Face Slapping The Slag Gong System

Chapter 46: Does loving me frighten you


The sudden scene hit Qin Mu's eyes, and he had no time to react. The moment the sharp brakes sounded, there was only a bang, followed by a huge roar. Glass hit him.

When the car lost balance and slid on the road for nearly ten seconds, Qin Mu's head went blank. He had no time to think or do anything. His body was tightly trapped in a warm embrace. Tight as if trying to embed him in his body.

Qin Mu's heart suddenly became quiet.

This is the moment when he is infinitely close to death. Even in real life, when he was struck to death by lightning, it was only an instant, and he didn't even have time to feel the pain before death.

There was some warm liquid dripping from the top of his body, Qin Mu blinked slowly, through the blood mist, he saw Xie Ge's eyes closed tightly, and the bright red liquid continuously flowed down from his forehead, instantly dyed him red The white shirt on his body. On his side, the car door has been deformed by the impact.

There was a commotion all around, and the crowd quickly formed a circle around them.

Both ears seemed to be deaf. Qin Mu couldn't hear any sound, and his eyes fell on Xie Ge in a daze. In his field of vision, the young man who was joking with him just now quietly closed his eyes. There was blood flowing everywhere, as if he had just fallen asleep.

With his lips opening and closing, Qin Mu's voice trembled a little: "...Xie Ge?"

The young man leaned against him silently, his slender neck was bent weakly, the residual warmth of his body was still there, but Qin Mu couldn't feel his breathing. His fingertips tremblingly hooked Xie Ge's fingertips. Qin Mu didn't dare to push him hard, but just repeated in a low voice: "Xie Ge, wake up? Wake up?"

Someone outside the car began to work together to break the recessed car door. Qin Mu seemed to feel it, and wiped the blood on Xie Ge's face very lightly. His hands were soon covered with the red liquid.

Didn't you agree to go on a trip together? Didn't you agree to go back and show off your cooking skills

Xie Ge, you can't take your word for it.

[he died.]

Suddenly, the calm and calm voice of the system came from my mind.

The movement of his hands paused, Qin Mu gently brushed the blood-soaked hair on Xie Ge's forehead, he didn't feel much heartache, but a fresh life disappeared before his eyes, and that person was still with him For those who have had an intimate relationship, even if the world is nothingness, Qin Mu can't stay out of it.

If Xie Ge hadn't used his body to protect him at the moment of the car accident, he might not have survived.

"It's really strange." Qin Mu murmured blankly, his eyes fell from Xie Ge's bent and distorted body to his slightly blemished face covered with blood at this time, and no facial features could be seen. "I've never thought how beautiful this face is before."

I don’t know how many times this face has undergone plastic surgery. Even if the doctor’s surgery is superb, if you look carefully, you will always inadvertently reveal a strange sense of asymmetry. Since this face is complete, even if it can be called Handsome, but lacks an innate harmony or something.

But now he was lying beside him, in a pool of blood, his pale face was covered by a coquettish red, Qin Mu suddenly felt that Xie Ge was very good-looking, his eyes, nose and mouth were all the way he liked, even with the bruises on his face. The scars are also pleasing to the eye.

If he could open his eyes and smile at him, he must be charmed by him.

System: [Isn't it good that he died? You don't need to spend time dealing with the relationship between you and him.]

Yes, how nice it is.

He doesn't need to waste unnecessary time here, and he doesn't need to think about how to end their relationship. After maxing out the pain points of Slag Gong, he can enter the next world to continue his mission.


With a bang, the door was finally removed from the outside.

Qin Mu only felt the weight in his arms lighten, and the long-lost air was inhaled into his nasal cavity. He blinked and followed Xie Ge who was carried out by the doctor blankly.

"Sir, are you okay? Do you feel uncomfortable?" Qin Mu was helped out by someone in a daze, and Qin Mu squirmed his lips slightly. Before he could speak, a figure pushed away the figure in front of him and squeezed him tightly hugged tightly.

"Qin Mu, it's okay, it's okay."

A familiar voice sounded in his ears, Qin Mu blinked his eyelashes slowly, the focal distance in his eyes gradually became clear, he saw Qi Heng hugging him excitedly, with a happy smile for the rest of his life on his face.

Qin Mu opened his mouth and asked him in a slow voice: "Why are you here?" Shouldn't he be staying at home? Why did it appear here at this time and place.

In the blink of an eye, those details that he had overlooked came to his mind, such as Qi Heng's hesitation to speak just now, such as his several times to persuade him to stay.

"I... don't want to say goodbye to you, Qin Mu, give me another chance." Qi Heng grabbed Qin Mu's hand firmly.

Qin Mu pulled his hand away, his eyes became darker and darker, staring at Qi Heng like a sharp sword piercing into the heart, he asked, "Why wasn't you the one who died?"