Face Slapping the General

Chapter 66: Launch a counterattack (below)


"You..." Wu Qiao said, "Aren't you afraid that others will find out?"

"It's okay if you see it," Tan Yan said, "So what if you admit that you are confessing your love?"

"... You'd better forget it."

Tan Yan smiled and said, "But I finally got you."

"..." Hearing this, Wu Qiao was suddenly a little curious, and he asked, "Well, Tan Yan..."


"If, I mean, if, I didn't promise you, what would you do?"

"Me?" Tan Yan smiled, "I will wait for you for five years."

"..." Wu Qiao was actually a little disappointed, because Tan Yan was only willing to wait for him for five years, and five years is a very small part of his life. After that, Tan Yan will pursue others... At the same time, Wu Qiao scolded himself for being hypocritical, Tan Yan was willing to wait. Isn't five years enough? Five years is a long time, how much time does he want to waste other people? No one is qualified to say that other people's five years are insignificant. In the end, all kinds of complicated emotions turned into rejoicing—fortunately, it didn't take too long to understand my intention, which made me not miss Tan Yan, and Tan Yan didn't waste a lot of time because of it.

"What's wrong?" Tan Yan asked.


"After five years, I will continue to wait." Tan Yan added, "Wait for another five years. Then, another five years, another five years...the fourth five years, the fifth five years... just keep waiting .”

"..." Wu Qiao was shocked again. A string was plucked violently again, causing the surrounding air to vibrate. He asked, "When will it be?"

"I've been waiting." Tan Yan said, "So I planned to use five years as a unit, and start counting every five years."


"I think... In this way, every time I start again, I will look forward to it, and I will think, will there be any results this time? Maybe this time it will happen-it won't be like the one hundred and one year, one hundred and second Years sounded as hopeless."

"Tan Yan..." Strangely, Wu Qiao was still so distressed that nothing happened, but he couldn't breathe. He sighed, "Why bother?"

It is mature to give up hopeless.

"You know Wu Qiao." Tan Yan said again, "As for me, I won't raise a gun until I decide on my goal. As long as I decide on my goal, I won't change anything."


"I'll look at my target and then raise my weapon. Aim at a target and feel bad about it. I haven't done it before changing targets. In my eyes, that's a waste of time." .”


"I only have one front sight on my gun, so each of my bullets has only one end point."

"..." Wu Qiao sighed, "You are really stubborn."

"Maybe." Tan Yan thought for a while, "And, in my opinion, being a lover is the same as being a soldier—excellent deeds and beautiful words are not important, the only thing that can prove your heart It's a lifetime of loyalty."

"Tan Yan, I, I... I'm no worse than you in these two respects."

Tan Yan laughed: "That's good."

Wu Qiao hesitated for a while, and changed the topic forcefully: "Yujiu loves to touch Longyuan, won't Longyuan resist?"

Tan Yan was silent for a while, and then said bluntly: "No."

Long Yuan and Ya Jiu always get together, but Tan Yan still can't accept it. Ya Jiu's IQ is not high, Tan Yan has always known that he is very afraid that Long Yuan will become stupid after a while.

Wu Qiao got up and walked out of the camp after finishing the call.

Wu Qiao could see that his soldiers were fanning the wind vigorously.

The temperature at this time was close to fifty degrees.

The planet is full of sand, and it is barren as far as the eye can see.

The protagonists in the desert are no longer tall green plants, because they cannot survive in such an environment, only the tenacious and thirsty plants can rule this territory.

Whoever has the strongest stamina is the king.

The Republic does not occupy this place.

Although the environment is extremely suitable for defense because the bombs are very weak in the sand, the Republic still has no station - they feel that the environment is too harsh.

The Republic did not think that the imperial soldiers could endure it, and they greatly underestimated the determination of the imperial soldiers.

For this war, the Republic does not have the belief that the imperial people will win. This alone puts them in a very disadvantageous position.

Wu Qiao recalled that Tan Yan had once talked to himself about his defeat in a battle. At that time, the opponent's lineup was extremely strong, but Tan Yan was weak, and no one was optimistic about Tan Yan. However, Tan Yan dealt with the opponent for a whole winter as a challenger, and finally the two sides formed a seesaw situation. In this stalemate, Tan Yan was slowly defeated. After losing, Tan Yan didn't feel ashamed, because he tried his best, and he thought he couldn't do better. However, a few years later, when Tan Yan looked back on that battle, he felt that he lacked the determination to win at that time, and all he wanted was to go wherever he could persist. If he had a little more faith at that time, Also the result will be different. After that, the tug-of-war that was enough to make him proud turned into a demon, and when he dreamed back at midnight, he would often return to that star field, regroup and lead the army forward. Since then, Tan Yan never wavered in his heart.

Wu Qiao, like other fighters, found a shadow to hide in, while holding something and fanning the wind.

The ground was too hot, Wu Qiao squatted there, fiddled with the fine sand with his hands, watched the sand flow from his fingers, and felt the hot and soft touch was very comfortable.

so soft...

Wu Qiao stuck his finger in and messed around. He stroked here and there, completely unconsciously, and wrote down a name.

He wrote very carefully, stroke by stroke with great care, the most beautiful words he could write.

"..." Wu Qiao looked up, but no one came over.

Looking at the name, he felt a little ashamed, his heart was pounding, and his face was slightly hot. The surrounding air seemed to become hotter, very viscous, unable to flow at all.

Wu Qiao wanted to erase it, but there was a strange feeling in his heart, and he wanted to stay longer, to feel the tension of being afraid of being discovered.

"..." Looking at those two words, Wu Qiao suddenly remembered Tan Yan's formation.

a heart...

What does that heart shape look like...

Wu Qiao made gestures on the ground while recalling.

It seems to be... so? No, the lower tip is smaller... so is that so? Yes, it seems to be similar to the video now.

After a heart was completed, Wu Qiao looked at it for a long time, and then as if awakened suddenly, he quickly erased it with his hands.

This time, with a heart next to Tan Yan's name, Wu Qiao didn't dare to play with excitement no matter what.

If someone finds out, there is really no way to explain it, so they can only dig a hole through the sand and get in, and they will never come out until everyone loses their memory.

Sand... seems to be able to make all kinds of things...

Like a child, Wu Qiao started playing with the sand again.

"This... is a house..." Wu Qiao spread out walls to divide the room into rooms, "This big one is the bedroom, and there is a small living room outside, and this one is my study. Studying and working here...General, the general also has a study room, although he likes to stay idle, and make a spare bedroom, in case there is a quarrel in the future, I will use the spare bedroom, so we don't have to be together... "

Thinking of the scene of the two sleeping in the same bed, Wu Qiao instantly recalled that night—the two hugged each other for panting, sweat all over their bodies. Wu Qiao felt that the weather was getting hotter, and it was so hot that it didn't calm down the restlessness in his heart.

He continued to build houses.

Wu Qiao continued to sprinkle sand to build the wall: "Well, there is a living room outside where the general can entertain guests... let's add another lounge, where you can watch TV and listen to music. The toilet is here, and the bathroom is here. The bathtub must be big , so that it will be comfortable... there must be a large balcony outside, and a few deck chairs can be put down for people to enjoy the sea, the sunset, and go directly into the sea. What about the swimming pool... "

Wu Qiao took the design of the water villa very seriously. Because Tan Yan really likes it very much, he still hopes to buy it in the future. It is worth the hard work to make money, although it will probably be really hard... However, Wu Qiao thought: What is the use of a person making money, isn't it for Does it please the family? I can probably handle it anyway, but if he wants to give Tan Yan and the children good things, and seeing them happy, all the hard work will probably become meaningful. But Tan Yan was too demanding, too refined to be like a soldier, and Wu Qiao was under a little bit of pressure—he had thought that a soldier would be disheartened in training every day and would not care about the quality of life, as long as he had a bed.

When will this battle end

What should he do after the fight

Wu Qiao was quite satisfied with the room design.

Thinking about when he would finish playing, he probably forgot all about it by then, so Wu Qiao took out his device and took a photo.

He wants to keep this, and when he saves enough money one day, he will build it accordingly.

After thinking about it, Wu Qiao sent the photo to Tan Yan.

Since the general gave him a gift, he should have something in return.

In the camp, Wu Qiao couldn't think of what to give, so he had to give a sand sculpture he made.

Sand sculptures are actually very ugly. The weather is too hot, the sand is dry, and there is no water in Wuqiao to mix the sand, let alone the one-to-one required for sand sculptures, so we have to deal with a four-dimensional image, the high part is the wall and the low part is the floor, and a hole is opened on the wall. Take the mouth as the door, and then throw some leaves to make a bed or a table.

There is still a sentence in Wuqiao's message: "The water villa I designed."

Tan Yan quickly replied: "I don't understand."

"..." Wu Qiao said, "It's fine if I can understand it."

They were stationed in Wuqiao for three days and encountered a round of raids.

The battleship appeared in the night sky like a black cloud, and the shells fell like raindrops in the cloud.

It can be seen that the Republic intends to use a small number of people to raid to open the gap, and then let the army withdraw from the battlefield through the gap.

After a great battle, the republic's troops were running low. If large armies confronted each other, Wu Qiao would definitely be able to stop them. When Tan Yan came, they would be besieged and bombarded indiscriminately.

However, as Tan Yan expected, various shells had very limited effects after falling into the sand, and Wu Qiao and the others had plenty of time to take off to deal with them.

Before taking off to deal with it, Wu Qiao imitated Tan Yan, deliberately put on a very calm expression, looked at his watch and said, "The time is exactly as I expected, and they are really very punctual."

In fact, he didn't even know when the enemy would come.

This passage was immediately spread throughout the camp, giving the soldiers a lot of confidence.

As a result of the counter-raid, all enemy ships were wiped out.

They successfully shattered the enemy's original plan.

Wu Qiao heard that another rear camp was also attacked.

However, that camp is also a matter of discussion. Although it is not full of yellow sand, it is also very convenient for defense. There were more losses than Wuqiao, but they also repelled the Republic.

Three days later, a group of reinforcements from the Republic arrived.

The "Cosmic Wolf" tried to attack from the inside to the outside, and let the reinforcements attack from the outside to the inside, causing a pincer attack on Wu Qiao's team, thus breaking the chain and rushing out of the encirclement.

However, the original warships of the Republic were too few, and the reinforcements barely made up 80,000 troops, while Tan Yan still had enough. In addition, he waited for work, and used his rested troops to meet the temporary troops. He didn't encounter any particularly difficult battle scenes. Instead, he used a trick to lure the enemy to go deep, telling Wu Qiao to retreat while fighting, and at the same time ordered part of the frontal army to quietly go around from the left to the enemy's back to fill the gap, and put the Republic's Reinforcements are also surrounded! After this change, the Seventh and Eighth Fleets commanded by Wu Qiao withdrew to the main force, and the new First Fleet and Second Fleet went around to Wu Qiao's previous position and re-formed the encirclement. When the temptation has gone too deep, it is already too late.

This time it was another big win.

Wu Qiao felt that he could learn a lot from fighting this general.

His general...how could he be so amazing.

After the battle, Tan Yan sent another video to Wu Qiao.

"..." What will it be like this time? Wu Qiao was looking forward to it.

He clicked on the video, and what he saw was still the route of the team—he was slowly moving down from the top of the heart shape, while the arc on the left side was quietly drawn up, and finally, he completely merged into the apex of the bottom heart shape , while the arc completes and becomes a heart again.


"Look, how is it?" Tan Yan smiled, "I thought about it, and I felt that my original heart was not very good, you were too far away from me... so I changed the formation, let you slowly come back to my arms gone."

"..." That scene really felt like returning to my arms.

"Do you like it? It's for you." Tan Yan asked again.

Wu Qiao sighed, and directly exposed the opponent's lie: "This time it really has nothing to do with me, if the reinforcements attack from the other side, he will be in your arms."

The commanders of the Ninth and Tenth Fleets had eyebrows bent like a little moon. Every time Wu Qiao met, his eyes could not help but fall on each other's eyebrows.

Originally, Wu Qiao didn't intend to say anything, but since Tan Yan asked...he had no choice but to tell the truth again.

Tan Yan: "..."

After several seconds of silence, he reluctantly said: "Then I will have other ways."

"… Oh."

"That's right." Finally, he suddenly said, "According to the current situation, the Republic has proposed talks."



"Will the empire agree?"

"I don't know, I'm not qualified to decide this matter. If I can decide, I will flatly refuse. The talks show that you both have the same status and negotiate in the form of equal parties. However, the Republic is invading us, and I don't want to considered equal, we should smash them all."

"Yes." Wu Qiao nodded, and he also agreed with this point.

"However, the emperor may have other considerations. He hopes that the other party will withdraw troops as soon as possible. To ensure this, it is also possible to accept the talks."


"I know that His Majesty the Emperor thinks that we should take a rest now, and maybe he is unwilling to continue to invest troops here."

"... Oh." Wu Qiao felt that he was only a major general, and he was not qualified to comment on the emperor's decisions.