Face Slapping the General

Chapter 61: Troop split


The next day, just as Wu Qiao thought, he was very reluctant to leave when he parted. Every parting before was ignorant, and it was not until we got together that I understood what those parting sorrows represented.

Wu Qiao had already said goodbye, but when he reached the door, he still couldn't hold back and ran back. He kissed Tan Yan's lips, bridge of nose, eyebrows, eyelashes, cheeks, forehead, all over and over again.

Tan Yan didn't say anything, he just endured it.

After going back and forth twice, Wu Qiao finally said: "This time I really have to go." He deliberately left a little more time to say goodbye, because he had already guessed that it would be like this.


"Then... Come on, take care."

"Yes." Tan Yan looked at Wu Qiao, "You too."

Wu Qiao returned to the base.

After arriving at the base, he held another celebration ceremony, because this victory should indeed be celebrated.

The atmosphere at the base was very relaxed during the celebration. Ling Zhi, Renshen and the others had no objection to Wu Qiao, because Wu Qiao had indeed completed the task very well.

Wu Qiao's military rank has increased by one level. Because of a series of coincidences and Darrell's maverick, Wu Qiao was miraculously promoted two ranks in a row and became the youngest major general in the empire, a few years younger than Tan Yan when he became a major general.

At the end of the celebration ceremony, Wu Qiao mentioned the split.

He had already discussed with Ling Zhi Renshen, and Ling Zhi would lead the troops to continue guarding this base in the future. As for Wu Qiao, he will lead Renshen's army and another army is waiting for the appointment of the military department.

While waiting for his appointment, Wu Qiao also did several things, only two of which had nothing to do with the building of the army.

The first was, burying Darrell. Darrell said that he wanted to rest in this base. Because Darrell insisted that Wu Qiao carry the coffin to go out and see the battle victory "with his own eyes". When he returned, the corpse was decomposed and the surrounding soldiers were unbearably disgusted, so Wu Qiao did it himself.

The second thing is that he brought back Sheng Chongguang's body intact. Aquash's information before his death was correct, Sheng Zhongguang was really buried in the place he said. Wu Qiao was very sure that Sheng Chongguang would not want to stay in that cold place. After bringing the body back, he asked someone to send the coffin back to Capital Star to Sheng Chongguang's parents.

The waiting time for the order was much longer than expected.

The reason is not complicated, that is, the empire suffered a disastrous defeat during this period, and Sean also experienced the worst defeat in his career.

In complete disregard of military conventions, the Republic did not take any rest after a bloody battle, but directly attempted to invade the Empire itself. In order to secure a forward base and at the same time cut off an empire's supply line, the Republic really spent a lot of money. This round of attack can be described as a storm, advancing rapidly with unprecedented strength and determination.

In this battle, the only thing worth celebrating is the death of one of the "Four Heavenly Kings" of the Republic. In the past, he and three other air warriors created countless problems for the empire. This time, he was cut off from the air by Sean himself, and fell into a watermelon field on the border of the empire. The farmers who heard the news They pulled him out of the rescue pod, and the farmers smashed him to death with watermelons nearby.

That's the only catch.

Other than that, it's all bad news.

The Empire's second-largest planet was nearby, and the Republic was clearly making rapid progress toward it.

The second largest planet is in a hurry. This planet, second only to Capital Star in size, is the economic center of the empire, and at the same time has a long history and a strong cultural atmosphere, so it must not be lost.

However, Wu Qiao knew that the current imperial army really didn't have the confidence to hold on, or in other words, after a big defeat, even if they sent reinforcements, they might still be invincible.

In this case, the Emperor himself gave instructions. The content of the "Holy Judgment" is to resolve the crisis through diplomatic means, get a respite, recharge your batteries, and launch a major counterattack after you are ready.

What the emperor considered was that since he might not win, he should not take the risk of fighting an uncertain battle. Among the two paths of "bloody battle to the end" and "seeking justice through grievances", he conservatively chose the latter.

He didn't dare to imagine how the second planet would fall. The Xianglong Wing had just been defeated, and the people of the empire rejoiced. If they lost the main star field at this time, they would lose their support again, and the whole country was pessimistic.

After thinking about it, the emperor decided to send Kevin, the foreign minister, to carry out his order.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs has been in this position for more than a hundred years. He has delayed the war for several years by himself, and is considered by the empire to be the hero behind the scenes.

This time, he stepped in and was ordered to negotiate.

All of a sudden, the foreign minister became the focus of domestic attention.

Before he could talk, he was scolded.

The shouts of war in the empire are extremely loud, and they are all going to turn defeat into victory, and there are still many young people who have filled out their applications for enlistment. The emperor dared not say that he wanted to make peace, and did not want to bear the infamy of cowardice, so the outside media reported all: the foreign minister strongly advocated dialogue between the two sides, and promised that he could solve the crisis. The emperor's approach is tantamount to replacing the person who came up with the idea with the foreign minister.

Therefore, those who are fighting in the country hate the Foreign Minister very much, thinking that he is a timid person who is afraid of the opponent. After the Foreign Secretary set off, someone threw rotten eggs into his yard.

Others scolded the emperor for letting his foreign minister go. The emperor was afraid of being scolded, so he asked the media to report that "the foreign minister guaranteed that he could make the enemy retreat without spending a single soldier, grass or tree", so that the people believed that the foreign minister would be able to achieve satisfactory results with his ingenuity . After this round of propaganda offensive, the voices of opposition finally became less.

The negotiation progressed slowly. The two sides continued to test each other's bottom line. The tug-of-war was extremely difficult. After 16 hours of negotiation, the two sides finally reached a consensus.

The content is that the Republic gave up moving forward and retreated to the border, and could only stay in the few star fields that had just been conquered.

In fact, this treaty is tantamount to recognizing the Republic's actual control over those star fields, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a cession of land. It's just that the border area is sparsely populated, and its influence is far less than that of the second largest planet.

Wu Qiao was not very surprised by this result.

I also want to know that in modern warfare, it is an impossible task for a party in a disadvantaged position to persuade a strong enemy to retreat with the advantage of words alone.

The empire must have something to lose. It seems that the empire intends to retreat first, and then regain the lost territory after the rest is over. The emperor also knew very well that since he wanted to keep the planet, he must pay the price and give the other party enough benefits.

However, in the eyes of the public, this result can only be described as a disgrace, which is completely unacceptable. They realized that the Foreign Secretary had kept his word, that the promise of "letting the enemy retreat without spending a single soldier, plant, or tree" had not been fulfilled at all. They were surprised and excited, and protested wave after wave.

On the second day after the results appeared, in order to appease the people, the emperor made a public speech and strongly reprimanded Kevin, saying that he had lost the face of the empire and should be nailed to the pillar of shame.

The emperor's tone was very excited. In the end, he immediately dismissed Kevin from his position and asked him to "step down" as an apology.

That night, Tan Yan and Wu Qiao talked about it.

Tan Yan made no secret of his sympathy for Kevin.

"Kevin is willing to pick up this hot potato, and he is already very loyal." He said.


"He said that he had won the best conditions, and he did it completely according to the emperor's wishes."

"Then," Wu Qiao asked Tan Yan, "what will Kevin do in the future?"

"The emperor planned to leave him to work secretly," Tan Yan said, "but Kevin decided to retire completely."


"Under the current atmosphere, the emperor does not dare to take responsibility, and he actually understands it. Yes, what makes him very sad is that the emperor asked someone to record his words of reprimanding Kevin into video materials."

"Well... how did you know?" Wu Qiao asked Tan Yan.

"He has a very good relationship with me, and he confided something to me in grief."

"Oh... what happened to the video data? Didn't you say that he has no objection to the emperor's criticism?"

"Shh, yes." Tan Yan nodded, "The thing that makes Kevin uncomfortable is that the emperor deliberately left the information in order to prove that he himself advocated World War I when someone mentioned this history in later generations. Not a coward who cedes land and asks for peace."


"Got it? Kevin thinks that the emperor should return his innocence in history, and let people know the truth when it has nothing to do with the situation of the war. But such a big crime, but it will be carried until the universe disappears... It makes him feel sorry for the emperor. I am very disappointed, so I plan to retire completely."

"..." Wu Qiao thought about it, and felt it was a pity.

If he was the emperor, he would definitely fight hard, but the emperor's idea is not incomprehensible.

"At the same time..." Tan Yan sighed, "he also has doubts about this system, which means... he has doubts about the system where the emperor alone decides everything. He is very angry, is it because the emperor is the emperor, so Whoever wants to take the blame has to take the blame?"

"System?" Wu Qiao froze for a moment.

The empire is a complete absolute monarchy, and the emperor represents absolute power.

In the past, the empire also had a period of republic, but the current system has lasted for hundreds of years.

For hundreds of years, some people wanted to restore the republic, but all the rebels failed.

The most recent one happened less than two hundred years ago, and those people came close to making it.

That difficult pacification left a bad debt, and the war between the two countries is also related to this bad debt.

At that time, the rebel army almost took down the capital star, and the first heir at that time led a group of people to defect to the rebel army. Later, the battle turned around, and the rebels lost in the end. As a traitor, the first heir naturally couldn't be accepted by the empire, and began to wander in the republic from then on, while the second heir, the father of the current emperor, was qualified to become the emperor. However, the former first heir has always claimed that his surrender to the enemy was a false defection. It was negotiated by several heirs at that time in order to preserve the royal fire and rebuild the dynasty. On the day the rebel army was suppressed, the younger brothers should have told the truth Welcomed themselves back, but they collectively chose to remain silent, because they didn't want to see their elder brother who had been living peacefully in the enemy army sit on the throne, while they themselves, who had fought bloody battles, had to bow their heads and bow their heads.

The reason why it is said to be a bad debt is because, except for a few parties, no one knows what happened at that time. Some people believed in the "former first heir", but most of the empire believed that the "former first heir" was lying. He was just a big bastard who betrayed his family and country and was full of lies.

It was supposed to calm down.

Unexpectedly, after decades of fleeing, the "former first heir" suddenly announced that he would take back his throne, and said that the empire must not be controlled by traitors, conspirator and liars like his younger brother. After decades of life in the republic, he intends to introduce a constitutional monarchy and return the country to its people. In the eyes of the imperial people, he was just catering to the Republic, because he wanted the support of the Republic.

When he said this, the imperial family of course could not tolerate it, and immediately demanded that the Republic return people to the empire.

As a result, the Republic publicly stated that they supported the "former first heir" and would help him regain power, and released a lot of evidence at the time, proving that the emperor of the empire did drive out his younger brother and obtain the throne through disgraceful means. Of course, no one knows whether the evidence is true or not. The people of the Empire think it is false, and the people of the Republic think it is true. It is very chaotic.

After this back and forth, the two countries actually fought.

It was small at first, and then the war became bigger and bigger.

However, everyone in the empire knew in their hearts that whether the emperor was legal or not, and whether the dictatorship would be cancelled, were all excuses.

The real reason is that the Republic wants green placer mines.

The traditional resources are about to be exhausted, and the substitute is the green sand discovered by Qiu Yanting, and the green sand is in the empire. If you can only rely on the empire to export green sand, it means that the future lifeline of the Republic is in the hands of the empire. As a country, it will be very fatal. Therefore, the Republic will definitely launch a war against the Empire before the traditional resources are exhausted, no matter how sure they are.

Moreover, it is said that the two countries were deadly rivals when they were still on the earth. Later, they explored the universe and expanded their domains separately. to solve.

Wu Qiao's thoughts returned.

Now... system... hear that word again.

Generally speaking, the emperor is still quite capable now, so... will it really be worse than the Republic? Wu Qiao thinks, it should be... no, right

"Also," Tan Yan said again, "The Republic has temporarily withdrawn, and your transfer has also come down, and you will be officially notified in two days."

"What is it?" Wu Qiao felt that his breathing was tense.

"Join the frontal battlefield and fight against the Republic."

"...Yes." This result is no different from what I thought before.

"The Empire intends to drive the Republic out of the mainland within three months."


"You are assigned to the Fifth Army, the officer is called Robin, not Robin, but Robyn, and the gender is female. By the way, the Fifth Army is also under my command. I will be the highest rank you may come into contact with sir."

"… Oh."

"So, when you are in the army, you must obey my orders."

"I know."

"However, to make up for it," Tan Yan said sweetly, "I will listen to you when I'm at home."


Wu Qiao didn't take it seriously, because both of them knew that Wu Qiao would not have any unreasonable demands.