Fairy, Stop Making Trouble

Chapter 89: 89. Fairy Bai Brother Jiang


"I can't say that I like her. I just grew up together and have a good impression at best."

"and you… "

Jiang Qiao shook his head vigorously: "I don't have any good feelings related to the relationship between men and women."

Fairy Bai continued to drink tea, and she felt a little secretly happy for some reason. She recalled that the little girl just now, although she was also wearing a mask, she should be very pretty.

Is Jiang Qiao’s girlfriend

Huh, if you dare to take advantage again, you will get electric shock ×2 when you go home.

A few minutes later, the big man in white coat and the big dog came, and four people sat on each side of the Eight Immortals table.

"What to eat?" Jiang Qiao looked at Wu Youcai.

“Hot pot, skewers, spicy hotpot!”

"Can you eat it?"

Bai Yu rolled his eyes: "Don't listen to his nonsense, the most he can eat now is fresh soup mixed with rice."

Wu Youcai looked melancholy: "I lay in bed for a whole week, seven days. Do you know how I got here these seven days? I was so hungry that I couldn't bear it. I smelled the instant noodles in the aisle outside, and my mouth watered all the time. Don't stop. I asked you to buy me two steamed buns, but you ate them, old man, you are really not a human being."

Jiang Qiao laughed: "It's for your own good, I'm afraid you'll feel more uncomfortable smelling it."

The dog owner depressedly took out Huazi from his bag and was about to throw one at Jiang Qiao and Bai Daco.

"Don't give it to me. I quit smoking. Now I feel like vomiting just from the smell of cigarette smoke."

"Really?" Wu Youcai took one and put it in his mouth with a look of disbelief.

Jiang Qiao looked serious: "If you want to smoke now, I will go out and wait for the smell of smoke to dissipate before coming in."

Wu Youcai looked at him blankly, with a cigarette in his mouth but he didn't dare to light it. After thinking about it, he stuffed it into the cigarette case again.

"It's really weird. What have you done recently? You even gave up smoking."

Bai Yu glanced at Bai Yueling and sneered: "Don't talk about smoking, he has even given up heavy oil, salt and spicy food now. I doubt he is really cultivating immortality."

Jiang Qiao shrugged indifferently: "I didn't expect that you have seen through this. When I become an immortal, I will make you two my great protectors."

Bai Yueling watched the three brothers chatting and drank tea silently without saying a word.

This guy knows how to brag.

Finally, the waiter brought over a pot of fragrant mutton soup. Although I had only eaten it two days ago, it was still better than hot pot.

Speaking of wine, one has just been discharged from the hospital, one drove here, and the other... don't mention it.

The three of them finally got together, but in the end they didn't even drink.

Jiang Qiao would pick up food for Fairy Bai from time to time. This was the first time for her to have such a strange dinner party, and she was not used to it yet.

I don’t know why, although it tastes good, I always feel that it’s not as delicious as Jiang Qiao’s.

After finishing the dishes, Old God Jiang Qiao leaned back in his chair. In the past, he should have taken a deep breath of cigarette to relax his mind and body, but now everything is under control.

"Old man, are you planning to go home to celebrate New Year's Day when you go down the mountain this time?"


"Take your girlfriend back with you?"

"if not?"

"Meeting my parents now? Isn't it too soon?"

Wu Youcai looked at Bai Yueling, who was as beautiful as a fairy, and suddenly felt sad for his sister.

Sister, it’s not that I won’t help you, it’s that the enemy is too strong, impeccable and perfect, and you can’t find any weaknesses at all.

"We'll see you sooner or later anyway..."

Bai Yueling continued to sip the mutton soup and stepped on his shoes with an expressionless expression.


"Brother Jiang, what's wrong with you?" Fairy Bai asked with a concerned look on her face.

"Ahem, it's okay, I remembered something happy."

This shout from Brother Jiang made Jiang Qiao think that Miss Heart Demon had come out, but in a blink of an eye, he thought, how could the Demon in Heart step on his feet, and would only step on other parts of him.

"I'm so happy..." She half-smiled, and then continued to exert force.

To the other two, this scene was just pure flirting.

"Gan, I'm already full, so there's no need to feed the dog food anymore, right?" Wu Youcai's mouth twitched fiercely.

Bai Yueling asked abruptly: "Why do I feed you dog food?"

"Maybe they think dog food is delicious." Jiang Qiao chuckled.

"Fuck! We can't talk anymore."

At this moment, the phone in the white coat suddenly rang. When he saw that it was a call from the hospital, he sighed, and the wonderful vacation was over.

"The emergency department just sent a patient with purulent appendicitis. We are currently short of manpower. I have to go there immediately."

Jiang Qiao and Wu Youcai immediately looked at him with pity.

"Go ahead and work overtime to save lives and heal the wounded. On behalf of the patient's family, I would like to express my highest respect to you."

What he received in exchange was a raised middle finger from his white coat.

The white coat hurried away. Jiang Qiao looked at Wu Youcai: "What about you, where are you going this afternoon?"

"I'll go home to take care of myself for two days, and then I'll collect the rent. If you have a beautiful girl who needs to rent a house, you can tell me. The rent will be halved, and all water and electricity will be free. I'll just drop by once in a while." Wu Youcai hinted with a crazy wink.

Jiang Qiao was speechless. He didn't know this guy's temperament. He came here because he was obviously greedy for his body.


I always feel sorry for money.

Bai Yueling couldn't understand their blackening. Looking at the wealthy dog owner's face, he said seriously: "Your energy has been severely depleted and your kidneys have been overdrawn. This is a common short-lived condition. If you don't take good care of yourself, The consequences will be serious for your body. Alcohol is a poison that penetrates the intestines, and sex is a steel knife for scraping bones. Remember this."

Wu Youcai felt guilty for no reason after being told this by a beautiful woman.

He looked at Jiang Qiao: "Your girlfriend can read faces?"

"You might as well believe in the family tradition of supporting the dragon. It doesn't cost any money anyway. Haven't you noticed that I've become more and more handsome recently?"

Wu Youcai glanced at him lightly, smiled and cursed: "Get out of here, I don't want free things."

Jiang Qiao turned his head to look at Fairy Bai, raised his palm and stretched out five fingers: "You heard me, I will charge money for telling his fortune next time. It will be at least five numbers, and it will be considered as a supplement to the family income."

Fairy Bai nodded: "Okay."

Wu Youcai: "..."

This pair of dog men and women, one dares to speak and the other dares to listen.

"Speaking of which, aren't you going to explain it to Su Jin?"

Wu Youcai felt a headache when he thought of his sister, and his buddy was outrageous. He didn't hesitate every time he refused. But the more this happened, the more Su Jin liked her.

"What's the explanation? It's normal for a little girl to have a crush on the big brother around her and to admire her, but this is not love."

Jiang Qiao took a toothpick and picked his teeth: "Speaking of which, Su Jin will graduate soon this year."

"Third year."

"You have to play your role as a big brother and tell her to calm down and stop thinking about things all day long. If this continues, I will have no choice but to walk around her."

Wu Youcai rolled his eyes: "If what I say works, why do I need to worry until now?"

"Then just be cold. Don't say a word to her about my affairs. It's been a long time and your patience has worn out, so forget it."

Wu Youcai sighed: "That's all we have to do."

Jiang Qiao flicked the toothpick into the trash can and stood up.

"Okay, that's it for today. Let's meet again when we have time."

(I’ll see if I can write another chapter. Please vote for me and subscribe)