Face Slapping the General

Chapter 96: The dawn is coming (below)


In the next period of time, Wu Qiao began to order people to manufacture new warships on a large scale. Wu Qiao was keenly aware that the scientific theories discovered by scientists in neutral countries could be used to create the latest weapons that could eclipse all the weapons of the past. Wu Qiao has invested a lot of resources in this, and the speed of manufacturing new warships is very fast.

In such a critical period, the businessmen once again showed a touching sense of patriotism. In this replacement, the army actually issued a lot of IOUs. However, this is far from enough. Reforming equipment requires a lot of money, so Wu Qiao sent the Minister of Finance to discuss loan matters with the neutral country. The result of the negotiation was that the neutral country received a huge amount of money with a relatively low interest rate.

Every time a batch of new warships were built, Wu Qiao would study them himself and eliminate a batch of old warships that he thought were useless. Regarding this point, there are many opponents. They think that in this critical period, it is unwise to force usable warships to decommission. To this, Wu Qiao replied: "Not only warships are precious, but soldiers are even more precious. Warships are gone. Re-engineering, dead soldiers cannot survive. If such warships continue to participate in the war, they will lose a lot of people for no reason." This statement has been praised by many, after all, soldiers were not treated as human beings during the empire .

There are also some opponents who think that it is unnecessary to replace the new battleship, because at present, one's own side is a little bit better than the other side in terms of weapons. You may lose your advantage. Wu Qiao retorted: "Reforms will happen sooner or later. Either now or in the future, they will happen every once in a while. Wouldn't it be better for us to take the initiative? It's better to be ahead than to be led along."

At the same time, Wu Qiao upgraded his army in all aspects. He forced each battalion of the army to review the loopholes and problems they were facing, and submit them in a report. He would check them himself, knock on these places and immediately start to fill in all the loopholes and solve all the problems. Finally, Ji Yao went to check the rectification results. If there is something that they don't know how to deal with, Wu Qiaohui and Ji Yao will find a way to ease the situation. Wu Qiao requested that each battalion report must have five items listed in strict order of urgency. Wu Qiao also added a new system, all people are welcome to make suggestions, and Wu Qiao will send people to investigate if it is mentioned more times. Wu Qiao believes that there are many stubborn diseases left in the army by the rule of the empire, which cannot be cured automatically. Only strict reforms can keep the army strong in this most critical period. During the implementation of this series of measures, during the intense rectification, many places have become less pleasant than before, and many officials feel pressured. Only then did many people realize that the establishment of a new country is not just about "saving" the army, but about re-leading it.

In addition, Wu Qiao had to deal with Jing Yan.

Wu Qiao found that although Jing Yan formed an alliance with him out of self-interest, in fact, Jing Yan was still very neurotic on some issues. As long as Wu Qiao overwhelms him, acts like a leader, or mentions the word "big country", Jing Yan will be very displeased, but most of the time, Wu Qiao doesn't do that at all, it's just that Jing Yan himself is too sensitive up. Everyone knows that there are only eternal interests between countries, but Jing Yan still has a very low anger point. So Wu Qiao became extra careful, always reminding himself that he must remember that he was just a partner, long live equality, and sometimes even lowered his position again to praise the other party.

— He wants everything to go well and in a pleasant atmosphere.

In such caution, Wu Qiao and the neutral country reached an agreement on an important issue, which was to block all trade with the Republic. This incident happened very suddenly. The neutral country conducted a routine cargo inspection at the airport, but forcibly purchased all the goods sent to the Republic, and only discounted the price, and then ordered the merchant ship to return to the place of departure. The merchants were cut off from trade with the Republic in the form of financial compensation.

At present, both powers are dependent on trade with neutral countries. Years of wars have been raging, and many industries that have nothing to do with military industry and basic life cannot be developed. They are all imported from neutral countries. Now they are all blocked in an instant, which makes the people of the republic a little frightened, because it will take some time to re-support their own domestic industries.

With regard to the blockade of trade, neutral countries have incomparably double standards. Previously, the neutral country had always advocated that the economy and politics were independent, and that the economy should not serve politics. Unable to stand, talking like farting, made many commercial partners in the Republic who have business dealings with neutral companies very angry, because Jing Yan's erratic changes made them face bankruptcy, and the stock prices of many companies fell overnight. Ninety percent of them evaporated, and when they mentioned Jing Yan, they all used the word "fart".

"Jing Yan has completely ruined the neutrality of the neutral country, and the neutrality that has persisted for hundreds of years is gone." All of a sudden, the sky condemned.

Wu Qiao was worried that Jing Yan would be too thin-skinned and would not be able to stand criticism, so he was worried all day long. Fortunately, Jing Yan did not regret it later.

During this time, Wu Qiao could only sleep for three hours a day, Tan Yan felt distressed, and sometimes asked someone to bring some soup to Wu Qiao.

Those soups were all made by Tan Yan himself. He has his own set of supplementary recipes. Wu Qiao doesn’t know what’s in it. Anyway, after drinking it, he can really restore his physical strength. Some people who seem to be sick have dizziness, itchy throat and itchy lungs. The signs are gone.

It's just that bringing food and drink with you will inevitably make people confused. "The Marshal flattered him too hard", "I didn't realize that he was a flatterer in the past", many people who were a bit of a thing were muttering in their hearts.

However, there is no way, this thing is really not easy to send. Generally speaking, if you want to hand over a regular item to another person, you can just send it directly. The machine will automatically analyze and detect a series of attributes such as the type, material, and shape of the item, and then destroy it directly here, and send it to the other side. Perform item reshaping. However, the transmission is limited to "regular items", and sometimes even regular items will go wrong. The machine is also marked "Please do not send important or valuable items. If the transmission fails, you will bear the consequences yourself", which is full of people. Deeply irresponsible. As for food and drink, Tan Yan naturally didn't think that it could be reshaped. Nine times out of ten, what came out was very disgusting. What would happen if Wu Qiao swallowed it and couldn't keep it intact. Moreover, Tan Yan almost never used the teleportation machine to send things to Wu Qiao. In the past, the small gifts he bought after the recovery of various star fields were also entrusted to others. He was always afraid that his heart would be ruined by the machine, and he didn't want to take that risk.

Eight months later, the new warships began to take shape, and they were no longer sporadic as before.

During this process, in order to improve energy efficiency, the god-like Qiu Yanting was also invited as a consultant. Qiu Yanting was the one who discovered Qingsha in the first place, and knew everything about Qingsha, and there is no one in the entire universe who knows how to use Qingsha better than him. He saved everyone, so he was nicknamed "God".

Wu Qiao was finally lucky enough to meet him.

His facial features are exquisite, but his face is pale, his lips are also very pale, as if he has not seen the sun all year round, his figure is tall and thin, and he staggers when he walks, completely different from soldiers.

Regarding the whereabouts of the new warships, Wu Qiao's arrangement is: "All the new warships will be put into use, and the Republic will be caught off guard."

It will take more than a year until the Republic also reforms its weapons.

"Okay," Tan Yan asked, "how to distribute?"

"All go to the Eastern Front." Wu Qiao said, "No one will stay on the Western Front."


A circle was drawn on Wuqiao's map: "Mainly place them in these bases. They can prevent enemy warships from escaping back into the universe, and annihilate the opponent's fleet when the opportunity arises."


"This kind of blockade will be less effective at the beginning, but as the investment increases, the blockade will gradually strengthen, like a giant python getting tighter and tighter, and finally strangling the opponent alive."

"Well, I see what you mean."

"Okay." Wu Qiao especially liked this feeling. That is, no matter what the plan is, as long as the beginning is mentioned, Tan Yan will understand all his subsequent ideas, save a lot of time and improve a lot of efficiency. Although, for some other generals, this is a troublesome thing. Every time Wu Qiao just said a few words, Tan Yan understood everything, which made them doubt themselves, whether their ability was really that bad, and whether the distance between them and the marshal was really that far. Otherwise, why couldn't they see through Wu Qiao's mind and guess the 95% behind it? What they think is the scariest thing is that they often only listen to the talk at the beginning and arrange it, and they never miss it. This is really hard to imagine, even couples who have lived together for more than a hundred years may not necessarily have such a tacit understanding.

"Tan Yan," Wu Qiao lay down on the table, revealing that he had never shown his side to outsiders, "I'm so tired."


"I said I was tired, and you just said 'huh'?"

"..." Tan Yan smiled, "Wu Qiao, are you acting like a baby with me?"

"... You say yes." In fact, he was acting like a baby.

"Okay. What can I do?"

"What can I do..." Wu Qiao raised his head and exposed his eyes above the crook of his arms, "tell me a story."

"… what?"

"Tell me about your childhood." Wu Qiao had never heard of those things.

"When I was young?"

Wu Qiao said, "Yes."

"It was like that when I was a kid."

"Do not believe."

"Okay, let me think about it." Tan Yan seemed to really think about it, "I often make the teacher cry."

"... What did you do?" What can make the teacher cry

"There are everything." Tan Yan explained in detail, "For example, the teacher was late. After entering the room, she explained why she was late. I patted the table and said that the reason she made up was really good, it was really good, or she When I gave a lecture on it, I said that her method of solving problems was terribly stupid, and during class, I called all the students around to watch me solve the problems."

"You..." Wu Qiao imagined it, and felt very scary—why is the person he likes like this? Wu Qiao was always obedient when he was in school.

"In short, it's not worrying about every aspect." Tan Yan recalled carefully, "Yes, it's all aspects, except for one point, and I didn't let her worry about that point."

"Which point is it?" Wu Qiao felt curious.

"Well," Tan Yan smiled, "I will never fall in love with anyone."


"You also know this. Although no one will prohibit it, it is also a headache for the teacher."

"Yes." Wu Qiao naturally understood. Students are still young, and it is normal to worry.

"However, if I had known you at that time, I probably wouldn't be able to do the only one well."


"That teacher..." Tan Yan smiled again, "I hated me very much at the time, but now I am proud of it. We still keep in touch, and she still teaches in the school. She has followed the school several times. Yes, I should really like teaching. By the way, there is only one thing I don’t like. She always thinks that my existence today is inseparable from her efforts to save her. She thinks that without her, I must be a gangster. In fact, she has none at all. What can save me."

Wu Qiao: "..."