Face Slapping the General

Chapter 58: Celebration ceremony (middle)


On the second day, it was a three-in-one ceremony of welcome ceremony, celebration ceremony and commendation ceremony.

This is a rare victory for the army recently. Under the current situation, it is worth writing a special letter, and strive to appease the whole empire.

Before leaving, Tan Yan told Wu Qiao that he heard that the military department planned to promote Wu Qiao.

"No way?" Wu Qiao asked, "I've just been promoted to brigadier general... and that time, it was considered an exceptional promotion."

"The military department intends to increase the amount of recognition, and use honor to keep the soldiers working hard. In the end, some people are already a little tired, and the military department believes that some incentives are needed."

"Oh… "

"Sinus pulp will be promoted to general."

"Really?" Tan Yan counted, "In this case, there will be ten generals in the empire."

Two five-star generals—Tan Yan and Xiao En, four four-star generals, and four others.

"Yes." Tan Yan nodded, and then said to Wu Qiao, "As the captain of the empire's first formation, your performance is remarkable. The strategy you arranged successfully destroyed the opponent's main mecha, making the battle easier. Greatly reduced the losses of the Imperial Army."


"Besides, I think," Tan Yan said again, "the military department wants to make your name more reasonable. Now that you are a brigadier general, it is indeed a low level to command the entire base. Your subordinates are at the same level as you, and they have been promoted higher than you Early, another level up can increase your prestige."

"Oh..." Many people know about Lu Rong.

On the way back, Wu Qiao had already explained it to his subordinates. Because they really won the battle, everyone expressed their admiration for this move. At the same time, Wu Qiao also reported to the military.

"You understand this time?" Tan Yan said.

"Okay." Wu Qiao said to Tan Yan with a smile, "Since the military department must promote me, I will reluctantly agree."

"You bastard..."

The Jinjiang ceremony is held outdoors.

The weather was very hot, and Wuqiao was standing so hot that it was almost oily.

He looked at Tan Yan, who was also uncomfortable.

However, it is a little strange that Tan Yan did not stand with other generals, but chose to stand in the middle of the team from a distance.

The nine o'clock ceremony officially began.

No one expected that His Majesty the Emperor would come!

This... Wu Qiao was dumbfounded.

The emperor is forty-five years old this year. He is neither tall nor thin, nor handsome nor ugly. On the surface, he looks like an ordinary person who would disappear if thrown into the crowd, but he is the leader of this huge empire. most apex.

No wonder... Wu Qiao thought, there are reporters from the military media.

It turned out that His Majesty the Emperor planned to use this occasion to officially announce the news.

Sure enough, just as Wu Qiao thought, His Majesty the Emperor announced to the whole country that the leader had been killed.

He said: "Today, I can tell the people of the Empire and the people of the world that the leader of Shoulongwing has been killed by the Imperial Army. Thousands of people died from the activities he planned, and today he deserved the end."

Referring to the details of the operation, the emperor continued: "The Empire destroyed many of the enemy's weapons by surprise, then suppressed the opponent in the air, found his hiding place by ground sweep and killed him. In order to prevent reprisals, we cannot say Call out the names of the heroes who killed him."

"The body is indeed in the hands of the empire. We will bury him out of humanity."

"As for how to discover the base? We first captured an important person, and this person has always been on our list. It was also accidental to capture him, because someone reported a suspicious residence, which was very luxurious but had no communication equipment...Through this person, We got the whereabouts of a courier, and asked the location of the base from the courier."

Finally, the emperor said: "The fact that the leader of the organization was killed does not mean that the mission is over. We will always be vigilant to prevent innocent people from being put in danger... However, we can still say that the empire has achieved an important phased victory. Let us celebrate today to the fullest, and always remember the justice of heaven."

Immediately the speech spread throughout the world, declaring the achievements of the Empire.

Wu Qiao discovered from the big screen that while they were broadcasting the program, they were also receiving messages from outside. The footage of some major city squares in the empire was broadcast, and Wu Qiao saw many people reveling. The electronic screens in the square are rolling out the news, and people who don't know each other are high-fiving each other.

It's really... great.

Then came the military activities.

The Minister of Defense praised all the Imperial soldiers who took part in the operation, and praised the bravery of all the people who went forward.

"As for the honorably wounded," said the Secretary of Defense, "you can choose to remain in the army and continue to serve your country in the rear, or you can choose to go home and wait for peace with your family. Whatever you choose, you All are worthy of the trust of the motherland, and the scars on your young bodies are the most honorable mark. Let the rest continue to defend our flag, and soon, on the day of peace, we will be together again."

Wu Qiao listened quietly below.

At the end, the Minister of Defense said something that seemed meaningful. He said: "Now there are some people who have doubts about the government. To this, I want to say, talkers, get out of here, take your sincerity, take your slavishness, get out of here, go to the Republic, It doesn’t matter where you go. Everything the government does is for victory, and we will choose the most effective path. We will never hesitate, be weak and bully, never, never, never!”

Three "never" in a row pushed the atmosphere to the peak in an instant.

Minister of National Defense, the speeches have always been wonderful, and he is the object of Wu Qiao's study. He can ignite the dry wood in people's hearts with fiery words, forming raging flames and sparks all over the sky, burning towards the enemy's camp and burning down the enemy's ambitions.

People around Wuqiao also responded loudly: "Never, never, never!"

Seeing this situation, Wu Qiao felt that recently, some people may really be a little bit worried.

Even Tan Yan is.

Tan Yan was very afraid that the empire would pay too much attention to utensils and ignore them. People's hearts are more important in a protracted war.

He was afraid that the empire would eventually lose the war.

This battle has been fought for so many years, and the common people have gotten used to it. Many people have lost the enthusiasm they had at the beginning, and they no longer care about it every day.

At the beginning of the war, the people watched the battle ahead day and night, but later on, only major news could attract attention.

They support the country, but apart from the country, they also have their own lives.

In modern warfare, those who are far away from the battlefield live without worries. The army will not slaughter cities and villages and kill innocent people like in ancient times. Now the people of the empire are not displaced, but live their lives normally.

Wu Qiao couldn't help thinking, it's fine now, but what if one day, as the war situation worsens, the empire really ruins this kind of life in order to win... For example, if the empire really takes away The people have all the money, so when the people find that the money they have worked so hard to save has disappeared, can they really have no complaints

Wu Qiao believes that most people still look forward to the victory of the empire, but at the same time, there may be turmoil against the government—

For the current empire, that is enough to be devastated.


The military then honored those who performed exceptionally well.

The first one here is of course sinus pulp. As the commander-in-chief of the operation, Dou Jiang has a heavy responsibility, and the credit is definitely well-deserved.

The Secretary of Defense read out the order of promotion, gave the military salute, and garlanded him.

This is an imperial tradition. Every time, after the victory, to reward the meritorious soldiers, a special wreath will be made for them to wear.

Dou Jiang talked a few words about his experience during the decisive battle, and the language was humorous, in a style different from that of the emperor and the minister of defense.

Wu Qiao and the heads of the other two bases were also commended.

All three of them were promoted to the first grade.

They also shared the experience of the decisive battle with Doujiang.

"Well, the situation was very unknown at the time, but no one flinched because of it. No matter how difficult the war was, we would not hesitate." Wu Qiao replied, "Major General Darrell often quoted a sentence during his lifetime, that is the ancient Spartan king Eji A famous saying of King Si II: Don’t ask how many enemies are there, just ask where they are. This sentence also applies to his soldiers.”

In the end, a party was held on the Military Square.

It's a celebration of victory.

As for "alcohol", the military's regulations are that it cannot be drunk on the battlefield or in the camp, and it is not prohibited at other times, and even occasional parties are held.

Wu Qiao never drank alcohol.

He feels that alcohol is not a good thing, just like cigarettes, it is very bad for the health and should not be touched.

However, at this time of celebrating the victory, as the commander of the first formation, facing the people who came to toast, Wu Qiao was really embarrassed to cheer them up, so he took the wine glass and drank a little.

A bit should be... never mind

However, Wu Qiao was too strong to drink. After only two or three drinks, he became a little dizzy. When someone toasted behind him, he pushed them all away.

He wanted to go to Tan Yan, but he didn't feel very good, so he stood at a distance and looked at him quietly.

Tan Yan would look this way sometimes, and the two of them looked at each other and smiled, Wu Qiao felt that this was good enough.

After a party, although Wu Qiao only drank a few glasses of wine, he still felt dizzy and light-headed.

His face was red all the way up to his neck, and several people told him that his race is prone to blush...but Tan Yan obviously didn't.

Wu Qiao noticed that Tan Yan drank a lot, but everything was fine, it was a huge amount.

Wu Qiao went back to his temporary room, took a hot bath, and still felt numb when he came out.

What should I do now...


Wu Qiao, who had already taken a shower, pulled out his major general's military uniform again, put it on neatly, took out his camera and started taking selfies in the mirror.

This... Keep it safe.

It was the first time I put on the major general's military uniform, and it was clean from the inside to the outside, so I had to leave a photo.

The photos are to be placed in his diary, how can this kind of diary work without pictures.

Just write, promoted to major general, um, and then a picture.

The picture must be more handsome, and it will be used for review in the future.

That's it.

When Tan Yan arrived, Wu Qiao was still taking pictures.

Tan Yan: "..."

"Admiral?" Wu Qiao was dazed, put down the camera in his hand, flipped through the photos, and thought they were all okay.

Hmm... It's a pretty good shot, worthy of a diary.

Tan Yan walked over and helped Wu Qiao straighten his collar: "It's a little messy."

"Oh..." Wu Qiao said, "Then I'll take a new one."

Tan Yan: "..."

Wu Qiao actually only cares about this...

"General," Wu Qiao said happily after putting down the camera again, "the material of my military uniform is better than before."

"Oh?" Tan Yan replied, "Not sure."

"It's true." After Wu Qiao finished speaking, he took the clothes he was wearing before, "Touch this first."

"… Ok."

Tan Yan stretched out his hand to touch it, and it seemed a little rough.

"Then, then," Wu Qiao lifted the corner of his clothes a little, "touch this again."

"..." Tan Yan didn't speak, and stretched out his hand again.

Sure enough, the material was different.

"Should I be stronger?" Wu Qiao asked Tan Yan.

However, Tan Yan frowned and said, "I can't really tell the difference."

"How could it be?" Wu Qiao couldn't believe that Tan Yan was so dull, he held the one he wore before in his left hand, and lifted the corner of his clothes with his right hand, "Feel it again?"

Tan Yan stretched out his hand and twisted it again: "I'm still not sure, maybe because my fingers are holding the gun all the year round, it's not very sensitive."

"Then use the palm?"

"That's right." Tan Yan said, and went straight to touch Wu Qiao's shoulder, all the way to his wrist.

"Hey..." Wu Qiao wanted to say, "using the palm" doesn't mean that, it means rubbing the cloth he lifted up between his hands.

Before he could protest, Wu Qiao realized that someone had touched his back: "Admiral...!"

"It seems to be stronger..." Tan Yan's voice was low, and his hands were all the way down, "However, how is it here?"


"Here, is the place where friction is most frequent? You will always friction here while sitting on the mecha."


"It's okay if the fabric isn't strong here...let me check it for you..."

"Admiral," Wu Qiao blushed. I don't know if it was because of alcohol or something else. His tone was full of disbelief, "Admiral, are you playing hooligan?"

At this moment, Wu Qiao felt that Tan Yan was holding him in his arms, and Tan Yan touched his ass with both hands...

To this question, Tan Yan said: "Yes."

Wu Qiao: "..."

Also "um"!

It's really rare to admit so frankly and lowly to brush hooligans!

Tan Yan felt that it felt really good in the hand, and he was a little reluctant to part with it.

"Hello, General," at this moment, Wu Qiao noticed another problem.

Once he drank too much, he called "General" again, completely forgetting that the title had been changed.


"Your place..." Wu Qiao stretched out his hand, stroking the small scar on Tan Yan's neck, "Is it still not healed?"

"How could it be so fast?"


"You don't know how hard you bite, do you?"

"..." Indeed, Wu Qiao exerted a lot of force at that time, and the tip of his tongue tasted blood.

But he was so angry at the time.

Tan Yan, after discovering that the fake leader wanted to blow himself up, all he did was save himself. Tan Yan was affected and almost died. At that time, Wu Qiao was full of emotions, so he bit Tan Yan hard. That bite was indeed merciless.

"But it's okay." Tan Yan said again, "It will be fine in a few days."

But the trouble is, there are always good people, such as Sean, who will come to ask him how he was bitten in a fight, and keep asking him how he was bitten by his opponent in a fierce fight, He also said that Xianglong's Wings should be renamed "Flying Dog's Wings".

"Will it be?" Wu Qiao leaned over to look at his own bite marks, "It will be fine in a few days?"

Wu Qiao looked at it for a while, then touched the wound again, um...it seems a little uneven, the teeth marks are really deep.



Not knowing what was going on, Wu Qiao looked at the red mark on the opponent's skin, and suddenly leaned over, bowed his head and licked it.

When he was young, every time he was injured, his sister always told him that it would be better to lick it.

Since he left it by himself, he should help eliminate it.

Moreover, looking at that thing and recalling the warm touch when the tongue touches the opponent's skin, I am a little bewitched.


"Wu Qiao...!" Tan Yan's voice changed obviously, "Did you drink too much?!"

"It seems a little..." My mind is still numb, and I can't think a little bit, so I probably drank too much.

His lips still gently rubbed Tan Yan's neck.

"Do you know what you're doing?"

"What's wrong?"

Tan Yan pushed Wu Qiao away.

"You... what's the matter?" Wu Qiao looked at Tan Yan, seemingly puzzled, and didn't understand why Tan Yan reacted so strongly.

"What's wrong?" Tan Yan's breathing was obviously messed up, "What do you think is wrong with me?"

Wu Qiao thought for a while: "... Have you committed a mental illness again?"

Tan Yan: "..."

He was sure now that Wu Qiao had drunk too much.

In the past, no matter how angry Wu Qiao was, he would not dare to talk to him like this. The most intense time was last night's debate about who the child resembled best, but Wu Qiao never made any personal attacks.

Mental illness? How dare he think about himself so secretly

Over there, there was still a big "?" on Wu Qiao's face.

"I don't understand what's wrong, do you?" Tan Yan felt a little annoyed, "Then I'll let you know."


After Tan Yan finished speaking, he pulled Wu Qiao over, hugged him in his arms, lowered his head and bit his earlobe.

"Ok… !"

After this step, Tan Yan lowered his lips, and lightly gnawed on Wu Qiao's neck, shoulders, and collarbone.

"Hmm..." Wu Qiao raised his neck, feeling his whole body go limp.

At the same time, his whole body was extremely dry and hot, and a stream of blood rushed straight down.

what's it like to...

Wu Qiao has always had strong self-control and never felt out of control.

"Mmm... Mmm." Wu Qiao reached out and grabbed Tan Yan's clothes.

"You know now?" Tan Yan stood up straight and asked in revenge.

"This… "

Tan Yan let out a "hum".

"Then, I, I..." Wu Qiao said something Tan Yan didn't expect, and he said, "Let me help you."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand.

"Don't." Tan Yan grabbed Wu Qiao's hand, "Dirty."

"Won't… "


"But..." Wu Qiao whispered, "You will be very uncomfortable..."


"I know how hard it is..."

"You know?" Tan Yan snorted again.

"...I know now." Wu Qiao said again, "It's really hard."

Their two genetic matching scores are almost perfect, and they are very compatible physically. As long as someone ignites a little, they will immediately burn all over their bodies.

"..." Tan Yan was silent for a while, and asked, "Are you feeling bad?"


Tan Yan sighed, stretched out his slender fingers, and gently pulled down Wu Qiao's trouser chain.

"… Hey?"

After only one word, Wu Qiao was speechless.

The blood seemed to explode in his brain, and he couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Tan Yan took off his military cap, handed it to Wu Qiao, and said, "Take it."

"... Oh." Wu Qiao didn't understand why, so he reached out to take the military cap.

Then, he saw the admiral half squatting on the ground.


This time it was two words, and the sound disappeared again.

Wu Qiao felt that he was in heaven, where there was a raging fire.

How did it become like this

He thought, he said he knew how uncomfortable this was, but he didn't mean to become like this.

Why, this general, no matter when, always thinks about himself

Don't all people have instincts

Survival instinct—

instinct of desire—

Why does it seem like there is no such talk

Wu Qiao lowered his head and looked at Tan Yan's face.

It's so beautiful...

From this angle, you can see his long eyelashes and the straight bridge of his nose.

Wu Qiao was tempted again.

It's been a while since the party. However, the alcohol didn't seem to go down, but the energy was even stronger.

"Admiral...Admiral..." Wu Qiao looked at Tan Yan's eyelashes and bridge of nose, stretched out his hand to touch his face, and asked in a trembling voice, "Can I...may I cum on your face?"

"..." Tan Yan nodded slightly without saying a word.

"..." Soon after, Wu Qiao's body shook violently.

"..." Tan Yan rearranged all Wu Qiao's clothes again.

Wu Qiao's feet were weak and he couldn't stand at all.

Tan Yan caught him, helped him to sit on the chair, and said, "I'm going to wash my face."

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." Wu Qiao realized what happened just now, looking at Tan Yan's face, he could only apologize non-stop in a panic.

"It's okay." Tan Yan said, "I don't care."

"sorry Sorry… "

"It's really fine." Tan Yan smiled, "I love you."

"..." Wu Qiao said, "Me too."

"Also," Tan Yan said again, "When there are only two people in the future, don't use honorific words to me."


"Just say 'you'."

"But… "

"There's no 'but'."

"Then... I'll give it a try."

"Well. I'm going to wash my face."

"it is good… "

Wu Qiao sat on a chair and waited for Tan Yan.

Waiting and waiting, Tan Yan didn't come out.

"..." Wu Qiao couldn't figure out why it took so long to wash his face.

After waiting until Wu Qiao was about to doze off, Tan Yan came out of the bathroom.