Face Slapping the General

Chapter 53: Launch an all-out attack


The two looked at each other reluctantly for a while.

When it was almost ten o'clock, Wu Qiao bid farewell to Tan Yan.

"Admiral...Tan Yan, I have to make a battle plan." Wu Qiao said.


"Admiral," Wu Qiao finally called out the title he was more familiar with, "You...wait for me to return from victory."

"Yes." Tan Yan replied, "Yes."

"I look forward to... my next date with you."

Tan Yan smiled: "Okay."

"I also found one," Wu Qiao said with his head down. "It was shot in the garden. There are all kinds of flowers in it, and it looks really beautiful."

"Okay." Tan Yan said, "Let's defeat them, for the people of the empire."


"Also, be careful yourself, this is for me."

Wu Qiao smiled: "Yes."

Wu Qiao is an optimistic person. In his opinion, the two of them are much luckier than the ancients. In ancient times, when a man went out to fight, his wife could only wait at home, with almost no way to contact her. She couldn't even know whether the war was won or lost, or whether her husband was alive or dead. He and Tan Yan can see each other like this every day, which is actually very good, although this is not enough, I always want to really touch...

Wu Qiao looked at his diary. Wu Qiao still keeps a diary every day, sometimes with more words and sometimes with fewer words. The diary can be arranged by date, event, keyword, etc., and can also be marked on the list with different colors according to the degree of importance. A few days ago, Wu Qiao marked all the days when he actually met Tan Yan recently in conspicuous yellow. Now, on the home page that lists the recorded dates, most of the dates are followed by a white background, and only a few sporadic ones have a yellow background, which is very prominent. Wu Qiao can tell just by looking at it, oh, this day, and this day. One day, the two of us were together, so it felt a little sweet, although, there was always a date highlighted in bright red color shortly before those two days, indicating that in those two days, he lost his good friend.

"Then, I may not contact you in the next few days." Wu Qiao said again.

"Ok, I know."

"You can see the battle situation through official channels."

"Of course," Tan Yan said, "I will pray for you."

Wu Qiao looked at the people in the communication, and said again seriously: "After the victory, I will inform you as soon as possible."

"I will buy flowers and wait for my brigadier general to come back."

"..." Wu Qiao blushed again.

He shook his head, patted his face, adjusted in front of the mirror for a long time, put on a serious look, then put on his hat, and strode into the conference room.

"Wu Qiao~!" As soon as Ya Jiu saw Wu Qiao, he rushed towards him, hitting Wu Qiao's chest in pain again.

Wu Qiao: "..."

He is now the commander, and Ya Jiu is still like this, which really makes him very imposing.

"... Crow Nine," Wu Qiao whispered to it, "sit down."

"… Oh."

This meeting is very different from the past, in addition to the main participants, there are also several mechas also participating.

Among them, there is Crow Nine.

Ya Jiu came to the meeting for the first time, and felt very curious, but at the same time extremely nervous, and was always serious.

It thought: Has it become so important

However, in the eyes of others, it has been making trouble.

After it sat down, it looked at this and that, and found that all the people who often attended the meeting had brought paper, pens, and computers, but they, the mechs, didn't bring anything.

This is impossible... If you don’t record it, you won’t be able to remember it, and something bad will happen, and everyone will scold it. Although the other mechas didn't move, he was a serious mecha, and he wouldn't be as casual as them.

Ya Jiu secretly scolded Wu Qiao without telling herself, stood up from her seat with a "teng", and hurriedly rushed towards the door: "I'll be right back!"

"What are you going to do?" Wu Qiao went to hold Ya Jiu and asked.

"I forgot to bring paper, pen and computer!"

"Come back!" Wu Qiao was once again shocked by Crow Nine's IQ, "You don't need it!"


"Your brain itself is a computer!" Wu Qiao was so angry that his voice became louder, "What other computer do you need?"

"... Huh?" This sentence was a bit convoluted, and Ya Jiu thought about it for a long time.

"Save with your own brain!"

"Oh... oh!" Crow Nine looked stunned, and Wu Qiao didn't know if it really understood.

Knowing now, Ya Jiu still feels that he is the same as ordinary people. Every time Wu Qiao had to explain it in detail so that it could understand a little bit.

Then, as soon as Ya Jiu sat down, he looked left and right and asked, "Well... where is my water? Why do everyone else have water, but we don't have it?"

The conference secretary looked at it in surprise.

He didn't understand why the mecha had to drink water.

However, seeing Yajiu looking at him expectantly, his eyes sparkling, the meeting secretary still satisfied its request.

"Hey..." Ya Jiu held the water in his hand, looked left and right, and made sure that he was equipped with the same equipment as the other participants, so he settled down and sat down obediently.

"..." Wu Qiao stopped watching Crow Nine. He scanned the audience, and then said in a calm and authentic voice, "Then, let's start setting up surprise missions now."

"..." Lingzhi and Renshen all changed from their usual demeanor, and they dared not treat Wu Qiao like a child anymore. They felt that this time Wu Qiao was really different from other people of this age.

"We still undertake the assault mission," Wu Qiao continued, "however, the opponent has eight high-level mechas and extraordinary pilots. We did not expect these factors before."

As the first batch, the combat power is not sufficient, because if the number is too large, it will be discovered early, thus losing the meaning of quick blitz and blowing up the main target.

Those eight drivers who are comparable to Tan Yan can really make people very headache.

After a pause, Wu Qiao said again: "So, this time we will attack in a different way."


"We will have a vanguard, and the vanguard will only have four people."

"Only four?" Ling Zhi asked in surprise.

"Yes, I will be included among them." Wu Qiao said again, "We will land in an unconventional way, and quietly destroy all the eight mechas first!"

"...how can we destroy it quietly?" Ling Zhi didn't quite understand, "As soon as we get close to the opponent's base, the opponent will find us."

"Yes, so the key is to sneak in so they can't detect us."

After finishing speaking, Wu Qiao unfolded a map of the opponent's base: "After the last battle, we already roughly know the location of the opponent's detection system and the distribution of guard personnel. Of course, there may be changes for the latter. The point must be clear in the chest."


"My plan is to first send our ultra-small stealth ship to an altitude of 10,000 meters where it is difficult to be noticed by other places, and release four pilots and four mechs."

"But..." Although Ling Zhi was afraid of Wu Qiao, he still didn't trust him very much. "After the mecha descends to a certain height, it will still be discovered."

"No," Wu Qiao shook his head, "The driver didn't go down in a mech."


Wu Qiao said calmly: "We will land in the middle of the night. All the pilots and all the mechs will parachute down."

"... Skydiving?!!"

"Yes." Wu Qiao continued, "The mecha will not return to its original shape for the time being, but will still maintain its reduced state at this moment, following the pilot to parachute. In this way, because the eight targets are very small, only the size of ordinary humans, they will curl up in the air , they are very difficult to detect, and they cannot be found if they are not in front of them!"

"..." This is really a very bold plan.

Both Ling Zhi and Ren Shen were silent.

"In order to prevent the heat dissipation from being detected by infrared rays, the engine of the mech will be almost completely shut down, and the descent will be achieved purely by gravity." Wu Qiao added, "In addition, to ensure nothing goes wrong, we can paste mud on the body of the man and the mecha. , so that it can avoid infrared rays. At the same time, put a layer of radar absorbing material on the outer layer of mud to achieve double insurance. Let the supply ship bring these things for us.”

"And then? Infiltrate?" Ling Zhi probably understood what Wu Qiao said.

"Yes." Wu Qiao nodded to her, "We will carefully avoid all enemy forces, choose a place with the fewest guards and relatively close to the 'Gate of Light' to land, and then try to approach the 'Light Gate' as quietly as possible." door'."

The Gate of Light is where Xianglong Wing stores the mecha. Every time they engage in a battle, the members of Xianglong Wing will board the mecha from inside, and fly out through the Gate of Light after preparations are completed.

Lingzhi nodded.

"There will definitely be guards in front of the 'Gate of Light'. When we can't move forward due to the reduced state, we will hide and give you a signal to act." Wu Qiao said, circled a location on the map with his hand, " After receiving our signal to start the operation, you suddenly launched a violent attack from this position, and at the same time released a very large number of flash bombs, which caused us to invest a large amount of troops for this operation. The ships and mechs are attracted to them!"


"And the four of us," Wu Qiao said, "we chose this time to board our respective mechs, and blasted open the 'Gate of Light' by surprise! Then, we quickly found eight mechas and destroyed them all!"

"But..." Ling Zhi questioned again, but this time it was not aimed at Wu Qiao, but wanted to improve the whole plan, "These four people are too dangerous."

"I think there is enough time. We have about ten minutes to act." Wu Qiao said calmly, "But we must not be attached to it. It is unrealistic to destroy all the mechs. We must evacuate after completing the task. "

After a pause for a few seconds, Wu Qiao said again: "In this battle, I don't think it is necessary to send people to do things that never return, and neither will I." As long as the eight mechas are gone, the other pair In the first battle, the imperial soldiers have a great advantage.


"The Raven Nine has the strongest attack power and the fastest speed. I will definitely participate in this operation, and it will be the one that goes deep into the 'Gate of Light'. I believe that with its ability, it will be able to come out in the end. "

After hearing this, Ya Jiu laughed "hehe".

Wu Qiao said again: "If I encounter any accident, let Ling Zhi command the entire formation."

Lingzhi: "..."

"I will talk to you about the next series of arrangements alone later."


"Okay," Wu Qiao scanned the audience, "Does anyone have any questions about the part about destroying advanced mechs?"


Wu Qiao saw that it was Crow Nine again.

Wu Qiao felt a little headache.

Why is it always there...

He was really afraid that Ya Jiu would ask something that shouldn't be asked again.

"That's right," Yajiu said, "the thing about being covered in mud..."


"Oh... I don't want it!" Yajiu showed his willful side again, "It's so ugly! Ugly! Ugly, ugly!" Thinking of being wet, sticky, and muddy, Yajiu even had goosebumps Here it is, it washes its face seriously every day, and it is the most clean mech in the world.

Is there no other way

Wu Qiao: "..."

He really doubted himself, suspected that he had not taught Yajiu well, otherwise how could it be like this

When we go back, we must educate it well... Wu Qiao thought, yes, educate it, read some famous stories to it, or what famous people said.

This is what I do best.

In the past, in high school, the principal often called Wu Qiao to the office and asked Wu Qiao to "educate" a troublesome student. Wu Qiao could "educate" for more than three hours each time, and ensured that all the words he said did not have a single word is repeated.

After thinking for a while, Wu Qiao told Ya Jiu: "There is nothing you want, you must act according to the plan."

"Hmm...?" Wu Qiao didn't coax him this time, which surprised Ya Jiu, who had long been used to acting coquettishly.

"Crow Nine, are you crazy?" A mecha next to it whispered to it: "Could it be that you are tired of working? Refuting Wu Qiao's words in public?!"


"..." Wu Qiao ignored them and just announced, "Okay, if no one else has new questions, we will move on to the next link."

The meeting lasted until 1 p.m. before Wu Qiao finished explaining the plan.

"Finally," Wu Qiao said, "Pay attention to recovering more weapons and ammunition from the enemy instead of throwing them on the battlefield at random. Even if this operation is successful and we kill the leader of the opponent, it doesn't mean that they will disappear from now on, maybe Other things will come up later. We need to take all the weapons and ammunition we can to increase their consumption in this battle."


"For this part, and the whole plan, do you have anything to add?"

Lingzhi, Renshen and others put forward some suggestions and improved the plan code-named "Rainbow Candy".

After the meeting, Wu Qiao reported the adjusted plan to Dou Jiang. Dou Jiang expressed that he was looking forward to achieving results this time, and also told Wu Qiao the specific action time that had just been finalized, so that Wu Qiao would have enough time to complete the most thorough preparations. .

On the day of the official operation, the weather was fine and there was no wind at all.

"God is also helping the righteous side." Before setting off, Wu Qiao said, "so please have the confidence to win."

Everyone nodded.

This is a good sign, everyone is thinking so.

They will always regard some accidental phenomena that probably don't matter at all as good omens, so that they can relax their nervous mood.

With four mechas and three other pilots, Wu Qiao checked all the weapons for the last time, put on the night vision goggles, and stood on the small ship waiting for the departure order.

After Dou Jiang gave an order, amidst the high-altitude wind, Wu Qiao raised his voice and shouted: "Let's go!!!"

After speaking, he took the lead and jumped down first.

Ya Jiu followed behind him, feeling that she was too scared.

It was still covered with mud all over its body, but it was the only one that stuck to itself. It was a little bit muddy, as if it was doing pottery, trying to make itself beautiful, the whole process took a long time, and finally it was all done, it felt that it was more beautiful than Wu Qiao and the others, although Wu Qiao was not at all Didn't see any difference.

"It's so high... so high... Crow Nine said, not daring to look any further, curled up in a ball, covering its eyes with its small iron claws. It has never parachuted in a reduced form. In fact, I don't know how other mechs are." , it has some sense of insecurity when shrinking its shape. At this moment, Yajiu feels that he is really afraid of heights.

It thought: Why is Longyuan not here at the moment... It wants to let Longyuan take a look and see if he is willing to go all out, so that the other party will be able to like it a little bit.

"Crow Nine, open your eyes, you have to pay attention to the height of the ground, and open the parachute at the right time, otherwise you will fall to your death."

"But it's so high..."

Wu Qiao sighed: "Then you should close it first, and I will notify you when it lands to a certain height."

Wu Qiao was still a little soft-hearted towards Ya Jiu.

Ya Jiu, who has always been stupid, but puts his life in his own hands, wants to live and die with him.

Crow Nine replied: "Okay!"

They landed in a deserted place as planned.

Xianglong Wing did not expect that the empire would sneak in this way, and did not send many people to stand guard and watch in the middle of the night.

After all, soldiers need rest, and it is difficult to win battles without rest. Using too many soldiers to take turns standing guard, in the eyes of Xianglong Wing, will affect the state of participating in the battle.

Before setting off, Wuqiao and the others calculated the background color—a color that is a mixture of night and light, so they also painted the parachute in that color, just like their protective color, it is difficult for the enemy to find anything wrong from a distance .

"Is everything okay?" After landing, Wu Qiao confirmed the physical condition of the team members in a low voice.

"En." Crow Nine finally landed and let out a long sigh of relief.

It is not afraid of fighting, but it is afraid of heights, which he cannot control himself.

After hiding the parachute, Wu Qiao said to everyone, "Now we are slowly approaching."

The other three all nodded.

Diving into this matter is still somewhat difficult, but overall it went smoothly.

Wu Qiao took them along, sometimes taking unusual paths.

Wu Qiao and the others only encountered the situation of being almost discovered once.

"He he he he he they," said another pilot, "so close to us!"

"..." When they came out from behind a temporary building, they were surprised to find two people there!

They are on the only way to the "Gate of Light", and there is no way to move forward without solving them.

"what to do?"

"What are you panicking about?" Wu Qiao said, "The distance is so close, why don't you aim at them?"

"Huh? Oh."

Wu Qiao directly killed the two with a silent pistol, and directed everyone to walk around their bodies.

Finally, finally, the "Gate of Light" is here! ! !

Wu Qiao looked at the guards at the gate of the "Gate of Light", took out the communication equipment, and gave instructions to Ling Zhiren and the others: "We have arrived at the gate, and you have officially launched an attack."

"Yes." Lingzhi replied.

About three minutes later, the light pierced the universe!

All kinds of missiles poured down like raindrops in an instant, and at the same time, the effect of the flash bombs made the sky over there bright as day!

Before that, Xianglong Wing had obviously detected the movement, and the guards outside the "Gate of Light" were hastily dispatched as the vanguard to defend against the imperial army. At the same time, all members of Xianglong Wings who are resting need to rush to the "Gate of Light" as quickly as possible, board the mechs, participate in the battle, and support the vanguard troops who are trying their best to withstand the offensive of the empire at the first time.

This is a very formal coping strategy.

Wu Qiao knew that in about ten minutes, those drivers would arrive here.

If they can't evacuate before then, the four of them will definitely die.

"Strike! Open the door!" Wu Qiao ordered, "Only ten minutes!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at Ya Jiu: "Yu Jiu!"

"Aw!" After Ya Jiu finished speaking, he immediately started molecular recombination, and within a few seconds, he turned into a huge silver mech.

In order to save time, Wu Qiao did not use the conventional boarding method of stepping on the escalator to enter the cab, but asked Ya Jiu to carry him directly into the cab with iron claws.

All systems are activated...

"Crow Nine!" Wu Qiao repeated again: "Blast the door open!"


"..." Wu Qiao really didn't know why Yajiu used "嗤" instead of "yes" every time.

After Crow Nine finished "owing", it flew towards the target like a rocket!

When it got to the door, it flew up and kicked the door with a "bang", but the door didn't move at all!

"What are you doing!" Wu Qiao was almost pissed off by it.

Before the brainwave connection was completed, Ya Jiu launched an attack on his own initiative! Moreover, it was such an outrageous attack!

"This... so handsome!" Ya Jiu also felt a little grievanced, "On TV, when the good guys beat the bad guys and break into the door, they all kick like this! The door will be kicked open, and the good guys will go in. Hold down the bad guy!"

"That's TV!" Wu Qiao really didn't know what to say.

Fortunately, at this moment, the brainwave connection was completed!

"I'll control it!" Wu Qiao shouted, "Crow Nine obeys orders!"


Wu Qiao glanced at the energy of each weapon: the electromagnetic gun is in the initial full state.

Ok, just use this...

The initial speed of 6000 meters per second made the electromagnetic shell hit the gate in an instant!

Under the powerful impact, the metal material was twisted and torn, forming an extremely ugly huge hole, with some dim lights inside, as if waiting for Wu Qiao and the others to destroy the cave!

Okay... Wu Qiao thought: let the light in the "Gate of Light" be extinguished, and let the place where the light shines become pitch black!

"Go in!" Without the slightest hesitation, Wu Qiao manipulated Ya Jiu to rush in!

The space inside is huge, thousands of mechs are neatly arranged inside the "Gate of Light"!


The eight mechas are red, so they should be very conspicuous!

At this time, Wu Qiao began to thank Xianglong Wings for the ostentatious color arrangement.