Face Slapping the General

Chapter 82: The building will fall


After occupying the seven star fields, Wu Qiao began the next action.

"Ji Yao," Wu Qiao said, "then I will leave the rest to you."

"It's not a big problem," Ji Yao smiled, "Don't worry."


For the next eight weeks, Ji Yao was not by Wu Qiao's side at all.

He recruited in dozens of star fields, and formed a revolutionary army in the local area. After winning several battles and occupying the seven star regions, recruitment became much easier. This time Ji Yao recruited more soldiers than any of the previous six rounds.

Then, he began to try to contact and lobby various local governments.

At the beginning, he chose people with ideals in his mind, and used the future of the people to persuade local top officials to join the new country. He said that the momentum of the revolutionary army is very strong, and the empire is currently in jeopardy. He invited the localities to break away from the empire and enter a new generation together. However, it turns out that not too many people were persuaded by him. Then Ji Yao changed his strategy, changed his target, and directly used the funds provided by the businessmen to lure the greedy people he confirmed. At this moment when the revolutionary army was in full swing, many people were hesitant about which side to stand on, and when a weight called money was added to the balance, some people chose to take risks and bet their chips on the revolution. on the army. There are also people who like to bargain and set many conditions before agreeing.

After collecting ten local governments, Wu Qiao and Ji Yao officially fired the starting gun.

The emperor of the empire never expected that on the same day and at the same time, as many as ten local top officials suddenly announced that the star field would no longer obey the laws of the empire in the originally planned live broadcast program with very regular content.

Then, under the protection of the revolutionary army, they walked back to the local government building and ordered various departments to prepare for new work. Many government workers felt dazed, but obediently carried out the order. At this time, the benefits of the imperial system were revealed. No one could tell what was wrong with such independence in theory. They were not like a republic, they had to vote for everything. In the empire, the local government had always been able to serve the people of the whole star region Life makes up its mind.

The Imperial defenders in the independent star field certainly disagree. However, during the special period when these two sides are fighting, the empire will not let the soldiers just sit around doing nothing. The number of defenders in each star field is very limited, and the flames of counterattack have not been able to burn fiercely. After several waves of attack and defense, there is only one star field Forced to return to the territory of the empire.

Wu Qiao could have formed a revolutionary army in various places and entered directly, but in the end he decided to try his best to solve it peacefully. First, it was safer. After all, he could hardly count on the local army that was assembled improvised. Second, it would be heavy if the original officials directly defected Fighting against the empire, three times, the people in the independent star field can also have a smooth transition.

At the same time, on the list of star domains that Ji Yao submitted to him that he was resolutely unwilling to betray the empire, Wu Qiao delineated seven star domains that were relatively conducive to the attacker's deployment of tactics, organized the army, and arranged the plan. The revolution broke out in the seven star domains at the same time on the second day after the ten star domain announced their separation.

The entire empire was clouded by war in an instant, and it seemed that just overnight, the change of dynasty had stepped from a theoretical possibility to a practical attempt.

In the end, six of the seven star fields successfully revolted, and only one was suppressed by the imperial army. Of the six successful starfields, two progressed with bewilderingly rapid speed. Many imperial soldiers were drinking and joking in the bar, as if they were waiting to be captured.

So far, the number of star domains owned by the new country has increased to twenty-five in an instant, almost cutting off half of the original empire.

This is Wu Qiao's purpose, he wants to bloom more, and let the flames of war spread to the whole territory. In this way, the empire is like a tin bucket full of bullet holes, leaking everywhere, so that the emperor and the army don't know where to stop it.

This was an explosive revolution, and the whole situation changed drastically. No one could have expected that a spark would suddenly turn into a raging wildfire.

For this sake, Ji Yao's work suddenly became easier.

He only used one-fifth of the previous effort to convince another ten star fields, and two of them even came to him on their own initiative.

Because, compared with the fate of the officials of the captured falcons, cheetahs, etc., the local government officials who took the initiative to seek refuge still wear tall black hats.

In this way, the revolutionary army advanced at an extremely fast speed, and the empire was soon dilapidated, leaving less than half of its territory. As for the rest, it seemed to have been burned by a fire, and it was shockingly desolate. degree.

The better the situation, the more anxious Wu Qiao was.

He was very happy about the battle situation, but at the same time, his inner panic became more and more obvious.

He was always in fear, afraid that the ending that Tan Yan said would come in day by day.

If one day I see Tan Yan on the battlefield... Wu Qiao really doesn't know what to do.

Before, he could always comfort himself and say that the current situation can last for a while, and there is no need to be depressed and sad now, the important thing is to cherish the present. Therefore, he and Tan Yan can also use hidden love letters to express their hearts to each other. Ever since seeing that "Love You Forever" article, Wu Qiao has always been able to find things that only he can understand in Tan Yan's published articles.

He began to do some very inauspicious things, such as finding and putting together all Tanyan's belongings that he had, carefully sorting all the photos that Tanyan had sent him in the past, and keeping all the conversations between the two of them. The records are all exported to folders, there is one for video, one for audio, one for text, and a directory is also made. In short, in order to prevent the loss of a certain file, I sorted out all the things related to Tan Yan, and backed up those that could be backed up—this way, if the other party really does not have that good life to survive, I still have a lot to take The things that I come to browse and recall will not be lost and disappeared. Then one day in the future, when he remembers a certain conversation with Tan Yan, he can’t think of what Tan Yan said to him at that time. What, only a gap that cannot be filled is left in memory. There is no new memory to be filled in, and the gap will become bigger and bigger, just like the ice in the permafrost melts one by one, and finally, there is no cold, only one by one. Holes large and small that cannot be filled.