Face Slapping The Slag Gong System

Chapter 49: King of Beasts


After the transaction was over, Qin Mu was sent to the room of the young man who bought him that night. Of course, his hands and feet were bound with heavy chains. On the way here, Qin Mu observed the surrounding terrain. Generally speaking, there is not much difference from real life, except that the technology is a little more advanced, and the means of transportation are all flying.

Feeling uncomfortable with hands and feet being shackled by iron chains, Qin Mu struggled, and the iron chains suddenly made a loud clang. Thinking that it would take some time to recover the force value, Qin Mu quickly gave up his futile struggle and turned his attention to the only large and luxurious bed in the room that could accommodate five people.

His slender thick eyebrows raised slightly, Qin Mu walked to the edge of the bed, stretched out his hand to touch the edge of the bed, felt a soft and elastic touch in his palm, he couldn't help but darken his eyebrows, and the blue-black animal pupils gleamed with a strange and deep color.

Could it be what he imagined

As soon as he woke up, he was auctioned off as goods, and then he was sent to bed again. If something didn't happen next, he really couldn't say anything.

Tsk tsk, this world is really exciting.

Thinking of those scenes that are not suitable for children, Qin Mu's body quickly became excited, and the sharp animal claws grew again. While flicking the iron chain with his sharp claws, he looked forward to what kind of face that young man would have for a while. The length is not bad, and he can support three back and forth on the bed. He doesn't mind having a Wushan cloud and rain with him.


The heavy carved wooden door slowly opened.

Qin Mu raised his eyes, and through the dim light, he could see the young man's weak body that would collapse in a single blow. Because the other party was too thin, Qin Mu didn't pay much attention to his face. The young man floated in front of Qin Mu like a ghost, and his pale and handsome face gradually appeared in Qin Mu's field of vision. He was only in his twenties, his complexion was pale with a hint of blue, and his cheeks were slightly thin. Sunken, a pair of black eyes are embedded in the eye sockets, like a moving human skeleton, staring at Qin Mu motionlessly.

The weak body and cold expression instantly wiped out the evil fire in Qin Mu's body.

He couldn't help thinking, if he really had something to do with this kid, this kid might really die on him.

After Qin Mu collected himself and made sure that the young man did not pose any threat to him, he relaxed his body slightly, leaned his back against the head of the bed, and cast a sideways glance at him, "You bought me?"

"Cough cough."

The other party didn't answer him, but frowned and coughed hard.

From Qin Mu's angle, he saw the young man hunched over, buried his face in the handkerchief, and coughed heart-rendingly, as if he wanted to cough up his lungs.

Seemingly hearing the young man's violent cough, the guard outside the door asked nervously, "Master, are you alright?"

"Ahem... It's okay, you don't have to wait outside the door, go out first."

"… yes."

The guard replied hesitantly, and the footsteps gradually faded away.

After making sure there was no one outside the door, Qin Mu was a little curious, "Aren't you afraid that I will hurt you?"

"Cough cough."

Tightening the fingers holding the handkerchief, the young man removed the handkerchief, folded the handkerchief squarely and tightened it into the pocket of his shirt. He was wearing a snow-white shirt today, and his thin body was hidden in the shirt, which didn't look that scary.

Hearing Qin Mu's question, the corners of his pale lips curved, and his voice was cold and sweet: "Do you think you have the ability to break the chain now?" As he spoke, his eyes naturally moved to Qin Mu's wrist Looking up, he caught a glimpse of the long sharp claws, his face was ordinary, and he looked familiar.

Qin Mu smiled without being angry, "What's your name?"

"Mu Huai."

"What did you bring me here for?"

Mu Huai didn't answer him directly, but said: "Two hundred years ago, humans fought a fierce battle with half-orcs. The half-beast king died in battle, and all the half-orcs disappeared overnight." He glanced at Qin Mu and said lightly. Ask: "Don't you want to bring your companion back to life?"

Because of the system, Qin Mu didn't have any memories of half-orcs, so he could only follow Mu Huai's question, "Didn't you say that half-orcs disappeared? Then how to resurrect them?"

The young man paused, and looked at Qin Mu with sharp eyes: "The half-orcs are not missing. Once the half-beast king dies, the headless half-orcs are no match for humans. In order not to be wiped out by humans, they chose to sink into the ground and wait for their death." The king is back, as long as the half-beast king is resurrected, he will be able to wake up the sleeping half-orcs in advance." After that, there was a hint of spying in his eyes: "As a half-orc, don't you know this secret?"

Qin Mu: "... I slept for too long, I don't remember anything."

This reason did not convince Mu Huai.

It stands to reason that without the call of the half-beast king, those sleeping half-orcs would need to sleep for 500 years before they could wake up. It has only been two hundred years now, how did this half-orc wake up? Mu Huai looked at Qin Mu quietly for a while, and asked thoughtfully, "Then what do you know?"

"I... don't remember the past at all." After speaking slowly, Qin Mu hurriedly changed the topic: "By the way, I want to ask you, aren't you a human being? What good will the resurrection of the orc do to you? "

Mu Huai lowered his face, "This is not what you should ask."

All right.

Qin Mu shrugged and asked again: "Then what should I do?"

Mu Huai didn't speak, but slowly outlined Qin Mu's face with his pale and slightly cool fingertips. His movements were very slow, and his dry and skinny fingers didn't have any warmth. Qin Mu always felt that they were not human hands. Whether it is texture or temperature, they are more like the hands of a corpse. The trembling sensation slowly climbed up the spine. Qin Mu's hands trembled, and the iron chain hit the pingling sound again.

The sudden sound brought the young man back to his senses, he withdrew his fingers, and his tone was still very calm: "You look very similar to my brother's dead lover, I will give you to him, the half-beast king's body was hidden by him I found a very secret place, which only he knows, I want you to gain his trust, and then transport the half-beast king's body out."

Speaking of this, Mu Huai paused for a moment, and said to himself in a soft voice: "Speaking of which, two hundred years have passed, and the half-beast king is about to be resurrected."

Qin Mu grasped the point of Mu Huai's words, "How similar is it?"

Mu Huai: "If I hadn't seen that man lying in that crystal coffin with my own eyes, I would really have thought he was resurrected."

So they look exactly the same? Is this a favorable clue that can help him retrieve his "memory"

With a flash of light in his eyes, Qin Mu knew what he should do next.

"By the way, if you don't remember anything, do you still remember your name?"

The young man's indifferent voice came in front of him, and Qin Mu replied casually, "Just call me Qin Mu."

"Qin Mu?"

Chewing the name in his mouth, Mu Huai's tone suddenly became a little strange, and even the expression he looked at Qin Mu became dark and unclear.

Qin Mu looked puzzled: "What's wrong?"

Mu Huai: "You know that the half-beast king's real name is Qin Mu."