Face Slapping the General

Chapter 67: Nosedive


Regarding the request for talks, the empire hesitated for a long time, and finally agreed to the other party's request.

However, before the talks, the empire put forward its own requirements, asking the other party to agree to these terms, including the immediate withdrawal from the empire's territory and driving to the designated location, all the troops of the republic participating in the battle were incorporated by the imperial army, and so on.

The Republic rejected this request, and immediately proposed a new solution, that is, the Empire released the besieged Republic troops, and established a coalition government in the disputed area, and the two countries jointly governed the affairs of the area.

In order to leave room for concessions, the proposals of the Republic go too far.

The empire also categorically denies this, and will never allow the establishment of a coalition government.

It took a lot of time to argue back and forth between the two sides. Then, the Empire issued an ultimatum to the Republic—immediate withdrawal from the Empire’s territory. The attack will be launched immediately.

However, afterward, the Republic proposed an immediate interview, and the Imperial Army accepted it.

"The so-called ultimatum is just a fig leaf." Ji Yao sneered, "I said empire, pretending to be a tough stance."

"En." Wu Qiao also nodded. For such a long time, following Tan Yan and Ji Yao, he also understood a lot.

"Oh?" Ji Yao was surprised, "You know that too?"

In Ji Yao's eyes, Wu Qiao was extremely naive and would not understand these things.

"Understood." Wu Qiao looked at Ji Yao, "The emperor dared not say let people go, because he was afraid of being accused of treason, so he pretended to be in a dominant position all the time, and came to give the people an explanation. In fact, he can make concessions."

Because, the empire gave way every time.

Ji Yao raised his eyebrows, and said with a half-smile, "Your heart has become dark."


"Are you afraid that I will sue you?"

"Stop messing around." Wu Qiao turned and left, "It's time to work."

"Hey… "

Ji Yao found that Wu Qiao was still so serious, even talking bad things about people behind his back was so serious.

He is serious about his subordinates, and he is serious about getting closer to others... For example, on the birthday of several of Wu Qiao's subordinates, Wu Qiao will draw a greeting card for everyone to sign. The pictures on those cards are always meticulous, and Wu Qiao The consistent style of doing things is very similar.

Even when he posted the log on the Internet, it can be seen that it was carefully considered, because Ji Yao never found a single typo in it.

In short, Wu Qiao, no matter what he does—whether he eats, sleeps, rests, entertains, jokes, or chews his tongue...all give people a feeling of "I'm doing this very seriously." something" feeling.

The talks between the two countries will be held soon.

The highest representative of the empire is Sean.

According to the usual practice, the highest representative should be Tan Yan, who is the commander-in-chief of the theater, but Tan Yan has no experience. In order to be safe, the empire finally sent another five-star general, Xiao En, who is very good at words.

The Minister of Defense is a civilian, and in the past, Sean always attended such negotiations. After all, before Tan Yan was promoted, Sean occupied the highest position of "General" by himself.

The meeting was held in the capital of the empire, and the security level was the highest, so it could be regarded as foolproof.

The situation in the empire was dominant, and it could be said that they put on airs and called the people of the Republic directly to the capital.

The other party was also fully armed, and there were all people inside and outside the ship, and all the bullets were loaded. After the armed men came down, many more bullets were transported out, and some people immediately rushed to the designated nearby high point.

The two sides say it is joint security, but in fact the smell of gunpowder is very strong, and the guards of the two armies at the same location often point guns at each other.

The talks on the first day were still a tug of war without any results.

The same goes for the next day.

The third day still failed to produce any progress.

On the evening of the third day, Matthew, Chief of Staff of the Third Space Fleet of the Republic. Curtis privately meets Celine, Sean's wife.

This incident sounds strange, but it is not too strange, because Celine is his daughter.

When Celine and Sean met, fell in love, changed to imperial nationality, and got married, the war did not start. After the signs appeared, Celine has been desperately pinning all her hopes on the talks between the two sides, hoping that the talks can prevent the outbreak of war. The day before the Republic officially sent troops, she still did not believe that her motherland would really invade the Empire.

Later, the two countries officially entered a state of war. Celine expressed her opposition to the invasion of the Republic, but she did not participate in political activities again. Now she just reads literature books every day, sometimes writes some poems by herself, raises flowers, grass, fish and birds, learns piano, draws pictures, studies tea ceremony and cooking—these are her favorite things. However, despite this, her embarrassing identity is still often used as a talking point by the media and the public, especially in recent months, because her father was elected as the chief of staff of the Republic's Third Space Fleet.

The Chief of Staff of the Third Space Fleet of the Republic is a man with an extremely vicious appearance. His eye sockets are triangular, and the eyeballs are slightly bulging. The pupils are only half exposed, hanging above, revealing a large white eye below. He looks very vicious and arrogant.

However, in Celine's eyes, he was not like this.

Her mother died young, and it was her father who brought her up. Moreover, from the day she lost her mother, her father decided that she would never let her lose any love from others, so he loved her more and loved her more. She, hold her in the palm of his hand, no matter what she wants, he will not refuse. In the years after being widowed, Matthew also had countless opportunities to remarry, but he refused all of them without exception, just because he was afraid that his daughter would feel wronged after remarrying. In his own words: "I As long as I have my little daughter, that’s enough.” So, until she grows up, Celine still looks like a little princess from her appearance to her character.

She knew very well how much her father paid for her.

However, due to identity reasons, Celine has not been in touch with her father for many years. A few years later, when the war broke out, her father was appreciated by that chief of operations and was transferred from the intelligence department to the operations department. Only then did Celine know that her father was also in the army, and she also felt that some of the qualities in her husband she admired were indeed similar to hers. Father is very much alike. Caught between the Empire and the Republic, Celine must make a choice. At that time, the father asked his daughter to go home again, but Celine did not do what he wanted, but chose to stay with her husband. As the wife of an imperial soldier, although Celine did not openly break with the family, she was considered to have completely severed the relationship.

This time, she agreed to meet her father secretly out of an inseparable emotion. The father entrusted someone to bring him, saying that he is old and in poor health, and he may be buried in the ground one day. The greatest hope is to see his daughter again. This time he finally came to the capital of the empire, hoping to get along with him like before.

In a remote room, Celine finally met her father.

I haven't seen him for decades, and my father is completely different from what I remember. Now, his hair is gray, his lips are dull, his face is full of wrinkles, and even his eyes have changed a lot, he is no longer what he used to be.

"dad… "

"Celine, my little girl." Matthew. Curtis looked carefully at the person in front of him—his daughter was no longer the gentle and demure girl she was back then, but a mature charm that had been someone else's wife for many years.

Matthew looked at the kitchen and asked, "Would you like to make a pot of tea like you did back then? Then he said to me: The tea is already brewed, and it's on the living room table?"

Celine's eyes became more gentle: "Of course, my father."

The father and daughter didn't get together for long.

An hour later, Celine looked at her watch, raised her head and continued to talk about her learning piano and painting, but her speech speed was obviously accelerated.

Ten minutes later, Celine looked at her watch for the second time, but she still didn't say she wanted to leave.

But, right after that, she had to check the time almost every minute.

Seeing more and more exceeding the scheduled time, Celine hesitated to speak several times, and finally was forced to say: "Well, Dad, it seems... I... I have to go back."

She thought: time, how did it pass so fast

Matthew: "..."

"My husband went to the military to discuss the peace talks. I think he will be back home soon."

Celine didn't want Sean to know what happened today, although she was very happy this hour-she had a lot of memories with her father.

"Are you going to accompany him?" Matthew thought, his daughter and that guy would meet every day, but it's not like himself, they haven't seen each other for a long time, however, after only an hour, the daughter wanted to be with that man again Together.

"Well, I really have to go back." After Celine finished speaking, she stood up slowly.

"... Celine." Matthew looked at his daughter, who was not actually very beautiful, "Celine, come back."

"Huh?" Celine froze for a moment.

"You... come back to the Republic, that is your home."

"I… "

"You've been out there crazy for decades, and I can't help it, but now that I'm old, I want so much to see my daughter..."

"Dad...don't be like this..." Celine hugged his old father, but didn't make any promises, "don't be like this..."

Her home... is here.

Matthew looked at Celine for a long time, and finally opened his mouth to ask, "You will never leave that man anyway, will you?"

His voice seemed old for a moment.

"Dad," Celine lowered her eyes, not daring to look at her father: "That man...is my husband."

That's right, it was her husband, the one who had agreed to live and die together.

"For this, give up your father, give up your country?"

"I don't want to get involved in politics..."

"You don't need to be involved, you just need to go home."

"Father, there must be a day when we can see each other often." Celine said again, "There must be. When the war is over, I will go to see you at the first second."

"That's what you said decades ago...but I've been waiting for so long, how many years can I wait for you?"

"Dad... I... I can't imagine I can't see him."

"Celine." After a few seconds of silence, Matthew continued, "If I say... this is your only chance to go home, will you continue to stick to your decision?"

"... what?" Celine really didn't understand.

"If I tell you that your husband won't survive today, will you still let him go?"

"What are you talking about?!"

Matthew didn't answer.

Celine thought for a moment, then screamed and rushed towards the door like crazy.

But the door was tightly locked, and Celine couldn't shake the door no matter what.


"You let me out!" Celine yelled desperately, "You are too despicable! You did such a thing! Aren't you afraid of retribution?!"

Planning to assassinate her husband? !

"Retribution?" Matthew looked at his crazy daughter.

Celine knew that she had made a slip of the tongue, and instead of answering this question, she just kept banging on the door: "You let me out! I'm going to save him!

"Are you really my little girl?" Matthew's eyes lost focus, "Celine... you know, you married so far away, I miss you every day, sometimes at home I hum A song for you. I always wonder if you regret it, if you want to come back... But today, I understand, you never regret, never want to come back. I don't understand, really can't I understand... Your mother had an accident when she gave birth to you, so since you were born, our father and daughter have been dependent on each other. Even if you want the stars in the sky, Dad will try his best to give you. The relationship between our father and daughter is so deep But why, all of a sudden, a man you have just known for a few days can take your heart away? How can he make you willingly and even happily follow him to another place tens of thousands of light-years away? A country? That's all... But, why... After you understood our hostile relationship, you still chose him? Even then, you have only known each other for a few years! Only a few years! You are me Daughter, what kind of man do you want? If you choose a husband again, he will treat you very, very well, but there is only one father anyway... As long as you get married again, you don’t have to choose again, and you will live a better life Happiness, why don’t you understand?”

He really hates it.

In the past, he hated that man, but now, he hates his daughter even more, and hates his daughter's fickleness and ruthlessness. He wished he could give his heart to his daughter, but her daughter made him suffer so much because of a stranger.

Is the daughter really cool by nature

I don't even want to do it for myself...

What do you want this daughter to do

Wouldn't it be better not to have this kind of daughter

"I don't want to choose... I don't want to choose!" Celine also yelled out of control, "I want you all to be well... I want this damn war to end quickly..."

"Celine." Matthew. Curtis stopped her from behind Celine, begging for the last time, "I beg you, I beg you. Come back, don't die with him... He won't survive today, you must not go back gone."

"Father!" Celine knew that the only thing she could save her husband was her life. "If he dies, he will never live anymore, because it doesn't make any sense. I will do what I say!"

"..." Matthew's eyes gradually turned ashen.

Both Xiao En and Tan Yan must be killed. This is for the ultimate victory. The Republic must not lose. If it loses, it will be subject to the Empire.

"Don't kill him, don't kill him...! He is my husband, the person I love the most! Please, for my sake, don't carry out your plan!"

"Do you love the person you love the most..." Matthew said softly, "Celine, close your eyes."

Yet Celine struggled to get out.

Matthew covered her eyes from behind her.

Suddenly, it went dark, and Celine was stunned for a moment.

However, those fingers were very warm, and they were indeed father's hands. Just like when they were young, they touched her very carefully, for fear that she would get hurt.


Then, Celine felt a pain in the upper part of her neck, and something had been injected into her neck.

"… Ok?"

Soon, Celine felt dizzy in front of her eyes, her vision was blurred, and her whole body was out of her control.

"what is this?"

"It doesn't hurt, you won't be in pain..." Another father whispered in my ear, "Close your eyes, take a nap, and you'll be fine."

"..." Celine was speechless. She struggled to take out the communication device, and at the moment when she heard her husband's voice and knew that he was still alive, she completely lost consciousness.

Matthew helped his daughter close her eyes.

Then, he put his daughter's body on the sofa.

Another woman who looked exactly like Celine came out of the inner room and asked, "Then I'm going?"

Matthew just looked at Celine's face quietly, and nodded slightly.

The woman asked again, "Is she dead?"

Matthew didn't speak.

After that, the man walked out.

Matthew did not expect that the clone he created secretly because he was afraid that his daughter would suffer from the same disease as her mother would cause multiple organ failure would come in handy at such a time. At the beginning, the significance of the existence of this clone He was obviously just a provider of spare organs for his daughter. After this incident was exposed, not only did the top leaders of the Republic not pursue it, but they were ecstatic, because they finally had the possibility of assassinating the general of the empire, and Matthew was even promoted to the chief of staff because of this. In the past, because of his daughter, no matter how great his military exploits were, he couldn't become a higher-level figure.

The content of the plan is that if Celine is willing to come back, then bring her back. If she is not willing to come back, then in case the matter is leaked, it is best to keep her mouth shut.

Originally, Matthew was very confident that he could persuade his daughter to return, and he never thought about carrying out the latter order. But just now, seeing his daughter abandoning him so firmly, anger completely overwhelmed reason in an instant, his hands were trembling all the time, and his mind was numb. He just wanted the three of them to die together so that his daughter could no longer be angered. he. The more he cared, the more irrational he became. All the emotions he had accumulated over the past few decades exploded. He was like a balloon that was inflated to the brim. When someone poked it with a needle, it exploded immediately.

And after breaking into pieces, he realized what he had done.

He felt that he couldn't understand why people could lose control to such an extent.

Half an hour later, Sean came home.

He saw his wife's back as he passed the kitchen.

"I'm really tired these days." Sean sat on the sofa and sighed, "It's more tiring than fighting."

Two days later, he heard Celine in the kitchen say to him, "The tea is already brewed, and it's on the living room table."

"Oh." Xiao En took a look, and sure enough there was another cup of tea. He picked up the tea and took a sip, "By the way, you just contacted me, but you didn't speak after connecting. Could it be that you made a mistake again? ?”

"..." "Celine" didn't speak.

Sean drank a few more sips of tea: "Why does it taste different? It's a bit like the taste you brewed decades ago."


Just a few seconds later, the medicinal properties kicked in.

Blood was coming from his nose and mouth.

"..." Sean was shocked to see the blood on his palm.

Someone poisoned! ! !

how is this possible? ! How did the poisoner get it? !

"Celine... Celine..." He wanted to stand up, but knelt down on the ground, calling his wife's name, "There is a problem with the tea! Call someone!"

"Celine" came out of the kitchen and knelt down in front of him.

"...?" Seeing that Celine didn't respond, Sean looked up at her with difficulty, "...!!!"

It's not Celine! Although they looked exactly the same, he knew it wasn't Celine!

He couldn't tell the difference, but he just knew it was different!

Was it her who poisoned it? No wonder it worked out... because no one would doubt that she wasn't the real Celine.

"Where's Celine...?" Sean reached out to grab her.

"Celine" took a step back.

Sean tried to pounce on it, but instead he fell on the carpet.

"What happened to Celine? What did you do to her?!" He lay on the carpet and crawled forward.

The opponent took another step back.

Sean continued to crawl forward.

It's just that his strength is getting weaker and weaker, and his speed is getting slower and slower. In the end, he can't move forward any more.

"..." "Celine" sighed, and said to herself, "Matthew is wrong... It turns out that his daughter is really loved, not just a tool to be used, from this perspective I really envy her."

Matthew always thought that Sean, who can match hundreds of people every year through genetic matching, would always be with his daughter, who is neither beautiful nor outstanding, just to humiliate her motherland.

—Shawn and his wife were assassinated in their own home, which shocked the entire empire and even the republic.

Matthew, Chief of Staff of the Republic's Third Space Fleet. Curtis was also distraught.

Soon, Xianglong Wing announced that the matter was done by the rest of the party, but refused to give specific details.

The tenth day when the truth came out, Matthew. Curtis announced his resignation as Chief of Staff of the Third Space Fleet of the Republic, and the retired former chairman re-elected. Thanks Matthew. Curtis had only been in the role for a few months, so his decision didn't matter much. On the fifth day after leaving office, Matthew committed suicide by swallowing a gun at his home.

As for the people of the empire, what they didn't expect was that after Xiao En's death, the situation in the empire would take a turn for the worse.