Face Slapping the General

Chapter 69: Take a sharp turn (down)


Through the training method of a white bird, the record of the imperial army has been significantly improved.

But at the same time, some people in the army are full of resentment.

"The new training is too strict, it doesn't treat people as human!" they said.

Wu Qiao knew that many people were even deliberately captured in order to escape, and felt that being captured was better than going back to training. For them, every day is difficult, there is no joy at all, every minute is like hell, dreading the beginning of the day and looking forward to the end of the day.

"I like the night when I don't sleep well." I don't know who said such a famous saying, "Wake up after an hour of sleep, and find that I can sleep again. That is the happiest time of the day. Waking up several times a night, You can laugh a few more times."

Some people were unwilling to train or be captured, so they took the risk and tried to become deserters.

"Wu Qiao." One day, Wu Qiao unexpectedly received a phone call from his "military school" classmate—Helena.

"Long time no see, how are you?"

"Don't talk about me..." Helena asked Wu Qiao anxiously, "Wu Qiao, do you...recognize anyone from the military prison? You have the highest position among your classmates..."

"Military prison?" Wu Qiao was surprised, "Why do you ask this?"

"It's Leila." Helena was silent for a moment, and then she spoke again, "She wanted to leave the army, but it didn't work out."


Wu Qiao also knew that there was a large-scale escape a few days ago, but some of them were captured again.

"The sentence will be very heavy, and I can't bear it... If you know someone, for the sake of your classmates, ask someone to take care of her, and don't make it too difficult for her." Leila and Helena, two girls, have a very close relationship after graduation. it is good.

"I don't know." Wu Qiao sighed, "But I'll ask someone else."


After putting down the phone, Wu Qiao asked Tan Yan not to let Leila be treated undeservedly. After thinking about it, he took a good drink and went to the prison to see Leila. Of course, it was also arranged by Tan Yan.

Leila's appearance is not too different from that of a few years ago. It can't be said to be very gorgeous, but it is quite interesting when you look closely. It belongs to a beauty that is different from the beauties in the public.

At that time, Leila was the most beautiful in the courses of the military department, and her grades were also among the best.

Wu Qiao sighed: "I didn't expect to meet again on such an occasion."

Leila glanced at Wu Qiao: "I won't say anything even if you come here."

"...you misunderstood." Wu Qiao put down the wine, opened the bottle cap a few times, and poured it into two glasses. When something like this happens, he should chat with her and give her some of her favorite wine to make her feel better.


Different from what Leila expected at the beginning, Wu Qiao really didn't ask her who the mastermind was, what she planned to do after leaving the army, and who was taking care of her outside.

It's really just drinking and catching up.

However, in the end, before Wu Qiao left, Leila asked, "Wu Qiao, are you going to stay in the army like this?"

"Huh?" Wu Qiao was a little puzzled, "Yes. Peace has not yet come, and I will continue to fight."


Wu Qiao looked at Leila and asked, "Why do you ask me that?"

"… nothing."

"There must be a reason?"

Leila said, "I just wondered if someone as smart as you didn't realize the chaos in the army right now?"

Wu Qiao: "..."

"In order to win this war, I have gradually gone to evil ways."

"You mean the training of soldiers?"

"It's more than that." Leila said as if she felt that Wu Qiao was very pitiful, "Wu Qiao, your leapfrog tactic skipped a total of 59 stars, captured 200,000 enemy troops, and avoided hundreds of thousands of casualties. It’s a great thing, you should be very proud, right?”

"..." This is natural, but Wu Qiao doesn't understand why Leila mentions this.

"According to what I know about you... I'm sorry to say that I understand you. The reason why you use this tactic is not only to reduce the loss of our army, but also to reduce the number of enemies wiped out by our side? In your opinion, compared to It is better to kill people than to take them prisoner."

"For ordinary soldiers, if the opponent is willing to surrender, they will naturally not kill them all. Isn't this normal? It is the general rule of modern warfare."

Leila said indifferently: "If I tell you, all the captives are still dead?"

"How is it possible?" Wu Qiao felt that he had heard something very absurd, "Could it be that you want to say that the empire massacred prisoners of war?"

"No," Leila said, "but in fact, they died. The Empire deliberately ignored them. Countless people got sick, and some were contagious, but the Empire pretended not to know it. Many people died because they couldn't People die of concern, so the empire doesn't need to feed them."


"You also know that now the empire has no money to fight, and the military expenditure is stretched. Didn't some soldiers fight passively because they couldn't pay the military salary? So the more prisoners of war died, the fewer people had to be fed. Do you think you saved the war?" Hundreds of thousands of lives were lost, but they didn't know that the empire completely regarded it as a burden. Wu Qiao, do you know that those prisoners of war did not die one by one, but one by one."


Wu Qiao knew that the army was in urgent need of money, and Tan Yan had previously said that all the major banks had been nationalized, but he was still very shocked, and even shuddered unconsciously when he thought of those scenes.

At the same time, Wu Qiao also understood why Leila asked him that question.

It seems that the empire's estimate was correct. Leila and the others really planned to rebel when they fled this time, so Leila did not forget to encourage herself even in prison.

Wu Qiao asked, "How do you know these things?"

"Of course I have a channel. It did happen, and someone will always know."

"Those who escaped, what are they going to do?"

"Hmph." Leila picked up the glass and took a big sip of the wine.

"..." Wu Qiao knew, because she didn't express her position just now, Leila would not say anything at the moment. However, he still did not give up and asked: "Shall I set up my own organization to resist the Republic?" Break away from the imperial army and use your own way to protect the country

Leila raised her neck and took another sip of her wine.

Wu Qiao knew that Leila had a stubborn personality, and she had to be strong when she was doing things at the same time. She would definitely not say what she didn't want to say, so she could only sigh lightly, and refilled her glass with wine.

"You still don't drink?" Leila squinted at Wu Qiao.

"Don't drink."


This meeting made Wu Qiao feel very depressed.

However, he didn't suppress it for long, and something even more unexpected happened to him.

—Layla successfully escaped from prison.

It is said that she did not know what medicine she had taken, and shortly after Wu Qiao left, she developed terrible symptoms—the eyes, skin, phlegm, and urine all turned yellow, and she cried out for pain while holding her stomach.

Soon, she was sent to the affiliated hospital of the military hospital specially used to treat prisoners of war.

The military department wanted her to tell who the mastermind was, so they paid great attention to the symptoms of bile duct obstruction.

Right at the hospital, she escaped.

The medical staff come and go in the hospital, so it is relatively easy to sneak in and carry out rescue.

Wu Qiao, who just visited Leila in the morning, was naturally the number one suspect.

However, the military department naturally couldn't find evidence for things that hadn't been done.

The bottle of wine was taken for testing, and all the indicators were normal.

Wu Qiao's record has been excellent recently, and the military department was afraid of killing him by mistake. In addition, Tan Yan tried his best to protect him, and Wu Qiao himself didn't want that kind of person. on a guard.

As for Wu Qiao, he was only fined for bringing alcohol in.

At the same time, in response to the recent incidents of frequent surrender and escape, the army has changed its military regulations. Surrender is not allowed, let alone escape. The captured soldiers and the families of the escaped soldiers will be punished on their behalf.

"It's ashamed to say it." Wu Qiao was a little tired, and said to his friend Ji Yao, "I'm actually relieved."


"I'm really afraid to see Leila being executed." Among his friends, too many people have died, and he can't bear it anymore. Leila is naturally not a good friend like Sheng Chongguang and Su Yiqing, but Wu Qiao is also very afraid, and even thinking about how to save Leila from the final execution.


"Who on earth let her go?" Wu Qiao asked a bit puzzled.

"Actually, that's not important." Ji Yao said suddenly.

"Huh?" Wu Qiao didn't understand.

Ji Yao continued: "The point is, Leila thought you let her go."

"What do you mean?" Wu Qiao glared at his friend. What is "Layla thinks you let her go"

"It's not interesting, just, I think it's pretty good." Ji Yao said calmly, "This way you have more ways to go, and it will be easy to join them in the future."


"Don't you want to go to the top?" Ji Yao said again, "It's hard to say whether you can completely rely on the military department, and it's time to leave a back road, in case that back road is better let's go."

"Ji Yao..." Wu Qiao felt numb all over, and felt that Ji Yao seemed to be implying something, "You let Leila go?!"

"No, you misunderstood."

However, although Ji Yao denied it, Wu Qiao felt that it was him!

Wu Qiao himself doesn't understand wine at all. In order to bring wine for Leila, who loves wine, he asks Ji Yao to help him buy wine. It is easy for Ji Yao to add medicine. Way to get her out. Ji Yao knows that he will never drink alcohol, so he can safely add ingredients to it.

Thinking about it carefully, Leila's attitude seems to have changed after drinking.

At first, Leila thought he was sent by the military, but later, she actually asked Wu Qiao what he planned to do in the future.

Probably, she tasted something wrong... Wu Qiao knew that many extremely acidic things would cause pseudojaundice in people.

Ji Yao doesn't know Leila at all...

Wu Qiao felt that Ji Yao was really only for himself.

Ji Yao has said more than once that he will help him realize his dream, because that is what Su Yiqing once wanted to do.

"I won't be a deserter." Wu Qiao looked at Ji Yao and said.

"It's always good to have a little trick." Ji Yao still had that calm look, "Wu Qiao, I like your willfulness very much, but you can be more willful."

"… what?"

"You must get what you want, no matter how long it takes, never give up halfway, 'I want, I want', stubborn or even paranoid, can be regarded as self-centered. People like you, or Will be very successful, or nothing. How to put it, many successful people are people like you, although 99% of people like you have nothing.”


"However, Su Yiqing is quite envious of you."

"...Huh?" Wu Qiao was at a loss again. He was demoted like this, and people said that people envied him

Over there, Ji Yao said again: "Yes, indeed, Su Yiqing is very popular, everyone likes him. However, he is too considerate of others, always considers the other person's mood, and doesn't want the other person to feel unhappy, so he always makes people feel uncomfortable. Looking at other people... He often joked that he is not suitable for running a business, but someone like Wu Qiao is fine, and he will go with Wu Qiao in the future."


"However... there are so many things you want, you should think about it, and then discard some of them. If you want to get to the top, you have to discard those that hinder you."


I don't know if it was Wu Qiao's illusion, but Ji Yao's eyes became a little different. "You have to get to the top, and I'll help you get there," he said.

"..." In fact, Wu Qiao felt that he had changed a lot, as if there was always a torrent of fate pushing him forward.

In troubled times, everyone's life is closely related to the fate of the country.

It's just that he really doesn't know how to be a deserter.

In his opinion, although the regular army has many problems, it is still the only one that can bring back peace. Ji Yao's remarks about the way out are completely unreasonable.