Face Slapping the General

Chapter 79: Revolution bells


After separating from Tan Yan, Wu Qiao found that he had one more problem.

It's very difficult to say it out, but it seems to be a little addicted to sex.

He is very busy now, even worse than when he was in the imperial army. He couldn't get enough sleep, and he even trotted all the way to the bathroom. The more firm his belief. What makes Wu Qiao feel strange is that in such a tiring day, he has to release his desire once a day. In the dead of night, no matter how tired Wu Qiao is, he can't help but lie on his back on the bed, stretch his hands to his lower part, move rhythmically, close his eyes and breathe lightly, and read Tan Yan's poem in a low voice and vaguely. name. He also tried to force himself not to do so, but the result was that his body and mind were full of anxiety, and he was rampaging and clamoring all the way to find an outlet to vent. After a long time, Wu Qiao just let it go.

After fighting in the Falcon Starfield, the number of revolutionary troops increased rapidly.

Because the families of those who surrendered will be punished, many soldiers choose to die in battle or commit suicide, but in the end, many people do not have the courage.

The recruitment of prisoners of war went fairly smoothly. These soldiers are like air particles in a U-shaped tube, with the government army on one side and the revolutionary army on the other side of the U-shaped tube. Originally, they were gathered in the pipes on the government side, but when the government troops desperately pressurized from the entrance, the soldiers would unconsciously move to the side of the revolutionary army.

"Based on our current equipment, we can't accommodate so many people." Wu Qiao said to the "King of Shadows". The number of people has increased significantly, but the equipment is not enough. Many people don't have mechas. Wu Qiao doesn't want to do any lottery like the Minister of National Defense.

"Then hurry up and gather the equipment, and contact the president of the chamber of commerce."

"Not enough time," Wu Qiao looked at the "Shadow Emperor", and said word by word, "The imperial army is coming soon." The capital of the Falcon Starfield was captured, and the imperial army could not remain indifferent, and would definitely come to regain the lost ground.

The "King of Shadows" really doesn't know much about war. He asked Wu Qiao: "Then what are you going to do?"

Wu Qiao unfolded a map, pointed to a certain point on another star field, and said in a quiet but forceful tone, "I want to seize the arsenal of the empire." The arsenal Wu Qiao pointed to was the largest ammunition in the western part of the empire. library.

"Arsenal?! The defenders of the arsenal must not be underestimated." The "King of Shadows" was taken aback, and immediately expressed doubts about Wu Qiaoding's strategy. "How sure are you that you can win? Is it only one or two percent?" ?”

"Eighty percent." Wu Qiao further explained, "We need a feint attack on the Cheetah Starfield near it... I want to choose someone to pretend to be me commanding the feint attack, so as to lure part of the general's armory defenders there, and then I will take them there. Raid the half-empty Imperial arsenal."

Hearing this, the "King of Shadows" finally became interested, and he asked, "So, when will we act?"

"It's not too late, get ready now."

The other party nodded, agreeing to the proposal.

"Also," Wu Qiao pondered for a moment, and then said again, "Before capturing the Falcon Starfield, I ask you to place someone in the jumping point of the Empire's β space. It should be completed by now, right?"

"Of course." "Shadow King" narrowed his eyes.

"Did the concentrated explosives also smuggle in?"


Wu Qiao felt relieved. This was planned in advance. After capturing the Falcon star field, the beta space jump point will be blown up, which can delay the arrival of the imperial army. Without the β-space jumping point, the imperial army would not be able to jump, and could only choose to travel long distances. It would take a week to get here, and Tan Yan would delay for him for a few more days, and it should be able to make up ten days. Wu Qiao said to "Shadow King", "Now that everything is ready, let's start the original plan."

As planned, the plan to blow up the beta space jump site succeeded. Although, the person who carried out the plan failed to sneak away without raising suspicion. In other words, he blows up the jumping point of β space and himself together with ashes.

The Revolutionary Army sorted through the room he had lived in before infiltrating the jump point and found some of his writings. In those novels, he is a teacher, so ordinary that he can’t be more ordinary, his life is trivial and full of feathers—he teaches literature in a school, and he has to teach several classes, each class has about twenty students. Student, the student likes literature, and always asks him to provide a list of recommended books. He is busy reading new books all day long, and has no time to do other things, which is a headache.

Wu Qiao knew that these words were all beautiful dreams about peace in his heart.

On the same day, Wu Qiao began to choose people who pretended to be himself to direct the feint.

"How about Ma Latang?" The "King of Shadows" began to recommend candidates, "He is the highest general under you." Ma Latang is a close friend of the "King of Shadows", and he established a revolutionary army with the "King of Shadows". He is a senior figure.

"The tactical style of the person taking on this task needs to be similar to mine." Wu Qiao politely declined the recommendation, "Please allow me to choose the right person myself."

"Have you any ideas?"

"Yeah." Wu Qiao said, "Written test."

"… what?"

"Call all the people who have the qualifications of commanders. I will ask some questions and they will answer them. They will pick out those whose answers are similar to mine, and then evaluate them based on their past achievements."

"Does that mean... casting a wide net?"

"Yes." In fact, it's not too big. There may be no more than 20 conductors.

"...Okay." "Shadow King" nodded. After Wu Qiao won the battle, he believed in Wu Qiao very much.

As soon as the news was announced, Wu Qiao heard that Ma Latang had fallen out.

He told several people that he must be the one leading the large army, scolded Wu Qiao with ugly words, and said that he would immediately persuade the "King of Shadows" to appoint himself as the commander.

Wu Qiao knew that that person had always hated him, and recently he was always against him.

"Ji Yao." Wu Qiao walked in the corridor, and said to Ji Yao without looking sideways, "Don't let him make trouble, I know you can do it."

Ji Yao smiled, the corners of his eyebrows and eyes were still full of amorous feelings, "Of course."

"He can't." Wu Qiao said with a sullen face, "I have commanded countless battles before, and almost none of them were won." The times when the revolutionary army failed, almost all of them were led by Ma Latang.


"I heard..." Wu Qiao paused, "He is a person with great dignity, and he doesn't allow himself to be ashamed."

"So?" Ji Yao raised his eyebrows.

"So," Wu Qiao paused, "Take off his clothes and throw him in the toilet." Wu Qiao didn't want to pin his hopes on the rejection of the "King of Shadows". He didn't know the "King of Shadows", so he didn't dare to make this bet. If the "Shadow King" is a person who is difficult to refuse a friend request, the result of this plan will be unpredictable. Moreover, Ma Latang has great bragging skills, so there is no guarantee that he won't deceive the "King of Shadows" again.

Ji Yao didn't seem to have expected Wu Qiao to make such a move, and turned his head to stare at Wu Qiao's profile in great surprise. Wu Qiao's side face is fair, but it seems that he has lost a lot of innocence.

Wu Qiao said again: "He is such a face-saving person, he will definitely not shout at others, and he will not tell it afterwards." Tan Yan is a very face-saving person, and Wu Qiao feels that he knows this kind of person very well.

Ji Yao seems to have heard something extremely funny: "I really didn't expect that you would say such a trick, aren't you very principled?"

"..." Wu Qiao tried to pretend to be calm, "I have given up even the most important thing." The implication is, not to mention a few principles

Wu Qiao knew that he had really changed more and more, and he was a little afraid, but he knew that was the only way to go.

He disliked himself a little, so he had to tell himself to remember what he was doing.

Over there, Ji Yao sighed, and said, "Wu Qiao... Actually, I want to persuade you to let the relationship cool down while we are separated now."

"What do you mean?"

Ji Yao hesitated to say: "I'm worried that you... will experience the same nightmare as mine in the future."

Wu Qiao stopped talking. He knew very well that Ji Yao was afraid of Tan Yan's death. But if he could have cooled down so easily, he wouldn't have had so many miserable nights.

Ji Yao is really reliable in his work.

It wasn't until the exam time that Ma Latang stumbled out.

As soon as he came in, he gave Wu Qiao a hard look, and Wu Qiao showed a look of confusion.

"It's done." Ji Yao whispered in Wu Qiao's ear, "I covered my face, and didn't leave any evidence. I was afraid it would be unsafe, so I took a few photos."

Wu Qiao glanced at Ji Yao: "You really don't have any integrity."

Ma Latang had no evidence that Wu Qiao did it, and at the same time, he was afraid that his photo would be spread, so he had to smash his teeth and swallow it with blood.

According to the test results and previous combat records, Wu Qiao finally chose the person he thought was suitable.

As expected, that man did not disappoint Wu Qiao and successfully deceived the imperial defenders. The empire dispatched a lot of troops from the star field where the arsenal was located to reinforce the Cheetah Star Field.

Moreover, in the confrontation, the losses of the revolutionary army were minimal. Wu Qiao told him to focus on defense and use all energy on the protective cover to minimize casualties.

When the Cheetah Star Field fell into a stalemate, Wu Qiao led the troops to blitz the arsenal.

They quickly captured the gate. Wu Qiao drove Yajiu to lead the horse, followed by his elite team, and no one could stop him.

The soldiers of the Revolutionary Army jumped off the mechas one after another, taking all the new mechas of the Imperial Army as their own.

When we came, there were three or four people crowded on each mecha, and when we went back, every soldier drove his own mecha.

Wu Qiao rushed to the Cheetah Starfield as planned, intending to cover another team's retreat.

Before they arrived, they ran into each other on a narrow road, and met the defenders at the arsenal who were rushing back after hearing the news. Wu Qiao soon discovered that their commander was in a state of confusion, lost his mind, and his team formation was extremely loose. He presumably was worrying about the big mistake he had just made under the strict new military law of the empire.

Wu Qiao immediately changed his plan, rearranged his troops, and ordered another troops to come quickly to encircle them, and even wiped out the imperial defenders on the way back.

After this battle, the ranks of the Revolutionary Army grew stronger.

The next day, Wu Qiao led his men to attack the Cheetah Starfield before the imperial army, who had delayed their trip due to the β-space jump point, arrived.

—It was still 2234 of the Galactic Calendar, only eight days before the Falcon Starfield declared its independence, and the Cheetah Starfield also announced its separation from the Empire and merged with the Falcon Starfield.