Fairy, Stop Making Trouble

Chapter 44: 44. People’s hearts are unpredictable


Throughout the afternoon, Jiang Qiao was scrolling through Weibo to see the aftermath of the cliff-jumping girl incident, while Bai Yueling continued to kill people in the canyon. After a winning streak, Jiang Qiao's black iron account successfully climbed to bronze.

"Tsk tsk tsk, you are worthy of being a fairy, with sharp eyes and sharp sword."

He took a cursory look at the results and saw that Yasuo was banned in the few ranking games he lost, and he wondered if he had to teach her how to play other heroes.

"People kept bumping into my sword."

She stretched her body and said the lines about Yasuo with an inscrutable expression.

"Not bad, not bad. It feels like a Taoist Sword Immortal."

Jiang Qiao suddenly wanted to see her fluttering in white clothes and holding a three-foot green sword in her hand. She must be so handsome!

"Where are your eyes looking?"

Bai Jianxian frowned, put his two fingers together into a sword, and stabbed his throat as fast as lightning.

Jiang Qiao had no time to react. The sword finger stopped instantly in front of his neck, and cold sweat slowly seeped out from under his skin.

"If you dare to have any evil thoughts again, I will stab you to death with one sword."

Jiang Qiao couldn't help but pout. After just one night, he was treated like this. Why didn't he say anything when he forcibly kissed him last night

He patted her fingers away calmly and said, "Where are you thinking? I'm obviously looking at you with admiration. Besides, even if you give me ten courages, I wouldn't dare."

"Hmph, I'm sorry you don't dare either."

She looked at Jiang Qiao and said calmly: "Ascetics, you should abandon distracting thoughts and be pure of desire. Only in this way can you prove yourself and avoid inner demons."

"Yeah, yeah, form is emptiness, emptiness is form, I understand." Jiang Qiao nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Form is emptiness, emptiness is form…

Bai Yueling pondered these two sentences repeatedly.

"The artistic conception is lofty. If you were on Ziwei Star, once you set foot on the path of immortality, you would become a great power within a thousand years."

She looked at Jiang Qiao: "Is there any follow-up?"

"Yes, there is..."

Jiang Qiao came to his senses. Could it be that the two random sentences he made were regarded as the supreme method? But, this seems to be the Buddhist Heart Sutra.

"Read it and listen."

Jiang Qiao sat upright, shaking his head and began to chant: "Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, walking in the deep Prajnaparamita for a long time, saw that the five aggregates are empty, and survived all the hardships. Relic, color is not different from emptiness, emptiness is not different from color, color is emptiness, emptiness is color, Want to know that line, same is the case."


"Well, no more."

He nodded seriously. He watched TVB Journey to the West when he was a child, but now he only remembers this line.

"It sounds like a Buddhist scripture. If you recite it sincerely, it can eliminate the desires in your heart. It is very extraordinary." She whispered to herself.

Jiang Qiao thought about it and thought of the demon sister in red with a sour look on her face, and couldn't help blurting out: "Can I suppress your inner demon?"

Fairy Bai shook her head: "No. There was once a great Buddha who exorcised the inner demons for me, but in the end, I suffered backlash and abandoned the Buddha and became a demon."

Jiang Qiao's face was full of shock. What kind of strength is this inner demon? Is he so strong? She also thought that Buddhist scriptures could be effective, otherwise she would be able to read enough of the many true scriptures on the Internet.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it anymore. About me... what will the outside world say now?"

Bai Yueling was inexplicably nervous. She had never seen anything like this on Ziwei Star. The demons outside the realm had no choice but to run away when they saw her. As a result, she fell into this world, but she was worried that she had caused a big disaster.

"The public security agency has released the latest news. The terrain of Fairy Peak is steep and covered with trees. The body of the girl who jumped off the cliff has not yet been found. The police have cooperated with the security of the scenic spot to expand the search area," Jiang Qiao said.

"They can't find it." Fairy Bai slowly shook her head.

Hearing this, Jiang Qiao rolled his eyes: "Yes, as a person involved in cliff jumping, you are sitting here properly, how can they find you?"

Fairy Bai paused, turning her head away and her indifferent cheeks slowly turned red.

Jiang Qiao couldn't help but look at her twice. He didn't know why, but he liked seeing her shy look on her cold face.

"So, as you can see, because of your improper operation, you have wasted a lot of manpower and material resources, and taken up a lot of public resources. I want to ask you, do you feel guilty?"

"Well, I feel guilty, I'm sorry." Bai Yueling bit her lip.

"It's useless for you to tell me this. Now that the scenic spots are closed for rectification, a lot of staff are unemployed at home. They may be other people's husbands or fathers of children. They need to support a whole family, but they can only get basic wages. For low-level workers, For workers, this is the most painful thing, because an unprovoked accident may even cost you your job." Jiang Qiao sighed.

Fairy Bai lowered her eyelids: "But nothing happened to me. If they can't find the body, shouldn't they give up quickly?"


Jiang Qiao pointed to the five-star red flag hanging on the pole outside the window, his eyes bright.

"This is a people-oriented country. It is precisely because we can't see people alive or dead that we continue to search for them. I don't know how long it will last. It may be one month, or it may be two months. All in all, these lovely people are gone. It’s so easy to give up, and the people who care about this, the families of the deceased, are full of hope for them.”

Jiang Qiao retracted his gaze and looked at her: "If you die in a daze without even leaving a name, or even knowing who died, don't you think it's terrifying?"

Bai Yueling repeatedly clenched her fists and then released them, her voice solemn: "I'm sorry for causing you a lot of trouble."

"But that's not the most important thing."

Fairy Bai was confused.

"You spend all your time cultivating immortality and ignoring secular affairs. Maybe you don't know that rumors are flying everywhere now."

Jiang Qiao opened Weibo and read through the comments one by one.

"Some people say that the scenic spot colluded with the local department. Otherwise, if they knew the location of the cliff jumping, how could it be possible that the deceased had not been found for so long? Some people said that the scenic spot had a huge backer and suppressed the matter to prevent it from fermenting. Others said They came forward to say that their daughter was missing on Fairy Peak. She looked very similar to the person in the video, and they wanted to ask the scenic spot for an explanation... "

Bai Yueling was dumbfounded.

"Isn't this just lying?"

"Yes, it's just lying. In other words, it's called hype. As long as there is a topic and traffic, they will have profits and money. Of course, this is illegal, but who cares?"

Jiang Qiao smiled bitterly: "That's why those who are looking for you will work harder, because it can prove their innocence, but they won't know that even if they search all over Fairy Peak, they won't find your body at all."

"Is there no way to solve it?"

Jiang Qiao shook his head: "No, unless you go out and surrender, but then your identity will be exposed. And what happens next is completely unpredictable."

Bai Yueling was silent for a long time before slowly saying: "Your world is so complicated."

"This makes people unpredictable. In modern society, no one can really see whether online information is true or false. Maybe you think what others say is correct, but you may be slapped in the face by the extreme reversal in the next second."