Face Slapping The Slag Gong System

Chapter 17: The seven year itch


When he stood up, Su Hanyu deliberately passed Qin Mu and looked behind him, making sure that he was the only one coming, and then quietly let out a sigh of relief. Qin Mu pretended not to notice this small detail, nodded to Su Hanyu, and sat down opposite him.

"Would you like something to drink?"

Su Hanyu asked softly.

Qin Mu shook his head slowly, his voice soft and indifferent: "No, Gu Qin is still waiting for me outside."

Hearing Gu Qin's name, Su Hanyu's expression froze slightly, he didn't know what to say for a moment, he lowered his eyes shyly to cover the darkness in his eyes, and only responded with a low hum. After not seeing him for a few months, he found that Qin Mu was a bit different from what he remembered, not because of the change in appearance, but in terms of words and deeds, he was calmer, calmer, more elegant than before.

It's like being reborn.

The man in front of him has faded away from the youthfulness of the past, and his demeanor is warm and calm. Just sitting there quietly makes people yearn for it. Su Hanyu felt that he was fascinated by ghosts back then, and he actually found such a man boring, so he gave up his treasure for a money-grubbing Qi Zicong.

If there was still a trace of reluctance in him to retain Qin Mu before, then this meeting, his love for Qin Mu was completely revived, even stronger than when he first saw Qin Mu at school stunning.

The atmosphere was silent for a moment.

Qin Mu opened his mouth first: "How are you doing recently?"


"You also know that I'm going to get married. This time I'm here—" He took out the invitation card that he had prepared a long time ago and put it on the table. Qin Mu's right fingertips touched the red and festive card, parallel It moved in front of Su Hanyu, "I want to invite you to my wedding with Gu Qin."


Su Hanyu glanced at the red invitation card in front of him. The cover of the invitation card was pure red, simple and elegant in style, and the glaring happy word hurt his eyes like a knife.

As if he didn't notice his strangeness, Qin Mu looked sincerely and said slowly: "Hanyu, you are a very important person in my life, I really hope you can come to my wedding." Gu Qin gave In his ten minutes, Qin Mu couldn't talk nonsense, so he could only make long and short stories and choose something that could directly pierce people's hearts.

Hearing this, Su Hanyu could no longer suppress himself, reached out to grab the back of Qin Mu's hand, and said in a hoarse voice: "You... can you not marry someone else."

Without pulling his hand back, Qin Mu just showed a wry smile, shook his head and sighed: "We can't go back."

"Are you still blaming me?" With deep pain and regret in his eyes, Su Hanyu grasped Qin Mu's hand in vain, as if this could make Qin Mu change his mind. This time, Qin Mu withdrew his hand slightly, expressing his nostalgia and regret for the past in a timely manner, "I did hate you once."

Su Hanyu's complexion suddenly became extremely pale, and his lips trembled slightly.

He had been brooding over what Qin Mu said to him in the hotel before, but now it was just the two of them, he stared at Qin Mu with complicated eyes, silently asked: "I have always wanted to ask you a question. "

Qin Mu: "You want to know when Gu Qin and I were together?"

Seeing that Su Hanyu acquiesced, he smiled and said: "Actually, Gu Qin and I were just acting in front of you that time. In fact, that was also the first time Gu Qin and I met."

When the man mentioned Gu Qin, the corners of his eyes and brows were full of affection, Su Hanyu only felt that his heart was so painful that he could hardly breathe, he had to open his mouth to breathe heavily, to calm the violent ups and downs in his heart, After a long while, he tried to calm his voice, but the trill in his words revealed his true emotions: "Do you... love him?"

At this moment, there were only the two of them sitting in the coffee shop, and neither of them deliberately lowered their voices. These words passed into the ears of the young man who was about to walk past. Gu Qin's footsteps paused slightly, and he silently hid his body behind the wall, his fair face fell into the shadow, and only a pair of clear and transparent eyes were faintly shining with stars.

In this room, Qin Mu, who didn't realize that someone was eavesdropping, pondered for a few seconds, looked directly at Su Hanyu, and replied without hesitation: "Yes, I love him."

Su Hanyu's expression was blank for a moment.

Before he received Qin Mu's invitation to come here, he still had the idea of reuniting with Qin Mu, but Qin Mu unabashedly expressed his love for Gu Qin in front of him. Qin Mu has never had one before.

Just when he was dazed, a young voice came in from the side, accompanied by the sound of leather shoes rubbing against the ground.

"Qin Mu, it's time." Gu Qin walked to Qin Mu's side and pointed to the watch on his hand.

Qin Mu: "..." This kid came up without saying a word.

Gu Qin hugged someone's shoulder very naturally, and nodded coldly at Su Hanyu, who had a stiff expression, "Hello."

Su Hanyu stood up from his seat, and said tremblingly: "... Hello."

Gu Qin: "Thank you for giving me Qin Mu."

Hearing this, Qin Mu's eyes flashed a flash of surprise, one must know that with Gu Qin's proud disposition, even if he was killed, he would not believe that Gu Qin would say such a thing. I inadvertently remembered the conversation I had with Gu Qin in my mind. It seemed that Gu Qin was deliberately cooperating with him in order to achieve his goal of avenging Su Hanyu.

This sentence obviously gave Su Hanyu a severe blow, and he was so blocked that he couldn't speak.

Before leaving, Qin Mu smiled and said to the blue-faced Su Hanyu, "You must attend my wedding."

Su Hanyu: "...OK."

On the way back, Qin Mu asked, "Did you hear anything just now?"

The young man's tone was calm, without revealing the slightest strangeness: "No."


Gu Qin said with certainty: "No!"

Before the words fell, a sneer escaped from Qin Mu's mouth, Gu Qin paused, his tone was stiff: "What are you laughing at?"

Qin Mu poked the corner of his slightly upturned mouth, "Then why are you laughing? You've been laughing all the way." He's not blind. Usually, this kid often has an expression of bitterness and hatred. Today, the corner of his mouth is full of joy. Like a flower blooming.

Gu Qin immediately pursed the corners of his mouth tightly and flattened the raised corners of his mouth.

Qin Mu ⊙﹏⊙b Khan


The sound of rushing water in the bathroom could be heard next to his ears, and Qin Mu absent-mindedly withdrew his gaze from the bathroom door, and snapped down the apple that Gu Qin had personally cut into pieces. Seeing that the world was coming to an end, and he and Gu Qin had no in-depth communication other than kissing, Qin Mu couldn't help but sighed heavily.

[You have now collected 98% of Zha Gong's pain points.]

Qin Mu said in his mind, he was not surprised by this statistic, and believed that by the wedding day, the remaining 2% of the pain value would be able to make up.

[what's on your mind?]

Qin Mu couldn't help turning his eyes to the direction of the bathroom, "I'm thinking about how to have a borderline indescribable beep with Gu Qin—"


"Don't worry, no matter how delicious the ice cream is, I can't resist it."


"I just lick it."

[Qin Mu...]

"Hush, he came out." Qin Mu's eyes lit up, he put down the fruit plate and went up to him, "Washed?"


Gu Qin was wiping his wet hair with a snow-white towel, and stretched out one hand, took the towel in his hand, and Qin Mu's deep and hoarse voice sounded next to his ears: "I'll wipe it for you." His breath sprayed on the pinnae of his ears, itching a little.

He didn't refuse, and Qin Mu pushed him to the edge of the bed to sit down, while Qin Mu sat behind him and helped him dry his hair with a hair dryer. Qin Mu combed his hair with his fingers, and by the way, massaged his scalp with his fingertips. Gu Qin closed his eyes slightly, enjoying Qin Mu's rare proactive service.

He used the same shower gel as Qin Mu today, and the smell was fresh and fragrant. At this moment, the breaths of the two were intertwined, regardless of each other, and ambiguous factors gradually grew in the air. I don't know if it's his illusion, but he always feels that every movement of the man is full of temptation.

Just when he was hesitating whether to open his eyes, Qin Mu said, "Take a quilt tonight, huh?" Although the two of them slept in the same bed for the past few days, they had their own quilts.

Gu Qin opened his eyes abruptly, and met Qin Mu's suddenly dark eyes, which contained obvious deep meaning. The long eyelashes fluttered like a disturbed butterfly, blinking and blinking, he and Qin Mu looked at each other for a while, lowered their eyes, nodded and replied: "Okay."

There was still a week before their wedding.