Faking Straight

Chapter 36


The air was hot and fragrant.

This fragrance is not anything I have smelled before. It is not as strong as flowers, but it is stronger than wine.

Just by smelling the fragrance, Li Zuoxing could outline the state of his servants in his mind.

The guy under him didn't say a word, and he didn't dare to reveal his identity when he kissed him.

Li Zuoxing laughed sullenly, and even laughed out loud.

When he got up, he saw a figure standing there, shouting that Worther was just a test, he didn't expect this kind of gain.

The suspicions that had been raised long ago were confirmed, and the feelings for Wasser became playful.

This scent, this face, this body.

Because you wear a mask, you dare to let go of yourself

Li Zuoxing moved away from his lips and said solemnly: "With such soft lips, the rumor that Woser is a woman is not true, right?"

His tone was laughing, and calm people could easily see that he was joking.

But the consultant did not find it at this time.

Advisor Cheng's pupils shrank, staring at him blankly, stunned.

The touch on the lips is still warm, dry, lip-to-lip, leaving no gaps.

Before he could regain his senses from the shock, he was so angry that his breath sank.

Oh shit!

The consultant gritted his teeth.

Is this the first time? How many times did you lead the topic to a woman after being intimate with him? !


"Don't talk," Li Zuoxing interrupted him and blew a breath on his lips, "I sacrificed my first kiss just to touch your face, Walther, I really sacrificed a lot for you."

"First kiss?"

Advisor Cheng repeated these two words with a sneer.

Okay, great, it turns out that in this guy's opinion, this is the first kiss.

It was the first kiss with Walther, and the one with the advisor can be easily forgotten.

He suppressed all kinds of strange emotions and used Wasser's elegant tone, "I heard you forgot something."

"Even if I forget more," Li Zuoxing lowered his voice and tickled his eardrums, "I will never forget your face again."

But Wasser, who was restrained by him, was not happy at all.

"Huh? Why?" The consultant's idiom sounded like the calm before the storm, "Because I might be a woman?"

The woman said the word, the fragrance sank violently, and there was a slight change.


Li Zuoxing felt that he was too bad, he did not answer directly, but said more vaguely: "It's more because you are a star thief."

"A star thief," consultant Cheng Hehe sneered, "You really like to joke, if I wasn't a woman, would you touch me with your lips?"

"Dedicated to the empire," Li Zuoxing moved slightly away from him, no matter how focused his eyes were, he could no longer see the expression on his face under the thin cloth and darkness, "but I think the famous star thief Wasser is a real man, Sir, are you right?"

Advisor Cheng did not speak.

After "Li Zuoxing kissed him because he was a woman", another reason came out that made his heart and lungs hurt.

"Dedicated to the Empire, so even if you kiss a man, you need to know what Walther looks like."

"My eyes hurt a little," Li Zuoxing thought for a while, and then slowly released the hand that was holding Wasser down. Don't take off the blindfold, let's chat?"

Advisor Cheng suddenly asked: "It seems that you are not very worried about your friend."

Li Zuoxing choked, and then immediately answered: "Of course I'm worried about him."

He hesitated for two seconds.

These two seconds were captured by the consultant.

Because of the existence of a star thief Wasser, this person completely forgot about the advisor.

Li Zuoxing moved his nose, but the scent in front of his nose suddenly disappeared.

He still didn't understand what was going on. There was a crisp sound from the side of the door. He subconsciously looked at the door. The person under him took the opportunity to overturn him and escaped without a trace.

Li Zuoxing stood up and stood still.

He didn't untie the fabric over his eyes until the darkness of the room was driven out by the light.

Advisor Cheng's voice sounded, both surprised and puzzled, "Playing a star?"

I don't know if it was his illusion, but Li Zuoxing could actually taste the taste of gnashing his teeth in these two words.

He couldn't help laughing, stretched out his hand to untie the fabric, and looked at the window the next moment he saw the light again.

Especially with the performance of the consultant.

But consultant Cheng just wanted to sneer.

A military academy, with a smile, took off the blindfold that the next star thief had tied to him, and immediately looked at the window where the star thief was most likely to escape.

Is this the attitude a cadet should have towards star thieves

In the past few times, Li Zuoxing's attitude towards the star thief was obviously very bad, why did it suddenly change.

Just because he was rumored to be a woman


He scolded fiercely in his heart, and his expression was flat as usual, "Why are you standing there, can't you fall asleep?"

"Very sleepy," Li Zuoxing shook his head, said nothing, and walked to the bed naturally, "Sleep."

He just said he wanted to have a chat with Wasser, but now he is sleepy under his inquiry.

Advisor Cheng walked over to his bed and looked down at him.

Li Zuoxing was puzzled, "What?"

"Have a fight," the advisor Cheng, "get up and fight."

Without waiting for Li Zuoxing's response, he dragged his collar to the open space in the center of the room, and punched him first.

When they went downstairs the next morning, Li Zuoxing's image shocked everyone.

"What's wrong with you?" Ji Yu pointed at his left eye, the corner of his eye twitched, "... Who was beaten?"

"Accidental," Li Zuoxing rubbed his eyes and hissed, "It's really ruthless."

Advisor Cheng glanced at him from the side, restraining himself from sneering.


He beat him up, and he bleeds himself. If it wasn't for NK-03's role, he couldn't tell who was more embarrassed than Li Zuoxing.

"But it's pretty cool," Li Zuoxing bumped into Consul Cheng's shoulder, "Isn't it cool to fight with all your strength?"

Advisor Cheng nodded perfunctorily.

Last night, he and the other party were like two hungry beasts, biting and biting to make the other party surrender, but unfortunately they could only lose both, and in the end no one took advantage.

But fortunately, the consultant was a little fortunate, at least he didn't expose himself.

After breakfast, they headed towards the spaceship.

After they lined up to enter the spaceship, it was quite a coincidence that Sophia, who honestly drove a small aircraft back to Topia, just sent them a communication. She originally wanted to ask them about their situation, but after seeing the background, she immediately Frightened, "—You are on the spaceship?!"

Her expression was quite suspicious of life, which made this group of young people who were tossing and tossing also laughed.

"We really have too many disasters," they complained one by one. "Really, teacher, you don't know what we've been through."

In short, Sophia went back in vain, and Li Zuoxing had recovered before she reached the top of the star.

After they finished talking, Sophia looked complicated and sighed deeply, "Poor children, I think next time... it's better not to go out."

It's like being cursed. You will encounter all kinds of things at every turn. Others can't run to two planets in a year. After these two missions, they have gone to no less than five planets.

No one will believe it, or they will misunderstand how difficult the mission Chengyang Military Academy has set for them.

The members of the Dream Team looked at each other with colorful expressions, and laughed.

Although it was really unfortunate, even Ji Yu himself, who was the most injured this time, felt a little funny.

This is like a kind of fate, and they can encounter unusual things every time, but fortunately, they accept it well.

At least the harvest is more than the experience.

After Sophia asked about their next plan, she nodded with a smile, and Rusi's eyes turned several times on the advisor Cheng, jokingly said: "Little heroes, did this adventure bring you anything? For an unforgettable love story?"

Several people shook their heads, and after getting the news they wanted, Sophia smiled even more beautifully, and happily cut off the communication.

The channel of this spaceship is different from that of Tyran, and it is at least twice as fast as the latter. In the afternoon, they had already reached Haibaixing, but they were 108,000 miles away from where the mermaid lived. I got off a small aircraft and went straight to where I left earlier.

"I killed a person," Li Zuoxing said suddenly when he was about to reach his destination, "he was one of the team that stole the energy spar."

"It's also the one who hurt me..." Ji Yu silently added, looking at Li Zuoxing worriedly.

The advisor turned to look at him.

Li Zuoxing sighed, and it was written on his face that I needed comfort, "I should send him to the military, or the escort team, and if it doesn't work, I can escort him back to school."

The teammates offered comfort one by one. After all, in that case, even if it wasn't Li Zuoxing but any of them, they would not spare that person's life.

"Military cadets are qualified to do this kind of punishment to wicked people," the consultant Cheng tutted, "Killing people makes you afraid?"

"What are you afraid of?" The young man looked up at him, no timidity appeared on his face, instead he was eager to try, brave and fearless, Li Zuoxing joked, "I'm afraid that I'm too strong to be missed by the criminals on the most wanted list, or I'm afraid I will bring disaster to them?"

Consultant Cheng... Consultant Cheng actually thought that he actually felt that Li Zuoxing who said this was kind of handsome.