Face Slapping the General

Chapter 59: Celebration Ceremony (below)


"Admiral..." Wu Qiao said in a daze.

"here I am."

"Don't sleep with the windows down, it's easy to catch the wind." Tan Yan said.

Wu Qiao stopped doing it after hearing this: "I am in very good health... I got the first grade in the glacier trek... I have nothing to do." Not many people participated, but Wu Qiao participated and won the first place.

"Okay, okay, good health." Tan Yan was a little helpless, "Then go to bed and sleep."

"And you?"

"I'll accompany you."


Wu Qiao took off his major general's uniform, touched a few more reluctantly, then hung it up carefully, then crawled to the inner side of the bed and lay down obediently, leaving more than half of the space for Tan Yan, signaling that Tan Yan would also come Lie together.

Tan Yan hesitated, but still left the shirt on his body, he didn't want to go to the bathroom again.

"Tan Yan..." Wu Qiao put his arms around Tan Yan's waist, "It would be great if time could stop here."


"Just stay in this moment forever, and we don't have to go to war."

Tan Yan couldn't help but smile: "Aren't you going to change the world?"


"Now it's just a major general. Don't you want to continue to be promoted, lead the troops to make contributions, help mankind restore peace, and make the world a better place?"

Wu Qiao: "..."

After a long time, facing Tan Yan's ridicule, Wu Qiao sighed: "I think so."


"I don't want to either."


"In that case, I will be separated from you for a long time, and I will be very lonely."


"So, no, I don't know..." Wu Qiao stammered as he spoke.

"You really like me so much?" Tan Yan laughed, "You don't even want to benefit mankind?"

"I think." Wu Qiao sighed, "Generally speaking, I still think about it. But, sometimes, I hope that time can stop for a while, so that I can enjoy my own things."

Tan Yan rubbed Wu Qiao's soft hair.

Wu Qiao raised his head to look at Tan Yan.

"Hey," Tan Yan asked Wu Qiao, "Kiss?"

Wu Qiao smirked: "Okay."

After speaking, he pressed his soft lips.

Wu Qiao's heart was pounding, and the throbbing came up again.

Wu Qiao slept soundly at night.

Several times in the past, after he was promoted, he would have a majestic dream of a galloping horse.

This time, it turned out to be a sweet dream. In the dream, there was him, Tan Yan, and two children who looked a lot like her, just walking along the long coastline aimlessly, thinking about nothing. The waves are constantly washing the beach, and there are many broken shells left on the beach. In the distance, there are some black reefs in the sea, which have been baptized year after year. Seagulls fly low in the sky and land beside them from time to time. Pick up crumbs of snacks dropped by the little ones.

Wu Qiao seldom goes to the beach.

He didn't know why he had such a dream.

Early the next morning, when Wu Qiao woke up, Tan Yan was no longer by his side.

"Tan Yan...?" Wu Qiao looked around, finally found Tan Yan, and asked, "Why are you up?"

"How did I get up?" Tan Yan frowned and said, "How else can I get up? The carp stood up."

"..." Wu Qiao said, "I was asking, 'Why are you up.'"

Tan Yan frowned again: "I woke up when I woke up. What's your problem?"

"Okay." Wu Qiao had no choice but to surrender.

Tan Yan is like this.

Sometimes, when Tan Yan bought something, Wu Qiao asked why he bought it, and Tan Yan answered with just one word: use. Occasionally, Tan Yan would make something to eat, and Wu Qiao would ask why he made it. Tan Yan's answer was still one word: eat, as if he never understood that Wu Qiao was not asking about this.

"Tan Yan," Wu Qiao said, "There are still some activities in the military department in the morning. I will ask for leave from noon to go home and visit my parents and sister."

Wuqiao is the star of the capital, which is quite convenient. In the past when I was in school, I always thought about going out to fight, but when I really went out to fight, I would miss my home again. Once, the parents said to Wu Qiao that fortunately, my sister likes to live a normal life and is not the kind of character who loves to make troubles. Otherwise, the parents will definitely feel very lonely if the two children are tossing around outside. Although they are a family, Wu Qiao and his sister have very different personalities. In the past, Wu Qiao didn't really appreciate her sister's way of life, such as watching romantic dramas every day, making suggestions for friends' relationships, and discussing family affairs. But as time passed, As he went deeper and deeper into the battlefield, Wu Qiao realized that those days were really rare and precious.

"Well," over there, Tan Yan looked at Wu Qiao and said, "I've already asked for leave."

"What reason did you use?" Wu Qiao asked curiously.

"be honest."

"Scared?" Wu Qiao was taken aback, and asked, "The truth? How did you say it?"

Tan Yanli replied bluntly: "Visit my parents and my sister."

"...Oh." Wu Qiao was taken aback when he heard that.

Have you become parents and sisters so soon

They don't even know you yet!

Did they know that they suddenly had an extra son or younger brother...

"Admiral..." Just as Tan Yan was about to change his clothes and go out, Wu Qiao suddenly stopped him

"What?" Tan Yan asked.

Now, when there are no outsiders, Wu Qiao usually calls him by his first name. If he suddenly changed from "Tan Yan" back to "Admiral", there are basically two possibilities: 1. He was confused and called the wrong name;

Tan Yan analyzed it, and felt that the "admiral" seemed to be a bit coquettish, and it seemed to be the second type.

"That," Wu Qiao said, "can...can you..."


"Oh," Wu Qiao smirked twice, and asked again, "Can you let me wear your general's uniform and see what it looks like?"

Tan Yan: "..."

Tan Yan thought: This guy... he is not an admiral, so he wants to wear his clothes and get addicted to an admiral

Even if the essence is different, is it good to be cool

"Is it okay?" Wu Qiao asked again.

Tan Yan said, "It's too big for you."

"It's okay... I don't go out again, just take a look."


"Can you?" Wu Qiao leaned over Tan Yan, put his arms around Tan Yan's waist, bit Tan Yan's collar with his teeth, and gently pulled it out.

"..." Tan Yan looked in shock at Wu Qiao who was also looking up at him. He asked: "When did you learn to act like a baby?!" Tan Yan always thought that Wu Qiao would never light up this skill point in his life.

"I don't know." Wu Qiao shook his head.

Wu Qiao had never thought about these things before. He is a very serious person, and everything is reasonable. If the reason makes sense, things can be done; if the reason doesn't make sense, things can't be done. But... I don't know what's going on, after being with Tan Yan, feeling the other party's tolerance for him, he became a little obsessed with it. The more tolerant the other party is, the more he wants to experience it again. He has never experienced it before. The emotions are so reckless in his heart.

Over there, Wu Qiao bit Tan Yan's collar and pulled it out again.

"Okay, okay." Tan Yan couldn't bear it anymore, and immediately surrendered, pulling his collar out of the cat's mouth, "Here you are."

"Well, good." Wu Qiao smiled.

Not even a thank you...

Tan Yan took off the military uniform he had just put on, and put it on Wu Qiao directly: "Stretch out your hand."


"Another one."


Tan Yan lowered his eyes, fastened the buttons one by one, fixed the belt, and tidied up the hem of the clothes.

Wu Qiao went to the mirror and looked at it: "..."

It was indeed the general's military uniform, and it was the highest one, with five stars on the military rank, but it was obvious that it did not belong to him.

It was obviously so beautiful on Tan Yan's body, so beautiful that he was envious, that's why he wanted to try it, but it turned out to be completely different from what he expected.

I thought it would not fit well, but I didn't expect it to be so different. It didn't look majestic at all, but it was very funny.

I originally planned to take a photo as well, and use it for aftertaste in the future, but now I think it’s better to forget it.

"What's wrong?" Tan Yan asked.

"It's nothing." Wu Qiao sighed, "What's not yours isn't yours after all."


"It's not mine."

"Why not?" Seeing that Wu Qiao didn't look very happy, Tan Yan lowered his head and kissed him on the forehead, "My whole body is yours, and the clothes are naturally yours too."

Wu Qiao smiled and became in a good mood: "You understand that's not what I meant."

He wondered why Tan Yan was so sweet-talking

"Wu Qiao," Tan Yan lowered his head, pulled out Wu Qiao's belt, unbuttoned it, and took off his clothes. "There's no need to worry. One day you can do it."


"You are younger now than I was when I was promoted to major general. Perhaps, you genetic waste can really perform miracles."

"Maybe." Wu Qiao said, "However, Nietzsche said that if there is a miracle in this world, it is just another name for hard work."

"...can't you be more humble?"

"I don't need it in front of you."

Tan Yan didn't speak, but bowed his head and kissed again.

— In the morning, Wu Qiao did a few things required by the military department after becoming a major general.

For example, enter a signature. Wu Qiao remembered Tan Yan's big cat back then, and carefully checked it before submitting it, and finally decided that there was not even a small black spot on the signature board except for the signature. With Tan Yan's lessons learned, he will never repeat the same mistakes.

Another example is to receive various materials and be familiar with the rights and responsibilities after promotion.

There is also taking pictures and filling out forms for reporters to write military exploits and deeds.

Wu Qiao filled out the forms one by one, and finally reached the last form.

He looked at it for a long time, but still felt that the watch looked strange.

Wu Qiao read it carefully and found that the list was full of open-ended questions.

The first part is very short, relatively normal, and asked a little about past experience, but what is the second part about

The first question in the second part is: Is there any place you want to go but have not been able to go

Hmm... what a strange topic...

Wu Qiao is empty first, so go to the second question: Is there any food you want to eat but have never tried

Well... what about the third question

The third question is: Is there anything you want to buy but have not been able to buy

Question 4... Is there anything you want to do but haven't been able to do

Wu Qiao pondered for a long time, thinking that this might be a special arrangement.

At that time, when the report comes out, there will be a paragraph in it: Wu Qiao has always wanted to be where, what to eat, what to buy, and what to do, but he failed to do so because of the war, making it a little more sensational and raising his image.

Then... fill it out.

After thinking about the first question, Wu Qiao typed a few words on the place where he wanted to go but never succeeded, "Red Jupiter".

Red Jupiter is Tan Yan's hometown, the sixth largest planet in the empire, not much smaller than the capital planet. The scenery of that planet is very good, the ocean area is very large, and the land is surrounded by the ocean. There are many beautiful mountains on land, and towering redwoods grow on the mountains. In the past, when Tan Yan talked about it, Wu Qiao wanted to go there and have a look. The scenery was second to none. He wanted to see the place where Tan Yan grew up, walk around the seaside where Tan Yan had walked, and walk around to talk about the scenery. The mountains that Yan once climbed, and the redwood forest that Tan Yan once walked through. That... must be a very good feeling.

Second question...

Foods you want to eat but have never tried...

Just... Red Jupiter's steak is ready.

In fact, Wu Qiao is not that keen on steaks, it is Tan Yan who really likes that stuff. However, he was not keen on Wu Qiao's, and Tan Yan said that it was because he had never eaten the real top steak. Tan Yan said that in his hometown, the calf meat is very soft, and the oil is rich, evenly distributed in the lean meat, white in color and hard in texture, and it will melt when grilled, making the meat moist and juicy , has a very silky texture, unlike Capital Star's steak, which can't have both softness and oiliness, and the color, texture, and fat mixture rate are also a bit worse.

In fact, Wu Qiao doesn't think he can tell the difference, because he has never tasted any big difference in the capital star, and he feels that the restaurant with A rating is similar to the restaurant without rating. He is not too picky about the taste of food, as long as it is nutritious, he spends all his spare time reading.

However, when Tan Yan said that he would take him to eat, he was really looking forward to it all the time, and Wu Qiao himself didn't know exactly what he was looking forward to.

The third question... The things I want to buy but haven't bought yet...

Wu Qiao replied: a stronger chain.

Earlier, the button that Tan Yan gave, the ring chain that he often hung around his neck as a lucky thing, broke. At that time, the ring was almost lost, and he searched for a long time in Yajiu before finding it. Because he has been fighting outside, he has always wanted to buy a stronger chain as a substitute, otherwise, if he really lost it, he would be very upset.

The fourth question, what you want to do but haven't done yet...

Wu Qiao started typing again: stay with a friend, do nothing all day, don't have to think about anything.

This so-called "friend" naturally refers to Tan Yan.

I don't know why, but he really wants to try that feeling, just hugging and squandering the whole day, instead of always thinking about various battlefields, or doing various things non-stop while on vacation.

It's just that I really don't know when this wish will be fulfilled.

Wu Qiao felt that this kind of answer should not be written on the form, as if he was a little bit unwilling to make progress, but at this moment, he really thought so, and he would not lie on purpose.

Wu Qiao clicked "Submit".

On the other side, Tan Yanyi saw that Wu Qiao had clicked submit, and immediately withdrew the list that he stuffed himself at the end.

He glanced at the answer written by Wu Qiao: "..."

Tan Yan thought, as if, saw something extraordinary...

When asking Wu Qiao these questions, Tan Yan didn't want to see this.

He just wanted to know what Wu Qiao wanted.

It can be seen from the file that Wu Qiao's birthday is coming soon, and Tan Yan wants to give him a surprise.

He thought that in a person's life, there must be some missed things, and those things will become regrets, which will always be in his heart. If someone realizes it one day, he will definitely feel very excited. For example, an event that I wanted to go to but failed to do, a restaurant I wanted to eat but closed down, a product I wanted to buy but sold out, something I wanted to do but couldn’t achieve.

But, unexpectedly...

All Wu Qiao's wishes are related to himself.

"..." Tan Yan smiled, carefully kept the form, and then connected to Wu Qiao's communication device, "Wu Qiao."


"Are you ready? I can go."

"Ah... oh, good."

"Then wait for you at the door."

"Yes." Wu Qiao said, "I'll see you in twelve minutes."


This is a habit of Wu Qiao.

He will give people a very precise time. He will not waste other people's time and make others wait for him, nor does he like to wait for others to waste his time.

After meeting Tan Yan, Wu Qiao was taken aback.

"What's wrong?" Tan Yan asked.

"You...you..." Wu Qiao stared straight at him, stammeringly asked Tan Yan, "Why are you dressed so handsomely today..."

When Wu Qiao usually sees Tan Yan, he always wears a military uniform. The military uniform is straight, without any wrinkles, and looks very straight.

At this time, he was dressed in casual clothes, which gave a completely different feeling than usual.

When I went to study for a walk that day, Tan Yan was also dressed in casual clothes, but it was more casual, and it was different from today.

At this moment, Tan Yan is still quite formal, in the state between military uniform and casual clothes.

"Look at that look in your eyes," Tan Yan looked at Wu Qiao, "you look like a sex maniac."

"I, I'm not..."

"Dare you say you don't have any ideas?"

"..." Wu Qiao stopped talking.

Wu Qiao's home is not too close to the military headquarters.

It took them 90 minutes to arrive at the ground transportation hub closest to Wu Qiao's home by air transportation, and after another half an hour of ground shuttle, they stood at the gate of their destination at three o'clock in the afternoon.

Tan Yan didn't use the vehicle allocated to him by the military because he felt it was not easy to drive to such a place.

Wu Qiao took out the key to open the door, thought for a while, then took it back, and solemnly rang the doorbell.

"Which one?" My sister's familiar voice came to mind.

"Sister, it's me, Wu Qiao."

"Little dead child can't open the door by himself?!"

Wu Qiao: "..."

"Sister," he said, "didn't my parents tell you? I even brought guests over."

"..." Ten minutes later, my sister came to open the door after she was fully dressed.

Tan Yan looked at her, she looked very similar to Wu Qiao, she was about twenty-five, she was a very beautiful girl.

"Hmm... um...?" My sister was taken aback when she saw Tan Yan, "This one is...?"

"Let's go in and talk about it." Wu Qiao whispered authentically.

"… Oh."

After entering the house, Wu Qiao found that his parents seemed to be getting older.

This is very strange.

It stands to reason that his parents are in their 50s, which is still very young in this era, but Wu Qiao still feels that during the few years he has been fighting outside, his parents have gradually lost their original radiance.


"Is this the guest you were talking about?" asked the parents.

"Oh, yes." Wu Qiao said turning sideways, letting Tan Yan out, "Mom and Dad, this is mine... that... it's my lover."

Tan Yan turned to look at Wu Qiao and asked, "Am I also called Mom and Dad?"

"Crow Nine said it wasn't that fast." Wu Qiao replied in a low voice, "Uncle and aunt are fine."

"Huh?" Tan Yan asked again, "Don't you call your parents when you're engaged?"

"... You should listen to Yajiu."


Crow Nine knows these things best.

Therefore, before Wu Qiao set off, he asked Ya Jiu all about it.

Even the presents that Tan Yan brought were picked by Ya Jiu himself. He went to the military store and spent a long time picking out a few. Because he was buying gifts for Tan Yan, and even dragged Long Yuan into him, saying that it was his owner's business, Wu Qiao actually didn't understand how Crow Nine's IQ suddenly increased.

Wu Qiao's parents and sister: "..."

Tan Yan said hello, handed the gift, and sat down to chat—actually a "chat" asking for information.

"That..." My sister asked, "How old is this year?"

Wu Qiao said for him, "It's almost thirty-three."

"Oh," my sister asked again, "what do you do for work?"

"This..." Wu Qiao hesitated.

As a key person protected by the military, Tan Yan should not be able to reveal his identity, so even the name he just mentioned is fake.

If it is people from the military department, it may be more troublesome. They will ask about their rank, position, which army they are in, and what wars they have participated in... I am really not very good at lying, and I might reveal my truth at some point .

Thinking of this, Wu Qiao whispered, "There is no job."

After he finished speaking, he felt that there was an awkward silence around him.

Wu Qiao: "...?"

Sister Wu Lu looked at Wu Qiao, and never thought that her younger brother was actually a face-controlling and pervert.

As long as the other party is good-looking, nothing else matters.

In fact, it’s okay to not have a job. This era does not require so much labor, and many men and women are at home.

It's just... a person like Wu Qiao, who is like a chicken blooded every day, really doesn't seem to like this kind of person.

And that lover... looks so proud, it doesn't look like he can take care of his family at all.

"Well, I'm sorry," my sister said again, "Everyone was taken aback just now, it's not that they have any opinions."


"It's just that we all thought that a military control like Wuqiao would bring back a soldier who was also a soldier. We didn't respond for a while, so we didn't speak."


"Do you know," the elder sister who has been talking about family affairs joked to ease the atmosphere, "When Wu Qiao was young, when he was twelve or thirteen years old, someone asked him who he would marry in the future, and he said he wanted to marry General Tan Yan. .”

Tan Yan: "..."

When Wu Qiao was twelve or thirteen years old, he was not yet an admiral, but he had already fought a few beautiful battles, showing what was considered an amazing fighting talent, and was regarded by some as a hero and the future hope of the empire.

My sister said again: "At that time, he pasted up big posters of the general in the room."

Tan Yan: "..."

Tan Yan has a vague impression of this matter. After a certain battle, he was portrayed as an idol. At that time, Sean suggested that he should be protected from showing his face in public to avoid accidents, so he found a substitute to attend various activities for him, He was photographed, and there seemed to be some posters of "him" on the market at that time.

"Sister." Wu Qiao said with a dark face, "Stop talking nonsense."