tactics." Darrell pondered for a moment, "However, there are two problems here."

"You ask."

"Number one," Darrell said, "is my problem. I'm going to dodge all attacks by myself. The opponent is behind me, and we can't be too far away. own life."


"Second, we need to have a very perfect coordination. When you do a dive, you need to always hide within the range I can cover, which is not easy."

"I think, hiding within the range you cover, I can do it."

"Because I have to keep shaking and hiding within the range, I can only leave it to you. This requires precise control, and the speed is very fast. In fact, it is not easy."

"Major General." Wu Qiao said hesitantly, "Otherwise, forget it? Let's evacuate now."

"..." Darrell said after a long silence, "Just try what you said."

"...Yes." Wu Qiao said again, "Then, now, please tell me your detailed plan for shaking, mainly referring to your ascent." Knowing how Darrell planned to shake, Wu Qiao was able to cover Stay in your own shape.

After the explanation, the two began to act!

Dragging his right arm that was emitting black smoke, Darrell began to try to escape the battlefield in a panic!

Then, just as Wu Qiao predicted, the other party did not intend to let him go.

The pilot of the red mecha bit Darrell tightly!

Darrell opened his eyes wide and tried his best to dodge the attack!

Hold on, hold on! Hold on, he told himself, for a little while!

Finally, he saw the signal that Wu Qiao was ready.

On Darrell's command side, the mecha quickly went up!

The scorching sun is overhead, hanging there brightly, Darrell walks through the light, and at the same time pays attention to the distance!

The distance can't be too far, otherwise it will not be covered!

As Wu Qiao said, after only two or three seconds, the mecha behind him entered Wu Qiao's attack range!

"It's now!" Wu Qiao roared.

Darrell flicked to the left, exposing his back to Wu Qiao!

And Wu Qiao, even before he could see clearly, had already bombarded him!

He knows that when he really sees his opponent clearly, and the opponent also sees him clearly, he may not be able to hit it!

The best time to launch it is when Darrell is just starting to dodge!

That way, Darrell just brushes past the shell, and by the time the opponent sees it, the shell is already in sight!

Only in this way can his super mental power be unable to escape.

Darrell won't be rubbed, he trusts Darrell!

Then, just listening to a "boom", the opponent was hit!

The mech lost control in an instant!

It is like a dead leaf in the autumn wind, spinning and falling down rapidly.

"…" At the same time, Darrell flew towards him.

Naturally, Wu Qiao didn't dare to sit idle, fearing that his opponent would make any further moves, he hastily protected Darrell from a distance.

Wu Qiao didn't use too violent weapons, so although the red mech was broken, the driver was not fatally injured. Although, the injury was inevitable, and it was enough to make him unable to move around.

"..." Darrell looked at the red mech, unable to calm down at all.

What the hell do the people inside... have to do with Nicole

Why, that weird way of fighting made him feel so familiar

Darrell became more and more confused.

However, when the truth was within reach, he was a little scared.

He was afraid that what would be revealed would be a cruel truth that he could not bear.

"Major General." Wu Qiao reminded him, "Please hurry up."


"Everyone has almost evacuated, and we have to leave later." Staying here is purely courting death.

"...Okay." Darrell gritted his teeth.

He also knew that sooner or later he had to watch.

And, the sooner the better.

What should be yours will always be yours, and what should not be yours is not yours, and it is useless to ask for it.

He took a deep breath, and stretched out the left arm of the mech towards the cockpit that had been blasted open.

His mecha no longer has a right arm, only this left arm can still be used.

He knew very well that Wu Qiao was watching closely, and that whenever the enemy made a move, he would strike.

With harsh noises, Darrell opened the cab.

There was a woman in the cab.

Darrell just took one look, frozen as if struck by lightning.


However, although he called so affectionately, the woman did not respond at all.


The opponent still looked at the person in front of him as if he were looking at an object.

No fear, no fear, no anger, no hatred.

Similarly, there is no passion, no emotion, no curiosity, no inexplicable.

"What... what's wrong with you?" Darrell asked.

The other party was still expressionless.

"Also..." Darrell realized something was wrong at this moment, "Why are you still so young?"

He himself has gray hair, and sometimes his thoughts are even a little fuzzy, while the other party is still young, with the appearance in his long-term memory.

But he still didn't get any answers.

"Major General!" Wu Qiao kept diving and flying straight down, "Get out of the way!"

Darrell was pushed and staggered, almost falling down with the mech.

Looking back, there was a huge hole where he was standing just now!

Several mechas of the other party flew over at the same time, and they were aiming at the next time!

"Major General, we must go!"

"But… "

"No but!" Even though he knew that this was disobedience, Wu Qiao took a step forward, commanded Yajiu to hug Darrell's mecha from behind, and fled from that place at the maximum speed like the wind.

It is absolutely impossible to take the other driver with him!

He and Darrell would be fried to a pulp first before anyone was taken away!

"Aww!" Ya Jiu had a terrible concept of chastity, "I, I, I, I, the first person I hugged was not Long Yuan!"

"... The one you hugged is not human at all."

"The first mecha I hugged was not Longyuan!"

"..." Wu Qiao didn't know what to say, so he could only reply with difficulty, "Long Yuan won't care about this."

"Will you not care at all?"

"This is a special case."

"Yeah, that's right..." Ya Jiu was a little tangled, "I hope Longyuan can understand... Woo, Longyuan is much more beautiful than it."


After a while, Darrell asked Wu Qiao to let go.

Ya Jiu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

They chased the fleet at full speed while killing the pursuers from behind.

Finally, they returned to their ship.

Great, got rid of the…

Wu Qiao let out a long sigh of relief.

Once again he narrowly escaped death.

—What Wu Qiao didn't expect was that soon after returning to the ship, Darrell fell ill.

The military doctor came over to see that it was just a common cold, but the medicine didn't help.

This has nothing to do with the previous battle, it is completely psychological.

He just couldn't get sick like that.

"Major General..." Wu Qiao asked hesitantly, "The pilot..."

"It's weird..." Darrell said weakly.


"I know you don't get it at all," Darrell said. "I think you've heard that I have an ex-wife."

"Yes, I've heard of it."

"Actually, it's not an ex-wife, it's my only wife."

"… and after?"


"...I'm sorry." All Wu Qiao knew about Nicole was until she left the army, and she didn't know that she married Darrell, let alone what happened afterward.

"What happened with Nicole... was a tragedy."


"She was ruined by smart people."

"How do you say that?" Wu Qiao asked.

"Back then..." Darrell said, "back then, in those days, unlike now, very few women wanted to be mech pilots."

"Yes." Wu Qiao knew that there are more and more outstanding female fighters now. One of the three brigadier generals in this base is an example. She didn't go to military school either, and joined the army at the age of 16, and she was promoted to this point with her outstanding ability. She is very gentle in private, and everyone in the base likes her, but her fighting style is brave, open and close, and she is more adventurous than the other two preparations. Major General Darrell has always admired her very much.

"However, in those few years, the number of mecha pilots decreased sharply during the successive years of war. It was still not enough to recruit them. Therefore, the military department wanted to call on women to join the army. In this way, the other half of the people would also participate. The size of the army would not be the same. Did it expand?"

"Yes." Wu Qiao seemed to have heard of it vaguely.

"The military has put pressure on military academies to train a large number of outstanding female mech pilots."


"This is very difficult because there are not enough students." Darrell smiled mockingly. "At that time, the principal thought of a trick—to establish an idol first."

"It's Nicole?" Wu Qiao asked.

It is indeed a way to set up an idol, let people worship her, and then learn from her-people who admire Nicole will also enter the military academy, just like those who admire entrepreneurs also want to become entrepreneurs.

"Yes, it was Nicole." Darrell continued, "At that time, he chose Nicole among the few candidates-they had really not a big pool of candidates. Nicole... she is a genius, mind control To the point of horror, the mechs she manipulated reacted with speed like no other. Tactics are tricky and always unexpected. The military academy is very happy, because many people think that women are better at doing several things at the same time, and all arranged Being organized and concentrating is not an advantage.”

"I've heard that her mental power control is far beyond ordinary people, very good."

"But actually," Darrell's voice was very painful, "she's not as perfect as advertised."

"Huh?" Wu Qiao didn't understand, "What do you mean?"

"She has a shortcoming, that is, her physical strength is exhausted too quickly." Darrell said, "According to her fighting style, this is also very normal."


"So, at the very beginning, her performance was not that outstanding, because she often couldn't hold on in the protracted battle, and she was defeated and lost. As long as defense is the main priority, hold her down first, and then it will be easy to deal with."


"That group of people think... this performance... can't be an idol."

"Then... what?" In fact, Wu Qiao could vaguely sense what happened afterwards.

"Then?" Darrell sneered again, "Then, that bastard...drugged Nicole."

"..." Sure enough!

"At that time, he only said it was vitamins, so Nicole didn't care. Soon after taking the medicine, her grades improved by leaps and bounds, and she became the strongest every time. The idol strategy really worked. Since then, many women have signed up."

"That medicine... what is it?"

"I don't know." Darrell shook his head, "but it contains hormones for sure, as well as minerals and other ingredients, which can be used to strengthen muscles and reduce fatigue. Her muscles expanded and her bones became larger. "


"After she entered the military, she finally accepted the fact that there was a problem with the medicine. We were married at that time. She stopped taking the medicine, but the side effects of stopping the medicine after taking it for a long time were very serious. She felt uncomfortable every day and always wanted to take the medicine. , still very distracted, can't concentrate, tears at every turn, always in a bad situation. I don't know if it's just her, or everyone who takes medicine. The principal can't be found, and we have no way of knowing whether he has any knowledge of the results. expected."


"After a period of time, she found that she could not continue to fight on the battlefield, so she left the military headquarters."

"..." Is that so...

"She wants to fight, but her body doesn't allow it. After I enlighten her, she is better. After all, it is better than taking medicine. She said that she wants to be a normal person and have a normal marriage. I have been telling her all the time, After recovering, she can join the army again. Later, she wanted to have a child, but her body still couldn’t do it. She didn’t want to use artificial cultivation, and always wanted to try again by herself. She wanted to prove that she was not destroyed, But the fact is that the body did suffer ... she developed depression."

"What about later?"

"After that? Nothing later." Darrell said, "One day, when she was scraping the thick hair on her body due to the male hormones she was taking, she scratched her wrist in a daze. "

"Major General..." Wu Qiao didn't know what to comfort, because everything seemed extremely pale.

"I won't talk about this past." Darrell lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling. "What I can't understand is that the red mecha just now... how could there be Nicole in it, and she was still her when she was young. More The weird thing is, there are about eight more."

"Could it be..." Wu Qiao thought for a while, and finally said, "What about clones?" After all, Nicole's spiritual power is rare in a century.

"Actually, I think so." Darrell was still calm at the moment, "But, it's not exactly like that."


"I think those drivers have been processed, it seems that there is no emotion, and the brain has been processed!" After Darrell finished speaking, he thumped the bed heavily, "Maybe even more parts were removed, just follow orders , into a fighting machine!!!”

At that time, the driver's reaction was not normal at all.


"Did they think it's okay to become like a machine?!"

"Major General..."

"This is their masterpiece, and they won't show it until the end!" Darrell was very emotional, "But what I can't understand is, how could they have Nicole's genetics?!" Although, ordinary Genes can be extracted from the cells, and they can't get them easily!

"I think..." Wu Qiao hesitated for a long time, and finally said, "Could it be that the empire did the initial extraction... Then it was stolen by someone and cultivated like this?" It can be said that it is as easy as flipping the palm of your hand. Nicole was so outstanding back then, and there were no other people besides her. Will the military department quietly leave her genetic genes and plan to use them at critical moments

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Darrell immediately interrupted Wu Qiao, "How could the empire do such a thing!"

"Oh..." Wu Qiao stopped talking. For some reason, Wu Qiao always remembered what Tan Yan said that day, "The empire is now too focused on 'artifacts'—I mean the tools used in war. I am afraid that it will gradually lose people's hearts."

"Wu Qiao." Darrell took a deep breath, "I'm going to give a speech to everyone..."

"Okay." Wu Qiao said, "I'll ask someone to prepare it."


Darrell went in a wheelchair.

Wu Qiao didn't expect that he had reached the point where he couldn't get out of bed.

Darrell's face was sallow, his eyes were heavily circled, and he looked lifeless.

Due to his illness, Darrell's voice was very weak.

He said: "When you joined ... I promised you that if one day I was dying, I would let you know. I'm sorry to say that day is now."

"..." There was no sound below.

"You will feel how your body is. Really, when that day comes, you will feel it."

Wu Qiao couldn't believe it. He always felt that Darrell's death should also be earth-shattering, not like this.

Now, though, it might be said, is the end of life.

Darrell continued: "I want to say that even when I'm gone, you have to remember that the spirit is immortal. I know... for some people, war" is the sound of shells, bombs, blood, corpses. piles. However, for some people, it is justice, dignity, freedom, peace and other inestimable things that will never be destroyed. "


"The decisive battle is not over yet. Now that we have found the opponent's base, we will not leave here again, and the attack will continue."


"After I die..." Darrell touched the armrest of his wheelchair, "When the main ship sorties, please take my coffin with you."


"I want to see the victory with my own eyes."

Some people started to cry.

"Also," Darrell added at last, "Wu Qiao has been promoted to brigadier general, and from now on, he will manage the affairs of the base."


"I'll help him get military approval."

All of a sudden, the court was in an uproar.

Wu Qiao, so young, is just a colonel. After being promoted to colonel, he changed from leading a fleet and 6 mechas as a lieutenant colonel to leading a fleet of 35 and 210 mechas, which is far from the entire base.

Darrell has always played cards unreasonably, but this time, it was his most outrageous time.

In his last speech, his maverick reached the peak of his life.

As Wu Qiao himself, he was naturally happy.

When he contacted Tan Yan, he said: "I am very happy to be promoted again. I am really afraid that I am not good enough for you and will hold you back in the future."

Tan Yan only said: "You are my pride."

Wu Qiao: "..."

His face was all red.

At this time, he was full of ambitions, but he didn't know that no one was happy except him, and the whole base was filled with an atmosphere of distrust.