Face Slapping the General

Chapter 62: Division of the troops (below)


Two weeks later, Wu Qiao officially led the troops to transfer to the new base.

The old base will be handed over to Ling Zhi.

The new base is located in the middle of the empire and consists of four fleets. It is one of the starting areas for the strategic forces and strategic reserves.

Different bases in the empire have different functions: the central base is convenient for soldiers to quickly attack and fly to designated places in all directions to perform combat missions; the defensive base is placed next to large cities and other important areas, which is good for defense; the early warning base is along the The establishment of the border allows the earliest discovery of the enemy's movements; as for some powerful interstellar missiles, they are hidden on the desolate planets, ready to be launched at all times.

Wu Qiao met his new chief: Robin.

Robin is not young anymore, but compared to Darrell, it can be said that he is youthful.

She is about sixty or seventy years old, and her long golden hair is tied into a very elegant bun, which makes her look younger.

After the formal procedure was over, Robin asked Wu Qiao to go over and chat casually.

Wu Qiao originally thought that the officer would ask some opinions on the war, so he carefully prepared what the other party might ask. Unexpectedly, Robin talked with him for two hours, and none of the words had anything to do with the military.

At the beginning, Robin said: "Just chat, let's get to know, don't be nervous."

"Oh..." Wu Qiao knew that the chiefs were always like this. They said they were chattering, but they actually had deep meaning in the truth.

He looked down, and there was a row of tea and water on the table, as if he was going to chat for a long time.

Wu Qiao told himself not to talk nonsense.

Robin asked him, "How old are you?"

"Twenty-two years old, almost twenty-three." Wu Qiao felt that this might be to say that he was young and light but had heavy responsibilities.

Robin asked again: "Do you have any brothers or sisters?"

"...?" Wu Qiao replied, "I have a sister."

How did you get here

What Wu Qiao didn't expect at all was that afterwards, all Robin asked were "How old is your sister?", "How is your relationship with your sister?", "Have you had any conflicts with your sister?" After a conflict with my sister, who will give in first", "Will the parents favor one of them?" and so on.

It made Wu Qiao dizzy.

And as long as there is a new person in Wuqiao's dialect, she will carefully ask who this person is.

Four hours later, she knew about all the relatives in Wu Qiao's family, and how these relatives were related to each other.

Even Tan Yan didn't know those.

After coming out, Wu Qiao was still at a loss.

From other people's mouth, Wu Qiao understood that he, the new officer, likes chatting very much, and uses chatting to shorten the distance between each other. He is a very friendly officer. However, she has a problem, that is, she loves to listen to stories, and she only loves to listen to true stories. Every time someone talks about weird people and strange things around her, she listens with gusto.

Once, the wife of one of her subordinates came to the base and said she wanted a divorce, and accused her husband of being unkind. The wife talked for a long time, and when she talked about "one time when the two of them went shopping for curtains, her husband who wanted pink insisted on blue", the husband couldn't bear it anymore and begged Robin not to talk to her anymore , because Robin should have a lot to do. As a result, Robin just glanced at his subordinate indifferently, then turned his head and asked his wife: "What color did you buy in the end?"

But Wu Qiao also knew that when she went to the battlefield, Robin seemed to be a different person. Her usual traits were gone, her style was sharp and vicious, making it hard to imagine what she was like in normal times.

Wu Qiao remembered what he said to Robin when he couldn't help it: "If there is a sister, I will tell myself that if I am gone, at least there is a sister who can accompany my parents."

"..." Robin didn't speak. Of course she also has a family. However, as the saying goes, "How dare you spare yourself when the crisis is so far", for the sake of more people's children, some people's children will always go to the battlefield. People in peaceful times must have difficulty imagining how heroic people in troubled times can be.

"However," Wu Qiao lowered his eyes, "Now that I have another person by my side, it's hard to deceive myself about him."

Tan Yan said that in this life, it will be him. Wu Qiao felt that since Tan Yan said this, he became a little afraid of death.

"Is it a girlfriend or a boyfriend?" Robin asked again.

"Yes." Wu Qiao nodded.

"Let him be strong." Robin didn't say that nothing would happen, "Two months ago, here at our place, another wife chose to end her life and follow her husband, leaving them eighteen years old. son."

Wu Qiao was silent for a while, and then said: "He won't, I'm not worried."

"That's good." Robin sighed. As long as you get through it at that time, it will get better later.

Wu Qiao said again: "Because he can't."

"..." This time, looking at Wu Qiao like that, the most curious Robin didn't even ask what "can't" is.

This base is not very far from the capital, and it only needs to be crossed once to get there.

Tomorrow's integration will only start in the afternoon, and now it's just noon, and there are still 25 hours left for free arrangement.

Robin told them to take a rest today and tomorrow because they had just made a long trek yesterday.

"..." Wu Qiao felt troubled.

to go, or not to go

This time...it seems too tight to go to the capital, and I have to return after a while, but I can barely go and return.

At his level, he can come and go freely when there is no task.

After Kevin came forward, the Republic retreated, and both sides are currently standing still, so there is really no task.

Wu Qiao thought for a full minute.

Finally decided to go.

Since one day, you can go, why not go

He is not afraid of being tired.

As long as you can see Tan Yan, it's worth it, no matter how tired you are.

He didn't know when he would get his next chance.

In the absence of a mission, officers cannot leave the camp with ships or mechas, so Wu Qiao chose the means of transportation between cities.

His new base was not built in an inaccessible barren land like the last one.

After landing at the airport, Wu Qiao saw a flower shop.

"..." He remembered that it was written in the love guide that lovers should often send flowers. Sending flowers will make the other party very happy, and different numbers of roses have different meanings.

Wu Qiao walked into that flower shop, and a sunny and handsome young man came out to receive him.

"Uh," Wu Qiao asked a little shyly, "Are there any roses here?"

"Of course!" The young man showed a row of neat teeth, "Without roses, I don't need to do this business anymore."

"Hmm..." Wu Qiao thought for a while and said, "Then, I want ninety-nine flowers."


Wu Qiao read that love guide many times, and if he read it again, he would almost ruin the book. Therefore, Wu Qiao remembered clearly in his heart the meaning of how many roses represented.

The ninety-nine flowers are forever. Just now, after talking with Robin, Wu Qiao was a little depressed. Now, send a long-lasting, as if you can relax a little bit, and give yourself a good sign.

The young man tied up the roses in no time.

"Hmm..." Wu Qiao pointed at one of them and said, "This one is not very energetic, can I change it?"

If it dies after a while, it will not be ninety-nine flowers.

"Oh..." The young man looked at the flower, "Okay, no problem."

"Well," Wu Qiao continued, "and this one, this one, this one, this one, and this one..."

He changed ten flowers in one go.

"..." The florist had never seen Wu Qiao, a perfectionist with obsessive-compulsive disorder who looked at every flower carefully, and stared blankly at Wu Qiao for several seconds.

In the end, Wu Qiao, who got every big and red bouquet, also felt embarrassed and gave the other party a very extravagant tip.

With everything ready, Wu Qiao dialed Tan Yan's communication.

Tan Yan obviously didn't expect it.

"Are you at the military headquarters?" Wu Qiao asked.

"No... just wait a moment." Tan Yan chose to mute after speaking, and then resumed after a few seconds, "I'll give you an address, you can come here."

"Oh... good." Wu Qiao didn't ask where it was.

Holding the flowers in his hands, he searched for a long time according to the address Tan Yan gave before finally seeing the gray building.

Tan Yan told Wu Qiao that it was white, but in fact, after many years of wind and sun, it had turned gray.

It was Tan Yan who opened the door.

Wu Qiao hesitated, shook the flowers and asked, "Can I take them in?"

"Huh?" Tan Yan looked at it, and was taken aback again.

"I..." Wu Qiao looked into the other person's eyes, "I want to give it to you."

"Send me?" Tan Yan didn't seem to expect that he would receive flowers from others. This kind of thing... doesn't fit at all.

"Yeah." Wu Qiao looked calm.

Tan Yan smiled, reached out to take the bouquet, and asked, "Then what should I do now?"

"..." Wu Qiao recalled the guidebook and said, "Sniff it lightly and say, the flowers are really beautiful."

That's how it should be... right

Tan Yan chuckled again, and put the flower on the tip of his nose as Wu Qiao said, then raised his head and looked at Wu Qiao's deep and sexy voice: "The flowers are really beautiful."

"..." Although there is no difference, Wu Qiao just feels that this is not the same as what is said in the book...

Tan Yan put down the flowers and said to Wu Qiao, "Come in."


He took off his shoes and walked into the room, and was surprised to see a person sitting on the sofa.

This person seems to be...

When the man saw the big bouquet of roses on Tan Yan's chest, he paused for a while, and then immediately laughed non-stop: "This really... makes me less sad and angry!"

Wu Qiao: "..."

"Let me introduce you." Tan Yan pointed to Wu Qiao, "This is Wu Qiao—just like you think."

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the person on the sofa: "This... is Kevin."

Wu Qiao: "...!!!"


Just now, he thought he looked like Kevin!

When Kevin saw Wu Qiao, he laughed again: "You've worked hard with this guy."

"No." Wu Qiao said, "It's not hard... I'm very happy."

"If it's you..." Kevin glanced at Tan Yan's flowers on the table, "Maybe he can really make him admit defeat."


"It's like this." Tan Yan explained to Wu Qiao, "Kevin...leaves the capital tomorrow and stays away from politics. He plans to leave early tomorrow morning, and today I'm here to say goodbye to him."

"That's right, that's right." Kevin also echoed, "I plan to go back to raise chickens and sell eggs. The chicken cages are all set up, so there should be about 20 chickens?"

Tan Yan shook his head. He knew that if Kevin was really needed, he would still return to the capital.

"Wu Qiao." Over there, Kevin looked at Wu Qiao and said suddenly, "I know you."


"I didn't know it from Tan Yan, but someone mentioned you."

"You mentioned... me?"

"Yes." Kevin nodded, "I said that you are very persistent in wanting to become a soldier. Even though you were judged useless by the military academy, you did not give up your original ideal."


"Wu Qiao," Kevin asked again, "I really want to ask you... why do you want to become an imperial soldier?"

"Ah?" Wu Qiao was stunned for a moment before replying, "As an imperial soldier, repel the Republic, bring the Empire back to peace, and make the people happy."

Kevin chuckled: "Then let me ask you again, what if one day your first sentence contradicts the next few sentences?"

"What do you mean?" Wu Qiao really didn't understand.

"That is, if, as an imperial soldier, you can't achieve your goal...under the leadership of the emperor, you can't get rid of the Republic, then what will you do? Where do you go? Continue to be an imperial soldier, or choose another path, such as reform or even revolution?"

"..." Wu Qiao opened his eyes wide and looked at the other side stupidly.

After a while, he said, "I... I haven't thought about this problem."

"Haha, it's normal if you haven't thought about it." Kevin took a sip of water, "I hope you never have to think about it."

After a pause, he shook his head again, "But maybe, one day, what you think about—note that it's just "maybe". I'm not saying this because of my own experience, but because of many things you probably haven't heard of. thing."

"..." From Wu Qiao's point of view, everything is fine. Although the emperor was somewhat arbitrary, he was not fatuous. The efficiency of the imperial government is quite high, and it acts according to the emperor's orders, and will not quarrel for a long time like neighboring countries.

However, he did not speak.

"Kevin!" Tan Yan said angrily, "Stop talking nonsense."


There was disapproval in Tan Yan's words: "The situation will only get worse! Now that foreign enemies are invading, we must unite, and what we need to do is to resist with all our strength."

"..." Kevin didn't speak.

His eyes turned around Tan Yan and Wu Qiao: "I said, you two... in the future... you shouldn't..."