Fairy, Stop Making Trouble

Chapter 12: 12. I didn’t expect you to be a womanizer!


"So you didn't take the usual route and fell off the balcony?" Jiang Qiao looked at her pretending to be sophisticated and doubtful.

Bai Yueling's innocent little face was slightly red, but her back was still turned. Otherwise, what other explanation could there be? Said that he climbed over the wall and threw garbage in the middle of the night, but couldn't get home

In this case, she, the Immortal Emperor, would not be able to say it out loud.

"I have done what I have done all my life, why do I need to explain it to you!" Bai Yueling squinted at him.

Jiang Qiao rolled his eyes: "When the country comes to visit us, we'll see if you can explain."

He raised his hand and pointed at the camera placed in the corner: "I forgot to mention that there are things like the Eye of the Sky everywhere in this world. Your every move may be under surveillance. Once it is uploaded to the Internet, I will have to put you on the Internet. Leave it to the state.”

"Monitoring?" Bai Yueling squinted her eyes.

Jiang Qiao turned on the computer, and the picture of the store appeared on the display screen hanging on the wall. Bai Yueling's every move was clearly seen, and even the two previous visits by Dian Jiangqiao were completely recorded. He could clearly see the electric arc dancing on his body.

"It is generally used to prevent thieves. Of course, once violations of law and discipline are discovered, they will be reported to the police, the so-called government. And this is the evidence. The perpetrators will be caught and brought to justice even if they run to the ends of the earth. Law."

Fairy Bai stared at him seriously, her indifferent eyes filled with nervousness for the first time.

"Will you report me?"

Jiang Qiao clicked a few times with the mouse to delete the video of that period.

He is a computer major himself and knows how unreliable the current network is. Many cameras have official backdoors. Once someone controls them remotely, Bai Yueling's unique features will probably be discovered and uploaded to the Internet. Can blast the entire network.

"I've just destroyed all the evidence."

Fairy Bai immediately relaxed. She did not want to be an enemy of the world. Those weapons with exaggerated power were definitely not something she could bear now.



"Remember this, if you dare to lie to me, I will stab you traitor to death before they catch me!"

Jiang Qiao's heart skipped a beat when he thought about his dream last night. He wondered whether he should make a copy before deleting it just now so that if he died inexplicably in the future, he could leave a piece of evidence for the police.

"What I want to say is that there are more eyes in the outside world, and any outrageous behavior of yours may be discovered. At that time, you can't destroy the video like you do now. Therefore, you have to stay safe, exercise restraint, and do not hurt yourself for no reason. People, do you understand?”

Bai Yueling nodded slightly: "What about home?"

"Of course I don't have one at home." Jiang Qiao suddenly came back to his senses and looked at her suspiciously, "Why do you ask this?"

"Just ask." Fairy Bai said calmly.

She was inexplicably happy. She couldn't beat others outside, but she couldn't deal with you at home

Jiang Qiao noticed her clothes that were soaked by the rain, and his expression softened: "I was exposed to the wind and rain last night. Is it cold?"

"They are all gifts from nature. Understanding the four seasons is conducive to enlightening the Taoist mind." Bai Yueling slowly shook his head.

"Then you have to change your clothes and take a shower. Can you wear it even if you're wet?"

Jiang Qiao took a new toothbrush from the shelf and handed her a new towel. He demonstrated how to brush her teeth in front of her, and then took off a Hanfu skirt from another dummy.

Bai Yueling noticed that the two dummy sculptures side by side were naked. Although they were both dead objects, their red appearance and the depiction of key parts were so realistic. It was really... really... shameless. !

Even in the world of cultivating immortals, Hehuan Sect and Yin Yang Dao, which are good at dual cultivation methods, would not show off such a shameful thing in public!

"I didn't expect you to be a lecher!" Bai Yueling spat softly and looked away from the dummy.

Jiang Qiao looked at the dummy in front of him that had been stripped naked, then looked at her again, and suddenly felt a little baffled.

Does this make him a womanizer

Then if she discovers 1 T of study materials in her hard drive, will she still become a pervert? What about Fu Rui, a silicone doll, even a fairy who is not tainted by fireworks will probably have inner demons after looking at it.

"The suit you are wearing was also taken off from here." Jiang Qiao pursed his lips.

Bai Yueling glanced at it, then quickly looked away, gritting her teeth, not knowing what to say.

Jiang Qiao couldn't help but want to laugh when he saw her hesitating to speak.

"This kind of dummy is very common in this world. It can show the appearance of clothing more intuitively, allowing buyers to choose with confidence. It is a pure marketing method and has nothing to do with whether it is good or not."

Fairy Bai nodded as if she understood. The modern people here are indeed advanced in their thinking. They also like to eat shit and smoke.

"Go on, go on. Go upstairs and wash up. I'll take you out to see the world later." Jiang Qiao handed the skirt into her hand.

"Your store is closed?"

He smiled mysteriously and took out a sign from under the counter that read: Closed today.

Bai Yueling took a look, then silently went upstairs holding her clothes.

Jiang Qiao looked at her graceful back and couldn't help but feel a little proud. She was on an equal footing with a fairy who had great knowledge and even "threatened" her from time to time. She was unprecedented, right

He hummed softly, carrying the garbage bag to the sorting trash can, and threw it a few meters away.

The pitch misses and the trash bag falls to the ground.

Jiang Qiao walked over, picked up the garbage bag and put it back in. When he turned to leave, he glanced at it and suddenly noticed that there seemed to be a piece of clothing in the transparent garbage bag in the recyclable garbage bin.

He frowned, remembering the question White Fairy asked him last night, where should cloth and other things be thrown away.

Jiang Qiao picked it up again and opened it to see the familiar green lotus pattern.

Isn't this the same set of clothes Fairy Bai changed out of taking a bath yesterday

He flipped through it casually, and what a surprise, there were bellybands, underpants, and undershirts. He said that when he got up in the middle of the night last night, there was no trace of this set of clothes in the bathroom. He didn't expect that they were hidden here.

So, Fairy Bai didn’t just watch the rainy night last night, but simply jumped over the wall to throw this suit of clothes, right

Jiang Qiao couldn't understand why she threw it away overnight when she could still wear it and it was from the Immortal Family. She could never find another one in this world.

If you don’t understand, just don’t think about it.

The next second, Jiang Qiao started laughing.

Since she didn't want it after throwing it away, then if he picks it up again, this fairy dress will be his, right

There is nothing wrong with the logic, but his sixth sense is reminding Jiang Qiao that she must not find out.

(If you don’t vote, I won’t vote. When will Nanfeng come forward?)