Fairyland Technology Overlord

Chapter 1819: Copycat 'Purple Air'


There was no sound in the exhibition hall for a while.

Bai Xiaoliang needs to rest for a while, Li Xian needs to think for a while, and Xiao Yuquan needs to... be stunned for a while.

Bai Xiaoliang's speech had the greatest impact on Xiao Yuquan, because all of Xiao Yuquan's research was based on "static".

Static means that it can be calculated, analyzed, and listed one by one. No matter how many changes there are, I can list them all.

And dynamic means that it cannot be calculated, can only be vaguely analyzed, cannot be accurately given as examples, etc.

Shangguo's computer technology is very powerful, but it is based on a "static" foundation. All the hardware and software of the computer can be disassembled and analyzed one by one.

Even now all of Shang State’s technologies are based on a static basis.

Therefore, the dynamic theory of formations completely overturned the scientific thinking of the Shang Dynasty.

But I have to admit, it sounds... like it should be right.

After a while, Li Xian asked a few questions, and then Bai Xiaoliang started to perform again. Today, he was very excited, because he knew that he had left a strong mark in the history of scientific research in Shangguo and even in the process of human civilization.

This discovery is almost as important as the psychic formula that Xie An originally discovered.

The discovery of the psychic formula laid the foundation for the energy of the Shang State, leading to the establishment of the current Shang State.

The discovery of the dynamic theory of formations will open up the future of the Shang State.

Bai Xiaoliang pinched his thigh obscurely, then calmed down and started a new speech. "Your Majesty, I have had a question since I was a child, that is: why do irrational numbers exist in the world? An irrational number cannot be written down even if all the paper in the world is used up! Obviously, it is really irrational! I remember asking my math teacher in junior high school. As a result, the math teacher said that irrational numbers have no practical significance. Moreover, all irrational numbers cannot be written out completely. We can only express irrational numbers in the form of symbols or combined numbers. For example, pi, and many square roots. However, I still remember that in the Chinese class, the teacher said: Existence is reasonable! Obviously, the words of the Chinese teacher and the math teacher conflicted. For so many years, I have been thinking: Do irrational numbers have any meaning? Why do they exist?"

"It wasn't until the day before yesterday that I suddenly realized it! The reason why we say irrational numbers are meaningless is because of our standpoint. Our scientific research system is built on a static basis. Our knowledge system is also built on a static basis. And irrational numbers are dynamic! So, when we observe irrational numbers from a static standpoint and thinking, we cannot understand them. We think that irrational numbers are really meaningless. However, if we change our perspective, if we think from a dynamic perspective, then irrational numbers have real practical significance."

"For example, this five elements formation!"

Bai Xiaoliang pointed at the five elements formation on the screen. "This is a self-changing five elements formation that we filmed. We used the traditional method to arrange it. This is a picture of all the changes in the formation over the past two days. The original formation was three centimeters in size. This is a picture after it was enlarged to three meters. It can be seen that with the passage of time, the formation is also undergoing completely irregular changes. Except for the formation base, all the formation patterns have changed. So now the question is: how many times has this formation changed? An interesting thing happened. The computer did not calculate the changes that took place in the past two days. But after we changed our thinking, we found that the formation has undergone a total of 2 cubed, multiplied by pi, and then multiplied by 10 to the ninth power in the past two days. This is a total of this many changes. Obviously, this is a number that cannot be listed in detail."