Faking Straight

Chapter 54


However, Sinan's words are indeed worth considering, where should the cards be placed.

There is no place to put so many cards on the body, and it is extremely dangerous to carry at night.

Li Zuoxing observed the surroundings, took a fancy to an ordinary tree, walked over and bent over to observe the soil, "How about being buried here?"

Others' eyes lit up, "Cover up mental power for protection and positioning!"

"Not bad!" Several people quickly gathered around, patted Li Zuoxing's shoulders and arms, and wanted to pat him on the buttocks mischievously, "So smart, Li Zuoxing!"

Li Zuoxing grabbed the hand that was trying to pat his butt, and stared at him with a dark face, Xinan laughed, "I was wrong, I was wrong!"

Advisor Cheng looked at this scene thoughtfully, and then suddenly realized.

So, it is normal for boys to slap the butt

They quickly dug a hole under the tree to bury the card. Just in case, they covered their mental power layer by layer, and the consultant finally covered a layer. With all these guarantees, only if there is a problem It's weird.

There were only five cards left on them. In order to reduce the vigilance of their opponents, Swarin, who seemed to be the weakest among them, buried his own cards in the ground.

After breaking up with the seniors, there is no need to look back. They followed the nearest route and went in. When they were halfway there, they suddenly smelled the aroma of food.

Along with the aroma of the food, there are lively laughter.

They looked at each other and continued to walk forward. The lush green leaves revealed the blocked scene, and a group of teenagers and girls were laughing and roasting food. A giant beast was lying down near them. The belly of the giant beast was cut open, and the most tender meat was taken by this group of people for barbecue.

"Extraordinary strength," Ji Yu said softly, "He is from the Royal Academy."

The Royal Academy is also one of the top schools in the empire. All of them are the children of high-ranking officials and dignitaries, the two sons of His Majesty the Emperor, Prince Nico has graduated from the Royal Academy, and little Prince Yin Sa has just entered the school.

Li Zuoxing nodded, "This meat smells good."

"Let's have a fight, too?" Xinan was eager to try, "It looks delicious!"

Before the others answered, a female voice came from the front, "Oh, a group of trash also wants to fight the tall spear beast."

The members of the Dream Team heard the sound and saw a girl with long hair and a beautiful face looking at them with a smile that was not a smile, with disdain and contempt between her brows and eyes, "Idiot talking about dreams, your teacher never taught you to brag about fighting. Draft?"

"Pfft," two girls of the same age walked by her side, who were covering their mouths and smiling, "Qingying, don't talk about it, I'm worried that they will depend on you."

Ren Qingying stood up straight with her arms folded, and lowered her eyebrows irritably when she heard the words, as if Li Zuoxing and his party really wanted to rely on her, "Get out of here! Lai Zai wants to pick up the rest of us to eat?"

Sinan clenched his fists and was about to step forward, "You—"

Two hands grabbed him from left to right.

Because of this action, they stepped on the position surrounded by green leaves and exposed them under the eyes of the girls in front of them.

Li Zuoxing and his advisor Cheng Cheng held Xinan's arm by one person.

Advisor Cheng smiled and said, "Xinan, don't care about the ignorant little girl."

Out of the corner of his eye, he swept over the three girls, as indifferent as if there was no one in this place.

There was a jungle cover before, which made the girls only see six vague figures, and the six figures only had five cards lit up. Isn't this a weak person

Although weak is a little weak, but she really likes girls.

"Qingying," the girl said in a low voice, "he is from Chengyang Military Academy. Although he is a little weaker, he is very handsome. Would you like to choose someone to be your new boyfriend?"

Ling Nianji, Yu and Swarin also stepped forward and stood beside their teammates. As soon as these words came out, the expressions of several people who heard them became strange.

Is it showing weakness too much

Ren Qingying nodded, her eyes had been focused on consultant Cheng's body, the out-of-the-way light that the other party glanced at just now made her heart pounding non-stop.

"Hey, you," she raised her chin at consultant Cheng, "what's your name."

This look clearly looks like a consultant.

A few people were not interested in dealing with such a temperamental eldest lady, so they ignored her, turned around and walked back.

Before taking two steps, he was stopped by a few boys in front, and the boy in the lead threatened to release his mental power as a weapon, "Brother, don't embarrass us, Miss Ren won't let you go, we can't do anything about it."

The Dream Team was so angry that Li Zuoxing asked, "What is your eldest lady stopping us?"

"I only want him to stay here," Ren Qingying came over and looked at the consultant, "Hey, I want you to be my boyfriend. Don't worry, no matter how weak you are, I will let you enter the finals. Being my boyfriend has so many advantages, I can help you replace all these trash teammates around you, and when people go to high places, smart people know how to choose."

Consultant Cheng was impatient. Li Zuoxing stood in front of him and stopped Ren Qingying from looking at Consultant Cheng, "Ma'am, I'm sorry, we have to go to the barbecue, we have no time to waste with you here."

His downshift made the consultant Cheng feel better again.

Li Zuoxing smiled and seemed to have no temper at all. Ren Qingying hated such a lack of character the most, so his face immediately turned cold, "You can roll with your trash, just keep him."

"Or do you mean you want me to give you some food?" Ren Qingying sneered, "Okay, Yingying, give them the meat, and let them take the things and leave quickly."

Why is this guy so unreasonable.

Ji Yu frowned, "We don't need your food, and we don't want to fight with you."

This would even laugh at the boys who were guarding them from escaping, "Brothers, don't say whether you are strong or not, just say you have manifested spiritual power? Fight us? What are you fighting for?"

Li Zuoxing and his party, who were laughed at by them, calmed down instead.

"What's this called?" Xinan, "Let's set up a flag and then be pushed down by us?"

"It's called looking down on people, Xinan," Li Zuoxing was in a bad mood, smiling, the mental power in his hand whistled and rolled the long knife, the silver-white light was stronger than the mental power of anyone who stopped them They are all bright, the light is constantly flowing, and there is a terrifying sound, "Of course, I will fight you with mental power."

Xinan's fist was wrapped in fire-like mental power, Ling Nian erected a gun surrounded by mental power, followed by Jiyu's energy sword, Swarin's dagger, and the dazzling mental power that burst into the palm of the advisor's palm.

The spiritual power of the six people illuminated their faces and the anger hidden in their eyes, facing the opponent directly.

"..." The laughter of those who were still laughing at them stopped in their throats, watching this scene in horror.

The mental power in their hands is compared with that of each other, and they can distinguish themselves.

A group of people gritted their teeth, and their faces became extremely ugly, as if they had been slapped hard in the face, and the person who had just looked down on them turned around, which made them feel extremely ashamed.

"Fight?" Li Zuoxing pointed at them with a long knife, still smiling, but the light of mental power made his eyes look cold, "If you don't want to fight, then just get out of the way."

The people surrounding them were silent, and then slowly gave way.

Ling Nian stretched out his hand towards them with a stern face, "Card."

The other party handed over their cards with a dark face.

"You dare to let him go?" Ren Qingying frowned tightly, "Trash! A bunch of trash!"

The person who was scolded by her held back her anger, "They are better than us, and they can't beat them."

"Trash," Ren Qingying glared at them, ran over in person, and tried to approach consultant Cheng, "Hey! Aren't I beautiful? Being your girlfriend will give you a lot of face."

She was still talking non-stop, "You are stronger than I thought, which makes me like you even more, stay with me, haven't you heard of the Ren family in the capital of the empire? As long as you are with me, the entire Ren family will It will be my dowry."

"Okay, I apologize to you, but who told you not to explain it earlier? There are some reasons for this situation."

In fact, listening to them, they have calmed down, and they are even a little ridiculous.

A big man doesn't have to care about a little girl who hasn't grown up. Several people didn't do anything to her, but they didn't let her follow.

Advisor Cheng threw down his mental strength to stop her from continuing to follow. Ren Qingying reluctantly kicked the mud on the ground, and looked at Advisor Cheng's back with even more enthusiastic eyes.

When Ren Qingying wants to get something, no one can stop it.

She must make this person her boyfriend, and she can use any means for this!

Finally got rid of the trouble, several people were more or less aggrieved, looked at each other, and gathered to comfort the consultant.

"Don't care if you ask Cheng, it also shows your charm."

"Ignore that eldest lady, she's just on a whim."

"What do you want to eat, let's fight, really, let alone one tall spear beast, ten can be called for you!"

Everyone was so impassioned that they could not wait to immediately comfort the young mind of the consultant who was frightened by the eldest lady just now.

"This makes me skeptical about love," the consultant Cheng pushed the boat smoothly. "What if my future girlfriend is like this?"

This question stumped my teammates.

They are all a group of people who have never been in love, and they were full of longing for love before. This group has already begun to doubt how much disaster it will be if this is really the case.

"I'm so scared that I don't even want to fall in love," Li Zuoxing said, as the consultant wished, "Don't worry, just follow the fate."

Advisor Cheng was in a good mood, "It's not that you want to eat barbecue, you go to kill the little animals, and Zuo Xing and I go to the water to see."

Several people acted in batches, and now there is finally a two-person world.

They walked to the place where the sound of water was heard. Along the way, the consultant Chengdu was testing Li Zuoxing's reaction to the girl. It was very good. The other party was not interested in girls for the time being.

Consultant Chengdu began to thank the eldest lady.

There was no one at the water's edge. They squatted by the water's edge and were about to test how deep the water was when there was a loud noise behind them.

Dozens of huge beasts ran out of the forest and were running towards the water.

The expressions of the two people changed slightly, and they were lucky enough to meet so many beasts to drink water as soon as they arrived!

There was no time to hesitate, and the two jumped into the water immediately. Before the beast ran to the water's edge, they found the gap between the two stones under the water. Li Zuoxing pulled the consultant and squeezed into the gap between the stones.

The closer the beast was to the water, the whole ground it drove trembled, and the waves on the water surface began to rise and fall. The river was not deep, and both Li Zuoxing, who was underwater, could feel the changes in the water.

Every time the top trembled, the water surged along with it. The force of the water pushed Li Zuoxing, and every time he had to squeeze him against Consul Cheng's body.

The stone crevice could barely accommodate two people, they were facing each other, and every time they squeezed, they had to touch each other awkwardly.

The beasts above are getting more and more chaotic and getting closer, and the water is fluctuating faster and faster.

Unable to control his body underwater, Li Zuoxing could only follow the power of the water to push forward again and again, and then withdraw again and again.

Every time you stick to each other, try to stay as far away as possible, leaving a little distance to your face.

Gradually, the oxygen was not enough, Li Zuoxing frowned, the water above his head was the sharp teeth of a beast, the blood basin was open and drinking water, and he couldn't go up to breathe at all.

Advisor Cheng knew how to use his mental power to absorb oxygen, so he was busy releasing his mental power. Then, when Li Zuoxing was pushed by the water again, he hugged his head to prevent him from being pushed away by the water, and gave him oxygen by mouth-to-mouth. .

Li Zuoxing was eager to absorb his oxygen, his mood was flying, and the consultant's back was pressed against the stone.

You can only go with the flow, kiss on the mouth, and push along with the water, trying to control the fluctuation of your body as much as possible.

The water scatters their hair, and under the vicious background of the beast and the dangerous sharp teeth, this picture is strangely romantic.