Face Slapping The Slag Gong System

Chapter 9: The seven year itch


On this day, as soon as Qin Mu arrived at the company, the personnel director came over and told him that the new general manager wanted to see him. Although Qin Mu was confused, he replied with a smile that he would just go there. When he arrived at the door of the general manager's office, he adjusted his facial expression and raised his hand humbly to knock on the door.

There was no movement from inside the door.

Qin Mu hesitated for two seconds, and was about to knock on the door again when there was a creak, and the door of the office was opened from the inside.

"General manager, you are looking for me..."

Smiling and raising his eyes, Qin Mu was taken aback when his eyes touched the other person's face.

Why do you think this person looks so familiar

The young man in front of him was dressed in a formal suit, with a neat tie, meticulous hair, a fair face with a deep and handsome face, red lips and white teeth, and he definitely did not look more than twenty-five years old. Qin Mu couldn't help but pay more attention to the young man's eyes, they were a pair of extremely rare phoenix eyes, slightly raised, with black and bright pupils, which should have given people a seductive feeling, but the coldness around the young man neutralized him. The demon brought by the double phoenix eyes, on the contrary, has a different kind of abstinence.

The young man turned around slightly, and said in a cold tone, "Come in."

The voice is so familiar.

Qin Mu walked in, wondering where he had seen him before, the young man behind him closed the door, brushed Qin Mu's shoulder, went to sit behind the desk, raised his chin slightly, glanced at a rag on the desk, "Wipe the table for me."

Qin Mu: "..."


Qin Mu responded kindly: "Okay." But he thought in his heart, this new general manager is so weird that he actually asked him to come over and help him clean the office.

Sensing that the other party's gaze was fixed on him motionlessly, Qin Mu couldn't slack off, and when he wiped the table so that it could be seen from others, he heard the other party suddenly say: "You don't remember me?"


Qin Mu was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help looking up at the other party carefully.

He thought the other person looked very familiar at first, but now the young man let him scan, with no superfluous expression on his face, his eyes were as deep and cold as the reefs at the bottom of the pool, Qin Mu squinted his eyes as he watched, Connecting the pair of glasses on the table, he thought of something in a blink of an eye.

"It's you."

This kid didn't wear glasses just now, so I didn't recognize him for a while.

The thin lips pursed slightly, and the young man stared at Qin Mu firmly, "What's my name?"

"Gu Qin."

Qin Mu replied without thinking. He still remembered the words that Gu Qin said when he introduced himself, which really impressed him, and it was not so easy to forget after a while.

Gu Qin's expression softened a little.

There was a moment of silence in the air.

As soon as this Gu Qin came, he called himself to come to his office, ordered him to wipe the table and asked him if he knew him, which made Qin Mu have to suspect that Gu Qin was here for him. Thinking of this, the man After thinking for a moment in my heart, an idea gradually took shape.

Maybe, he can...

"Okay, you can go out now."

Gu Qin's slightly indifferent voice sounded at the right time, Qin Mu nodded, his tone was not as humble as at the beginning, "Then I'll go back to the department first." Anyway, he has seen his most lewd side, and if he pretends now, he will appear Fake.

The young man hummed, and stopped Qin Mu when he walked to the door: "Wait."

Qin Mu turned half sideways, quietly waiting for the other party to speak, but saw the young man put on his glasses, staring ahead, his slender ten fingers tapping the keyboard, "Do you have time tonight?"

Is this an offer to ask him out

Qin Mu curled his lips, "Of course I have time." After speaking, he added: "Anytime."

His eyes flicked across the computer and he glanced at the man. When he saw the faint smile lingering in the other's eyes, Gu Qin immediately turned his gaze back with a stern face, "Don't get me wrong, I Just wanted to ask you something about the company."

Qin Mu laughed when he heard this, his smile was pulsating, "I know."

When he returned to his seat, his colleague Xiao Li tugged on his sleeve lightly, with a gossiping expression: "Why did Mr. Gu ask you to go?"

Qin Mu opened the file, "Just let me help him clean the office."

"Are you joking?"

Qin Mu just smiled and said nothing.

When I got off work in the evening, Gu Qin's phone call came as scheduled. Qin Mu didn't wonder where Qin Mu knew his phone number. After all, it was written on the employee registration form. Gu Qin said on the phone that he would be half an hour late After get off work, Qin Mu was asked to go to his office. Qin Mu only thought that the other party wanted to find a chance to spend time with him alone, so he happily went there.

He had originally planned to find a boyfriend who crushed Su Hanyu in every way, and then sneaked his new boyfriend to Su Hanyu's place to show his love from time to time, so as to fill up Su Hanyu's pain points earlier, now that Gu Qin took the initiative to join him, of course he I won't let go of such a good opportunity.

As a result, when he arrived at the office, he didn't follow all the usual routines, and that kid Gu Qin was really busy with work.

"Sit down for a while."

Gu Qin nodded his chin at him.

Qin Mu sat on the sofa opposite Gu Qin, and used his 100,000-volt electric eye to continuously discharge electricity to the young man. It was a pity that the other party was busy with work and did not receive any signals. The man also felt bored. Just played with the phone for a while.

Not long after, the voice of a text message rang. Qin Mu clicked on the text message and saw that it was actually sent by Qi Zicong, "Qin Mu, I miss you very much."

At this time, it has been more than half a month since the last hotel incident.

Qin Mu felt a little surprised. As far as he knew, Qi Zicong broke up with Su Hanyu after that day, and Qi Zicong must have known what he did secretly that day, but Qi Zicong, who knew that he seduced him in the first place, had an ulterior motive and still took the initiative after knowing the truth. contact him…

His black eyes flickered, Qin Mu was looking at his phone, but he didn't notice that Gu Qin was walking towards him lightly, until—

A cool hand snatched the phone from him.

Qin Mu raised his eyes, just in time to hear the young man repeat the sentence on the text message with indifference: "Qin Mu, I miss you very much."

Because Qin Mu has a thick skin, he is still a little embarrassed at the moment.

"A new lover?"

The ending sound rose slightly, and there was no emotion.

After asking this question, Gu Qin's gaze still fell on the phone screen, and his right index finger skillfully slid upwards. Qin Mu suddenly remembered that the text messages he had sent to Qi Zicong had not been deleted, and subconsciously wanted to grab the phone back, but did not Knowing what Gu Qin saw, his face became more and more serious, and he threw the phone back into Qin Mu's hand, "You have a rich private life."

Qin Mu wanted to hook up with Gu Qin, so he couldn't let him misunderstand, so he quickly explained: "Don't get me wrong, I have nothing to do with him."

Gu Qin hummed, "Continue."

Qin Mu recounted the incidents in the hotel to him in detail, and the latter listened with rapt attention. After Qin Mu finished speaking, he said, "Do you still like him?"


Gu Qin: "Ex-boyfriend."

"I don't like it anymore." Qin Mu immediately distanced himself from Su Hanyu.

In the end, he glanced at Gu Qin with a smile on his face, full of hints: "I have someone I like."

I thought that the young man would shyly avoid his gaze when he heard this, but Gu Qin was not fooled at all, his eyes were clear and clear, and his voice was clear and calm: "Is that the person you are talking about?"

Unexpectedly, the young man would say such a sentence, Qin Mu, who had lost the initiative, frowned quietly, and soon, he kicked the question to the young man like a football, "What do you think?"

Gu Qin: "Don't change the subject, just answer me."

Really persistent.

Qin Mu doesn't like a strong and stubborn partner. He wonders in his heart whether to choose another candidate. It seems that he has noticed the change in the man's thinking. Gu Qin's tone is not as strong as it was at the beginning: "We can... give it a try."


Gu Qin: "Try to date."

Is this just a confession in disguise

Qin Mu raised his eyebrows secretly. The young man in front of him looked stern. At first glance, there was no emotional ups and downs. If it weren't for the slight trembling of the slender eyelashes, Qin Mu would not have noticed that the other party was nervous.

It's really interesting.

The usual routine used in the past was obviously inappropriate for Gu Qin, so Qin Mu stopped playing around with him and said hello with a smile.

That night, the two of them didn't do anything, Gu Qin just sent Qin Mu back home.

At the door of the house, Qin Mu proposed to go upstairs to have a cup of coffee, but Gu Qin justly refused. The reason for the refusal was that they were progressing too fast now.

Qin Mu blinked, feeling a little amused in his heart.

It was rare for him to be pure in his heart, he really just wanted to invite Gu Qin to sit upstairs and cultivate his relationship.

Besides, even if he wanted to do something to Gu Qin, he had to agree with the system.

Back in the house, Qin Mu took a shower, and when he came out, there were several more text messages on his phone, all of which were from Qi Zicong, with two messages from Gu Qin interspersed with them, with only a few words: "I'm home It's gone." Then he sent another sentence: "Good night."

Qin Mu replied: "Thank you for taking me back, good night."

Then he began to read the text messages from Qi Zicong one by one, and it said nothing more than that he didn't mind his deceit at the beginning and wanted to be with him and so on.

Qin Mu admits that Qi Zicong is good looking, exquisite and beautiful, with black and white eyes full of ambition and desire, such a person will succeed one day sooner or later, and he himself appreciates such a person who can be ruthless in order to achieve his goal .

It's just a pity that Qi Zicong is a victim.

And what he wants is a Gong who has both beauty and "strength"! ! !