Faking Straight

Chapter 30


Ji Yu could feel that the spiritual force that enveloped him wrapped his wound with pity, and the side of his face was slightly itchy, which was the spiritual force carefully comforting him.

His nose was sore, and mist filled his eyes instantly.

This is the greatest comfort that Li Zuoxing can express in his current state.

Jiyu is also a young adult who has never experienced the edge of life and death. At this time, three holes were punched through his body, and the previous fear and pain were sobbed down with tears.

It was as if when Li Zuoxing appeared, under the protection of his spiritual power, a supreme sense of security appeared beside Jiyu.

This made him cry uncontrollably.

Hearing his cry, the long knife in Li Zuoxing's hand became even bigger, and the dazzling mental power and monstrous anger slashed the middle-aged man's throat. Knife.

"Wait!" the middle-aged man shouted, "I can tell you that my accomplice has—"

Before he could finish his sentence, he had already covered his neck and fell down, his eyes were wide open, he couldn't believe he died like this.

But he really died.

Li Zuoxing was still a baby, he only knew that Jiyu was crying, Jiyu was in pain, this person should be damned.

So can't waste time, because Jiyu needs him.

After passing the middle-aged man, Li Zuoxing saw Ji Yu's first eyes with tears in his eyes. He sniffed, bent down and hugged Ji Yu in his arms, and ran to the beach at a loss.

"What should I do with Xingxing?" Li Zuoxing ran very fast, holding Jiyu like a piece of paper, but his arms were very stable, not even letting Jiyu shed another drop of blood, "What should Xingxing do."

He didn't know anything, he didn't even know where to go with Jiyu.

But the strengthened five senses told him that Ji Yu's breathing was getting weaker and weaker, and the person in his arms closed his eyes tightly and passed out.

The forest was as quiet as if there were no living creatures, only the sound of the swirling leaves, the sea in the distance was endless, and there was not a single person on the beach.

Li Zuoxing couldn't even find anyone to ask for help.

He could only lead him to the beach faster and faster, with confusion in his eyes, and his hand holding Jiyu was getting tighter and tighter.

He hated himself for being just a baby now.

"I need it," Li Zuoxing began to have a headache, which was like a needle stick in his brain, "... I need a rescue capsule."

His voice was so soft that it was shattered by the wind, "I need a rescue capsule."

In the next second, Haibaixing rushed a spaceship from high above the sky, rushed through the white clouds to break the air, and rushed down like a storm.

The milky white sand was lifted into the sky, and the huge spaceship slammed on the coast with a bang.

Such a big movement alarmed the mermaid and Xinan under the sea.

Even more amazing than them were the people on the ship.

Their spaceship got out of control, deviates from the channel as if they had their own consciousness, and then entered Sea White Star at the fastest speed.

God knows how horrible they are going through top speed! It will hit the ground directly and be torn apart!

Fortunately, the ship stopped safely.

They were gasping for breath, breathing heavily, with fear in their eyes, their vigilance had been raised to the highest level, and the weapons and protection in the spaceship had activated the highest-level mode.

But in the highest mode, the hatch of the spaceship opened without their consent!

Li Zuoxing hugged Ji Yu and stepped onto the spaceship step by step. The mental energy in his body was already staring to the point of dripping.

The people on the spaceship panicked and pointed their weapons at him.

"Where is the rescue capsule?" He asked, holding a blood-soaked Ji Yu in his arms, "I need a rescue capsule."

The sign of the spacecraft began to sound, and the lights on the wall turned red one by one, pointing him to the location of the rescue capsule and repair fluid.

Li Zuoxing followed the lights indicated by the spaceship. His speed became faster and faster, and the lights on the spaceship turned on and off faster and faster.

Oh my God! Their ship has betrayed!

The people on the spaceship were stunned, "Wait, wait!"

Their spaceship had absolutely no idea what was going on! The boy who got on the boat was even more rude, so that they didn't know whether to attack or not with weapons in their hands!

Because this person looks like he just wants to save the person in his arms, as if there is no malicious intent.

Captain Jindi pondered for a moment, and asked his subordinates to collect their weapons, and followed the people who entered the spaceship to the direction of the rescue capsule.

Li Zuoxing carefully put Jiyu in the rescue capsule. At this time, he opened his eyes and stared at the complicated operation panel. When Jin Di came in, Li Zuoxing looked at him with starlight in his eyes: "It can be saved. Friends of the stars?"

The big, strong captain who claimed to be Lei Jindi quickly came to his senses, walked over to him, closed the lid of the rescue capsule, and clicked on the control panel.

"Don't worry, child," Jindi saw worry and sadness in his eyes, even though they were both stained with blood, they didn't have the slightest malice, which made Jindi have a good impression of them and gave them first Friendly, "He'll be fine and be back in front of you in a day."

Li Zuoxing nodded, his expression was very strange, mixed with adult maturity and childlike innocence, his mental power dissipated after learning that there was no danger, and the terrifying almost staring mental power dissipated , the severe pain in his head also stopped suddenly.

He blinked, obediently, "Thank you."

Jindi was shocked by the strength of his mental power, "Can you tell me what happened to you?"

"Someone bullied Xingxing's friend," Li Zuoxing, "I killed him."

Before Jindi could comment further, he heard a heart-wrenching shout from outside the hatch that had not been closed: "Zuo Xing, Ji Yu—?!"

Xinan and the mermaids landed on the shore, the spaceship on the beach shone with the coldness of metal light, but his two little friends were not there.

The little mermaid sniffed the air in the air and said tearfully, "It's the smell of the boss's spiritual power."

The mermaid's sensitivity to spiritual power has always been the first of the race.

Xinan waved his fist and approached the spaceship angrily, "This spaceship must have hijacked them! I'm going to fight with them!"

He can walk on the beach, but the mermaids in the water can't do anything. They can only emit sound waves that humans can't hear, and summon dangerous and aggressive underwater beasts.

Although sensitive and timid, the merfolk of Haibaixing are brave and fearless when it comes to their friends.

After Xinan approached the spaceship, he saw that the hatch of the spaceship opened, but a few drops of bright red blood dripped on the milky white sand beach in front of the hatch.

The few drops of blood stained the young man's eyes. He couldn't believe what his friend experienced when he was swimming in the sea.

He looked into the cabin door, and the man in the spaceship who had just received his weapon raised his black muzzle at him subconsciously.

Xinan grabbed the palm of his hand and stared at them with a fierce expression, but tears in his eyes, "What did you do to them?!"

"What?" the person on the spaceship asked in confusion.

They didn't even dare to admit that they did anything, whether this indicated that his companion had been killed.

Xinan touched his tears, his expression became fierce, he clenched his fists, his knuckles rattled, "I want to avenge them!"

His face was blushing and his neck was thick, his blue veins burst out of anger, and under the great ups and downs of emotions, a trace of spiritual power appeared to wrap his fist.

Facing Xinan, who was in a state of explosion at the scene, the people on the spaceship: "..."

When Li Zuoxing and Jin Di came out, they happened to see the strong man crying and waving his fists at the people on the spaceship.

Jindi: "...what's going on."

He couldn't help laughing, how could children on this planet be so... unique? cute

Li Zuoxing found the paper in disgust, walked over and called, "Xinan."

Xinan's fist froze, and she turned to see him. The moment she saw him, her tears flowed even more, "Zuo Xing, are you all right?"

"It's okay," Li Zuoxing paused and said again, "Xingxing and Yu Yu are both okay."

Xinan was crying and burping, completely relaxed, "it scared me to death."

Then he realized something was wrong. He raised his fist and was taken aback by the wisps of spiritual power wrapped on it, "I-I-I!"

"Are you happy?" Li Zuoxing asked.

Xi Nan found that something was wrong with him, and widened his eyes with joy, "How are you? Are you not a kid with IQ anymore?"

Li Zuoxing pouted, "Xingxing is already nine years old, he's a big kid!"

Xinan sighed in disappointment, "Where's Jiyu?"

"He's injured," Li Zuoxing frowned. The way he looked now really made Xinan wonder if he was just pretending to be stupid. "That big bad guy was beaten away by the star."

Jindi, who was listening next to him, got the news from their chat. It turned out that the child had a head injury and is now nine years old.

Xinan turned pale in shock, sniffled and wanted to cry again, "Is it seriously hurt?"

Jindi replied, "Don't worry, your friend will be healthy again in a day."

"Who are you?" Xinan noticed the uncle.

The uncle has a beard, which is pretty cool.

"I'm the captain of this ship," Jindi smiled and handed him a tissue with the ship's logo on it. "Want to wipe your tears?"

Few people watched Xinan cry and still look normal, Xinan embarrassedly wiped her tears and blew her nose, "Can I go see Jiyu?"

Li Zuoxing took him to the rescue capsule, put a finger to his lips, and said seriously, "Yu Yu is sleeping, we need to keep quiet."

Xinan nodded obediently and followed behind him on tiptoe. After they came out after watching Ji Yu, Xinan's eye circles were already swollen from crying. Although the wound was constantly recovering, he could still see what kind of pain his partner had experienced.

Fortunately still alive.

Thankfully, if something happened to Jiyu and Zaoxing when he dived to the bottom of the sea to have fun alone, Xinan would never forgive himself.

"Thank you, Zongxing."

The silly big man hugged Li Zuoxing tightly and wiped all the tears on Li Zuoxing's shoulders.

Li Zuoxing sighed like an adult, feeling that there was nothing he could do, and patted his head, "Okay, the stars are still small, and they have to grow taller. You can't push the stars any longer."

Xinan laughed and patted his chest muscles and abdominal muscles, "Which one is still strong at nine years old?"

"It can be a little stronger," Li Zuoxing, "my little Jiji can be a little bigger."

"Farewell, brother," Xinan suggested earnestly, "don't get bigger, this size is enough to make people jealous, and girls will be scared if you get bigger."


Li Zuoxing walked in front of him with big feet, very suspicious, "Did you mean to keep Xingxing from growing up?"

Xinan went crazy, "You really don't grow up!"

They walked to the control room, and the person who fought with him before was staring at Xinan with a bruised face. Their fists were not as hard as this guy, and they were not good at attacking with weapons. They were basically beaten.

Li Zuoxing rolled his eyes and taught Xinan in public, "Look at what you've done!"

Xinan scratched his head, "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry, is it useful?" Li Zuoxing acted fiercely, looking at the people on the spaceship from the corner of his eye.

Xinan was so blessed with him at this moment, he bent down 90 degrees and said loudly, "I'm sorry! Please forgive me!"

"Hahaha," Jindi smiled kindly, "it's okay."

He looked at the two people in front of him, hesitated and continued: "Children, your partners will not wake up until tomorrow, but we are a commercial spaceship, and there are still goods that we need to transport, we can't stay here for a day."

Xinan glanced at Li Zuoxing unconsciously. Li Zuoxing, whose IQ was still nine years old, was indeed expected to be the boss. He didn't even hesitate and said, "We are with you."

Jindi was about to nod his head in agreement, when the subordinate in the control room, who was staring at the monitor at any time, took a deep breath and exclaimed, "Captain! Look at the seaside!"

They looked to the seaside, and the human who had never seen the world opened their "O"-shaped mouths in shock.

The calm and waveless waters are no longer there, and the black seabed beasts are swimming toward the sea. Each of their huge bodies can be worth a spaceship. At a glance, the entire sea is full of large animals swimming.

This scene made everyone chill.

Li Zuoxing jumped out of the spaceship and walked to the beach. The little mermaid was at the forefront. When he saw that he was in good condition, he cried without crying, "Boss!"

"Let them all withdraw," Li Zuoxing waved his hand, which looked particularly handsome on the spacecraft, "Your boss has already done everything."

"Boss is amazing!" The little mermaid Xingxing looked at him and swam around cheering, "Boss is amazing!"

Li Zuoxing nodded, very like a big brother, turned around and walked to the spaceship.

After taking a few steps, he turned his head back again, squatted down and looked into the little mermaid's eyes, "Jiyu is injured, the boss will take him for treatment, and come back in two days."

"Tell advisor Cheng," he said, "that there is more than one person who stole the energy spar."

The little mermaid took it down and nodded vigorously.

He felt that the boss was different, and seemed to be more powerful.

Li Zuoxing touched his head and whispered, "Commercial spaceship, Tilan."

The little mermaid looked confused, but Li Zuoxing had already walked to the spaceship.

The author has something to say:

The mysterious Li Zuoxing who pretends to be cool: Today is another handsome day.