Face Slapping the General

Chapter 84: The building will fall (below)


After becoming the leader of the revolutionary army, Wu Qiao became busier than before, but he felt a little more relaxed because he saw new hope—the hope that he could still live with Tan Yan.

In his inaugural speech, Wu Qiao didn't hold back and said a lot of strange things.

In the last paragraph, he said: "Now, with consciousness, we fight for freedom. I deeply hope that this is the last time, the last time in human history that a small group of people wake up to what should be done. I I deeply hope that after this, everyone will take equality for granted, and there will be no need for any revolution. Everyone, including me, can be with their loved ones and will not be forced to Going through a painful separation. I look forward to that world and look forward to a brighter future."

In the past, he didn't dare to think about it. In his heart, he would let the people of the Empire live a good life, but he would not have a good life himself. However, things are always changing. Now that he is in control of the revolutionary army, maybe he can really keep Tan Yan.

Until now, whenever he thinks of this name, Wu Qiao's heart still trembles, his heart beats faster, and his whole body seems to have a fever.

Even people in the Revolutionary Army often thought he was weird. If you want to win, "Tan Yan" is a name you can't get around, and you will meet again one day. However, every time someone mentioned Tan Yan, Wu Qiao always seemed particularly unnatural. No matter how calm he was before, as soon as he heard these two words, Wu Qiao would blush. If the name came from his own mouth, it would be even weirder. Wu Qiao would tremble even when he spoke. No one understood what he was nervous about, so they had to understand that he was looking forward to the final battle.

In the beginning, in order to flatter him, someone would always say to him: "You have surpassed Tan Yan now, and he will be blasted to pieces in front of you."

At this time, Wu Qiao would say seriously: "I hope I can stand shoulder to shoulder with him, but I feel that I can't do it yet."

Wu Qiao worships Tan Yan, and he can feel that no matter where he goes, even if he really becomes the God of War, he will always worship him. It may seem incomprehensible to outsiders, but that's what he thinks.

After a long time, no one said that kind of thing anymore.

Only five days after being "elected", Wu Qiao prepared his army again and started marching towards the capital.

This will be the most difficult road, every step requires extra care.

The commander who came to stop the revolutionary army was Robin. Robin used to be Wu Qiao's chief officer. Although, after getting along for a very short period of time, Wu Qiao was "borrowed" by Dai Lun, who was always defeated at that time.

For Robin, Wu Qiao's biggest impression is that he doesn't like fighting, and likes to tell him the principles of life. When he and Robin were discussing things, they often just talked, and they didn't know where they were kidnapped. The topic always started with the war and ended with the principles of life.

Wu Qiao could feel that her enthusiasm for the battlefield was far less than that of men. She worked very hard and longed to be recognized by others, but she didn't like war itself.

Wu Qiao's coveting of the capital was very sudden, at least in the eyes of the imperial army. Robin had to quickly organize the army and put it into battle.

For this reason, Robin voluntarily gave up some fortresses, the purpose is to lure Wu Qiao to continue to go deeper.

Wuqiao is constantly advancing, and the station line is getting longer and longer, but Robin has completed the assembly of troops.

When Robin launched a counterattack unexpectedly, Wu Qiao failed to hold it back. The revolutionary army suffered heavy losses and was forced to abandon several fortresses that had just been captured.

When retreating to a certain level, Wu Qiao finally stabilized his position, and the two sides fell into a stalemate.

Robin originally wanted to wait for Wu Qiao to make the first move, and wait for work with ease, and wait for the revolutionary army to be exhausted to a certain extent before going to counterattack and cut off the enemy's retreat.

But the emperor was in a hurry. The emperor didn't want to wait. He asked Robin to take the initiative to attack and kill Wu Qiao as soon as possible, so as to boost morale and restore the imperial army's prestige. He said that he had consulted Tan Yan for his opinion, and Tan Yan expressed his approval of the attack. In fact, Tan Yan knew that Robin was right, but the emperor did not know that Tan Yan had been deliberately giving him completely incorrect advice in order to help Wu Qiao.

In desperation, Robin had to agree.

Robin believed that the current number of people was not sure of victory, so he postponed the attack plan and mobilized soldiers from various places for reinforcements. But what she didn't expect at all was that Wu Qiao actually recruited locally, and through some unknown method, the number of people increased faster than her!

The combat power over there is like a snowball, getting bigger and bigger, and growing at a geometrical speed.

Robin believes that the best time to attack has been missed, and we should wait for a good opportunity again. The Emperor, however, disagreed, insisting that Robin go on the offensive.

Wuqiao, on the other hand, has carefully arranged defensive tactics, with extremely deep defenses, and all arrangements are closely coordinated to ensure that there is nothing wrong with it.

After all, Robin has a very high tactical literacy. Her attack was much more violent than Wu Qiao imagined. Wu Qiao temporarily decided to put all the troops preparing to counterattack into the defense. Both sides suffered great losses. Wu Qiao estimated that he had scrapped at least tens of thousands Mecha.

The battle lasted for a very long time, and the two sides switched offense and defense several times, but there was no way to completely win.

Wu Qiao waited quietly.

The emperor became more and more anxious, constantly putting pressure on Robin to win as soon as possible.

So, without absolute confidence, Robin organized a large-scale attack.

This time, in order to boost morale and satisfy the emperor, Robin personally rushed to the front line very rarely. Generally speaking, the commander will stay behind and rarely go directly to fight.

Wu Qiao knew that she was inviting a fight.

She is tired of this constant stalemate, and intends to use the duel between the generals to change the situation as in ancient wars, instead of conducting a modern conventional war.

The side that loses the commander will be at a disadvantage in an instant.

Robin's mech driving skills are excellent, and she is still young, so Wu Qiao knows she has confidence.

"Crow Nine," Wu Qiao took a deep breath, "ready to fight."

"it is good!"

The battle begins.

The two mechas pierced the sky and became entangled in an instant!

As a former officer, Robin knew Wu Qiao, but Wu Qiao didn't understand Robin's style, because Robin hadn't shown it in front of him. She doesn't need to show Wu Qiao her skills, she just needs to know the characteristics of her subordinates.

Therefore, from the background point of view, Wu Qiao is quite unfavorable.