Fake Villain Turned Into Cannon Fodder

Chapter 95


"I did not plagiarize Professor Wilson's proof of the Riemann Hypothesis. I don't know why Professor Wilson said that he plagiarized his proof of the Riemann Hypothesis. However, what I want to say is that my solution to Professor Wilson's The question proves that it is not the same.”

As soon as An Ran finished speaking, countless reporters present were stunned by An Ran!

Because they really didn't expect that An Ran would say this!

They thought about the countless reasons An Ran might give themselves to defend themselves against plagiarism. What they never thought about was that An Ran would actually say that her solution to the Riemann Hypothesis proved to be different!

But soon, all the reporters came back to their senses.

Their words also became sharper.

"Ms. An Ran, you said that your problem-solving proof was different from Professor Wilson's. However, the proof for the Riemann Hypothesis that you wrote at the opening ceremony of the IMO competition was the same as Professor Wilson's. ah."

"Yes, Miss An Ran, your proof of the Riemann Hypothesis is exactly the same as Professor Wilson's proof. How should you explain this?"

"Professor Wilson's Riemann Hypothesis proof is not only the same as yours, but he also wrote it longer than you..."

"Miss An Ran..."

Listening to the disbelief and questioning words of countless reporters, An Ran slightly raised the corners of his lips, and although his voice was not loud, he spoke very powerfully.

"Who said that my certificate is not as long as Professor Wilson's?"

After saying that, An Ran stood up, nodded to Zhuo Boyuan, and saw that soon, the teacher of the National Mathematical Olympiad team pushed out two long whiteboards.

A whiteboard is densely covered with writings about the proof of the Riemann Hypothesis that she once wrote at the opening ceremony of IMO.

On the other whiteboard, there was not a word on it, it was completely blank.

But after seeing An Ran drop those words, he picked up the whiteboard pen and started writing quickly on the whiteboard.

Facing such a scene, all the reporters looked at each other with confusion.

I don’t understand what An Ran, this little girl from China, is doing.

However, although this group of reporters who did not understand mathematics could not understand what An Ran wrote on the whiteboard.

But they could also see that what An Ran wrote seemed pretty good.

After all...the dense pile of formulas proved that they couldn't understand it at all.

But soon, they understood from other knowledgeable people what exactly An Ran had written on the whiteboard!

"Oh my God, what this little girl wrote is the proof of the Riemann Hypothesis?!"

Because this time, the Riemann Hypothesis proved that the plagiarism incident was quite big. Therefore, when An Ran said that he would hold a press conference to clarify this incident, the people who came to the press conference were not only Reporters, some mathematics enthusiasts, and even some rather prestigious professors were all present.

However, they are not reporters, so they will not interfere with this press conference.

However, when they, a group of knowledgeable people, saw the mathematical proof formulas An Ran wrote on the whiteboard, they were shocked!

I can't bear it anymore!

Because An Ran wrote it, it is clearly the proof formula of the Riemann Hypothesis! She picked up where she left off last time and continued to prove it!

Moreover, as An Ran said, her proof is different from Professor Wilson's proof!

It's completely different!

"It's really different, it's really different..."

"I have seen Wilson's proof of the Riemann Hypothesis, and this little girl's proof is completely opposite to the answer!"

"Oh, my God! My brain tells me that the proof of the Riemann Hypothesis written by this little Chinese girl is correct! Wilson, his proof is in the wrong direction..."

"Yeah, I also think Wilson's proof of the Riemann Hypothesis is wrong. I followed Wilson's proof of the Riemann Hypothesis and made repeated calculations. The proof he gave later is wrong... "

The reporters who were still confused at first, after hearing the words of such a group of 'mathematicians', although... they still don't understand! However, I don’t know how serious it is!

My feelings towards An Ran suddenly changed!

They no longer regard An Ran, the little girl from China, as a thief.

Looking at the densely packed whiteboard, which was full of proof formulas that they couldn't understand, one or two of them completely believed that An Ran was a genius, and with the ability of a genius, he would never plagiarize!

So... everyone's eyes gradually changed from doubt to admiration when they looked at An Ran!

After all, that is the Riemann Hypothesis! It’s a difficult problem that no one has been able to solve for more than a hundred years!

Moreover, when it comes to plagiarism, Wilson’s original statement is untenable!

Now that An Ran can write a follow-up proof of the Riemann Hypothesis, and it is completely different from the answer given by Professor Wilson, then this theory of plagiarism is even more untenable!

Therefore, now anyone who attended An Ran's press conference no longer thinks that An Ran is a plagiarist!

After all, who plagiarist is better than the person being plagiarized and can write different follow-up proofs!

Moreover, looking at the proof written by An Ran, it is really longer than the proof formula given by Wilson later!

Of course! What's more important is that they didn't write nonsense at all!

There was no explanation at this press conference, and An Ran didn't say a few words. During the entire press conference, An Ran said no more than five sentences in total!

During the whole process, I was quietly holding a pen and writing the proof of the Riemann Hypothesis quickly on the whiteboard.

Gradually, time passed as An Ran filled up the whole whiteboard again.

When An Ran finished writing on the entire whiteboard, he put down the whiteboard pen in his hand, turned around, and smiled generously at the stunned media reporters.

"This is the proof I gave myself. I did not plagiarize Professor Wilson. If Professor Wilson still insists that I plagiarized him, then I think I may have to use the law to sue him. Slandered me."

An Ran's serious and powerful words brought countless reporters and mathematicians at the scene back to their senses.

They looked at the whiteboard full of proof formulas and An Ran's generous and confident look, and they all came to a conclusion about the outcome of this matter.

That is - it is very likely that Wilson himself shouted "Catch the thief"!

After all, An Ran is just a young girl, especially an Asian. She has no reputation and has not published any papers in the mathematics community.

However, Wilson is different. He is not only a professor at the top 3 universities, but also in the mathematics community. He has published many papers. In the mathematics community, he can be regarded as a slightly famous existence.

Therefore, when he said that An Ran plagiarized, most people would subconsciously believe it.

Moreover, he also produced so-called 'evidence', which made it even more difficult for people to suspect that he was lying.

Originally, this plan was perfect and had no loopholes.

However, Wilson did not expect that the Chinese girl who just wrote a little proof at the beginning was actually hiding her clumsiness. Her proof of the Riemann Hypothesis was not just a little bit.

After she finished writing the initial proof, she stopped and did not write out the rest of the proof.

As a result, Wilson's plans all collapsed!

As long as the proofs of the two Riemann Hypotheses are compared and repeated calculations, one can know who is right and who is wrong. It was clear who was lying and who was not lying.

After all, mathematics doesn't lie.

For a moment, the entire audience was stunned.

A sixteen-year-old girl wrote the correct proof of the Riemann Hypothesis, although the answer was still unfinished.

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But just because she wrote the proof formula that many mathematics professors were unable to write, and just because she wrote the proof formula for the Riemann Hypothesis correctly, it is enough to shock the world!

In time, this little girl from China will be able to solve this world problem that has troubled the world for more than a hundred years.

And her name is bound to be famous throughout the ages and written into history...

"Miss An Ran, you haven't finished writing yet, please continue writing a little more."

"Yes, your thinking is so clear. I think your proof of the Riemann Hypothesis must not be over yet..."

Countless mathematics enthusiasts couldn't help but ask An Ran to write more.

However, An Ran shook his head gently and said with a smile.

"Sorry, I've almost come up with the idea of proving the Riemann Hypothesis. That's it for today's press conference. I also have to attend the closing ceremony of the IMO competition."

Listening to An Ran's words, everyone at the press conference was stunned.

They thought that after they finished writing the formula to prove the Riemann Hypothesis and confirmed that she did not plagiarize, what else would they say? As a result, I didn’t want to say anything anymore and said I wanted to attend the closing ceremony of the IMO competition

Is there really a mistake? Is the Riemann Hypothesis, a world problem, important in the closing ceremony of the imo competition

However, it turns out that in An Ran's heart, the imo competition is indeed much more important than the Riemann Hypothesis, a world problem!

At the end, she emphasized that if anyone slandered her as a despicable plagiarist again, she would use the law to defend her innocence. After that, she hurriedly left the press conference and went to attend the closing ceremony of the imo competition, waiting for her. The final result of an imo competition!

Looking at An Ran's calm and unconcerned back, people in the press conference looked at each other in confusion. No matter what they thought in their hearts, they all left the venue in the end.

Although, An Ran didn't say much at this press conference. However, there is no doubt that this press conference was very successful!

When reporters released An Ran's interview video, she not only successfully proved herself, but also shocked the entire mathematics world!