Face Slapping The Slag Gong System

Chapter 75: King of Beasts


The moment he pressed the animal claws against Mu Jinze's neck, Qin Mu's eyes suddenly shot a tyrannical look. For a moment, he almost wanted to break Mu Jinze's neck. The sharp claws had pierced Mu Jinze's fragile skin, and blood flowed out from the blue-black nails, seeping into the scales covering the back of his hands.

Being strangled by the throat, Mu Jinze's face turned red quickly. The suffocation made his brain start to lack oxygen. He felt himself being lifted up by the man, with his feet flying into the air. The eyes were darkened, and Mu Jinze clenched his hands tightly by his sides. Mu Jinze resisted the desire to resist, and allowed Qin Mu to tighten his hands slowly.

In his dim eyesight, he could vaguely see the murderous look in the man's eyes, and he had no doubt that the man wanted to kill him too.

Just when Mu Jinze thought he was going to die, Qin Mu withdrew his sharp claws, watched Mu Jinze staggered up from the ground, and asked, "What was that just now?" The needle actually pierced through like a living thing. into his body.

"Cough, cough, cough." Mu Jinze covered his bruised neck, his face flushed from coughing. The proud and elegant he had never been so embarrassed as today, but everything was worth it, even though it was not his original intention.

Under Qin Mu's cold gaze, Mu Jinze slowly straightened up, "This is a biological anesthetic developed by researchers in the half-orc lab who extracted the body cells that were stored in your childhood, and the effective time can only last for one hour. "

"so what?"

The anesthetic started to take effect, Qin Mu could feel his fingertips trembling uncontrollably, and half of his body lost consciousness. After a while, he couldn't hold on, his lean and strong body fell down, and his right knee half-kneeled on Mu Mu's body. In front of Jin Ze. The powerful and arrogant half-beast king finally bent down his paint cover.

Even so, Qin Mu's eyes were still sober, looking at the young man in front of him coldly.

"You killed Qin Mu, I can only make you die with your life." Mu Jinze also looked at him with cold eyes. He could never forget the scene where this man pulled out his bleeding heart, which would become his lifelong memory. Shadow, fortunately his father told him that as long as the heart of the half-beast king is dug out and transplanted to the young man, his life span can be extended by only three years.

But now, what he had to do was to dig out the half-beast king's heart while he was under anesthesia, put it in the special container he brought, and bring back the dead young man and the heart of the half-beast king.

Seeing Mu Jinze walking towards him step by step, Qin Mu pulled the corner of his mouth with the last bit of strength. He really didn't expect that he would die in Mu Jinze's hands in the end. If he could kill him before Mu Jinze killed him, maybe he wouldn't end up like this, but he couldn't kill him.

His mission has not been completed, Mu Jinze cannot die.

His knees couldn't support anymore, Qin Mu's legs went limp, and he fell to the ground with a bang. The armor-like scales that protected him had disappeared, and his appearance became human again, lying naked on the grass.

His body was beautiful, covered with a thin layer of flexible muscles, and his limbs were slender, like a leopard being injured. Pulling out a scalpel from the boots on his feet, Mu Jinze squatted down beside Qin Mu, the sharp point slowly cruising on Qin Mu's chest, as if looking for the most suitable angle and position.

Although Qin Mu's body couldn't move, he could feel the chill brought by the blade touching his skin, and the animal pupil shrank slightly. He suddenly realized what Mu Jinze wanted to do. He finally knew how he died.

Before inserting the scalpel into Qin Mu's body, Mu Jinze paused, his dark eyes were heavy and cold, "Do you have any last words to say?"

Qin Mu was silent, even if he told Mu Jinze that he was Qin Mu now, Mu Jinze would not believe it, nor would he be able to change his fate. Thinking of this, Qin Mu opened his eyes to those seductive beasts emitting green light. Tong, a smile that Mu Jinze couldn't understand floated in his eyes: "No."

There is nothing to say, everything is a foregone conclusion, then they will meet again in two hundred years.

"Then goodbye."

Before he finished speaking, the scalpel in Mu Jinze's hand pierced into Qin Mu's body, and also killed the throbbing and feelings he shouldn't have for this man.

At the same time, Qin Mu discovered that his soul had escaped from the body lying on the ground and floated into the air. Maybe he should be lucky that he died early without feeling the pain of being heartbroken. A long-lost cold voice came from his mind: [You should have found the answer.]

"Well, I'm sure Mu Jinze is a scumbag."

Watching Mu Jinze go down there, skillfully cut open his chest, and carefully separated the blood vessels and tissues around the heart, even though Qin Mu is now a soul body, he still couldn't help feeling his scalp tingling. There's nothing more exciting than seeing someone else have his heart ripped out.

"Then can we go back two hundred years now?"



Qin Mu was waiting for the system's answer when he suddenly realized that the surrounding scene had changed, but in the blink of an eye, he actually came to Mu Huai's dark and damp basement. Qin Mu regained his composure, and floated around in the basement like a walk, and finally found his dilapidated body on an operating table.

Mu Jinze's knife skills are good, and he perfectly painted the shape of the hole in his chest. From his angle, he can see the torn ribs in the body, and beside the corpse, Mu Huai is quietly Standing on the ground, there is not the slightest wave in his eyes.

The system can adjust the time axis. Qin Mu was not surprised by what happened before him. He thought that Mu Huai should have brought his body back after his death.

With Mu Huai's perverted degree, it would not be rape. Corpse

Thinking of this possibility, Qin Mu quickly floated in front of Mu Huai, waiting with full expectation to watch a restricted-rated heavy-taste passion scene, but Mu Huai just reached out and touched the face of the corpse, feeling the pain brought by the corpse with his fingertips. freezing temperature.

"You are my favorite slave. I didn't expect to die in such a miserable way. I am really disappointed."

Hearing this, the corners of Qin Mu's mouth twitched and he was speechless. After all, he and Mu Huai are a serious couple. It's fine if Mu Huai is not sad when he dies. Is there any need to hit him with a teasing tone

"It's a pity, you're broken before I get tired of playing."

Qin Mu: "..."

"I'll fix you up, okay?"

Qin Mu: Huh

The corners of the mouth slowly opened a slight arc, as if eager to show off his most perfect invention to Qin Mu's corpse, Mu Huai's tone was proud: "I have always used the bodies of condemned prisoners for cloning experiments, this time, I To experiment with my own body."

Qin Mu didn't understand the meaning of Mu Huai's words. What does it mean to use his body as an experiment? Soon, he saw Mu Huai lift his corpse onto a sophisticated instrument, and then Qin Mu waded into another machine by himself, laying one person and one corpse side by side. Before pressing the button of the machine, Mu Huai turned his head to look at Qin Mu's body, and said in a regretful voice, "It's a pity that those two pills are gone. When you wake up, you can get rid of me."

The next moment, Qin Mu saw Mu Huai and his corpse slowly entering the instrument.

"What is he doing?" Qin Mu vaguely guessed something, and asked after being silent for a few seconds.

[He wants to give you his heart.]The system explained: [You and him took the heart-locking pill left by the ancestors of the Mu family. This medicine cannot betray both sides, so you cannot transplant other people's hearts in your body. can save you.]

Qin Mu was startled, "Then... what about him?"

[Mu Huai is very conceited. He cloned his own heart a long time ago. He thought that transplanting the cloned heart into his body would still allow him to survive.]

Hearing this, Qin Mu's heart sank: "Then... the result?"

The voice of the system was still cold, and he asked back: [Haven't you already been there two hundred years later?]

Thinking back to the skinny Mu Huai who only had a skeleton left two hundred years later, it was difficult for Qin Mu to connect the two Mu Huai two hundred years ago. He opened his mouth and whispered softly, "He is clearly alive."

[No, the experiment failed, the cloned heart couldn't bear the burden of the body at all. Later, the old city owner was too sad. In order to keep it as a memory, he cloned all the organs of Mu Huai. The Mu Huai two hundred years later is a pure clone.]

"So, Mu Huai... died two hundred years ago?"


The truth turned out to be like this.

Qin Mu never thought that Mu Huai had died two hundred years ago. He had always guessed that Mu Huai lost his memory two hundred years later or suffered some serious damage to his brain, so that he would appear to have no memory of him at all. .

Qin Mu could still remember the warmth of his fingertips when Mu Huai hugged him. He had promised Mu Huai that he would give him the City of Humanity as a betrothal gift. In a blink of an eye, a living person actually said that he was gone. , Qin Mu only felt his heart suddenly empty, this feeling was the same as when Xie Ge died before his eyes.

Everything seems to be yesterday.

He never thought that he would fall in love with Mu Huai, even at this moment, knowing that Mu Huai died for him, he did not fall in love with him because of it. The lovers he liked had similar personalities, and they were all positive and sunny. Whether it was Xie Ge or Mu Huai, they were not strictly good people, nor were they the type of partner he would consider.

But it was the unscrupulous Xie Ge and Mu Huai who would save him at the last moment.

Qin Mu can't stop the historical process of this world, but he must at least try, so he lowered his eyes and said calmly, "Is there a way to revive him?"

[You want to save him?]

Qin Mu nodded: "Yes, your previous promise was to compensate me and fulfill one of my wishes. My wish now is to bring Mu Huai back to life."

There was something else in the system's voice: [I thought your wish was for me not to limit the number of times you have sex.]

Hearing something interesting from the system's words, Qin Mu slowly showed a smile on his face: "I just don't like to owe favors." In the second world, he can't change Xie Ge's ending. At least in this world, he can keep Mu Huai alive. .

[Okay, I promise you, you should go back now.]

As soon as he finished speaking, a burst of white light suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. The light blurred everything around him. Qin Mu had no choice but to close his eyes. When he opened them again, he had returned to two hundred years later.

Facing Qin Man's treacherous and cold eyes, Qin Mu's thin lips slightly curled up, "Is my heart useful?"