Fairy, Stop Making Trouble

Chapter 56: 56. Little fairies should drink milk tea


Wu Youcai looked at his hair and looked like he was hesitant to speak.

"What's the matter? Tell me."

"Do you still remember the drama "Love Through Time" that we watched when we were kids? I recently watched it again when I was bored. You said that Maruko-chan brought Zhu Yunwen to modern times. How can he live in modern society without an ID card? ?”

"You asked the police station about this question. Why are you asking me? I thought you were going to say that you were kicked out of your home and now you have nowhere to go. Let me give you a place to live. That's it?"

Jiang Qiao took a cotton swab and dipped it in water to moisten his mouth: "If it were you, how would you solve it?"

"Look for connections and give money. If you can't do this, it must be that you don't give enough money." Mr. Qian said carelessly.

Jiang Qiao rolled his eyes, yes, this question was in vain.

He will think of a way to deal with the ID card, at least he will not do anything illegal or disciplinary.

"Okay, I'll see you here today. When you are discharged from the hospital, my brothers will arrange a table for you."

Jiang Qiao originally wanted to say hello to the white coat, but there was still a long way between the outpatient department and the inpatient department. He should be very busy at this time, so he thought about it and forgot about it.

He rode a small electric donkey to the vegetable market and bought a lot of seasonal fruits and vegetables. Fairy Bai didn't eat much meat, so he just bought a crucian carp as a token token, so he could make a bowl of snow-white fish soup tonight.

Then I went to a pet store and bought a bag of tofu cat litter, a cat litter box, goat milk powder, and ointment to supplement the kittens' nutrition.

By the time we returned to the mountain, it was already noon.

"I'm back."

"So fast?" Bai Yueling didn't look back and was still playing the game.

Jiang Qiao kept putting fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator. Fu Lu Shouxi saw the closed cat litter box on the floor, jumped in and crawled out again, playing happily.

"The archers in your world are really weak. They have no ability in close combat. I obviously shot so many arrows at the opponent, but he just hit me twice and died."

After the screen turned gray again, Bai Yueling turned around and complained.


Jiang Qiao walked over and took a look. Fairy Bai probably had bad luck. Yasuo was banned. She randomly chose a woman with a bow and arrow, and was beaten 0-7 in the middle by the opponent's robbery.

He nodded with deep understanding: "Yes, even an auxiliary can easily bully the ADC in the early stage."

"You come and play."

"It's impossible to play. If Han Bing wants to be able to fight in a team, he needs at least a three-piece suit. By the time you develop, the game will be over long ago, and you're still in the middle. Without auxiliary protection, you can only be killed infinitely. You won't be given a chance to scratch your body even if you want to. .”

Jiang Qiao decisively surrendered. If he continued to fight, he would not only torture his teammates, but also torture himself.

"Go wash your hands and get ready to eat."

Bai Yueling looked confused: "You haven't started yet?"

"It's too late to make lunch now. I brought a quick snack from the city."

While she was washing her hands, Jiang Qiao made a cat litter box and placed it in the corner of the balcony. From now on, she no longer has to worry about the cat litter being scattered everywhere. She can just get up and shovel the poop every morning and that's it.

Cat litter is definitely one of the most convenient inventions of time.

The so-called fast food includes KFC, burgers, chicken legs, chicken rolls, chicken popcorn, and French fries. Considering that Fairy Bai may not like to eat, so many things are enough for two people.

Although this stuff is advertised as junk food, if you don’t eat it for a while, your mouth will become full of cravings.

Bai Yueling gently sniffed the burger in front of her. She frowned slightly as she found vegetables and meat sandwiched between two pieces of bread.

"What, you don't like it?" Jiang Qiao picked up the burger and took a big bite, looking satisfied.

"It smells a little strange, as if... the oil used has been fried over and over a hundred times."

Jiang Qiao's body stiffened and he immediately stopped chewing.

The burger in my hand suddenly lost its flavor.

The problem of reusing low-quality vegetable oil in the fast food industry is no longer a secret to the working people.

It's just that sometimes I know it, but generally I don't think about the production process when eating. It just makes myself unhappy and affects my appetite.

Fairy Bai couldn't open her mouth as wide as Jiang Qiao, so she took a small bite of the dough and looked up at him: "Why don't you eat?"

Jiang Qiao licked his lips. This man was not disgusting at all.

"I suddenly lost my appetite after what you said."

Bai Yueling still refused in small sips: "It really doesn't taste very good. There are a lot of impurities. Long-term consumption will affect the health of mortals, but eating it once in a while is not harmful."

After hearing what the Immortal Emperor said personally, Jiang Qiao suddenly felt that the burger in his hand tasted delicious again.

Bai Yueling only ate bread slices and French fries. After being dipped in ketchup, the sweet and sour taste was pretty good.

"If you feel it's too greasy, just drink this. You should like it." Jiang Qiao put the milk tea in a straw and handed it to her.

"What is this?" She looked at some black beads in the cup.

"Pearl milk tea, a national drink."

Bai Yueling looked surprised. Is this guy too rich, or are the pearls in this world too cheap? Are black pearls eaten directly? By the way, is this thing edible

"It's not a real pearl. It can be understood as a special food that girls like to drink." Jiang Qiao explained.

Fairy Bai nodded, held the straw in her mouth and took a few sips. The taste was sweet, and the round beads felt a bit elastic when chewed, so the taste was not bad.

"How is it?" Jiang Qiao looked expectantly.

"It's edible."


This review is not very good.

Bai Yueling looked at him indifferently: "Just say what you want to say, don't hesitate to speak."

"Do you think the food in our world contains a lot of impurities?"

She nodded slightly.

"Aren't you afraid that too many impurities will block your meridians, Qi sea, Dantian, etc.?"

"Why do you think so?"

Jiang Qiao asked coquettishly: "Look, what you eat must be absorbed, but you... don't go to the toilet. Over time, more and more impurities will accumulate in your body, won't it affect your cultivation?"

"In the way of cultivating immortals, there is a saying that the body is like an oven. Even ore can be decomposed into the purest substance." After a pause, she continued: "As long as I am willing."

Jiang Qiao gave a slight "tsk", which meant that all the impurities were broken down

"If you like it, I'll get you something else to try next time."

Jiang Qiao took a sip of the Coke presented by KFC.

"Our little fairies here drink milk tea with taro balls, almonds, red beans, coconut, sago, red rice, jelly, grass jelly, pudding, and taro puree."

"Eight-treasure porridge?"

"Almost, but not the same thing."

Bai Yueling nodded and continued chewing pearls. After a while, she suddenly looked at Jiang Qiao. "Master, should you teach me how to type today?"