Fairyland Technology Overlord

Chapter 104: shock


Yan Ze'an still looked somewhat numb. Yes, anyone who had such an experience would feel the same way. He had devoted all his efforts to the State of Cai, but this was the outcome; from the emperor to the common people, everyone cursed him!

Since ancient times, heroes have no tears, because they are no longer able to shed tears!

After the prime minister changed his clothes and looked brand new, Xu Ren slowly walked up to Yan Ze'an and said, "Prime Minister Yan, let's go for a walk."

Yan Ze'an finally looked down at Xu Ren under the car, and suddenly laughed at himself, "I'm not the prime minister anymore."

"No, you are still the prime minister. Anyang needs a prime minister like you; and the rising Brilliant Star Group also needs a prime minister like you!"

"I am from Cai." Yan Ze'an looked gloomy, but he did not get out of the car.

"But the State of Cai has already abandoned you. You have sacrificed so much for the State of Cai, even saving its people from war, but they have excluded you, insulted you, and even wanted to exterminate your entire family. It is not you who have abandoned the State of Cai, but the State of Cai that has abandoned you. Come on, walk with me first."

Xu Ren's words ruthlessly revealed the last bit of fantasy in Yan Ze'an's heart. He finally got off the carriage woodenly and walked into the city wall and into Anyang side by side with Xu Ren.

First of all, everyone passed by the barracks, and here, Yan Ze'an saw a different barracks; the biggest difference was that there was a banner at the gate of the barracks - a soldier who does not want to be a general is not a good soldier.

In addition, there were no supervised soldiers in the barracks, nor were there any lazy soldiers. All the soldiers, except those on duty, were actually practicing and studying. Then Xu Ren took Yan Ze'an to a remote shooting range, where the soldiers were practicing shooting.

"Fire gun?" Seeing this weapon that caused the defeat of the State of Cai, Yan Ze'an was naturally very concerned. To be precise, Yan Ze'an's current situation was closely related to this new weapon. If it weren't for this new weapon that helped Anyang win, Yan Ze'an might still be the powerful prime minister of the State of Cai, second only to the emperor.

"Gun! The musket is a very primitive design." Xu Ren picked up a gun and took it apart to show Yan Ze'an.

After watching it and trying to shoot a few times, Yan Ze'an finally had to say, "Excellent, the fire gun is indeed very primitive. But this kind of design needs a strict industrial system to support it."

As expected of a prime minister, he saw the essence at a glance. Xu Ren smiled slightly, without explaining, and took Yan Ze'an on foot all over Anyang. From the small village to Anyang Prefecture, Yan Ze'an stood in front of the school for a long time. What caught Yan Ze'an's attention most were the various slogans hanging on the wall.

“If we cannot cultivate qualified talents, we will have no future.”

Standing under this slogan, Yan Ze'an suddenly laughed, "Such a straightforward and unliterary statement must have been said by Li Xian."

Xu Ren laughed when he heard this, "You are so direct."

"Hey, there are two typos in the handwritten letter he wrote to me!"

Xu Ren: ... What does this have to do with...

Coming out of school and seeing the busy streets again, Yan Ze'an suddenly sighed, and the heavy feeling on his body finally disappeared.

Seeing this, Xu Ren finally smiled. Yan Ze'an finally gave up everything in the past of the State of Cai and accepted Anyang. Next, he would take the final step!