Face Slapping the General

Chapter 95: The first dawn (middle)


After a kiss, Tan Yan looked into Wu Qiao's eyes and found that Wu Qiao seemed to be very sincere. Tan Yan also doesn't know whether Wu Qiao, who can memorize all the biographies of military geniuses and the tactics they created, really thinks that he is the best one, or whether he is out of a mentality of "beauty is in the eye of the beholder".

He recalled the conferring ceremony just now, and found that Wu Qiao had used all the compliments available. Wu Qiao described him as "holding faith and not fearing life and death", "brave in combat and being injured many times", "calm-headed and full of wisdom", "excellent military exploits and outstanding achievements"... And, Wu Qiao also said at the end: "I am able to fight with this The greatest generals are proud to stand together." Wu Qiao's descriptions made Tan Yan feel a little embarrassed, and the other people present would blush for him, and if Xiao En was still there, they would laugh until they laughed. At that moment, the narcissistic person couldn't help but suspect that he had some advantages that he didn't even have time to discover.

Tan Yan knew that the last sentence on Wuqiao's order, "I am proud to stand with this greatest general" was actually a public confession, and "standing together" did not just refer to the award ceremony. Stand together forever, not even just standing together when fighting against powerful enemies, but... standing together for a lifetime, no matter what you are facing, no matter how thick the night behind you is. When Tan Yan heard that sentence, he felt a little hot all over his body.

"Look at you tired..." Over there, Wu Qiao looked at Tan Yan's lips and said, "The lips are so dry that they are cracked."

Tan Yan touched his lips and asked, "Really?" He didn't notice this, or, even if he found out, he didn't take it seriously, after all, to him, it was just a small enough to be ignored.

"Well, you haven't had a good rest since you were fighting wars and receiving honors." Wu Qiao leaned forward, held Tan Yan's face in his hands, stuck out his tongue and licked the other's lips, repeatedly, until the cracks All the places were carefully leveled, and occasionally, he could even taste the smell of blood. Then, without knowing what happened, his tongue was pushed back into his mouth by Tan Yan's tongue, and his throat was even licked. Wu Qiao struggled, and said what he hadn't finished just now, "The award ceremony is too rushed, I was too anxious." He even forgot how tired Tan Yan was, and didn't give the other party time to recover. The ceremony was held the next day.

Tan Yan looked at Wu Qiao, and suddenly said, "Actually, it's not necessary."

"What is unnecessary?" Does it mean that an apology is unnecessary

"Promoted to Marshal." Tan Yan was referring to something else. He emphasized again, "It is not necessary to be promoted to marshal. The main purpose of conferring marshals is to appease and motivate generals and consolidate his loyalty. But you know, because it is you, even if you don't have any titles, I won't blame you. You, you won't have any complaints, and you will go all out in the future. My identity is a bit special. I am a person left by the empire, and now I am the only marshal of the new country. I think some people will be dissatisfied and even think that you You're messing around, after all, those who follow you to conquer the world have not been named commanders yet."

"I want it." Wu Qiao raised his head, looking at himself reflected in the other person's beautiful brown pupils, "I want it—do you know why?"

Tan Yan smiled: "How would I know?"

Wu Qiao said: "First of all, because you deserve it. This victory is too important, not to mention, you have contributed a lot in the past. Secondly... how should I put it, in history, the feeling of 'Marshal' is somewhat similar to that of 'Protoss', Far beyond the highest value of honor, being awarded the title of marshal is like having a godhead. I think that after the war ends and peace comes, as time goes by, the memory of the smoke and flames of war will become farther and farther away. People will forget how chilling 'Tanyan' and other once world-famous names are. They are immersed in happiness and forget the past disasters. New generations are born one after another, grow up, carefree, or Just worrying about exams and work... They don't understand what happened during the past wars, and they don't know what kind of trials you have experienced in the war. But, what I hope is that even if people don't know what happened They don't know about your numerous achievements, and they can't recite those awkward time points, but every time they mention that protracted war, every time they mention the soldiers who drove out the shameless invaders, every time they mention When Tan Yan is the first to become Marshal, his heart will still be full of respect and awe."


"Maybe, there will be many marshals in the future, but the first one will always be different. In short, people will forget the details one day, but the words 'first marshal' and 'marshal of the two dynasties' It can represent a lot, and I want to simplify your military exploits into these few words. They will exist in history textbooks, or just a little common sense, so that you will be remembered by many, many people in the future."

"You," Tan Yan hugged Wu Qiao into his arms again, letting Wu Qiao's head rest on the hollow of his shoulder, "you are thinking about strange things."

"How is this a strange thing..." It is obviously a very meaningful thing.

Tan Yan said, "I didn't want to leave my name."

Wu Qiao said, "Impossible."

"... I'm not you."

"..." Wu Qiao really wanted to leave his name behind. He always feels that as a human being, the responsibility is to make the world more true, kind and beautiful. Some of them can greatly improve the world, such as some scientists, and others can only change a little bit, such as pleasing the people around them. , more or less does not affect this responsibility of man, and the man who made the world worse because of his birth is simply too annoying, no matter how much he makes the world worse. For Wu Qiao, he hopes to fulfill this responsibility to the greatest extent. But he also knows that his strong sense of social responsibility has formed a huge contradiction with the status quo that he is usually hated by the people around him. Wu Qiao also wants to try to improve his emotional intelligence, but his stubbornness is indeed an obstacle, and no one likes to always listen to him. For others, this fact did make Wu Qiao feel a lot of dazed and powerless. Fortunately, there are some people around him who understand him.

"Hey," Wu Qiao stopped entangled in this issue, Tan Yan's character is indeed completely different from him, "Tan Yan, can you take off your clothes and give me a hug?"

"... again?"

"What's the matter?" Is this request too much

"It's okay, let's hug him." Tan Yan discovered that the two things Wu Qiao likes to do to him most, one is to bite him, and the other is to take off his clothes and hug him. When he is emotional, he bites him, and when he is calm, he likes to take off his clothes and hug him.

Wu Qiao is indeed like this. In fact, this hobby of his has little to do with pornography, but Tan Yan's body is very warm, warm, with a broad and strong chest, comfortable to hold, it seems that just holding the mood can relax a lot.

Wu Qiao picked Yan Yan's clothes and asked him, "By the way... what kind of new military uniform do you want?"

Tan Yan pecked the other party's lips again: "I will wear whatever you want."

"Don't be kidding me."

"I'm not joking."

"Okay," Wu Qiao nodded, "I guess the design is still the same as before, just with some special details." The Marshal's uniform will not be unique, it will be consistent with other soldiers on the whole, as it was in the Empire period .

"Okay." Tan Yan had a nonchalant attitude, "You said something, anyway, it's your business."

"Why is it my business..."

"It was you who cared."


Then, Wu Qiao lay on his side on the big sofa in his office, covered with a blanket, hid his head in the blanket, nestled on Tan Yan's chest and hugged him desperately. The touch from the hand is very comfortable, the chest, shoulders, arms, buttocks, legs... the touch from every place is comfortable. Any part that is lightly rubbed will feel soft and itchy.

In the past, Wu Qiao really couldn't imagine that he would do nothing for an entire hour or two, just lay there hugging another person and chatting casually, although almost every time, this behavior would evolve in the end For more intense limb entanglement.

This time, Tan Yan was probably really too tired. While chatting, he fell asleep unconsciously, and even snored lightly, which was rare. It's not quite accurate to say it's rare, it's the first time Wu Qiao heard of it.

"I'm really tired..."

Wu Qiao knew that since Tan Yan was asleep, he should tuck up the blanket for Tan Yan and get up to do business, but he couldn't bear it, and after thinking about it for a long time, he felt that he should also squint for a while. In fact, he was not sleepy at all, but he still chose to sleep hard. Giving up trying to waste time like this made him feel a little panicked, because he obviously hated it the most in the past... Wu Qiao dawdled in fear and guilt, and didn't move in the end.

He had a dream.

In the dream, he had a lover. He didn't know who that person was, and he couldn't see the face clearly. He only knew that it was his lover, and he had two children, and he seemed to be living a good life. Later Tan Yan appeared on the stage, and he and Tan Yan fell in love at first sight, but he didn't dare to choose to leave his family and stay with others, that would be too irresponsible, so he was very painful. The despair and reality in the dream seem to overwhelm people, as if half of the soul has been taken out, and there is no way to be happy.

"..." Wu Qiao opened his eyes.

Hearing that Tan Yan was still snoring, Wu Qiao suddenly wanted to cry when he looked up and saw that the other party was very relaxed.

The person he wants to be with for the rest of his life is Tan Yan. He feels very happy, and he never needs to worry about the feeling of despair when he suddenly meets someone he really likes in his dream, because there will be no one else.

Wu Qiao sighed softly, put his head on Tan Yan's chest and rubbed it vigorously.

"..." Tan Yan asked, "What's wrong?"

"Woke you up?"

"I'm fine. What's the matter?"

"Had a nightmare..."

"Dream that we lost? Surrender to the Republic?"


Tan Yan asked: "What kind of nightmare is that?"

"...Forget it." Wu Qiao thought for a while, and compared with what Tan Yan said, he really seemed petty, and he was all love for his children, so he couldn't get on the stage.

However, Tan Yan seemed worried that Wu Qiao was in a bad mood, so he asked him, "Can you tell me something?"

"...Okay." Wu Qiao thought that there was nothing that Tan Yan could not know, so he described the dream just now.

Tan Yan's smile deepened as he listened, and finally hugged him again: "So, when I was 'pursuing' you, you said that you would not agree until you were not completely sure of your heart, and it seemed to be useful."

"Of course I won't encounter the things in the dream." Wu Qiao paused, and suddenly changed direction, "It's you... Will you suddenly tease others one day? I know how to endure. If it were you, you might just do it right away." In retrospect, the other party seemed to be entangled with him very quickly, without thinking about it at all.

Tan Yan asked: "...why should I tease others?"

"Then who knows, ask yourself."

"Hey… "


Speaking of this, Tan Yan was suddenly a little curious. He asked Wu Qiao: "If I was really a scum, what would you do?" He would never be able to experience it for himself, so if he was curious, he could only ask.

"Huh?" Wu Qiao thought for a while and said, "I'll kill you with one shot."


"The muzzle of the gun is stuffed into your throat, and a shuttle of bullets hits you."

"..." Tan Yan asked, "Didn't that involve you too?"

"Me?" Wu Qiao raised his head and smiled, "I will try to write it into the law, and all people like you will be shot dead."

"What kind of person am I..."

"I'm not kidding," Wu Qiao really thought about it seriously, "Even if that's the case, I'm still reluctant to kill you, but you will lose me. If you don't care, you can do whatever you want, there is no other price."

Tan Yan lowered his head to look for Wu Qiao's lips: "Is there anything more important than this?"

Wu Qiao raised his head to respond to the other party. Now he is not as clumsy as he was at the beginning, and he can cooperate very well every time.

While kissing Wu Qiao, he thought, it turns out that they have been together for many years, but they just get together less and leave more, so they can't feel this at all.

Then he thought wildly again, if Long Yuan intends to abandon Yajiu, I don't know if Yajiu will just cry, make trouble, and hang himself. From its past appearance, it can't be seen that it will have the possibility of giving up... But, it also Without tears, even if you hang yourself, you won’t die by hanging. If you don’t sink enough to tear the rope, it’s not bad. In this way, if you cry, make trouble, and hang yourself three times, there will always be trouble—the most unpleasant kind. What should I do then, hey, I'm so sad.

Because Tan Yan was woken up, Wu Qiao told Tan Yan to continue to sleep, while he got dressed and went back to the desk to start working.

Wu Qiao first searched the Internet to see what the public thought of him.

It turned out that about a third of the discussions were about his looks. The leaders for thousands of years have all been ugly, and their appearance seems to have become a talking point.

Wu Qiao turned over and suddenly realized something. Now he finally knows where the photos he saw at Tan Yan that day he didn't remember came from... At that time, he thought they were all pretty good-looking, but now he realizes that they were all taken by reporters and ordinary people It was uploaded to the public space later.

"You still have this kung fu..." Wu Qiao couldn't help muttering as he looked at the man who was so tired that he was asleep on the sofa.