Face Slapping the General

Chapter 7: special training


Before manipulating the mecha, identity verification is a necessary step. After the identity is confirmed, the mecha will respond to the commands issued by the driver through movements, voice and even brain waves. Just like guns and swords, there is usually only one driver of a mech, and the two sides are like partners, cooperating with each other for years and years, and fighting against the enemy together on the battlefield. Unlike resetting the energy distribution system, as long as the mecha agrees, its driver can be changed at will. As long as new information is entered, the mecha will not lose its life. However, generally speaking, the "original equipment" is the most suitable, because the attributes, styles, etc. of the mecha are all set by the first pilot according to his own needs. There are also cases where the mecha wants to change the driver but the request cannot be met-that is, the previous pilot once died in the mecha. Numerous examples in the past have proved that if the pilot dies in the mecha, even if the driver is replaced, the mecha may not be able to exert its original power. In this case, formatting it or simply retiring it is the best choice .

This set of plans is a tradition formed after the widespread use of smart mechs. Smart mechs were put into use 200 years ago. At the beginning, they were criticized from various levels. However, with the evolution and improvement of smart mechas, all kinds of opposition voices became less and less until they disappeared, because the human brain function is limited after all. , and the computing power and deduction ability of the machine brain are almost infinite, and it can do things that the human brain cannot do. At present, the priority of the driver's order is definitely higher than that of the mecha, that is to say, when the driver sends out an order, the mecha must execute it, and absolutely cannot make its own decisions. The mecha can only give advice and suggestions, or provide supplementary functions when the driver cannot take care of it. However, some scholars and military generals now believe that the army should trust machines more, and some fully automatic mechs have been put on the battlefield. The role they play is unquestionable, but the disadvantages also exist. The most obvious is that because all the instructions of the mechas are based on calculations, the enemy can more easily speculate on the actions of these fully automatic mechas and block them. People with fighting talents often make unexpected moves to win the victory.

Looking at the row of command keys that he once kissed and thought he would never touch again, Wu Qiao felt quite emotional.

By accident, he is still the driver of Yajiu, which makes him dizzy with happiness, but the source of this happiness is unknown after all, and the source is so unknown that there seems to be no way out.

At first Yajiu walked honestly, but later he saw that Wu Qiao didn't give any orders, and just jumped up and down by himself.

"You don't look like you can't remember how to walk." Tan Yan said coolly.

"Huh?!" Ya Jiu was nervous for a while, and said cautiously, "I remember a little now..."


"Admiral Tan Yan..." Ya Jiu asked coyly again, "Long Yuan...does he know my name?"

"have no idea."

"Then... how can I make it discover my existence?"

"Difficult." Tan Yan said ruthlessly, "It's not interested in anything other than killing people."

"Hmm..." Ya Jiu struggled for a long time, but still couldn't find any common ground between "knowing yourself" and "knocking people".

"That..." Looking at Tan Yan, Wu Qiao asked, "Aside from taking a walk, what else do you want to do? Do you want to practice some other movements?"

"Yes, yes, yes," Yajiu echoed, "I think about walking, but forget about other things!"

"..." Tan Yan said, "Don't go too far, you two. Wu Qiao, don't forget that you are not qualified to pilot mechs."

"... Oh." Wu Qiao thought to himself, why didn't he say that he was not qualified when he was in the mine? Qualification is a thing, whether it is round or square, as if it all depends on the other party's preference.

"Forget it." A few seconds later, Tan Yan pretended to give in and said: "Practice some other movements."

"Huh?" Wu Qiao's eyes lit up. By no means is everyone given the chance to have one-on-one coaching with Tanyan.

"I don't want to waste its time in vain. It's okay to start training now, so that if it has a new driver, it can be sent to the battlefield as soon as possible. However, I will only let it go through the most routine training, don't expect you will Learned something amazing."

"Okay, thank you." Wu Qiao felt that even if it was the same knowledge, what Tan Yan said should be better.

"What do you want it to practice first?"

"Hmm..." Wu Qiao thought for a while, "Dodge? If the enemy's weapon locks on you, what can you do to avoid being hit?" Wu Qiao felt that not being hit was the most basic, and then he could find a way to attack. Although it does not sound very passionate, this is modern warfare.

"Okay." Tan Yan explained, "There are mainly four methods. First, maneuver dodge, that is to say, use the driver's technology to get rid of it, which is becoming more and more difficult to do now. The initial velocity of ordinary shells Faster and faster. In the era of artillery, explosives were used to launch. The initial velocity of the shell was 2000 meters per second. It hovered around 1800 for many years. , pilots are often very heroic, shuttling through the sky full of gunfire... But now, it is almost impossible, laser weapons are all at the speed of light, and the initial speed of electromagnetic guns using coils or meteor guide rails reaches 6000 meters per second, physical dodge is already very difficult , if you want to flash, it is best to predict in advance."


"The same is true for tracking missiles. The speed is getting faster and faster. It is difficult for mechs to get rid of them. 95% of them may be hit by them. It is no longer the era when several tracking missiles can be thrown off in a war. If you must If you want to maneuver and dodge, don't drive at the fastest speed like most people teach you, because no matter how fast you are, you can't escape beyond its sensing range, but it will make you less flexible when turning. My suggestion is to reduce the speed, run at a speed that is just enough not to be overtaken by it, and then use the terrain and other advantages to deal with it until it runs out of fuel and falls by itself. Of course, you have a way to make it hit other Stuff is better."

Wu Qiaozai listened carefully, nodding in agreement from time to time.

"The second method is technical evasion." Tan Yan Youdao, "We have a lot of technologies that can be used, which requires the driver to react very quickly. For electromagnetic guns, we have interception systems, and for laser weapons, we have anti-optical systems. For infrared tracking missiles, we use heat lures to interfere with infrared detection, and for radar tracking missiles, we use the method of throwing metal pieces... ”


"Third, deploy the shield to reduce the damage." Tan Yan continued, "Now the mechs have shields, and they can reduce the damage."

"Then... what about the fourth one?" Wu Qiao couldn't think of any other way to dodge the attack besides the three points just now.

"Fourth?" Tan Yan said coldly, "Abandon your armor and parachute to save your dog's life."

Abandon armor and skydive, save your dog's life

Wu Qiao studied earnestly, and asked, "Just like when you were in Mine Star, right?"

Tan Yan: "..."

He really wanted to wash away this memory of Wu Qiao. This was Tan Yan's most failed day, and in the end it was the trash who saved him.

"Okay," Wu Qiao said, "it was four o'clock just now, I understand."

"you understood?"


"You know what the hell." Just now Wu Qiao said "Abandon your armor and parachute to save your dog's life" and he couldn't refute it. The general was very upset at the moment.


"If you don't believe me, we can do an exercise now to see if you understand it."

"… practise?"


There are devices on the training ground that can randomly launch simulated shells and missiles. They do not have any substantial destructive capabilities. They only make a sound when they hit the target and present the picture on the screen when they hit the target. Finally, the system Automatically calculate the score, giving the score of the driver and mecha in this simulated battle.

Before the start, Wu Qiao asked Tan Yan: "Can battle music be played in the mecha?"

Wu Qiao felt that it was not enough fuel to be quiet.

It was Wu Qiao's first time to train at the training ground. He was majestic and majestic, but he was silent all the time, which was far from the effect he wanted.

Tan Yan's eyelids twitched: "...no."

"...Oh." Wu Qiao said, "Forget it then."

"If you want music, you need to bring your own equipment." Tan Yan also kindly gave a plan, "It's not like there are people like this...every time they go to battle, they bring their own equipment and play strange music there."

"Okay, I remember."

After a series of start-up sounds, Wu Qiao manipulated the Yajiu to fly into the sky.

As a result, in less than five seconds, he was blasted to pieces.

There are things crossing and sweeping in a mess in front of me, all kinds of light beams and soft shells are flying from all directions, the electronic sound of being hit is beeping non-stop, and the pictures on the screen are constantly changing like a carousel, Wu Qiao is completely divided. It's not clear where it was hit.

"... so miserable." Tan Yan sighed.

Wu Qiao: "..."

This... is not right. He felt that he should have completed the simulation very well, then smiled at Tan Yan next to him as if he didn't understand, and said, why does this seem to be very simple, and it is different from what I saw on TV

"You have to pay attention to observation, not to act indiscriminately." Tan Yan played back the video just now, "First of all, you have to pay attention, there are many beams and shells here that actually pose no threat to you, just like on the battlefield, you have to be able to Distinguish which ones can hit you, and then make a reasonable choice. Secondly, you must be able to understand what types of threatening weapons are, consider how to combine maneuver dodge, technical dodge, etc., and seize the time to complete the shuttle mission as soon as possible .”

"… Oh."

A few more times, still the same.

Tan Yan has a bad temper and was finally ignited at this moment: "Stop, stop!"

"… Ok?"

"I can't stand it anymore. You can stay by yourself. I'm just wasting time here. I'm not free enough to waste time."

"… Oh."

Tan Yan stepped on the lifting board and left Yajiu, but before he walked out of the training ground, he adjusted the training system until twelve o'clock before turning it off. He didn't understand why he left this training system to Wu Qiao, but he vaguely knew that he wanted to see what step that 0.01% good-for-nothing who firmly believed that he would be able to do. Strictly speaking, he shouldn't agree to Wu Qiao's practice, but...it's not a big deal anyway, from walking to jumping left and right, there is still some authority to talk about. Crow Nine really needs training, and it only allows Wu Qiao to sit inside, Otherwise, you will cry, make trouble and hang yourself.

Watching Tan Yan leave, Wu Qiao sighed. It seems that this thing... is still quite difficult to learn.

However, what Wu Qiao believed in most was the saying that where there is a will, there is a way, and he once posted this sentence on the wall, so naturally he would not be negative and depressed immediately after being hit.

He manipulated the Crow Nine, constantly challenging the system, and practiced until the system shut down at 12 o'clock... Finally, he was no longer so embarrassed.

What Wu Qiao didn't know was that later, around 12 o'clock, Tan Yan came back again, but he didn't approach, just watched it quietly for a while, then turned and left again.

—Back to the dormitory, it was already 12:30.

Wu Qiao looked at Yajiu, who had become human-sized again, and said in a low voice, "Yaojiu... are you okay?"



"Not tired!"

It was only then that Wu Qiao remembered that there shouldn't be anything tiring about mechs.

He thought for a while and said again: "... I'm sorry."


"You look very depressed."

"It's not because of your business..." Yajiu replied, "For a newcomer, your performance should be considered normal, right? Although I don't know too well... I'm depressed because Longyuan... it's only interested in killing people, then What should I do?"

"...Help him chop?"

"Well... Maybe so." Ya Jiu wrapped the quilt and hugged the pillow, seeming really, really distressed.


Wu Qiao pulled out the computer and prepared to write a diary.

The ID he used to record this online diary was "serious man". When Su Yiqing saw this ID, he laughed so hard that he laughed at Wu Qiao for half a year.

Wu Qiao has the habit of keeping a diary, especially after being rejected by the military academy. He is still sticking to the original ideal. He wants to write down all the unexpected hardships on this road. Then, when the ideal is realized and he is honorably discharged as a soldier, he will read it again. He must be filled with emotion. It will be the best moment of his life. Wu Qiao feels that the most beautiful moment of "not giving up" is never when you stick to this path, but when the goals are achieved one by one, looking back at the past, remembering the seemingly insurmountable obstacles and the time and time again. The cynicism of the people around me, recalling my determination to persevere every time, I patted my chest and secretly thanked myself, thank God, fortunately, I did not give up at that time.

It was already one o'clock at night when Wu Qiao finished writing down his diary.

His mind still couldn't calm down, and the scenes of driving the mecha came and went.

Wu Qiao recalled the process of every dodge training—what was the situation at that time, why he was hit, how he should dodge the attack, and then, unconsciously, he began to reconstruct in his mind, imagining that he had completed the attack brilliantly. Challenging scenes, sketching out his beautiful posture over and over again, thinking about it, burning it, and feeling a little ashamed at the same time, after all, the actual situation is completely opposite... However, no one will know his imagination, what is in his head anyway It's his alone.

Slowly Wu Qiao became sleepy, in a daze, ups and downs, and there was still a battle net woven by light beams and shells. He dodged lightly in it until he fell asleep completely. In his dream, he He was still directing Ya Jiu to fly this way, fly there, up and down, left and right, and was busy all night.

—From this day on, Wu Qiao would go to the training ground every day, and at night he would always dream of wearing armor.

When he was training, Tan Yan would sometimes appear out of the blue, elusive and completely unpredictable—like the man's emotions.

After getting along for such a long time, Wu Qiao also understood Tan Yan a little bit. Wu Qiao thinks that Tan Yan is actually a good person who has helped him a lot, but he is so mean-spirited that he always seems to be in need of a beating, and one of the most indebtedness is that he always gives people a feeling of "I am so indebted to a beating, but You can't beat me, so I don't care" feeling.

For Tan Yan's advice, Wu Qiao memorized everything carefully, and he also found more and more that Tan Yan had a lot of his own thoughts on the battle, and Tan Yan's neat and beautiful five-star general uniform was indeed only envied by others. portion.

In the past two months, Wu Qiao's dodging skills have become better and better, and he can finally complete most of the tasks and successfully fly to the finish line.

At the same time, he also conducted some simulated shooting training, using the same ordinary light beams and fake shells, and the system judged the attack effect.

In the beginning, Wu Qiao would only stand on the ground and attack. As long as he rose to mid-air, more than 95% of his attacks would be ineffective. Later, Wu Qiao finally understood step by step how to use the Crow Nine to calculate the distance, the resistance and gravity in the atmosphere at that time, Thereby improving the hit rate of the attack, and knowing more clearly when to launch unguided weapons and when to launch guided weapons.

The cooperation between him and Yajiu became more and more tacit, and Wu Qiao really couldn't understand why no one accepted Yajiu.

That's right, Crow Nine... Still haven't found the driver. No matter who it is, as long as they see Crow Nine, they will be terrified at the thought of fighting against it together.

— Just like that, after two months of busy work, the exam finally came.

Just as Wu Qiao expected, Ya Jiu was not allowed to be brought into the examination room, and could only lie on the outside to watch.

There were thirty people who came to take the exam, and in the end only ten people could be admitted to receive extremely rigorous training and become the reserve force of imperial military officers.

To Wu Qiao's surprise, he found someone he knew among the candidates.

—Sheng Zhongguang.

Sheng Chongguang was Wuqiao's roommate in the first two years of junior high school, and the relationship between the two has always been very good. Sheng Chongguang is extremely smart. He passed the high school directly without studying in the last year of junior high school. At that time, everyone was shocked when they learned that he was going to the military academy, including Wu Qiao, because Sheng Chongguang was very timid, afraid of death and injury, and would cry when he saw blood. It is said that it was because he was too good, and because he was different from others And being bullied by others formed that kind of cowardly character. When he was in elementary school, he was once deaf in both ears. The doctor said that it was because he closed himself off and didn't want to hear any vicious words.

To see him here...

Just as he was stunned, Wu Qiao heard the other party shout in surprise: "Wu Qiao!"

"Hi!" Wu Qiao greeted.

"Why are you here?"

Wu Qiao briefly talked about the mine star and asked Tan Yan to recommend him. At the end, he said in reverse: "You graduated, right? We were all surprised when you went to the military academy," Wu Qiao said.

"Oh, that..." Sheng Chongguang was a little embarrassed, "Actually, I just want to practice my courage..."


"My parents said that I was too timid. When I think about it, it seems like that. I am afraid of hurting myself in everything. I always ask if it is dangerous. I am too conservative. It is not good. I feel that I will accomplish nothing in the end... So at that time I plan to train myself, stay in the army for five years after graduating from the military academy, and come out as a man."

"Oh..." Wu Qiao was taken aback when he heard that.

"In the end, I didn't expect... I stayed in the military school for four years, but I still haven't practiced it. I was afraid of enlisting in the army, but I didn't want to give up... I heard that after the course, I will be an officer. I think it will be safer than ordinary soldiers... After completing the training, It's not particularly dangerous, and after another five years of military service, it will more or less change."

Wu Qiao couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

Just as he was about to say something, Wu Qiao saw a gangster-looking man approaching, with a bald head, a shiny head, eyes as big as copper bells, and bulging outwards.

"Who is this?" Wu Qiao asked.

"I don't know, parents, it's scary, how did you get in?"

As soon as the words fell, the man took off his coat and put it aside, revealing the military uniform inside: "I am the chief examiner this time."

Wu Qiao: "..."

Sheng Chongguang: "..."

The man continued: "The exam will start in fifteen minutes. What is worth mentioning is that you have worked hard, and General Tan Yan has come to observe for the first time."