Face Slapping the General

Chapter 80: Bells of Revolution (middle)


Then, Wu Qiao captured the entire Blue Whale Starfield, making the Falcon Starfield, the Cheetah Starfield, and the Blue Whale Starfield lean on each other in the shape of the word "pin". In this way, no matter which direction the Imperial Army launches its attack, the Revolutionary Army can Support each other and line up troops in the shortest possible time.

Two days later, the imperial army arrived at the Falcon Starfield, claiming that they would wipe out the "rebels" within a week and take back the territory.

Wu Qiao led the army to resist, and the two sides entered a stalemate.

This stalemate lasted for several months. The two sides have played against each other many times, but no matter which side can advance too far.

Wu Qiao knew that the longer the time, the more unfavorable it would be for his own side, because the empire could continue to increase its troops even though he had given up everything on his side.

Wu Qiao still had to release Tan Yan's name every night. As for the daytime, that shadow would sometimes flash across his mind uncontrollably.

Since leaving, let alone meeting, there has never been a conversation.

"Tan Yan, we've been separated for a few months..." Occasionally, Wu Qiao would look at Tan Yan's photo and poke his face with his finger, "Did you forget me?"

Seeing that the person in the photo didn't respond, Wu Qiao would continue to babble: "Could it be that I really forgot about me? If I'm the only one who misses it, then I'd really look like an idiot."

Although he said "I don't want to think about it", Wu Qiao's fingers were still gently drawing the outline of the other party.

Wu Qiao also didn't understand what was going on with him and Tan Yan now.

For so long, the two of them have no contact, no contact. I have never seen anyone, never heard a voice, never exchanged words, and never sent love to each other through others. From all the signs, it is clear that they have broken up. However... neither Wu Qiao nor Tan Yan really mentioned the word "separate", so they should be still dating, but where is there such a way of communicating

One day, Wu Qiao's parents and sister inadvertently asked Wu Qiao, where did his lover who was as beautiful as an idol star go, and why he didn't bring him here.

"Did he scare you away when you stopped being a lieutenant general and became a rebel?" asked the sister.

"… No."

"He must have abandoned you." My sister said with certainty, "I am a family member, and I understand you. You have a very single-minded mind. Whatever you want, you will always want it, and you will never give up."

Wu Qiao didn't speak.

"So," my sister said again, "you will definitely not be the one to let go. As long as there is any possibility, you will definitely want to be with him."


"But he and his family are not here... I guess you planned to take him with you, but he left you because of your rebellion."

"No." Wu Qiao lowered his eyes, "You also said just now, 'As long as there is any possibility, you will definitely want to be with him', but...it is simply impossible."

"… Ok?"

"I abandoned him." Thinking of the morning when he left without saying goodbye, Wu Qiao's chest still aches, "I abandoned him... it's considered abandoned."

"Wu Qiao..."

"It's really me...I'm sorry for him." Wu Qiao raised his eyes, "He fell in love with me, it's really bad luck, I didn't give him anything, only kept making him sad."

"Wu Qiao...?"

"I'm going to eat something." Wu Qiao suddenly said something irrelevant.

"Ah?" Although my sister was puzzled, she didn't ask again. As she just said, she knows Wu Qiao very well. What Wu Qiao didn't want to say, she would never ask.

"My head is a little dizzy." After speaking, Wu Qiao turned and left.

He was really dizzy.

At the same time, he asked himself again if he had missed Tan Yan, if he had completely lost that person's love, after all, he hadn't heard from him for five months.

Thinking of this, Wu Qiao was a little flustered. Tan Yan's heart was once his most cherished thing. When he really thought of how it slipped through his fingers, he still felt that a part of himself was taken away by it.

However... As if he had a tacit understanding, Wu Qiao saw a new article published by Tan Yan that day.

Sometimes Tan Yan would publish some articles in the media to encourage the people of the empire to bravely resist foreign aggression.

The end of this article is as follows: "The soldiers and civilians of the Empire will never give up, no matter how long and difficult the road is. As long as you still love this land in your heart, victory will belong to all of you. Let us be united and never back down, only in this way can we be worthy of the ancestors who left civilization to us, and only then can we be worthy of the descendants who inherit our spirit."

Wu Qiao looked at it repeatedly, and then, looking at it, he suddenly blushed.

"What's wrong with you?" Ji Yao asked strangely.

"... nothing happened." Wu Qiao closed the article on the screen.

"...?" Ji Yao never cared about military rank in front of Wu Qiao. He turned up his screen indifferently and read Tan Yan's article from beginning to end, but he didn't see anything special. He didn't give up, and didn't want to admit that he would fail to see the tricks that Wu Qiao could see, so he read it again silently more carefully. This time, Ji Yao found that when his eyes fell on the last paragraph, Wu Qiao's expression would become particularly unnatural. After another look, Ji Yao finally understood.

"..." He sighed and said, "I never thought that Marshal is such a person."


"I also advise you to calm down during this time. I didn't expect that he could still tease you from such a distance."

"... Ji Yao," Wu Qiao changed the subject abruptly, "Let's talk about the current situation."

"Oh?" Ji Yao looked at Wu Qiao with phoenix eyes.

Wu Qiao bit the bullet and continued: "At present, our three star regions are under siege by the empire. Several attempts to go out to find supplies have failed, but we will definitely be trapped here to death if we continue like this. We must find a way to deliver the supplies."

After finishing speaking, Wu Qiao pointed to an area on the map and said, "I think... just take this 'Road of Death'."

Ji Yao frowned: "That's the 'road of death'." The road of death, as the name suggests, is extremely dangerous. There are many powerful particle currents and eddies nearby, and it looks like the waves of the sea are surging from a distance. Anyone who wants to pass through there will be lost forever if they are not careful.

"There is no other way." Wu Qiao said, "This is the only place the Imperial Army dare not approach easily. We transport supplies from here and turn the 'Road of Death' into our 'Road of Life'."

The situation really does not allow them to delay any longer. To deal with the empire, you can never win without a risky trick. If you want to win, you must rely on some luck. This is a gamble.

"I understand." Ji Yao nodded, "I'll pick a few revolutionary soldiers with the best mecha skills."

"Please." Wu Qiao said, "Don't forget Layla." He knew very well in his heart that Layla's mecha technology is really mature and delicate.


After Ji Yao left the room, Wu Qiao brought up Tan Yan's article and read it over and over again.

It is said that I read it repeatedly, but in fact, my eyes are basically on the four sentences of "The soldiers and civilians of the Empire will never give up, no matter how far and how difficult the road is. As long as you still love this land in your heart, victory will belong to all of you." superior.

Wu Qiao knew that there were other meanings hidden in these four sentences.

—That was a love story only for myself.

Connect the sixth characters of each sentence together to form a four-character sentence: "Forever, Forever, Love, You".

-love you forever.