Face Slapping the General

Chapter 68: Take a sharp turn (middle)


Sean was assassinated suddenly, and the entire empire was in chaos.

The Empire and the Republic reached an agreement hastily, and the Republic withdrew from the Empire's territory, but the Empire failed to incorporate its troops.

The originally good situation has turned into this, and the whole empire is full of curses.

Tan Yan immediately returned to the capital to discuss matters after Xiao En's death.

A full week later, the adaptation plan is out - Daeron, who has been in the limelight in recent years, will be promoted to take control of the current situation as the new commander.

However, the opposite happened. The more eager the military department and Daeron himself were to establish their prestige, the more disappointing his performance on the battlefield was.

"Actually," Tan Yan said to Wu Qiao, "this is not an objective reflection of his true strength."

"Admiral Daelon was clearly capable before."

"Yes." Tan Yan said, "I think, one is because of the lack of preparation for taking over suddenly, and the other is because of the panic after Xiao En's death."


"Wu Qiao..." Tan Yan suddenly lowered his voice.


"Honey, what?" Tan Yan suddenly changed his name, "I'm going to tell you something."

"… talk."

"In order to make Darren win the battle as soon as possible and make people believe that Darren can replace Sean, the Minister of Defense asked Darren to borrow some of the most elite troops from me. Darren asked you to go there by name, and I have already agreed to him ” Thinking about it, it was Wu Qiao’s previous performances that left an impression on the general.

"Then what should you do here?"

"Forget it, I can still bear it."

"Oh..." Wu Qiao didn't say anything.

"I'm sorry..." Tan Yan suddenly apologized, "I clearly said that we will always be together."

"It's okay." Wu Qiao looked into each other's eyes, "It's okay to separate, I won't be hard."

The light in Tan Yan's eyes dimmed: "... Really."

"Yes, I'm used to it." Wu Qiao looked into the distance, "Actually, I found that as long as we have the hope that we will meet again soon, the days of separation will become a little bit sweeter, that is. … look for the good.”

"Then, goodbye soon."

Goodbye these two words, it is really very special. It's empty, so simple that even a two-year-old can understand its meaning. At the same time, it seemed to be the most complicated word, and just two words contained countless information.

Facts have proved that Darren still has a good eye for people.

Dai Lun, who had been defeated one after another, finally showed outstanding performance after "borrowing" to the troops of Wu Qiao and others.

Before that, a large part of the empire's star field was captured by the Republic. Daeron lost troops in the battle to recover many planets. Few planets were recovered, and the number of troops was getting smaller and smaller.

"It's difficult." Daeron pointed at the map, "The enemy's defense is very tenacious, and there are no loopholes. Every time, we have to spend a lot of effort to capture a fortress. The price we pay for moving forward is much higher than expected. At present, the imperial army is advancing from the occupied area close to the imperial heartland to the border.

After losing it in a daze, it is really difficult to get it back.

The defenses on many planets can be said to be impenetrable. If they want to take down all of them, the casualties of the imperial army will probably be astronomical.

"Admiral Daelon." Wu Qiao said suddenly, "We should be able to guess which planets are easy to defend." After all, those planets used to be the territory of the empire.

"Yes." Daeron thought, but it didn't do much good. This is the case with regaining lost ground, no matter how difficult a bone is, it must be gnawed down.

"I think," Wu Qiao stretched out his slender fingers to point and draw on the map, "we should give up liberating those planets."

"What?" Darren frowned.

"Give up liberating those planets." Wu Qiao looked up at Dai Lun.


"Capturing one by one and advancing layer by layer will not only be extremely time-consuming, but will also increase casualties."


"We take it for granted that if we want to regain an area, we must drive out all the enemy troops in this area. In fact, this may not be the case. What we want is the final victory."

"So what's your opinion?"



"Yes, after recovering a planet, instead of attacking the next planet, skip it and recover the next star! Of course, the application will not be so rigid, but take the most important strategic position, and at the same time give up Those stars that are easy to defend and difficult to attack are used to improve efficiency and progress. As for the skipped planets, they will eventually succumb in isolation. As long as we occupy strategically significant planets, we can achieve an air blockade of other stars and will It is completely isolated. For example, if we guard the roots of a vine and cut it all off, sooner or later the flowers on the plant will die of their own accord."

"Use a blockade..." Daeron pondered for a while.

"Yes." Wu Qiao's voice was cold, "They were so hungry that they surrendered."

"..." Don't fight, but be hungry...

"They are so hungry that they surrender, and we can take down these most difficult planets without a single soldier."

"Wu Qiao."


Dai Lun smiled: "I finally know why Tan Yan likes you."


"You do have the talent to become a famous commander."


Because of the use of Wuqiao's tactics, the recovery process of the empire has been accelerated a lot.

This is not just due to star jumping, but also because the targeted enemy is unprepared.

In the early days of the tactics, many defenders never thought that the empire's target would be themselves, because there was clearly a planet ahead that was not occupied by the empire. They are still sleeping peacefully, and the thoughts in the dream are still with their family members. They are walking in the park with their parents, drinking red wine with their wives, and dancing happily with their children, completely unaware of what is happening outside the dream. What's up.

And in the later stage of this tactic, the defenders did not dare to mobilize in advance because they did not know the next goal of the empire. They were always behind in the game, and this backward move was enough to change many, many things.

The Republic also thought of some countermeasures, such as active attacks, but Daeron can generally resolve them.

In the end, the imperial army skipped a total of 59 planets, and there were nearly 250,000 defenders on these 59 planets. It is conceivable how much manpower and material resources will be lost if the imperial army is attacked one by one.

The battle to retake the territory lasted for three months, and after three months, all the long-trapped Republican troops were captured.

The number of surrenders reached an unprecedented 200,000, and nearly 50,000 soldiers would rather starve to death than surrender.

However, although Daeron won this time after borrowing several elite troops, generally speaking, the current situation of the empire is still pessimistic.

Everyone can see that the empire is really fighting hard.

Territories of the empire are constantly being occupied, and if one side is patched up, the other side will be leaked. Either it falls here or there falls. Even Tan Yan, after "borrowing" several of the most elite troops to Daeron lost a few battles.

It seems that it is only a matter of time before the Republic further enters the mainland of the Empire.

Conscription can't recruit new ones anyway, the empire has to find another way.

Now that the situation is so bad, if we don't change it, we will have to wait for the country to perish.

In this context, a white bird was reused.

A white bird has his own set of cruel training theory. He was originally a professor of psychology, but he has a soft spot for applying psychology to combat, especially in soldier training. He believes that improving the overall quality of soldiers is of great significance.

He was hired by the military two years ago. Although he has an official title, he still likes to be called "Professor Yiyi".

He advocated treating the soldiers harshly, severely reprimanding and punishing them, even insulting and beating them, so that the soldiers would cause a chain reaction due to depression, and vent all the anger that could not be released on the enemy. make achievement.

In the past two years, his ideas have never been put into practice, but now, at this juncture, the Secretary of Defense wants to try his set of theories.

Tan Yan strongly opposed this.

In his opinion, the civilian minister of defense was a bit naive.

"There is no way now!" The Minister of Defense also blushed, "Can't you see that the era of iron blood and ruthlessness has arrived."


"Ordinary soldiers will not know that this is using human psychology. We will only tell them that the training will be more rigorous, and the purpose of strictness is only to cultivate higher-quality people."

Dai Lun had just been promoted, so he didn't dare to disobey the Minister of National Defense. Tan Yan was isolated and helpless, and was unable to convince the other party, but the Minister of National Defense promised that Tan Yan would try it out on a small scale first.

The results of the small-scale trial are gratifying, and Yiyi's training can be said to have immediate results.

The soldiers who fought suddenly became more fierce, even bloodthirsty, and the battle that was not expected to be won was actually won.

As a result, this method was quickly extended to the entire army.

When Tan Yan found time to see Wu Qiao again, Wu Qiao's body was also bruised.

"Are you mentally ill?!" Tan Yan felt very irritable, "Even you are punished?!"

"No." Wu Qiao shook his head, "I did it myself."

"... What did you do again?" This Wu Qiao was so arrogant, Tan Yan felt that he could not stop doing it.

Wu Qiao was silent for a while before speaking again: "I am very opposed to punishing my subordinates, so I said, if you want to punish them, you must first punish me, and then..."

"Sure enough."

"Hey..." After a few seconds, Wu Qiao said again: "My Shangguan can't do anything about it."

"Who is your chief now?" Tan Yan knew that after being "borrowed" by Dai Lun, Wu Qiao's chief was no longer Robin, but was rearranged by Dai Lun.

Wu Qiao said, "I won't tell you."

Tan Yan: "..."

"Don't interfere, this is my own business, I don't want your help."

Tan Yan sighed, reached out and put Wu Qiao's leg on his knee, and slowly kneaded the blue spot on his skin with his fingers: "Does it hurt?"


"It's really like what one said. I feel depressed and want to vent my anger?"

"Yes," Wu Qiao said, "I'm so wronged, I want to beat someone up."

"Why don't you hit me? It's not good to hold back." Tan Yan still rubbed Wu Qiao's leg, "But don't hit where others can see."

"Well, okay." Wu Qiao was not polite, retracted his legs, rushed towards him, and bit Tan Yan with his mouth open.

And then... just nibbled a little bit.

"I lied to you." Wu Qiao put his arms around Tan Yan's neck, "I'm not very angry."


"When I'm fined, I just think about other things and divert my attention."

"What are you thinking?"

Tan Yan originally thought that Wu Qiao would talk about benefiting mankind, but in the end, Wu Qiao said, "I miss you."


"When I wanted to save you, when I wanted to be saved... many, many times."

"… Ok."

"You don't have to worry about me." Wu Qiao said again, "I am someone who wants to change the world, how could I be easily manipulated."

Tan Yan reached out and stroked Wu Qiao's hair: "You have changed the world."

"Don't coax that out of tune."

"It's not coaxing." Tan Yan said, "You changed my world."

"..." Wu Qiao felt a little awkward.

This Tan Yan, why is his mouth so sweet

Not knowing what to say, Wu Qiao turned his head and kissed Tan Yan's ear.

Tan Yan let Wu Qiao lie on the bed, and stretched out his hands to massage his back.

"Go to bed too." Wu Qiao said in a daze, "It's getting late."

"You go to sleep first, don't worry about me." Tan Yan's voice was very gentle, "I will press it for you, and the pain will be gone tomorrow."

"Oh." Wu Qiao lay there, "Tan Yan... I feel a little empty in my heart, which is very strange. It's like falling off a cliff and struggling in mid-air. I can't catch anything, but I can't fall to the ground. There is only intense anxiety and panic in my heart.”

"... Hmm." Tan Yan didn't answer.

Wu Qiao felt really comfortable being pressed, and it didn't take long before he closed his eyes and fell asleep.