Face Slapping the General

Chapter 88: New country (top)


After hearing the news, Tan Yan was also shocked and angry.

After careful planning and arrangements, he finally freed up a day to travel to and from the capital to meet the emperor.

It shouldn't be a big problem to drag the enemy for a day. Tan Yan thinks that Dai Lun's matter has the highest priority now.

Regarding Tan Yan's request, the emperor agreed after hesitation, so Tan Yan set off to return to the capital at night.

The imperial palace of the empire is located in the center of the capital star, and the emperor's bedroom is on the central axis.

The imperial palace is still resplendent and resplendent, the bedroom is surrounded by water, duckweed is everywhere, and there are plants, flowers and trees on both sides, all of which are handsome and tall.

Tan Yan stepped into the front hall, and saw that the ground was still as clean as jade, inlaid with various precious stones, and the patterns were exquisite and delicate. The marble walls are dazzling, the ceiling chandeliers hang down like waterfalls, and the strokes on the roof are the bloody work of the best painters in the empire. There are all kinds of antique utensils in the house, each of which is priceless.

Tan Yan sighed.

Now that the royal family is in shambles, these buildings remain the same.

It seems that even when dynasties change several times, they will remain unchanged.

Tan Yan raised his eyes and saw the emperor sitting on the throne.

The emperor's eyes were full of exhaustion. He was leaning on one handle, playing with the ring on his right with his left hand, as if he was deep in thought.

The emperor did not wear a crown, and Tan Yan had never seen the emperor without a crown.

Tan Yan stepped forward and knelt on the ground on one knee.

In this empire, even he had to kneel down every time he saw the emperor, and he was used to this kind of etiquette.

Tan Yan didn't speak, just waited quietly, he knew that the emperor had seen him.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, the emperor opened his mouth, his voice low and majestic: "You are here."

Tan Yan also responded softly: "Your Majesty."


"Your Majesty..." Tan Yan wanted to bring up the matter of Dai Lun collaborating with the enemy, but was interrupted directly by the emperor: "Needless to say."

"But Your Majesty..."

"I know what you're going to say, so there's no need to say it."

"..." Tan Yan raised his head in surprise, his eyes full of disbelief.

The emperor... actually really agreed with Daeron's approach, and didn't give him a chance to make suggestions at all.

Over there, the middle-aged man sitting in the high position spoke again, "Tan Yan, actually, I also have a question that I want to ask you."

"Please speak, Your Majesty."

The emperor's eyes seemed to drift far away, and he asked, "Tan Yan, what do you think will be the future of this country?"

"..." After pausing for five seconds, Tan Yan couldn't bear to say, "It will get better and better, Your Majesty."

This was Tan Yan's true thought, but he didn't say anything else.

"Will it get better and better..." the emperor lowered his head, reaching out his hand to caress the armrest of the throne, "but I don't see it getting better and better."

"Your Majesty..."

"Or, it should be said, as long as I'm here, it won't get better."

"..." Tan Yan raised his head in astonishment, not understanding why the emperor said that.

"Isn't it?" the emperor said again, "this time we joined forces to push back the rebels, how should we deal with it next time? The number of rebels is getting bigger and bigger, and the momentum will only become bigger in the future. Could it be that every time we have to fight against the rebels?" The Republic joins forces, and let the Republic advance three star fields every time?"

The emperor also knew very well that this time, the Republic would only help repel the rebel army, and it was absolutely impossible to completely kill them on the spot, because they still wanted to use the rebel army, so they would never let their leader die. "Forcing back the rebels" is also the content of the agreement between the two parties. The rebels will soon make another comeback, and the situation will only get more dire at that time. Now two-thirds of the empire has declared independence one after another, and the number of rebels is increasing much faster than the empire. In addition to being forced to abdicate, they also rely more and more on the republic until the empire disappears from the universe. The emperor can't imagine Come up with a third ending.

"Your Majesty," Tan Yanyan said insincerely, "You...don't worry, there will always be a way."

This sentence is really a lie.

What can be done

In fact, Tan Yan felt a little uncomfortable.

Tan Yan's promotion had a lot to do with the emperor's appreciation. If it wasn't for the emperor, he wouldn't be where he is today. He didn't want to see the emperor fall into such a miserable situation.

Hearing Tan Yan's words, the emperor shook his head.

He seemed to be thinking about his life: "Tan Yan, maybe, maybe... I am a very incompetent person, but for more than a hundred years, what I have worked hard and hoped for is nothing more than not subjugating the country and not doing things. The king of the subjugated country is still like this until today."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Tan Yan is also very clear that many of the emperor's policies are based on this, although they may not be correct.

"My wisdom is insufficient. At the moment of life and death, some of my ideas made the situation worse, and all the way so far, there is no turning point."


The emperor tapped the handrail with his fingertips: "I am not willing to join forces with the invaders to keep this throne; I am even more unwilling to give up the three star fields without any resistance. Moreover, if you take this step to go , will only get deeper and deeper in the future.”

The empire was completely powerless to fight against the rebels, and if it wanted to struggle, it could only continue to rely on the power of the Republic.

That's so sad.

If the national status does not exist, what is the use of the throne

"..." Tan Yan opened his mouth, not knowing how to deal with it—the emperor's worries were all real, and it was an unavoidable problem. He couldn't say lightly that it was all right.

"..." The emperor was silent for a long, long time, so long that Tan Yan suspected that the emperor had fallen asleep, so the emperor waved down, "You can go."

"Your Majesty..." The matter of Dai Lun has not been considered yet, and Tan Yan will not leave just now. He came this time to persuade the emperor to tear up the agreement and absolutely not rely on the power of the Republic.

However, the emperor didn't want to talk about it anymore, and his voice became a little louder: "Go back to the front line."

"Your Majesty! About Daeron..."

"Stop." The emperor pressed his forehead with one hand, and waved the other hand impatiently: "Don't say any more, I know it well."

"But… "

"I told you to get out!"

"..." Tan Yan looked at the emperor who obviously didn't want to talk, and had no choice but to dawdle and slowly move out.

He began to wonder what to do.

At this time, he wished that Sean was still there. That Sean is always making jokes, but ten very reliable companions.

—Tan Yanquan didn't expect that the empire would change in the early morning of the next day.

In 2635 of the Galactic Calendar, the Emperor of the Empire suddenly announced his abdication.

And, before abdicating, he ordered Tan Yan and Dai Lun to accept Wu Qiao's offer to surrender.

Under the circumstances that no one expected, when the Republic troops were already on the way to support the Imperial Army, and when the Imperial Army had a turning point, the Emperor of the Empire gave up the country without warning.