Face Slapping the General

Chapter 54: Launch a general attack (middle)


Where the hell is it...

Wu Qiao looked for the eight bright red mechs everywhere.

Check the time, there are eight minutes left...

"These mechs are so ugly..." Ya Jiu muttered.

Wu Qiao turned around twice, but didn't find his target.

Others apparently didn't notice either. This is also very normal. Wu Qiao has fought against each other before, but others have not. Wu Qiao is more familiar with the target than others. If even Wu Qiao can't see it, it will be even harder for others to find it.

Damn... Wu Qiao's palms were about to sweat.

Is it because I am too confident...? He thought that with the experience he had accumulated in Xianglong's Wings, he would be able to succeed in one fell swoop, and he didn't even spend too much time thinking about plan B at all. Now Lingzhi, Renshen and the others have launched an attack. If they can't destroy the high-level mecha, what happened that day is very likely to repeat itself.

"Wu Qiao..." Ya Jiu, who was connected with Brainwave, said to Wu Qiao, "You, don't panic..."

"I didn't." Wu Qiao insisted.

"Again, look for it again, I'm sure you'll find it." Ya Jiu's words sounded more like comforting words.

"..." Wu Qiao didn't answer, he was very uncertain.

"Think about it," Wu Qiao said again, "If you don't put it here, where should you put it? If you don't take off from here, where do you want to take off?"

"Yeah..." Wu Qiao murmured, "If you don't put it here, where should you put it?"

Before, these mechs flew out of the "Gate of Light". This is the ultimate weapon prepared by Xianglong Wing, or at least one of the ultimate weapons. It will definitely be ready to attack at all times. Could it be that they built a new launch platform in just a few days? This is absolutely impossible!

The eight mechs must be here!

"I, let me fly around again." Ya Jiu said.

"Of course!" Wu Qiao clenched his fists, "We must find them and win this victory."


"However," Wu Qiao looked at his watch, "There are only four minutes left."

"Then what to do?"

"Estimate the minimum speed that will take two minutes to complete the flight." Wu Qiao motioned to Yajiu, "For the remaining time, one minute is used to destroy the mecha, and one minute is used to escape the 'Gate of Light'!"

There is no possibility that the mecha is not here... Wu Qiao told himself again, it must have been missed just now!

This time, he must catch the opponent!

"Crow Nine," Wu Qiao said again, "you also watch carefully."

"My eyes are already rounded!"

"..." The size of the mech's eyes is fixed. Wu Qiao didn't know what "staring eyes" referred to.

Thus, Crow Nine restarted!

It passed slowly along those mechs, like a big silver bird in the sky.

The big bird was soaring, looking down, looking for its prey, ready to strike.

Wu Qiao watched with wide eyes, but the red in his memory never appeared.

Impossible... Wu Qiao was extremely confused.

Could it be... I really don't have the ability to analyze and plan

Suddenly, Wu Qiao heard Ya Jiu shout loudly: "I seem to have found it!"

"What?" Wu Qiao asked, "Where?!"

"Over there!" Crow Nine said, and flew over in a swoop, landing in front of several mechas, "That's them!"

"...they?" Wu Qiao looked at the dark-colored mechs in front of him, "How could it be them? The colors are completely different!"

Wu Qiao was in a hurry.

In such an urgent time, Yajiu is unreliable! So unreliable... I found him a mecha with a different color!

All of a sudden, time is wasted again—how precious time is at this moment!

Wu Qiao really didn't know what to say, although the 10 attribute was ordered by himself.

He manipulated the Crow Nine again, intending to continue his search.

"Wu Qiao!" Crow Nine struggled, not intending to move at all, "That's them!"

Wu Qiao forcibly controlled the Yajiu to take off, and at the same time explained a little to it: "The mecha we are looking for has a bright red shell." This one has a large part of dark color, and some parts are bright red.

"But I think it's them..." Ya Jiu was not as sure as she was at the beginning.

After pausing for a second, it continued: "Although the colors are different, everything else is the same."

"... what?" Wu Qiao stopped moving in the air.

"I mean," Ya Jiu said, "except for the color, they are all the same. The shape of each part, the specific design details, and the pattern on it... are all exactly the same!"

"Huh?" Wu Qiao couldn't help but pay attention to the mechs Ya Jiu was talking about.

Seems...really...sort of

"Are you sure?" Wu Qiao asked.

"I'm sure!" Crow Nine replied, "When you and Darrell fought against them, I took a closer look because I thought they were pretty good-looking..."

"..." Ya Jiu attaches great importance to appearance, and Wu Qiao has always known it.

Ya Jiu said again: "I observed it specially, it should not be wrong!"

"Really..." Wu Qiao looked at the mechas opposite.

Are the colors different

Wu Qiao realized that he had indeed overlooked this issue, that is, the shape of the mecha might change.

Xianglong Wing has always been good at researching materials, and the empire has suffered many times in the past.

And these mechas are the most valued by the opponent, and maybe the materials are different from ordinary mechas.

That's right... Wu Qiao suddenly noticed that the dark parts of this mecha are those parts that are very hot after starting up, and there are parts such as the engine inside, and the place where the driver sits, etc., obviously used another kind of material.

Wu Qiao knows that some materials will react with oxygen at high temperature to form a thin film on the outside of the material, and when sunlight or artificial sunlight is reflected on this film, blue light and purple light with relatively short wavelengths will be produced. There will be interference phenomenon. When the thickness of the film reaches a certain level, the blue light and purple light will be weakened or even completely disappeared, and finally only the red light with the longest wavelength will be reflected into the human eyes. It looks like a natural machine armor. It's red! Now, without sunlight, of course the color will change!

It seems that this material is very light... Wu Qiao still has a fresh memory of the opponent's speed, which is much higher than that of ordinary mechs.

Wu Qiao carefully observed the shell of the mecha, it seems that there are traces of the film at that time!

This material may not be suitable for all parts of the mecha, so some places still use more traditional materials. This may be because the new material is light but brittle and cannot protect the driver well, or it may be because the new material is good at conducting heat. It transfers heat into the cab, maybe simply because these parts are cooler and don't change color, so it doesn't look good...

However, they painted parts of the traditional material red, which shows that they knew that the mech would change color after it was activated, so they wanted to use this method to keep the style consistent.

really caring...

But that's all for now!

Wu Qiao arranged the Yajiu and the eight mechas in a row, and made the eight mechas face the Yajiu's muzzle in a straight line.

"Crow Nine." Wu Qiao called out.


"it has started."

"it is good!"

As soon as the words fell, the shells of the electromagnetic cannon in Ya Jiu's hand roared out again!

The space here is small, and Wu Qiao cannot use anti-matter weapons, otherwise even he himself will disappear.

The shells swept through the space, and the places they went were immediately devastated!

The mecha without the energy shield activated is actually very brittle. The pieces of the mecha flew in the air, and some even bounced back to Yajiu's body and forehead!

"It hurts!" Crow Nine shouted.


Wu Qiao saw that the last three mechas were not completely broken, so he quickly changed the weapon in his hand, and fired a few more shots in succession, because Wu Qiao aimed at all the key parts, almost killing one with one shot, and quickly knocked out several mechas. Fragmented!


Wu Qiao shook his fist hard!

Because he has Crow Nine, he finally didn't let this mission fail!

"Crow Nine!" Wu Qiao shouted, "Go back!"


At this moment, there were only the two of them inside the Gate of Light. After discovering the target, because time was running out and Ya Jiu alone was enough to complete the task, Wu Qiao asked the others to evacuate first, and he would catch up later. After all, Crow Nine is faster and has more room for maneuver.

"Sprint with all your strength!" Wu Qiao said again.

Ya Jiu immediately drove at full speed.

Finally, the moment after rushing out, Yajiu's fuselage even began to shake because of its high speed.

This is almost the maximum speed of Crow Nine...

At this time, he seemed to be riding the wind and galloping all the way to the top of the mountain.

Wu Qiao tried his best to control the mecha so as not to let Crow Nine lose control, then slowly slowed down and hovered above the "Gate of Light".

Wu Qiao looked down from the sky.

After a few seconds, Wu Qiao said to Yajiu: "Yaojiu, get ready the laser particle cannon, let's blow up the Gate of Light."


Wu Qiao knew that during the time of fleeing just now, the driver of Xianglong Wing must have reached the inside of the Gate of Light—they had a special passage from the inside of the camp.

It's best to stop them as much as possible...

The mechs are all stored deep underground, and ordinary bombs will never touch them. However, at least the gate can be blown up and the attack channel buried to delay the opponent's attack time.

The electromagnetic cannon hadn't finished charging, so Wu Qiao chose the laser particle cannon.

The laser example cannon emits laser light with accelerated particles mixed in, and its power is five times that of ordinary laser light.

The electromagnetic cannon and the laser particle cannon are the two most powerful weapons on Yajiu after the antimatter cannon. The antimatter cannon is not suitable for the current occasion, because the principle of the antimatter cannon is "annihilation". If its function cannot go deep into the ground, then after the gate is "annihilated", the exit will be wider instead, as if it is helping the other party. .

After everything was ready, Ya Jiu blatantly attacked!

The laser mixed with particles was like a dazzling comet passing through the dark night, and the thunder strike instantly reached the "Gate of Light" that had been blasted out by Wu Qiao before!

At the same time, the troops of Lingzhi and Renshen also formally exchanged fire with Xianglong's Wings, and the muzzles of more than a thousand mechs roared angrily, officially kicking off the prelude to this great battle!

The sound of cannons in the distance and the sound of nearby cannons became one piece. Amidst the loud noises one after another, Wuqiao saw the "Gate of Light" collapse in an instant through the heavy sand and dust flying up from the ground. Stone rubble piled up at the door, sealing the passage tightly.

"..." Wu Qiao knew that this would not stop the opponent for long.

The other party will come out after a while.

He only hoped that he could trap the other party for a while longer.

At this time, he was a little lucky. Although the mechas of Xianglong Wings could rise to the ground through different paths, in the end, they all flew out from the Gate of Light.

However, that was all he could do.

Of course, just now he could choose to sacrifice himself and stay inside the Gate of Light to continue destroying the opponent's mechs. However, Wu Qiao didn't think it was meaningful to do so. It's just a few more shells, and the remaining mechs of the opponent are still enough to be distributed to all the drivers. He can also block the pilots who are about to join the battle at the entrance of the passage, but there is more than one entrance, and he knows that he can kill at most two or three members of the opponent, and then no one will come out of that entrance, and he will Besieged by enemies coming in from other entrances and die there.

"Brigadier General Wu!" The other three members of the leading assault force said through the communication equipment, "The bombing of the landing platform of the battleship has been completed!"

"Merge with the main force immediately!" Wu Qiao gave instructions, "Be careful to protect yourself on the road!"

The three immediately replied: "Yes!"

At this time, there are not many members of Xianglong Wing fighting in the air.

Wu Qiao and the others returned to the formation without too much danger.

"How's it going?" Dou Jiang asked after Wu Qiao got connected.

"Report, Lieutenant General," Wu Qiao replied, "The eight mechs have been destroyed, the Gate of Light has been blown up, and the bombing of the landing platform of the battleship has also ended. Overall, the assault mission of the first formation has been completed."

Moreover, because the mechas in the Gate of Light were delayed, the first formation quickly cleared the temporary defense forces of Xianglong Wings, and then destroyed the automatic defense systems on the left, middle and right sides of the base.

"Very good!" Dou Jiang roared, "The second formation is about to rush to support you!"


As an assault force, the number of the first formation is small. If the soldiers press the border, it is very likely that they will be discovered in the early stage. Therefore, in the last and this operation, the main troops are waiting in the distance. Once the first formation completes the assault mission, it will quickly implement the next plan .

The last time Darrell commanded, the assault mission had actually failed.

They failed to penetrate the defense and bombed the main target immediately. Even after the opponent sent eight mechas, they were almost defeated.

In order to avoid the annihilation of the first formation, Dou Jiang asked Darrell to retreat temporarily. In fact, at that time, Dou Jiang could mix the first and second formations, and then attack by force, using the superiority of numbers to forcefully suppress the opponent, but Dou Cheong did not choose to do that, but retreated across the board to observe the opponent, and at the same time, take a long-term view and formulate a new strategy .

In Wu Qiao's eyes, Dou Jiang made the right choice. He didn't have the blood and brain to move forward regardless of casualties. As the party that launched the offensive, there was no need for them to fight to the end like that.

Facts also proved that this assault was more effective. The opponent's trump card had been destroyed before the battle, and the eight pilots who temporarily replaced their mechs would never be able to display their previous strength. After the last battle, Wu Qiao and the others knew that the performance of those eight mechas was far superior to the others.

At the same time, the landing platform of the warship was bombed, which caused many obstacles for the opposing warship to participate in the battle...

As for the Gate of Light...

While fighting, Wu Qiao paid attention to the movement over there.

Not long after the Gate of Light was destroyed, dazzling brilliance and rumbling sounds began to shine inside, as if something was about to come out!

About fifteen minutes later, Wu Qiao saw that the outermost bricks and rubble were blasted into slag, sprayed out from the inside, and after flying all over the sky, the Gate of Light buried by Wu Qiao was blasted out a big hole !

"Tsk... Fifteen minutes... faster than expected..." Wu Qiao said, putting on his driver's seat, ready to meet the opponent at any time.

Fortunately... After a delay just now, they defeated the opponent's first batch of defense forces with zero casualties, and completely got rid of the interference of the automatic defense system.

Facing the mecha flying out of the Gate of Light, everyone in the first formation immediately began to attack!

Not long after, the second formation also arrived.

The two formations met the place, and they were strangled together in an instant!

After only five or six minutes, Wu Qiao discovered a problem.

That is... The members of Xianglong Wing cooperate very well, which should be the result of years of training and coordinated operations. On the side of the Imperial Army, because the formation is composed of elites from several different bases, they always cooperate in terms of cooperation. Yes there are some problems!

"Lieutenant General Dou Jiang!" Wu Qiao shouted, "I suggest opening up the formation! Increase the distance between the opponent's mechs!"

"That's exactly what I mean." Dou Jiang smiled, and ordered the imperial army to spread out the formation and expand outward from both sides, reducing the chances of Xianglong Wing members to provide support to each other.

Soon, one of the few advantages of Xianglong Wings - cooperation, was eliminated by the distance between them.

The imperial army has more people and has an advantage on the scene.

This is true for mechs, and so is for battleships.

Because the landing platform was destroyed, the only warships that can take off and land vertically can be dispatched by Xianglong Wing, which only accounts for about 50% of their total number of warships.

The large weapons on the battleship are bombarding each other in the distance, and the terrifying light beams make the sky as bright as day.

Among the members of Xianglong Wing, the most troublesome ones are still the eight pilots cloned and transformed by Nicole.

However, their fighting power is really not comparable to the last time.

The new mechas have been destroyed, and now, they are only operating a few mechas with extremely ordinary attributes in all aspects!

"Now they have nothing to fear, victory is within reach!" Wu Qiao said.

Immediately afterwards, he laid out his strategy!

This strategy is, ten to one! ! !

Ten people to deal with one of the eight enemy "Nicole"!

"Form a front and rear two-layer encirclement target!" Wu Qiao began to mobilize the command, "the mechas they are using now are not very powerful, and they are far from the time when they were driving the latest mecha! After forming a two-layer encirclement, the inner layer Responsible for defense, continue to deploy shields to resist attacks; the outer layer is responsible for offense, hiding behind the shield of the inner mech to encircle the central target!"

After a pause, Wu Qiao said again: "Pay attention to the angle, don't hit your own people!"

The advantage of using five people to attack is that the shells fired at the center will not hit your own people, because there is no one directly opposite. If it's four people, six people... the siege, there will be companions standing on the diagonal.

"Okay!" Wu Qiao said again, "Now, the ten people closest to each target immediately form a two-layer encirclement! Those with high defensive attributes are included, and those with high attack attributes are outside!"

"Yes!" Wu Qiao heard the answers of dozens of people at the same time.

He looked at the positions of his companions on the screen: "The one whose name I read below is the captain of the encirclement circle. There are ten people in total: ××, ×××, ××××... Take a look around yourself and choose what you think is appropriate. The team members! Then contact them as soon as possible, determine the time to start the siege, be sure to do the siege quickly, and leave no chance for the opponent to attack!"

If the opponent is allowed to rush out of the gap before the encirclement is formed, all the arrangements will fall short. The "Nicole" will start to pay attention to this move, and it will be difficult to surround them.

Wu Qiao read the names of ten people.

Every time you say one, you will hear "yes".

Immediately afterwards, the empire began a siege strategy!

The ten people in each team are extremely fast and brave, and the strategy quickly worked. No matter how skilled the mecha pilot is, he can't hold back such a one-stop ten!

Soon, Wu Qiao discovered that a soldier in a certain team was extremely skilled.

Wu Qiao compared and felt that the other party was definitely not inferior to him.

... There is such a person here

Wu Qiao looked at his screen and found that the driver's name was not displayed on the screen, only the code name of the mecha when it came out.

"..." This means that the driver has not registered...

Are you new

What a great rookie...

Who is he

The team that Wu Qiao paid attention to was the team that completed the plan the fastest.

"Hey..." After feeling itchy, Wu Qiao couldn't help but connect to the soldier's communication, "Well, you are skilled, what's your name?"


"...!!!" Hearing only one person, Wu Qiao was stunned.

"Admiral?!" Wu Qiao's voice changed, "Why are you here?!"