Face Slapping the General

Chapter 55: Launch a general attack (below)


"I..." Tan Yan hesitated, he really didn't expect Wu Qiao to recognize himself with just one word.


"I'm here."

"Why are you here?!"

"I..." Tan Yan said, "I want to be by your side to protect you."

"..." It would be a lie to say that my heart would not be shaken.

"This is your first battle, I'm a little worried."

"But," Wu Qiao didn't understand again, "Why didn't you bring Longyuan here? Why did you drive this ordinary mech? Join the battle like an ordinary soldier?"

"That's right," Ya Jiu interjected from the side, "Why didn't you bring Long Yuan here?"

"If I use my real identity," Tan Yan replied, "the commander will become me."


"I have no intention of grabbing the command of Dou Jiang. Moreover, because I will always be in the first formation, if I don't hide myself, the number one person in the first formation will not be you, and the key decision-maker will be from you. It became me, this is your first time commanding the entire formation, and I don't want to disturb you."

"Admiral..." Wu Qiao thought to himself: Did he come here as an ordinary soldier because he wanted to protect me and not disturb me

"Okay," Tan Yan said with a smile over there, "Brigadier General Wu, now the eight super pilots have been shot down, please arrange the next tactics."

"Huh?" Only then did Wu Qiao realize that his strategy had worked.

Then the empire took the upper hand on the scene.

However, the fighting is still very intense.

The tough battle at this stage lasted for a full eight hours. At the end, everyone was exhausted, their brains seemed to be unable to turn, and they were almost desperately fighting on instinct.

There were quite a few mechs in the air, and the ground was covered with wreckage of mechas. The guns were rumbling and the smoke was dense. Before the mechas exploded, the pilots of the two sides who escaped from the escape pod exchanged pistols and finally daggers on the sand.

Their movements on the sandy ground have long been deformed, and they can't remember any of the tricks they usually learned in training. They are like children who haven't gone to school, attacking each other in a mess, hoping to stab each other every time. , There is no way to think of a complete plan.

They are so red-eyed that they don't care about life and death at all, and they don't know what it means to be afraid.

There are mountains of corpses and seas of blood, and some people died in battle.

Regardless of the living or the dead, they are often bloody, and the face and facial features are all splattered with blood. You can only distinguish between friends and foes by relying on the few clean spots on the clothes.

Some people were resisting with their flesh and blood when shells suddenly exploded around them. Their ears were deafened by the shock, and the hustle and bustle of the battlefield instantly became quiet as if a picture was frozen.

As for the mechas that were still fighting in mid-air, after eight hours, they were almost out of ammunition and food, and they were all fighting with alloy knives.

The imperial mechs are not equipped with so many shells, so they can only hope to get supplies quickly.

The pilots tried to find an opportunity to return to the mothership for resupply, but the actual situation was much more complicated than imagined. Most of the time, they could only hold on. Fortunately, the opponent's situation was only worse than that of the empire.

First of all, getting out requires the cover of comrades-in-arms, and they may not be able to find someone who provides cover immediately.

Secondly, the mothership is bombarding the enemy, and the weapons of the battleship have huge energy. Whether they can safely approach the mothership and land is also a big test.

Third, in many cases, they have no mothership to return to.

The fierce battle on the mothership side was even more fierce. Many motherships had completely disappeared, so naturally there were no extra supplies.

Over there, various particle beams, particle cannons, and plasma cannons bombarded each other in the distance. Just by looking at it, one could feel the tense atmosphere that the people inside were experiencing.

At present, the most important weapons equipped by the warships of both sides are charged particle cannons and plasma cannons. The principle of a charged particle cannon is to first use a magnetic field to accelerate electrons to generate a high-speed electron beam with an absolute speed of hundreds of thousands of kilometers per second, and then use these electrons to wrap the incoming particles on the generating device to accelerate the ions, and then when approaching the exit The electrons are eliminated, and only the proton beam is emitted.

The plasma cannon, on the other hand, uses the temperature of the plasma itself to reach millions or even tens of millions of degrees to vaporize everything it touches. However, because of the Coulomb force between the particles, the emitted particles will scatter away like fireworks exploding in the air, and the higher the energy of the example, the faster and wider the scatter will be, and it is not invincible.

"Dou Jiang," Tan Yan connected to Dou Jiang's communication, and said, "The opponent's protection against particle cannons is very good, and the defense cover is very hard. It is difficult for us to directly destroy those cannons."

"Yes, Admiral." Dou Jiang's voice was always low, so low that sometimes he couldn't hear clearly, "We have been trying to destroy the opponent's particle cannon, but it is very difficult to achieve this. .”

"I have a method, you can refer to it."

"Please clarify."

"What I mean is, don't directly try to destroy the opponent's particle cannon." Tan Yan said, "I calculated the angle... If you attack the front of the left string ×××× at an angle of 30 degrees, then the opponent's warship's The charged particle cannon is very likely to be stuck, so that the particles that have received energy cannot escape from the generating device."

"Huh?!" Dou Jiang was shocked. He thought, can this be calculated

"Actually, it's not a calculation." Tan Yan seemed to see what the other party was thinking, "It's more based on experience. I happened to jam the enemy's charged particle cannon a few times, and after summing up the experience, I came up with some numbers. assumptions."

"… I am impressed."

"Then, try to keep a distance from them. Their plasma cannons are very powerful, so the range is very short. As long as we stay outside the effective range of the opponent's plasma cannon, then, when the opponent's charged particle cannon is stuck, we We can use our particle cannon to gain an advantage."


Tan Yan calculated almost no mistakes.

The imperial warship began to storm a certain point on the enemy battleship, and several shells hit the same spot one after another. That position is not very important, even if the battleship is hit, it will not lose any important parts, let alone cause the battleship to be scrapped, so the defense is not that strong, and it was lucky to be hit by the empire a few times.

As a result, as Tan Yan said, after the enemy battleship was hit several times in a row, the charged particle cannon suddenly became useless!

It unleashed an empty cannon!

"It's stuck!" Dou Jiang yelled, "General, I'm really stuck!"

Deep inside this position is really a generating device!

Due to the strong vibration caused by the shelling, the outlet pipe on the generating device was twisted!

According to Tan Yan's suggestion, the imperial warships began to gain the upper hand.

However, soon the opponent also understood the weakness of his warship, and began to protect that position intentionally.

Although through this method, the Empire has reduced the loss of battleships, but the supply of mechs is still not enough.

Many motherships have been lost in the universe, and the ammunition used for resupply floats around with the wreckage. Sometimes when they are hit, they will emit a burst of flames like ignited fireworks, and then disappear in the long night.

Some mechas were lucky enough to get a chance to replenish their ammunition once or twice, and then they were told that there was no extra ammunition on the mothership.

After two battles in a row, and the second time lasted for eight hours, they encountered the extremely tenacious and desperate resistance of Xianglong Wings. This was something the empire did not expect in advance. Therefore, they were transported here with the mothership at first. In fact, the ammunition in the ship was not enough, and the supplies sent by the supply ships in the middle of the two wars did not make the situation much better, and many motherships were attacked during the battle, which made the already tense situation even worse.

Fortunately, just as the empire ran out of ammunition and food, the tough battle at this stage also came to an end.

The mech pilots of Xianglong Wings were either killed, captured, or surrendered. Finally, the resisters were almost invisible, and only a few sporadic people were still stubbornly resisting.

Six of the eight "Nicoles" were captured, and Wu Qiao couldn't figure out how the empire would deal with them in the future.

As for the imperial army, although the shells were all fired, the casualties were not very heavy because the scene had always been dominant.

Then Doujiang announced the start of the ground sweep.

He let the third unit go down with the materials first, and built a landing platform on the surface of the devastated planet.

After doing this, Dou Jiang ordered the mech cavalry to land and officially began a carpet search on the ground, demanding that all the main members of Xianglong Wing hidden underground be found.

Mech cavalry is far less bulky than battle mech, and its attack power and defense power are worse. Its main purpose is ground warfare.

At this moment, Dou Jiang's strategy is to keep firing heavy weapons to suppress the enemy's firepower, the armored vehicles are in the center to resist the artillery fire, and the mech cavalry is the last.

His plan can best protect the armored cavalry.

The search yielded quick results.

Many staff officers, weapons R&D personnel, accountants, etc. of Xianglong Wing were picked out one by one.

One of the R&D personnel had no power to restrain the chicken, but he resisted desperately and was directly beaten to death.

Wu Qiao heard that the man seemed to have been a research and development personnel of the empire.


Just when everyone thought it was only a matter of time to find the leader of the organization, a mecha that looked like a pure black blackbird suddenly rushed out from an unexpected place!

Behind it, there are two mechas!

The three mechs form a formation, like a flock of big birds about to fly south.

"Catch them!!!" Dou Jiang shouted!

Damn... he thought: Is there another door there? !

Wu Qiao and the others who were on standby in the air immediately turned around to challenge!

"Lieutenant General Dou Jiang," Wu Qiao said, "our magazines are almost empty!"

"It must be caught!!!" Dou Jiang shouted, "That is the leader of the organization! He has been waiting for such an opportunity! If we let go, there will be endless troubles, and we will desperately complete the task!"

"..." Seeing this, Wu Qiao immediately went up to meet him!

He didn't have any shells anymore, so he could only keep pestering the opponent, interfering with the opponent's escape route, while avoiding the enemy's attack.

A few seconds later, he chose to connect to the communication, trying to use words to disturb the other party.

"Stop fighting trapped beasts." Wu Qiao said, "Surrender is your only way out."

"Go away!"

"Since ancient times, evil has never prevailed over good," Wu Qiao continued, "Your end will only be death."

"Right?" The person inside the black mech laughed sarcastically, "Is the empire right?"

"At least, you are not."

"Hahahaha!" The other party laughed exaggeratedly, "It's not too late to say this after you learn more about the empire!"


"Do you know about wine villages in neutral countries?"

"..." Wu Qiao didn't want to answer, fearing that the other party would take the initiative in words.

In fact, he is very clear. The wine village has the best wine in the universe, but later, the whole village disappeared due to a natural disaster.

"Do you think it disappeared because of natural disasters? Let me tell you the truth... The truth is that the Empire and the Republic had an encounter at that time, and the location was in the star field near the neutral country. The Republic took advantage of the terrain and deployed its fleet Next to the neutral country, in this way, it can concentrate its forces on the other side. And the empire... In order to go around the rear to attack the opponent, it chose to attack from the side of the neutral country where the Republic did not deploy heavy troops! The empire's treaty of "never attack neutral countries" Turn a deaf ear, do not allow the neutral attitude of the neutral country to become an obstacle to the victory of the empire, believe that the weak neutral country has no way to stop the empire, and brutally invade the neutral country! They took the wine village and crushed it all the way, and the empire killed all the wine in order to block the news The villagers of the village! How innocent they are! That’s right, the Empire won a big victory and used the neutral country to go around the rear of the Republic’s troops, because the Republic never thought that the Empire would do that!”

"I don't believe it." Wu Qiao replied.

In fact, in these years, he also vaguely heard the news that the wine village was slaughtered by the empire. The Empire has been clarifying this constantly, telling the populace that these are just dirty tricks the Republic is using to win.

The person in the black mecha said again: "A neutral country has no ability to declare war on the empire. It is weak and can only choose to swallow everything, but as a former member of Wine Village, I will never allow the empire to continue to exist!"

"Forget it, you." Wu Qiao also said, "This is your way of justice? Plan various activities, kill innocent people? Create so many disgusting insects, and even damage the brains of cloned people, turning them into ruthless Sensitive, desireless fighting machine! What kind of justice is this?!"

"Hmph..." the man replied, "We killed all the mainstays of the empire, not a single good thing! As for the cruel weapons you mentioned... haha, those are all made by the empire!"

"… what?"

"Insects and human cloning...these are all the ideas of the empire!"


"The weapon researcher who committed suicide just now... He was originally from the Imperial Army, but he couldn't stand the research and development of living weapons, so he fled with his eight Nicoles!"


"As for insects, he also brought out the production method. I don't think you know that the empire once used insects to fight wars, but later abandoned them because the insects were not easy to control. They made a false agreement—our technology How can it be so powerful?"

"What did you say… "

Wu Qiao lost his mind, slowed down his movements and stayed in mid-air.

"Huh..." The driver in the black mech seemed very satisfied.

Wu Qiao once read a report. It was written by a reporter who had interviewed this leader. According to the report, whenever he talked about the disadvantages of the empire, he would appear to be chattering, his eyes gleaming, and his relatively thin body seemed to be filled with infinite power all at once. The strength of his life, he returned to his youthful youth.

Probably because of this reason, the black mech didn't fire at Wu Qiao, but passed in front of the distraught brigadier general in a demonstration.

However, just as the black mecha passed by Yajiu, Yajiu, who was originally moving slowly, suddenly moved quickly like a hunting eagle!

It has no weapons, and quickly hugged it from behind the black mecha!

Just now Wu Qiao pretended to be in a trance on purpose!

In fact, he was waiting for this opportunity!

Wu Qiao didn't pull out the alloy knife, that kind of action was too big, and he would definitely be seen through.

It is precisely because there is no weapon in hand that the opponent is so confident.

"General!" Wu Qiao said to Tan Yan who had just flown to him, "Hack him to death!"

Just now, Tan Yan just used a knife to deal with the leader's two companions!

Before finishing these four words, Wu Qiao saw a flash of red light in front of his eyes, stabbing tightly into the cab of the mecha that Ya Jiu was tightly imprisoned.

This fit is perfect!

It was the first cooperation between him and Tan Yan!

Unexpectedly, the leader of Xianglong Wing was taken down!

Then, before Wu Qiao could react to anything, he felt that Yajiu was being stripped from the black mech in his arms with great force, and after hearing a "boom", Yajiu suffered a heavy blow to his chest. With one kick, one flew upside down and fell tens of meters. The strength of the opponent's kick made Wu Qiao's head buzz, and gold stars appeared in front of his eyes, completely unable to react to what happened.

But soon, the scene in front of him forced him to open his eyes wide!

That black mech, after being stabbed by Tan Yan's alloy knife, chose to self-destruct!

He chose to blew himself up! ! !

The rumbling sound was like thunder, and a cloud of flames scattered around with black smoke. Fragments of the mecha splashed everywhere, falling like raindrops on the blood-soaked land of this planet.

"Ah! Ah!!!"

Wu Qiao was like crazy, trembling unceasingly, said, "Crow Nine... Take me there... Take me there..." Where Wu Qiao said, there were the wreckage of two mechs.

One is a black dragon wing mecha, and the other is the most common imperial army mecha.

Both mechs were torn apart, lying on the ground without any sign of life.

Wu Qiao could no longer use brainwaves to manipulate Crow Nine.

He couldn't even control the mecha manually—his hands were shaking violently, and that desperate sense of fate came down again.

He hoped that time could stop here, as if in the blink of an eye, he would be standing in that dark room again.

Everyone is afraid of the unknown, but at this moment, Wu Qiao hopes that the truth will never be revealed.

The death of the person he cares about the most is far from what he can bear.

Wu Qiao was a little skeptical. If Tan Yan really left him, he would refuse to accept it in a self-deceptive way, and kept lying to himself that Tan Yan was still there. Then, he would always be immersed in the dream he wove, and he would never wake up.

He could only use his voice to command Yajiu to go down.

Wu Qiao didn't even look at the black mecha.

I don't know whether the driving inside is dead or alive.

As an imperial soldier, Wu Qiao knew that he should check it out.

But he didn't.

At this moment, Wu Qiao realized that he was such a selfish person.

In such a situation, all he cared about was Tan Yan, or in other words, all he cared about was himself.

In the past, Wu Qiao always believed that he was a person who could put the country first every second.

Now, he never dared to say such words again.

Narrow escape

Does such a miracle really exist

Wu Qiao got off the mecha, with many tears on his face, and walked towards the ordinary imperial mecha step by step.

Wu Qiao didn't understand, how could Tan Yan do that at such a critical moment of life and death

Tan Yan... obviously found out.

He obviously noticed something was wrong.

Based on his rich experience, Tan Yan felt that the mecha started to explode.

And what did he do then

It just peeled off the black mech that was tightly hugging me, and kicked it far away.

And he himself was affected, and the wreckage fell here.

Liar... Wu Qiao couldn't help thinking, Tan Yan clearly promised him that he would take care of himself for him, but in the end he was lying

"Admiral...Admiral..." Wu Qiao staggered forward, "Don't leave me...don't leave me..."

You are gone, what should I do

Wu Qiao realized that he really wasn't that strong.

Crow Nine turned into a shrinking state, and followed Wu Qiao step by step: "Wu Qiao... Wu Qiao... calm down."

At this time, Wu Qiao saw the driver's cab of the imperial mecha move in his blurred vision.

It moved for a while and didn't open, then moved again.

The hatch has been deformed, but there is still no response.

The people inside shook the hatch vigorously, and this time, the hatch finally opened weakly.

Wu Qiao saw the driver crawl out, his clothes were torn, and his face, neck and hands were covered with blood.

However, from the bright eyes the other party looked at him, Wu Qiao knew that he had him again.

"Admiral...Admiral!" Wu Qiao's face was full of tears, he couldn't feel anything around him, he only had eyes for the other party, he ran up to Tan Yan in a few steps, threw himself into his arms, and hugged him tightly do not let it go.

"Hey… "



"Talk about Yan..."


Wu Qiao thought, is this the first time God heard his request

Is he using all the luck in the past for this moment

"Okay, okay." Tan Yan patted Wu Qiao on the back, "Stop hugging, so many people are watching."

"Ok… "

As Wu Qiao said, he stretched out his arms to wrap around Tan Yan's neck, and after confirming that no one else could see anything, he bit Tan Yan's neck hard.

Tan Yan: "..."

"In the future... don't do this kind of thing again."
