Face Slapping the General

Chapter 56: After triumph


Tan Yan touched his neck.

Wu Qiao bit hard, and Tan Yan felt some pain.

Probably... it was bitten.

"Wu Qiao." Tan Yan hugged him reassuringly, "I'm fine, I'm here."

"asshole… "


"You go by yourself, you..."


"Why did you do that kind of thing..." Wu Qiao asked.

General of the Empire, why die

"I don't know," Tan Yan said, "I didn't think much about it."

Wu Qiao sighed.

What is "didn't think much"

At this moment, Wu Qiao felt that he really loved him.

In the past, Wu Qiao was still a little uncertain, and decided to give it a try because of some things, but now Wu Qiao really wanted to be together, and he would never let go of this person in front of him.

"Hey," Tan Yan said in a low voice, "If you don't let go, I want to kiss you."

"..." Wu Qiao finally hugged him tightly again, and then reluctantly let go of his hand.

He took a closer look at Tan Yan again.

The corners of Tan Yan's forehead and mouth were all bleeding, and he felt different from usual.

"By the way," Wu Qiao asked again, "You...how did you escape?"

"I kicked you, and with the reaction force, I tried to fly as far away as possible, trying to avoid the explosion."

"… Oh."

"As I said, I am not willing to die easily."

"..." Wu Qiao knew that Tan Yan was really, just now, only a thin line away from death, and the god of death was just passing by.

"Okay." Tan Yan didn't want to say this anymore, "Let's check the people in the black mecha."


At this time, the mecha had been blown up badly, the head of the mecha rolled far away, its arms and legs were broken into several pieces, the cab was exposed, and there were all kinds of scars on it, like broken copper and iron Generally, people can't imagine what it looked like a minute ago.

After Wu Qiao said the word "um", he boarded the Yajiu again, and with the power of the Yajiu, he tore open the cab of the black mech.

Inside was a scorched man.

He was blown up to the point where he could no longer see his original appearance, with some red blood flowing on his charred exterior.

As the central point of that kind of terrorist explosion, it seemed natural that it would be like this.

Several people from the Imperial Army carried out the corpse and placed it there.

"Hmm..." Dou Jiang held a photo and some documents in his hand, compared them carefully, then raised his head and said to Tan Yan, "That's right, he is the leader of this organization."

"Don't be so arbitrary," Tan Yan also looked down at the corpse, "Take the DNA test."

"it is good."

Dou Jiang nodded and ordered someone to fetch the instrument.

The DNA test was thus carried out in public.

"Hmm..." About half an hour later, the tester raised his head, "It is basically certain that it is very likely to be related to the elder brother of the leader we captured."

"There is a great possibility of relatives?" Tan Yan frowned, "What does this mean?"

"That's right, it's basically a brotherly relationship."

"..." A year ago, the empire captured the leader's brother, who didn't know many things, and the most useful thing was DNA.

"So..." Dou Jiang asked Tan Yan, "Can you be sure it's me?"

"I still don't quite believe it." Tan Yan frowned, "They are really too cunning."

"what do you mean… "

"It's other brothers, and clones, it's all possible."

"Then..." Dou Jiang pondered for a while, "What are you going to do?"

"Dig three feet into the ground, search thoroughly, and don't let go of any possible dark rooms."

"… yes."

"In my opinion," Tan Yan added, "the person who blew himself up is just a stand-in, and the step of blew himself up has been decided long ago. The purpose is to make the empire lower its vigilance, think that the leader is dead, and thus treat the search less carefully. , he can get away with it.”

"So you thought," Dou Jiang reconfirmed, "the real leader is still inside."


"I understand." Dou Jiang shouted at the armored cavalry unit, "Continue to search! Be careful!"

Because of Tan Yan's words, the mecha cavalry began to sweep the ground again.

They checked very carefully, and touched every crack on the wall with their hands.

Then, after three hours of searching, Tan Yan got the news that the mech cavalry found a very hidden small cave in the deepest part.

The color of the door of the cave was exactly the same as that of the outer wall, they were all earthy yellow, and it was impossible to distinguish the difference without careful observation.

Dou Jiang thought, if he had concluded that the leader was dead just now, maybe he would really leak this place!

"Prepare carefully, and then rush in." After receiving the news, Tan Yan said to Dou Jiang.

"I know." Dou Jian replied.

"Then, I wish you success."

"Yes." Then, Tan Yan heard Dou Jiang shout before turning off the communication, "Rush in!"

Only ten minutes later, Tan Yan was connected again by Dou Jiang.

"Your guess is accurate!" The excitement in Dou Jiang's voice was obvious, "The real leader is hidden inside!"


"He thinks that the operation is seamless, and that sending death squads to pretend to be the leader will make our search slack. In fact, it's just wishful thinking!"


"Hehe," Dou Jiang, who personally participated, said again, "Can you imagine that when we rushed in, his two lovers pounced on him, trying to protect the one who should be executed! And the leader... the third A lover stands in front of him, uses her as a human shield, and pushes her to escape through that gate!"

"and then?"

"Our brave men went up and shot him dead. One mortally wounded the other and killed him with three follow-up shots."

"Okay." Tan Yan nodded.

This person established the organization with one hand, and ruled for a full ten years. At the end of the day, when the lights ran out, he was no different from an ordinary criminal.

"Death" is indeed the fairest thing, no matter what you were when you were alive, you will be all the same when you die.

"The appearance and DNA both match, especially the appearance and temperament. This time it shouldn't be a trap again, right?"

"Probably not," Tan Yan said lightly, "Bring up the corpse, we will bring it back to the empire, and then connect with the military headquarters to report the results of the battle."


During the whole waiting process, Wu Qiao kept leaning on Tan Yan, asking from time to time: How are you

Tan Yan felt that Wu Qiao was really making a fuss out of a molehill.

I just stand there, what can I do

Before returning, Tan Yan took a look at the planet.

No soil, no bullets, no guns, no blood.

Fortunately, most of them belonged to those members of Shoulong Wing.

"Get some cloth." Tan Yan asked Dou Jiang in a low voice.

"Huh?" Dou Jiang asked, "What are you doing with the cloth?"

"Call the rest of the soldiers..." Tan Yan replied to Dou Jiang, "Take cloth and pick up the corpses of our fallen soldiers here, wrap them in cloth, and bring them all back to the empire for burial with the highest treatment."

"Yes." After finishing speaking, Dou Jiang ordered everyone to find some cloth and take away the bodies of all the imperial soldiers according to the uniforms.

The body was very broken, and they had been picking it up for a long time.

No one felt sick when picking it up.

There is only respect and sadness in everyone's heart.

After doing this, Dou Jiang announced the victory of the whole army.

Tan Yan asked to stay on Wuqiao's ship. Although Dou Jiang was regretful and confused, he could only act according to the admiral's wishes.

Wuqiao is also one of the three bases that participated in the operation, so it is not very strange for Tan Yan to stay on his ship.

Once back on the main ship, Wu Qiao hurriedly pulled Tan Yan to sit down.

"You, what do you think?" Wu Qiao asked nervously.

"...It's really fine."

"How could it be okay!" That was an explosion! Tan Yan was affected, and the mech fell to the ground! At that time, the pilot in the black mech of Xianglong Wings turned into a piece of coke!

"It's all skin trauma, it's just scary to look at." Tan Yan laughed.

"I do not believe."

Tan Yan sighed: "If you don't see it with your own eyes, you won't be relieved."

"Well, yes." Wu Qiao had no idea that this was a trap.

"Okay." Tan Yan pretended to be helpless, "Then take off my clothes and have a look."

Wu Qiao: "..."

Tan Yan said helplessly: "If you don't confirm that you don't believe it, but if you ask you to confirm it, you won't come. Don't tell me, what you say is what you say, and you don't care about the truth at all?"

Wu Qiao whispered, "No..."

"Not what?"

"No... Regardless of the truth..."

"Yeah." Tan Yan looked up at Wu Qiao, "Then you can confirm."

"... Oh." Thinking about it carefully, Tan Yan was right. Since he didn't admit it and he didn't feel relieved, it seemed that there was no better way than to see for himself. Moreover, by seeing it with your own eyes, you can also grasp the more detailed situation, not just the simple concept of "light" or "heavy".

Take a look... it's nothing...

Wu Qiao's face was flushed, and he didn't dare to look into Tan Yan's eyes at all. He kept staring at his hands intently, and unbuttoned all the buttons of Tan Yan's military uniform shirt.

When taking it off again, Wu Qiao realized that some fabrics were stuck together with blood, and it was not easy to take off, so he carefully cut the surrounding fabrics with scissors, and then used a piece of cloth dipped in warm water to gently press on the sticking Wait for the blood to dissolve before lifting the cloth.

At present, the number of members of the medical team is not enough. Tan Yan said that he was only slightly injured, and asked the medical team to treat others first.

After removing Tan Yan's shirt, Wu Qiao stood there awkwardly.

The opponent's upper body was naked, his chest was broad, and his abdominal muscles were prominent. Wu Qiao wanted to see it but dared not.

"What's wrong with you?" Tan Yan asked, "I didn't lie, did I?"

"No." Wu Qiao shook his head. I didn't dare to look at it, but I did. Wu Qiao found that there was indeed no fatal injury on Tan Yan's body—Tan Yan was very good at protecting himself, and he didn't hurt any vital organs.

After a few seconds, Wu Qiao said again: "You... have some blood on your face..."

"Huh? Oh, then it's even better."

"Let me wipe it off for you."


Wu Qiao twisted the towel, dipped it in clean water, and carefully wiped it on.

When wiping, it is always inevitable to touch the opponent's skin.

At first, Wu Qiao would shrink his hands back as if he had been electrocuted, but later on, he also felt a little used to this kind of touch, so he just blushed and wiped off all the blood one by one, letting his admiral Return to the usual clean look.

This kind of skin-to-skin contact was definitely the first time for Wu Qiao.

He felt very embarrassed.

However, thinking about it carefully, according to their relationship, there seems to be nothing embarrassing about doing such things.

"Hey, Wu Qiao," finally, after Wu Qiao finished "cleaning up" and gave Tan Yan a new shirt to put on, Tan Yan suddenly raised his head again and said, "I want to kiss."

"Huh?!" Wu Qiao was taken aback.

"Yes." Tan Yan said again: "I want to kiss... really want to."


After hesitating for a while, Wu Qiao sighed, held Tan Yan's face in his hands, and kissed it gently.

Tan Yan was injured just now trying to save himself, and he seemed to have nothing to be hypocritical about.

It's a bit unreasonable not to let the kiss go.

As soon as Tan Yan touched Wu Qiao's lips, he immediately stretched out his hand to pinch the other's jaw, and with a little force, Wu Qiao unconsciously opened the gap between his lips, and then he felt that he was being licked inside and out.


After the kiss was over, Tan Yan was very proud, and sat there lazily, drying his hair contentedly.

"That...that..." Wu Qiao even stuttered.

The last kiss was just superficial, touching the lower lip lightly, Wu Qiao thought that it would be the same this time, there was no difference.

Who knew...but such a kiss? It made it difficult for him to breathe, his legs were weak, and it seemed that he couldn't even stand up.

Wu Qiao felt that he couldn't bear it.

what the hell is it…

Seeing Tan Yan's bright eyes and still looking at him, Wu Qiao felt very embarrassed, and hurriedly changed the subject: "That... general."

Until now, when he was nervous, he would still call Admiral Tan Yan.


"This time, our base lost a lot of mechs."

"Yes." Many mechas were shattered, and the pilots abandoned their armors and escaped.

"Fortunately," Wu Qiao said again, "most of the pilots of the mechs have saved themselves."

Tan Yan nodded again.

"Then..." Wu Qiao asked Tan Yan again, "Can all those who lost their mechas get new ones immediately?" Tan Yan didn't intend to coax Wu Qiao, he said bluntly, "I don't think it's possible."

Although, in the atmosphere just now, Wu Qiao abruptly turned to the affairs of the base, which made him feel a little uncomfortable, but as one of the generals of the empire, he still needs to be careful when facing this kind of question raised by the person in charge of the base. answered.

The military department cannot provide so many mechas at one time. Mechas are manufactured in batches, and there will always be someone who gets it first and someone else.

Hearing Tan Yan's words, Wu Qiao confirmed the other party's meaning: "That is to say, someone can get it first, and someone needs it later?"

Tan Yan nodded.

"Then..." Wu Qiao was a little confused, "How do you decide who comes first?"

"First of all, according to the rank, according to the military exploits, the ones with higher ranks and greater military exploits can be the first to get."

"That's reasonable." Wu Qiao nodded, and then said, "But this time, most of the people who lost their mechas were ordinary soldiers with the lowest rank and no military exploits. How should we arrange for these people? .”

"This," Tan Yan said, looking at Wu Qiao, "The Minister of National Defense has considered it and proposed a solution."

"What is it?" Wu Qiao asked.

Tan Yan replied with two words: "Shake the number."

lottery? what is that

Tan Yan explained again: "It's a kind of lottery, and everyone who needs a mecha can get a number."


"Then, every time a new batch of mechs comes in, the military department will hold a lottery. 10 small balls ranging from 0 to 9 are placed in a special instrument. After the lottery starts, someone will walk on the stage and let those balls spin. Get up, and draw a number at the end, and all soldiers whose numbers end with that number can take away one of the current batch of mechs. As for those who are not selected, they must keep their numbers and participate in the next lottery. The next draw, the balls from the last draw are taken out, and only those are left."

"I see."

Wu Qiao thought, there is really no way out.

Minister of the military, his mind is really different...

"You will be very busy in the future." Tan Yan looked at Wu Qiao and said, "Arranging for wounded soldiers, deploying new mechs, writing a report to send Olivier and Lu Rong to a court-martial, and thinking about what the entire fleet should do in the future."

"...?" Wu Qiao understood the first three.

Soldiers need to recuperate, mechs need to apply, Olivier and Lu Rong are under control... But what does the last item mean

"That is to say," after listening to Wu Qiao's question, Tan Yan patiently said, "Now that the leader of Xianglong's Wings has been destroyed, their vitality has been greatly injured overnight, and they probably won't be able to make any waves for the time being... Then, you The base no longer needs so many people, and it probably needs to be split up. After all, the main opponent of the previous base was Xianglong Wing. In this way, some soldiers in the base will stay at the base, while the other part will be invested in the base. In other fronts, for example, joining a certain military division to participate in the battle against the Republic."

"To the Republic..."

Wu Qiao was attracted by these words.

He himself doesn't like to stay at the base and just watch.

"So," Tan Yan said again, "Think about the split method and what you want to do, tell me as soon as possible, and I will help you arrange it, otherwise it will be difficult to move again when the transfer order comes."

"… thanks."

"Do you have an idea now?"

"I don't have any ideas." In short, it's all about fighting the Republic.

However, after thinking about it for a while, Wu Qiao added: "It's best, I can get closer to you."

Tan Yan chuckled when he heard Wu Qiao's words, and Wu Qiao felt a little embarrassed again.

It is always embarrassing to be noticed by people.

"Okay, take a break." Wu Qiao glanced at Tan Yan, "I'll go around a few times."

"… Oh."

What Wu Qiao said about "turning a few circles" refers to being fixed on the instrument and kept turning in circles in situ. This is something that all people who often stay in space must do, because, in the state of weightlessness, , Calcium is not easy to deposit, and the body's calcium will be lost. As long as you turn around frequently, you can fight against this loss. Although the battleship has been rotating up and down on the horizontal axis, creating a microgravity effect, it is still not enough to maintain calcium. There will be such a device on the battleships of the Empire and the Republic, and all soldiers have to go up and around every day.

"No need to go there." Tan Yan said suddenly.


"I'll come and help you around manually."

"... What is artificially helping me around?"

"Come here." Tan Yan said.

"Oh… "

Tan Yan kicked the stool aside and said to Wu Qiao, "Stand with your arms outstretched."

"..." Although he didn't understand, Wu Qiao followed suit.

Then, Tan Yan stretched out his arms, put his arms around Wu Qiao's waist, and lifted him up with a little force.

"... Hey!" Wu Qiao exclaimed in surprise, "You're still injured!"

"I told you it's okay." Tan Yan smiled, "It's all skin trauma."

The main ship is in microgravity, which is less than standard gravity, so hugging a person will not be a big burden.


"are you ready?"

"Huh?" What are you going to prepare for? Actually, Wu Qiao still didn't understand.

Tan Yan didn't speak any more.

He held Wu Qiao in his arms, turned around for a while, then accelerated, and lifted the person in his arms.

"Hello!" Wu Qiao reached out and grabbed Tan Yan's shoulder.

But Tan Yan didn't stop, and wrapped his arms around him a few more times.

Being hugged and circling like this, Wu Qiao couldn't help laughing.

Talk about this guy...

Because it was spinning, everything around it could not be seen clearly, only the face of the person in the middle was clear.

At the same time, the presence of the powerful arm on the waist is extremely clear.

"..." Wu Qiao once again felt that something was wrong with him.

Had he been separated from the general for too long? Otherwise, how could it be... just a little touch, and the whole person will be wrong.

"That, Tan Yan." After being put down, Wu Qiao looked at Tan Yan and asked, "Do you still remember..."


"You once said to me... If one day I think I'm in love with you, I'll let you know."


"I think..." Wu Qiao closed his eyes, "Maybe it's... now."


He didn't know what to say, but it should be right to say so, right

Tan Yan looked at him, didn't say anything, just asked, "How about a kiss?"

"Oh, okay." Wu Qiao still lowered his eyes.

"Then open your mouth."

"En." Even though he said that, Wu Qiao moved his mouth, but still didn't open it.

Tan Yan smiled, stretched out his hand to touch the other person's face, then moved closer, and pressed his lips against the other person again.

"..." Being licked and licked, Wu Qiao felt a little hot, put his arms around Tan Yan's neck, and closed his eyes at the same time.