Face Slapping the General

Chapter 8: Entrance examination


"Let me explain the exam first." The examiner continued, "There will be a round of written exams in the morning, and a practical assessment in the afternoon. The top 15 scores will enter the final round. After the interview, 10 people will be selected for admission."

Wu Qiao remembered all of them in his heart.

The chief examiner paused, and then said again: "Is there anything you can't understand? Now enter the room and wait for the questions."

Wu Qiao pinched the things in his pocket.

—That's a button.

Yesterday, when Wu Qiao was training for the last time, a button on Tan Yan's military uniform fell off and rolled beside Wu Qiao. Wu Qiao bent down to pick it up, took a closer look at it in his hand, and found that even the workmanship was very fine, the lace around it shone with luster, the pattern in the middle was the emblem of the empire, and it really was the clothes of the admiral.

At that time, Wu Qiao was holding the button, and suddenly said inexplicably: "Tomorrow...can you lend me a day?"

Tan Yan over there was stunned for a moment: "What?"

Wu Qiao replied, "It's just a superstition on our side. Using someone's pen, ink, sword, etc., you can borrow a little bit of that person's strength."

Tan Yan touched his military uniform, and the button on the chest pocket closest to the heart was no longer there: "...you can take it, you don't have to return it."

"...Give it to me?" Wu Qiao was a little confused—is Tan Yan sick

Looking at the wide-eyed Wu Qiao, Tan Yan reluctantly explained: "... I'll nail another one."

"Oh..." Wu Qiao clenched that button tightly, thinking that one day, I will also become a general of the empire.

After returning to his thoughts, Wu Qiao followed the other candidates into the room, turned on the computer, and soon the questions appeared on the screen.

Wu Qiao began to answer one by one.

The scope of these topics is very wide, but most of them are tactical and strategic. It seems that it depends on the overall situation.

There is nothing related to the mecha. Wu Qiao was a little surprised at first, but after thinking about it, he understood the intention—the practical test of the mecha will be tested in the afternoon, and it is meaningless to take the written test. For the imperial reserve officer, tactics Strategic literacy is as important as mech piloting skills, and it doesn't seem unreasonable to get half of the points.

This part is Wu Qiao's strong point, and he has loved reading these since he was a child.

One of the very important questions is how to capture a certain planet in an important strategic position when there is a serious shortage of troops. The content of the test is quite routine.

The test uses simulation software. Candidates dispatch soldiers to command the war, and the computer makes corresponding deployments on behalf of the enemy. Candidates need to defeat the computer to win. There is only one chance, and the process will be recorded. Unfortunately, there is no way to do it all over again.

Wu Qiao's hand moved quickly on the screen, asking the virtual soldiers to attack the city.

He thought for a while, and finally decided to attack the city for help. He made various arrangements outside the planet, buying ordinary merchant ships and disguising them as warships, creating the illusion that his own troops are strong enough to confuse his opponents. Under the circumstances that the planet is easy to defend and difficult to attack, the enemy did not attack rashly, but Asking for reinforcements, Wu Qiao found a very convenient place to ambush and defeated the reinforcements one by one, and collected the captured enemy warships. Finally, when the defenders in the planet had not received supplies for a long time, they turned the siege into a storm. And when the morale of the enemy army is at its lowest, take that planet in one fell swoop.

Seeing himself winning on the screen, Wu Qiao smiled happily. He looked at the other candidates. Apart from Sheng Chongguang, there were less than ten other candidates, all of whom had serious expressions.

Another very important topic...it seems not so routine - the enemy army has developed a new mecha, which can escape the existing detection network of the current imperial army, and now the intercepted intelligence knows that the enemy army intends to land on the mine star to search The research institute hidden deep underground, as a defender, how can we repel the opponent with the least loss

Wu Qiao definitely had reason to suspect that Tan Yan was stimulated by his time at Mine Star.

From a normal point of view... that is... the technology is not easy to use, so just use your eyes to watch.

But... It really wasn't that simple.

Wu Qiao stared at the line of additional explanation: intelligence shows that the enemy army will attack at night, and their night vision is poor. The current number of defenders is not enough to complete manual monitoring.

What else can I do

Wu Qiao thought for a long time, studied the ore star carefully, and finally came up with an idea.

After his observation... the mine star has a special climate, and it finally rains continuously. Therefore, Wu Qiao secretly sent people to dump a large amount of sand at the possible landing site of the enemy army. Once the sand was poured with water, a small swamp was formed. After landing, the enemy army was caught off guard, and some drivers turned on the lights to check in a hurry, and immediately became a living target. Various weapons of the empire aimed at him and bombarded them indiscriminately; In the depths of the swamp below lies a substance that glows at night and is still a living target. They encountered unexpected special circumstances just after they landed on Mine Star, and they were all wiped out by Wu Qiao in less than a minute.

Phew... Wu Qiao exhaled.

The next questions were not too difficult, and Wu Qiao felt that he could answer them fairly well.

If there is a small episode, there is only one.

When Wu Qiao habitually fiddled with the buttons in his pocket again, the examiner suddenly and seriously ordered him to take out his things.

"..." Wu Qiao took out the button.

"What is this?"

Wu Qiao said in a low voice, "I take this as a lucky thing."

"..." The bald examiner looked carefully, then seemed to recognize what it was, and stared at Wu Qiao for a long time in doubt.

When I went out to eat at noon, Yajiu rushed over as soon as I got out of the examination room: "Wu Qiao! How are you?"

"… its not bad, right."

"Can you do all the questions?"


"Huh..." Ya Jiu said, "I'm so worried that my heart is pounding!"

"...you don't have a heart."

When I returned to the examination room in the afternoon, I was still the same examiner.

"Practical application assessment in the afternoon." He said, "It is the actual operation of the mecha."


"The first round is a test of evasion, the second round is a test of shooting, and the third round is actual combat."

Wu Qiao looked at Sheng Chongguang, who seemed to be more worried, not as calm as he was during the written test.

"Then, the candidates whose numbers are called go in, two at a time, and the rest are waiting here temporarily."

Wu Qiao was at the back, and he waited outside for a long time, and when it was finally his turn, he was a little tired from sitting.

The examiner pointed to a mecha and said to him, "Go up."

Wu Qiao looked up and saw that the mecha was very dilapidated, it seemed to be only D-level, not an intelligent mecha, and could only be operated manually.

He stepped on the lifting board and walked in, and found that the inside was much worse than Yajiu.

"Get familiar with it first."

"Okay." Wu Qiao was not embarrassed at all, and just jumped left and right in front of the examiner.

"If it's about the same," the examiner said again, "then it will begin."

"it is good."

"Then let me talk about the rules first. Later, there will be simulated missiles attacking your mecha, and your task is to avoid them as much as possible. You will feel when they hit you, and you can see the electronic scoring at the same time."

"Hmm." Is this similar to training

"It should be noted," the examiner said with an emphasis mark, "there will be a few green shells at the end, and they can only be avoided by maneuvering."

"... what?" Can only maneuver and dodge? Tan Yan once said that maneuvering to dodge is difficult.

"Yes." The examiner explained, "The enemy army may develop new technologies at any time. We cannot assume that we will always have a way to crack them. Sometimes, we need to rely on the driver's own experience instead of purely relying on technology or protection. shield."

"... Oh." Wu Qiao felt that Tan Yan was still stimulated by the incident on Mine Star.

"Okay, let's start now."

"Thank you." Wu Qiao put his hand on a row of operation buttons on the mech, ready to press any of them at any time.

Soon, a missile flew towards Wuqiao at an extremely fast speed.

Immediately afterwards, there were various missiles and light beams criss-crossing, dazzling people.

Wu Qiao kept firmly in mind what he had learned on the training ground, observed which ones might hit him, and which ones did not need to worry about at all, and then adopted various countermeasures against those who might hit him, shuttling through the room, taking one step at a time. step by step across the finish line.

After crossing the finish line, all kinds of attacks stopped.

Wu Qiao glanced at the scoring, but he didn't get hit even once.

Alright... Wu Qiao thought to himself, let's keep this score until the end, Wu Qiao should win all the matches, just like many geniuses in history, he can shock the world in the entrance examination. I did well in the written test in the morning... It is best to have a perfect score in the afternoon and go to the course with the undisputed first place.

"The green one is coming, so we can only dodge it maneuvering." Wu Qiao heard the examiner's reminder.

He clenched his fists, and his palms were a little sweaty.

Just as he regained his composure, Wu Qiao saw a green director rushing towards him, not too fast.

Immediately afterwards, several more were fired.

Wu Qiao narrowly escaped and was in a panic.

However, Wu Qiao quickly formulated a strategy - to shrink in the corner. First of all, there are not many missiles that can hit the corner. Secondly, the missiles that can hit the corner of the wall can only be launched from the two opposite walls. The corner of the wall is the farthest from them. Under the resistance of the air, the missile speed is also the slowest, which can effectively increase the dodge rate. . Again, if any missile flies to the corner, the mecha can kick off the ground and increase its speed by bouncing. If another missile comes over after reaching the roof, it will push down the roof and land quickly—even if it is in the process of moving. To be hit, in the worst case, you can also get an extra acceleration by kicking off the back wall.

Originally, this strategy was applied very well... Who knows, a homing missile suddenly came!

Wu Qiao firmly remembered Tan Yan's words. Tan Yan once said that if you must maneuver to dodge, don't drive at the fastest speed, otherwise you will be inflexible.

Wu Qiao recited these words silently in his heart, scurrying around, walking coquettishly, always with a tail behind him.

However, Wu Qiao found that... this thing... seems to have enough fuel. On the other hand, this seems to be a D-rank mecha. After all the tossing around just now, the fuel can't be used for too long.

Just trying to get it to hit the wall...

Thinking to himself, Wu Qiao flew towards a wall in an S-shaped route, and then, just as he was about to hit it, the mech turned over and kicked off the wall with both feet and bounced out.

Wu Qiao stabilized, looked back, the missile was still...

Isn't the speed with it just now not enough...? It also successfully turned back

Wu Qiao guessed like this, and next time, he flew towards the wall at the fastest speed.

But... unexpectedly... haven't shaken off...


Wu Qiao tried back and forth several times, but he avoided the wall all of them.

Is there any other way to increase its speed

Generally speaking, the homing missile will fly at a speed similar to the attacking target, and then launch an attack when it thinks it is appropriate. If it still cannot find a good opportunity, it will always follow the target. Now, Wu Qiao is certain that the fastest speed of the homing missile is higher than that of his mecha, and the fact that he did not attack a few times just because it is more cautious.

There is always only one question in Wu Qiao's mind: Is there any other way to increase its speed? !

By the way... he suddenly realized that gravity...

It wasn't enough for him to fly towards the wall at the maximum speed before, so what if he flew towards the ground at the maximum speed...? The speed itself, coupled with the acceleration of gravity, might be able to prevent this thing from turning and hitting the ground in time

With this in mind, Wu Qiao didn't think about it at all.

He rose to the top of the room, then swooped down to the ground.

The mech's head was down, the engine was roaring, and it was falling rapidly.

In the other room, several people watching the screen held their breath.

"Like this... can you get rid of it?" asked the examiner.

"I don't know." Several other examiners showed blank expressions, "I haven't tried it."

"Yeah." The bald examiner said, "I only know that with this mecha, it is impossible for a missile to hit a wall, but... coupled with the acceleration of gravity... I have never thought of this."

"He's crazy...!" said a female examiner.

"Who said it wasn't?" Another person said, "His grades are already number one. Does he still have to get full marks?"

"Hmm... Could it be that he is the kind of person in the legend who will die if he doesn't do his best?"

"That's a good description!"

Tan Yan, who had been silent all this time, suddenly interjected: "He is that kind of person."


Tan Yan, who was asked back, didn't make any more noise, just staring at the screen intently.

While talking, the result has come out.

Wu Qiao still couldn't get rid of the missile.

"Hahahaha..." said the examiner who spoke up earlier, "Although it failed, this innovative spirit is worthy of recognition!"

After saying this, there was no response.

He turned his head back to the screen strangely, only to find that Wu Qiao had risen to the highest point of the roof for the second time.

"I tried it but it didn't work..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Wuqiao's mech kicking hard against the ceiling, and then firing multiple bullets against the roof with his backhand. Immediately, he gained a considerable starting speed.

"..." This person...

The starting speed, the acceleration due to gravity, plus the fastest speed of the mech... This time, will it be enough

"He's crazy, crazy!", the examiner yelled, "I never knew this mech could drive at this speed!"

"Yeah... It looks scary." The female examiner said again, "You can hear the mecha rattling, as if it is about to fall apart."

"If the mecha breaks up, he will die..."

Hearing this, Tan Yan said coldly, "What nonsense?"

"Oh..." The reprimanded person stuck out his tongue.

"Why doesn't he slow down..." Seeing that Wu Qiao was about to hit the ground, the female examiner asked worriedly, "Don't make a mistake..."

"..." As soon as the voice fell, Wuqiao's mech's head and feet were reversed, and both feet landed heavily, and then bounced off the ground. Everyone only heard a "boom", and the tracking missile hit the ground, and the simulated smoke filled the air. In the room, the electronic sound buzzed non-stop.

This time, it finally failed to turn that corner abnormally.

A few words instantly appeared on the scoreboard in the room: "Target: Miss", and then the screen began to replay continuously.

"This man..." said the female examiner, "Really... If he turns the position of the head and feet of the mecha one second later, the head of the mecha will hit the ground... Then, he will really die. "

"Yeah, I don't know if he is confident? Or reckless?"

"What's his name?" Looking at the D-class mecha standing quietly in the room, several examiners raised such questions at the same time. One of them reached out and picked up the list of candidates, and looked it up line by line. "... Wu Qiao."

"Wu Qiao?" It was still the person who liked to talk, "That interstellar trash? Is it that interstellar trash?"

"Genes can't explain the problem, don't use this to characterize it." Tan Yan who was sitting there said suddenly, "If you have to ask...he is the driver of Yajiu."

"… what?"

"He is the driver of the Crow Nine."

"Is that an ordinary person?" The female examiner asked again, "I only heard that Yajiu recognized an ordinary person, but I never cared what his name was."

Tan Yan smiled: "It's Wu Qiao."

"However, he won't be the driver of the Raven Nine soon, will he?"

Tan Yan said noncommittally: "Who knows?"

On the other side, Wu Qiao was not shaken very well during the landing just now.

It took him a long time to recover. He walked out of the mecha while holding on to the outer wall of the mecha. As soon as he got on the lifting platform, his legs went numb again. On the ground, he struggled to stand up again, and walked out of the room step by step.

In fact, it was really a bit too much just now, but he was not willing to admit failure without trying all the possibilities.

Outside, Sheng Chongguang was shocked when he saw Wu Qiao's face: "Are you okay?"

"… fine."

"Really all right?"

"It's really fine."

"But how did you become like this?"

"...I made it myself."

Sheng Zhongguang's face was pale: "Didn't you say that you can't use real guns? Didn't you say that the exam is not dangerous?"

"...Don't worry." Wu Qiao couldn't help touching Sheng Chongguang's head, "I didn't use live ammunition, as long as you don't do it, you will be safe."