Face Slapping The Slag Gong System

Chapter 108: Servant of the tyrant


Ambergris slowly curled out from the hole of the purple incense burner. The eunuch in palace uniform held a fan and respectfully fanned the man lying on his side on the dragon bed. The man was wearing a bright yellow robe and his eyelids were slightly He closed his mouth, resting his chin with one hand, and leaning on his side with the other, his hair was covered with black hair, his face was as handsome as a person in a painting.

In the quiet afternoon, the surroundings were so quiet that there was almost no sound. At this moment, a thin voice came from the door: "Your Majesty, Prime Minister Su is here."

"Let him in."

A deep and pleasant male voice sounded faintly, Su Li narrowed his eyes, raised his right leg and stepped in. He was born gentle and handsome, with a snow-white complexion, red lips and white teeth, and he could not be seen as a high-ranking prime minister of the Daxuan Dynasty at all.

While the hem of the official uniform was swaying, one could vaguely see a pair of long and straight legs inside. When Su Li came to the bed, he stretched out his hands from inside and waved it lightly, "You step back first."

"Here." Xu Dechang quietly wiped the fine sweat from his forehead, bowed back, and closed the door before he saw Su Li waiting aside calmly, with lowered eyebrows, without the innocence that he should have at his age.

Sure enough, a companion is like a tiger, especially Qin Mu, the cruel and cruel Emperor Xuantong of the Great Xuan Dynasty.

At the same time as the sound of closing the door sounded, Qin Mu slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes fell on the pair of black-faced and white-soled official boots on Su Li's feet.

"In today's world, there are three legs. Xun Guo and Li Guo are located in the extreme south and the extreme north respectively, and they all look at me Daxuan. According to the report from the front line General Chen, Xun Guo is willing to seek peace with us and offer us a generous gift. Gift, Prime Minister, what is your opinion on this matter?"

Su Li replied: "I think that the people of Xun Guo are all brave and good at fighting. They have violated our border many times, and they are definitely not people who can easily ask for peace."

Qin Mu hummed, looked up at Su Li, and there was a faint smile in those dark and deep eyes, "If the envoys of the Xun Kingdom really come to visit me, what should I do?"

Su Li was silent, and said: "Your Majesty can listen to their reasons first, and then make another plan."

A smile extended from the corner of his mouth, and Qin Mu suddenly reached out to grab Su Li's right hand, which was on both sides of his body, and held the jade-like fingertips in his palm to play with carefully.

"During my personal conquest last month, I fought against Xun Yeyu, the great general of the Xun Kingdom. The outcome of the two armies was unknown, but Xun Yeyu suddenly ordered the withdrawal of the troops. It was only a month or so before the Xun Kingdom was about to come to Daxuan Summoning, do you think there is any connection between this?"

There was an itchy feeling from the fingertips, Su Li's eyes remained unchanged, and he said softly, "I don't know."

Fingers moved up slowly, Qin Mu gently held Su Li Yingbai's wrist, pulled it slightly, Su Li's figure swayed, staggered a few steps, and his body fell into Qin Mu's arms.

The young man did not speak, did not struggle, and stayed quietly in Qin Mu's arms, with a calm and indifferent expression.

Xuanguo has always favored masculinity, and there is a precedent for setting up men as queens. Qin Mu hugged Su Li into his arms with such an intimate gesture, the meaning of which is self-evident.

"During the court today, the ministers tried to persuade me to stand up again." Qin Mu softened his voice and pressed his lips against Su Li's cheek.

Su Li lowered his eyes, "The country cannot live without a queen, the emperor should seriously consider the matter of having a queen."

Qin Mu, who usually frowned and frightened the ministers, was surprisingly patient with Su Li, without any temper, "Do you really want me to make him your successor?"

Su Li was silent.

Qin Mu put his hand on Su Li's belt, "Since you won the first place in the palace examination at the age of thirteen and became the youngest champion in the history of Daxuan, you became the youngest prime minister of Xuanguo at the age of eighteen. Do you still remember what you said to me that day in Taolin outside the prime minister's mansion?"

"I said that I am willing to be loyal to the emperor forever."

Qin Mu suppressed his smile slightly, "What else?"

"The minister also said that he was willing to dedicate his life to the emperor in order to repay the emperor's kindness."

"What else?" There was no smile on Qin Mu's face, only those eyes fell on Su Li's face.

Su Li was silent for a while, "I...don't remember."

With his thin lips tightly pursed, Qin Mu's face was cold and solemn, and he tore off Su Li's belt with a swipe, and slammed it under his body.

"You don't remember, but I remember clearly." Qin Mu took off Su Li's official uniform expressionlessly, revealing the pure white underclothes underneath, and a slightly thin and slender body was gradually revealed in front of his eyes. Mu paused, and raised Su Li's chin.

Even though he was humiliated by Qin Mu like now, Su Li still didn't resist, just closed his eyes, as if he was being tortured calmly.

Qin Mu smiled instead of anger: "Open your eyes and look at me."

Hearing this, Su Li opened his eyes according to his words, and there was no extra emotion in those eyes except for the affection for Qin Mu as a monarch and minister.

There was a slight crowd in the depths of the pupils, Qin Mu waved his hand vigorously, and with a bang, Su Li was thrown under the bed. He was disheveled, knelt on the ground, and said: "If the emperor wants to relieve his physical desires, the three thousand beauties in the harem are waiting for you to visit."


Qin Mu was furious and scolded loudly.

Su Li kept kneeling on the ground with his head slightly lowered, completely unfazed by Qin Mu's sudden tyranny. Among Daxuan's many courtiers, only Su Li was not afraid of Qin Mu.

"Do you think I really want you?" Qin Mu smiled coldly, "Xu Dechang."

Xu Dechang bit the bullet and pushed the door in. "The servant is here."

"Didn't the queen mother accept a new concubine for me yesterday, and brought her here to serve me?"

"No." Even if it's not the time to wait for bedtime, Xu Dechang didn't dare to have the slightest objection.

Su Li, who was kneeling on the ground, was startled, bowed his head and remained silent.

Not long after, a few eunuchs wrapped a woman into the house, but saw that the woman's fragrant shoulders were slightly exposed, her almond eyes were thin and her cheeks were thin, and she was as bright as a budding rose, just waiting for someone to pick it.

After placing the woman on Longtao, everyone waited at one side, no one dared to back down without Qin Mu's order.

Reaching out his hand, he lifted off the brocade quilt that wrapped the woman's body. Underneath was the exquisite and delicate body. Qin Mu swept away the anger just now, curled his lips, and asked in a rare gentle tone: "What's your name?"

The woman blushed, not daring to look at Qin Mu's handsome face that made people blush and heartbeat, "My concubine's surname is Li, and her name is Cuihu."

"You are General Li's daughter." Qin Mu lifted his lips: "I never imagined that General Li, a warrior, would have such a delicate daughter like you."

With a wave of his hand, the thin curtain slowly lowered.

Everyone didn't dare to look up, Su Li knelt on the ground, the cold temperature penetrated the ground to his knees, bringing a biting chill.

"ah… "

There was a sudden cry of pain, and immediately after, a half-dressed body was thrown under the bed, right next to Su Li.

Qin Mu: "Come here, take her down for me."

There were two lines of tears in the woman's eyes, and she looked at Qin Mu with tears in her eyes, "Your Majesty, it's my concubine who is not serving you well, so I ask you to make amends."

Qin Mu frowned irritably, he had no desire for women at all. After several eunuchs packed the woman up again, Qin Mu casually pointed to someone, "You, stay, and the rest will step down."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Everyone agreed, all of them breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time felt a little more sympathy for the person who stayed behind.

When only Qin Mu, Su Li, and the unknown eunuch were left in the huge bedroom, Qin Mu looked coldly at the little eunuch who was kneeling on the ground from the beginning to the end: "Raise your head."

The little eunuch paused, and slowly raised his face.

He wore a palace hat on his head, his eyebrows were clear, his skin was morbidly pale, and his lips were extraordinarily red, as if smeared with smudged cinnabar. Qin Mu stretched out his fingertips, and slowly wiped the eunuch's lips, his fingertips were as clean as ever, Qin Mu pulled his lips, and asked without emotion: "How old are you?"

"Back to the emperor, there are seven out of ten slaves."

"Have you ever eaten?"


Qin Mu nodded, took the little eunuch's hand, and pulled him onto the bed. When the cuff brushed against Su Li's side, he was silent, his eyes downcast.

Sitting on the bed, Qin Mu coldly glanced at the motionless young man kneeling on the ground, and said to the little eunuch beside him, "Do you know how to serve people?"

The little eunuch was startled, he knew but felt he didn't know, he didn't know what Qin Mu meant by serving.

"Please also... the emperor expressly."

In the past, if the servants didn't know how to wink, they would be punished, but today Qin Mu was uncharacteristically, his tone was calm, but there was no trace of anger.

"Help me take off my clothes."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The little eunuch still lowered his eyes. He had never undressed the emperor before, so his movements were unavoidably clumsy. He finally took off Qin Mu's coat. He paused for a while, and then heard Qin Mu's command: "Continue."

"… yes."

The little eunuch paused, and moved his fingers to Qin Mu's coat. He was used to doing hard work in the palace, so his fingers were naturally ugly. It was not his turn to carry Concubine Li Gui to bed today. If it wasn't for a eunuch who suddenly had a stomachache , Let him go on top, he can't get in touch with the emperor so close.

Just when he was about to take off the emperor's clothes, Su Li, who had been silent for a long time, couldn't help but said: "Your Majesty, everything is the fault of this humble minister, please forgive me."

Qin Mu waved his hand, the little eunuch stopped and took a few steps back, and then heard the noblest and most ruthless man in Daxuan say, "Oh? What's wrong with Aiqing?"

Su Li: "The fault of my minister is that I can't guess the emperor's mind."

The emperor's mind never needs to be guessed. Su Li's words were just a trick, Qin Mu lowered his eyes and laughed: "I understand."

He sat back on the bed, "You all go down."


Su Li stood up from the ground, his head-cut body stood straight, he glanced at Qin Mu who was on the bed, closed his eyes, turned and left. The little eunuch lowered his head and followed behind Su Li.

When Qin Mu was left alone in the room again, he opened his eyes, staring at the door with dark and captivating eyes, as if he wanted to penetrate the door panel and stab at the distant figure.

the next day.

In the early dynasty, the envoys of the Xun State came to visit Qin Mu with a few entourages and prepared rich gifts.

Qin Mu sat on a high dragon chair, and all the ministers waited on both sides, making way for the envoys of the Xun Kingdom. Hearing that Xun Guo intends to make a truce with Xuan Guo, everyone's faces showed delighted expressions. After years of wars, the people on the frontier are the ones who suffer. Now that the war can be ceased, it can just give Xuanguo time to recuperate. They are all happy to see this happen.

Hearing the request made by the envoy of the Xun State, Qin Mu glanced at the minister calmly, and asked: "The Xun State wants me to send a princess to marry, what do you think?"

"Going back to the emperor, I think it is feasible. There are nine unmarried princesses around the emperor. If Daxuan can form an alliance with Xun Guo, the princesses and the others must be willing."

"I also agree that the two countries form an alliance. If the two countries can join forces to remove the Li country, it will be beneficial to Daxuan."

"I have no objection, everything is up to the emperor to decide."


As soon as Qin Mu raised his hand, the voice below stopped immediately, "My nine younger sisters are all talented. Is there anyone in mind for the envoy to come this time?"

"Reporting to the emperor, I came this time because I was entrusted by my great general, Xun Yeyu, to ask the emperor for someone."

"Oh? Let's hear it." Qin Mu raised his eyebrows.

The envoy of the Xun Kingdom popped out a booklet from his arms, "This is what the general asked me to give to Your Majesty."

Qin Mu: "Submit it."

Xu Dechang took a few steps forward, took the booklet, and handed it to Qin Mu with a bow.

In the silence of the audience, Qin Mu opened the booklet, glanced at ten lines, and took the contents into his eyes. At the end, he twitched the corners of his mouth and suddenly smiled.

"It turns out that the person Xun Yeyu wants to marry is me."