Faking Straight

Chapter 27


According to the plan, they can stay in Haibaixing for two days.

After leaving the jungle, they went to the beach. Unfortunately, because of the presence of strangers, the sea was calm and calm, and they didn't even see the tail of the mermaid.

Sophia didn't understand what they were waiting for, but she just took this opportunity to show her ability with her full wild survival skills. She inserted the detector into the water, made sure there was no danger, and then turned her hand away and pulled down the zipper of the tights behind her. .

The large white skin was exposed, and the sexy black corset was looming. Judging from her appearance, she seemed to be planning to go into the water.

Advisor Cheng looked cold and turned his head, "Since Teacher Sophia is going to go into the water, let's go to other places to find edible ingredients."

As soon as he talked about the ingredients, he didn't need to eat nutrient solution, and a few half-sized boys cheered, surrounded the chef and went into the forest, and he suggested, "Can I go catch a meaty animal?"

"No," the consultant Cheng refused ruthlessly, "it's too troublesome to deal with."

Others were wronged, Li Zuoxing straightened the sleeves he just rolled up, and sighed in disappointment.

Advisor Cheng said helplessly: "If you guys are willing to handle it well—"

"We are willing," Xi Nan giggled, hooking his shoulders with a smile, "people like you so much, ask Cheng~"

The painting style of the entire Dream Team has become strange since he likes to tease Li Zuoxing.

Is this how boys express their love these days

Swarin wondered, then gathered up his courage and quietly held Ji Yu's hand beside him.

He bowed his head and the tips of his ears were red. He had never been so close to a friend before, I'm sorry.

In addition to Sophia, the other six boys are all here, because I'm embarrassed to see her undress and go into the water, and I know that Sophia's ability is stronger than them, so I look for something to eat and use everywhere, and find something to eat and use. Find mission objectives.

There are many lakes in the middle of the forest. Unlike the extreme winter and summer environment of Broken Star, there is no autumn and winter on Haibaixing.

In a clear and transparent lake, they actually saw the white fish that the mermaid tribe gave them last time.

After seeing it, they were so greedy that they still remembered the feeling that they were full of fresh juice and fried in one mouthful!

Li Zuoxing took off his coat and threw it to consultant Cheng. He was eager to test the water temperature. The others encouraged him, "Come more! I can eat five of them by myself!"

"I have four." Ling Nian followed closely.

Ji Yu felt sorry for Li Zuoxing, "Then three of them are enough."

I really feel sorry for him!

Li Zuoxing glanced at them, "Come alone."

Advisor Cheng threw his jacket to Jiyu, took off his own clothes, moved his wrists, and jumped into the water before Li Zuoxing gracefully.

"Yo!" The whistle sounded, and the teammates applauded, "Handsome!"

Li Zuoxing grinned, jumped into the water, and the water exploded. At this moment, he was surprised to find that the lake, which seemed to be bottomless on the surface, was exceptionally deep. He tried to measure the depth with his height, and he was 1.9 meters tall. was completely submerged under water.

The white fish that fluttered before had disappeared at this time, but looking at the shore through the swaying water waves, Ling Nian and his party on the shore were still the same as before, and they even pointed him in the direction of the white fish with their movements.

Li Zuoxing's heart sank, and he gestured to the advisor Cheng, who also noticed something wrong, to look in the direction pointed by the people on the shore.

Advisor Cheng nodded and gave him a few gestures.

Li Zuoxing: ? ?

The question marks all over his head appeared, and the consultant Cheng called again. Li Zuoxing directly dragged him and swam in the direction pointed by his teammates.

The transparent and clear water was so quiet that there was no living creature, but a few people on the shore wondered how they could turn a blind eye to the small fish and shrimp swimming by.

Under the water, Li Zuoxing felt that his oxygen was running out. The two of them had already arrived at the place where the white fish had appeared before. This piece of land was clean, not to mention fish, not even grass.

Advisor Cheng's eyes suddenly lit up, he pushed aside the black soil and felt something in the soil. Li Zuoxing followed suit, mixed his hands in the soil, and when he was about to breathe out, he finally touched two round stones.

He jumped in his heart, stepped on the ground and broke the water with the help of momentum, "Huh..."

Breathing heavily.

The advisor appeared beside him the next second, his hair dripping from his face, and he was also panting, "Guess what we found?"

With a youthful look on his face, he smiled and rolled his eyes.

The fool also knew something was wrong. Ling Nian crouched down and swung under the water. The fish that was still swimming in the waters under his hands fluctuated with the body of the water. The phantom was broken, and the same fish appeared out of thin air in front of him.

Several people on the shore widened their eyes, "..."

Speechless, what high-tech holographic projection is hidden underneath

"Come and give a high five."

Li Zuoxing wiped the water on his face, and with a snap, his hand and the advisor clapped together. The crisp sound brought the excitement and joy of the young man. The two laughed face to face, and then supported On the shore of the lake.

"How many have you found?" the consultant Cheng asked.

Li Zuoxing made a comparison. The consultant smiled mysteriously and spread out his palms. There was still black soil at the bottom of the lake in his palms, and there were three silver-white luminous pearl-sized stones stuck in the middle of the black soil.

The teammates gathered in a circle, all looked at Ling Nian, Ling Nian looked serious, stared at the ball and frowned.

"It's an energy spar," Advisor Cheng said softly, his eyes passed Swarin's body, and Swarin's eyes were clear, only surprised and curious.

Energy spar, an extremely rare thing in the eight galaxies that can directly increase spiritual power, it is extremely rare and worth a thousand pieces of gold.

But now they found five in a simple lake in Haibaixing!

They turned to look at the lake in amazement, with eyes like treasure.

But consultant Cheng ruthlessly broke the thoughts in their minds, "Energy spar has the effect of confusing other people's spiritual power, so that others have hallucinations, even if you dig into the bottom of the lake and turn the bottom upside down, you can't find a single energy spar ."

He and Li Zuoxing were lucky to find the real energy spar by chance.

A few people were embarrassed, but they believed in the words of their teammates, and no longer stared at the lake, but said happily: "If you have it, you will be satisfied, you and Xingxing will use it quickly, and quickly increase your mental power!"

This group of stupid guys, who also know the preciousness of energy spar, surrounded them at this time, looked around vigilantly, for fear that someone would surprise, and urged: "Hurry up!"

A little moved.

A little warm and uncomfortable.

Li Zuoxing threw the energy spar and said casually, "I didn't plan to use it."

Advisor Cheng threw the three in his hand to him, showing a handsome smile that could make girls scream.

"One for Jiyu, one for Lingnian, one for Xinan, and one for Swarin," Li Zuoxing counted, "Okay, one more, and hand it over to the school."

The four teenagers surrounding them were taken aback.

Swarin took a few steps back abruptly and waved his hands desperately, "No no no..."

He had never hated himself so much for being eloquent, "I don't want it, I'm not..."

"Okay," Li Zuoxing interrupted him, walked over and patted him on the shoulder vigorously, giving him ideological education, "One big man, you can take whatever is given to you, how can you be a teammate if you are so polite? "

"And you," Advisor Cheng stared at Ling Nian with a smile, very interested, "I was moved to tears?"

Ling Nian turned his head and snorted after a while.

He also had to turn his face away so as not to let others see his expression. Ji Yu had never lost in straight balls. He was moved and nodded directly, "You and Zuo Xing are so kind to us."

The straight ball made the consultant feel uncomfortable, he coughed and turned to look at Li Zuoxing.

The boy was teasing Swarin, his eyebrows raised.

As expected of his companion.

Advisor Cheng thought with satisfaction that when Li Zuoxing sent the energy spar out, he was not at all reluctant.

But no matter how moved they were, the teammates still didn't want it. This would work for advisors Cheng and Li Zuoxing, so they hoped they would use it.

"You need more than us," Li Zuoxing was silent for a while, then suddenly very emotional, "I don't want to lose any of you."

There is no better teammate than them.

He doesn't have a life-saving golden finger anymore, the plot has deviated, and he is not sure that his teammates can stay as safe from start to finish as in the original book.

As soon as these words came out, it was Ling Nian who took the energy spar from him first, still with the same shameless confidence, "I will become very strong."

Then came Jiyu and Xinan, Swarin fixed his eyes, raised his hand and took a silver-white energy spar from his hand.

Li Zuoxing suddenly remembered the pair of gestures he and his advisor Cheng Ji and Duck made at the bottom of the lake, and raised his forehead, "Let's set an escape code."

Advisor Cheng also remembered this, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"It should be decided," the others, "what?"

"Three short whistles and one long whistle means that there is danger to escape quickly," Li Zuoxing, "set the most important first, and we will think about the rest slowly."

Several people nodded and took note.

The last one was kept by Li Zuoxing. Originally, consultant Cheng wanted him to use it himself, but in the end he didn't say anything.

He respects Li Zuoxing's decision.

A few people put away the energy spar, just when Li Zuoxing wanted to put away the one in the palm of his hand, a squirrel jumped up from the tree next to it and rushed straight towards Li Zuoxing's hand.

When its two front claws hugged the energy spar, Li Zuoxing had already pinched its small neck.

Li Zuoxing shook the little thing with a smile, "Why, even you can tell it's a good thing?"

The black pupils of squirrel eyes are dull.

Advisor Cheng suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart, "Throw it!"

Before this sentence was finished, the squirrel seemed to be ordered. It struggled violently, and threw the energy spar into Li Zuoxing's mouth, and the whole mouse rushed out.

Advisor Cheng's eyes darkened, the violent mental power penetrated the squirrel, and the squirrel's brain still had another person's mental power hidden in his mind, which was shattered by him.

"Zuo Xing—" He gritted his teeth and looked at Li Zuoxing.

The energy spar can only be used with another special medicine, otherwise the rampant energy can smash the mental force into pieces, and it will cause death.

Li Zuoxing couldn't hear the call. He only felt that the moment the energy spar touched him, it turned into an invisible energy, arguing with his mental power, his brain was aching, and heavy pressure hit him. One black, fell down.

Ji Yu rushed over to support him with a blank expression, "Zuo Xing?"

And the fallen man did not respond.