Faking Straight

Chapter 3


Advisor Cheng was choked on the drink, and three or four boys graciously handed over tissues in an instant, "Are you okay, I'll pour you a glass of water slowly?"

All of their actions were full of enthusiasm and eagerness. If it wasn't for Li Zuoxing's words just now, the consultant Cheng would have taken the tissue naturally, and then gestured to them with a smile, but it was really weird now.

"Xingxing," Advisor Cheng wiped his mouth with a tissue and changed the subject wisely, "What do you think about the members of our team?"

The onlookers had silently raised their ears, and their gazes on him became hot in an instant. He threw the question back, "What do you think?"

Li Zuoxing was waiting for the protagonist to say, "Yes, I have already figured out who my teammates are." Who knew that the consultant Cheng smiled slightly and wrote lightly, "I didn't think about it."

Li Zuoxing, "… "

He, "Are you serious?"

"Yeah," Advisor Cheng looked at him meaningfully, and suddenly smiled strangely, "It's all up to you now."

After he said these words, the people sitting next to Li Zuoxing summoned the courage to recommend themselves, "Hey, I, can you see if I can?"

The freckled boy's face flushed red, and he glanced at Advisor Cheng and then at Li Zuoxing.

Li Zuoxing patted him on the shoulder and said nothing, but the meaning was very clear, the guy withdrew with a bitter face.

Without waiting for the introduction, Li Zuoxing and the protagonist looked at each other and walked from the front of the spaceship to the back. Advisor Cheng sat in the same position and watched him leave, staring sideways.

The student uniform of the military academy is worn on him, from the hair to the black boots, he is so handsome that he has no friends.

The spaceship of Chengyang Military Academy is very large. Apart from the 200-odd freshmen and staff, there is still a lot of space. Li Zuoxing stopped when he reached the middle part, as if he was talking to someone else. This distance can only be used by consultants. eyes, hear nothing.

He raised his legs and supported his face with one hand. The unseen spiritual power was as thick as a hair, spreading from him, shuttled through the crowd, and arrived at Li Zuoxing's side with unparalleled accuracy.

"—Yes, I haven't seen anyone who is better at StarNet than him."

This trace of spiritual power surrounded Li Zuoxing boldly and merged into the air, and neither the person in charge of the spacecraft nor the teacher even noticed it.

"Then he-"

Li Zuoxing stopped abruptly.

He frowned and looked around and found nothing, but the strange feeling of being peeped lingered.

"What's wrong?" The boy who answered his question also turned his head around curiously, "Are you looking for Ling Nian? He won't be here. According to his habit, he is definitely hiding in a corner with few people at the moment. Quietly pondering those mechanical parts that we can't understand, didn't I say that he hasn't tried to find his teammates until now, are those small things assembled and the data of the star network more important than the entrance test?"

Li Zuoxing sat next to him, and he replied, "Really?"

But his heart was all around him, and he calmly observed what was wrong around him. Gradually, a mysterious and mysterious feeling surrounded him. The sounds around him became distant, and the sounds of the people next to him seemed to be isolated by a layer of transparent walls, and the only thing that became clearer and clearer in his ears was the sound of his own strong heartbeat.

The advisor paused in a leisurely posture.

He put his legs down, turned his head completely, and looked at Li Zuoxing.

Mist-like mental power fluctuations from small to large gradually attracted the attention of the people around.

Li Zuoxing condensed his spiritual power into a rope without a teacher, and began to probe around him tentatively. His undisguised skills and undisguised movements alerted the person in charge in the spaceship. The person in charge stood up and looked at him. Staring at Li Zuoxing, he laughed happily and said to the people around him, "Turn on the mental jammer!"

Following his teacher, he was amazed, "This kid is really amazing. I have been a teacher for so many years, and this is the first time I have seen someone who can realize spiritual power without systematic study and guidance. It's incredible."

The person in charge was happy in his heart, but he said on the face: "What is he trying to do when he uses his mental power in the group of students? He must be educated. Such students must be ruthless, otherwise they will be pretentious and think they have some ability. Just being arrogant and arrogant, will you be able to get it in the future?"

The teacher smiled, knowing that he was not displeased with this child named Li Zuoxing, on the contrary, he valued the first place in the Big Dipper, so he was even more worried.

The first time he used his mental power, Li Zuoxing was dissipated by the jammer before he could taste it. It seemed that he had returned to reality in an instant. The surrounding noise came like a tidal wave. He opened his eyes and saw the military academy. The teacher came to him with a serious expression, and said a few words to him in a moderate tone, telling him not to use mental power on the spacecraft.

Li Zuoxing's attitude was very good at admitting his mistake. The teacher, who was originally a stern face, couldn't help but smiled, and said with relief: "If you have talent, don't let your talent down, and acquired efforts are also very important. The method of materialization is not systematic, and it will be much better to use it after being taught by the academy in the later stage, and the teacher hopes that you will not be in a hurry.”

"I understand," Li Zuoxing smiled brightly, "I will."

The strange feeling that made him extremely uncomfortable before has disappeared, and he did not capture any useful information in the short moment when he used his mental power, which aroused Li Zuoxing's competitive spirit.

If he is not strong, there is no guarantee. He desires strength and desires to become stronger. He must improve his ability to an absolute height.

After the teacher left, the boy beside him was too surprised to speak. Li Zuoxing guessed that he couldn't ask any useful information. After thanking him, a strong and burly boy fell with a plop beside him.

He said that the young man was sorry for his figure, the whole ground was shaken a few times by him, and pitiful dust was flying in the air.

"Okay, it hurts... I really hurt..."

Li Zuoxing seemed to hear this man's whimper, and there was a pitiful smell in his rough voice. But a man with a stubborn waist and a tiger's back, the picture is a bit hot.

"Are you alright, buddy?" Li Zuoxing pulled the man up, the guy pushed up his upper body along with his strength, the tip of his nose was red, he must have dropped his lacrimal glands, and his eyes were full of water, he looked at Li Zuoxing, fiercely Staring, "This is a broken spaceship, there is still a pool of water in the aisle, I am really unlucky, and I fell into the water!"

"..." Li Zuoxing, "Yes, destroy the spaceship."

The brawny guy sniffed, "I'm the most resistant to beatings. It doesn't hurt at all to fall, you don't need to help me, I can stand up by myself."

Li Zuoxing, "Farewell, I am enthusiastic, and I like to move forward when I see my classmates have something to do."

The person who fell was just maintaining the dignity of his strong man, and his eyes were red without shedding a single tear.

"Xinan," the boy behind him was silent for a while and couldn't help it, "your red panties are showing."

Xinan covered the edge of his red panties with his backhand, tugging at the muscles he hit, his expression instantly distorted, the tears in his eyes couldn't hold back any longer, and they fell down with a clatter with those who didn't want money.

The fierce man shed tears, which is not pitiful, and a little funny.

The boy behind him was obviously familiar with this scene. He sighed, took out a tissue from his pocket, and squatted down to wipe the tears from Xinan's face, "How can you cry so much when you are so strong."

Li Zuoxing felt that people were crying more vigorously.

He sighed, squatted down and patted the boy's back, with a hint of comfort, he said to the teachers and classmates who came to inquire, "How is it, have you recovered?"

language and even facial expressions.

Completely strangers act like this, and it is hard not to make others feel good about him.

Ji Yu, who was wiping away tears from Xinan, looked at him and had a good impression of this young man with one of the best mental strengths. I'm sure he has the same thoughts in his mind.

Jiyu and Xinan are completely different personalities. He usually doesn't like to talk, but he is sincere and bold in expressing. Straight ball: "Hello, my name is Jiyu, his name is Xinan, can we make friends?"

Full of sincerity and expectation.

The protagonist will find teammates in the future during the entrance test. This team led by him later became the dream team of Chengyang Military Academy. brother.

Most of the readers who follow the book "Journey on the Hand" are attracted by the feelings between them. The unyielding teenagers are tempered into men step by step in the adventure and difficulty. They enjoy flowers and applause, and they are both internal and external. There are always two faces, they keep all the trust in each other, and they can fight to the end for the sake of brotherhood and everything.

Dark themes have no shortage of suitors, but the true friendship between heroes will always bring tears to the eyes.

Xinan was dissatisfied that his friend was one step ahead of him, "Hey!"

Two members of the future dream team held out their hands to him, showing that they were mature enough to make this handshake look extra serious.

Li Zuoxing had a strange sense of witnessing what was happening. The prototype of the team appeared in front of him, and he changed from a bystander to one of them.

He stretched out his hand, but this feeling didn't bother him, he said with a smile, "We're all friends, so I'm welcome."

Li Zuoxing looked towards the front of the spaceship, and the consultant stood upright with his hands in his pockets. After meeting his gaze, he suddenly walked towards him. He moved his gaze to the faces of the two future teammates in front of him and continued, "Can you please join our team?"

"Please," Advisor Cheng just walked nearby, he naturally took Li Zuoxing's words, leaned one hand on the back of a nearby chair, and smiled at them, "Promise us."

Jiyu and Xinan looked at each other and said firmly, "Let's join."

The author has something to say: teammates are very good, all eat dog food (*/ω\*)