Faking Straight

Chapter 58


After sitting in a tree and watching the moon for an hour last night, the consultant pair Li Zuoxing felt more urgent.

He was fascinated, yes, fascinated.

He was fascinated by the feeling that Li Zuoxing brought him. Whether it was the stimulation from above or the simple sitting and chatting last night, a simple sentence from the other party could soothe his pain of homesickness. Such a guy is not his. Who else could it be


Li Zuoxing's existence was incredible to him.

He must let Li Zuoxing belong to him from body to heart, completely become his person, and every trace of spiritual power must be branded with his imprint, so that no one other than himself can approach him.

But consultant Cheng didn't know how to make a man fall in love with another man.

The whole world knows that men can only like women. Women have breasts, he is flat and flat, and he has pomegranate seeds that are so untouchable. Women have butts, but men have butts and ass

The more I think about it, the more I can't do it, and finally there is ruthlessness flashing in my eyes.

There is no other way but to use tough measures.

Li Zuoxing suddenly felt a chill go up from his spine, he subconsciously aimed at the protagonist, and met the eyes of the consultant Cheng with a smile.

The anger that others can't see or understand, he can see through the eyes of advisor Cheng.

"..." Who would have thought that they just hadn't kissed overnight.

In just one night, the protagonist will be forced to blacken.


Li Zuoxing straightened his drooping hair and pinched the consultant's earlobe soothingly, "The game is over soon."

"But time won't stop." Advisor Cheng lowered his eyes, all his sensitive points were placed on his earlobes, he squeezed his hands tightly to control himself not to scare his little sun, this expression still had a bit of a pitiful taste, " It itches as the wound heals."

The only "wound" Li Zuoxing knows about is the place where he applied the medicine himself last time.

How could it be itchy? It's already healed, okay

"Don't pinch," he whispered, for fear that he would be seen by others, "there is a live broadcast."

"I know," the maintenance in his words made the consultant's lips twitch, and he began to think about how to solve the fucking rules of the tournament team. There is a live broadcast at all times to keep a distance, distance and distance, "Rules are rules. , you can choose to postpone it for three days, I don't mind."

In a businesslike tone, Li Zuoxing smiled and said, "It's not fair to you, why don't you forget it this time?"

"What is the three-day extension?" Ji Yu, who was listening beside him, asked curiously.

More and more viewers in the live broadcast room also pricked up their ears curiously.

"Please play Xingxing to eat delicious food," the consultant Cheng said with a faint smile, "He likes it very much."

Too shameless, Li Zuoxing touched his nose, helplessly, "Well, it's delicious, you can't stop eating it."

It was obviously a topic that advisor Cheng started first, but after Li Zuoxing finished speaking, he became even more uncomfortable, the tips of his ears were slightly red, and his smile was meaningful.

If you like it so much, why don't you just say it

Be his person, eat whenever you want, and advisor Cheng will dote on him very much.

Today is the second day, the game will end at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning, they are still less than 10 cards away, and a few people have completed the task with a sigh of relief, and the time has moved to 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

At this time, they met a lonely acquaintance in the jungle.

The long-haired girl next to Ren Qingying, who was called Yingying by Miss Ren, cried with red and swollen eyes, her ankles were red and swollen to the size of her fist, and she was looking at the beast that kept approaching her in horror.

They immediately rushed forward and killed the beast. After knowing that they were safe, the girl cried, "Thank you, thank you."

"Where's your team?" Li Zuoxing looked at her ankle and frowned, "They abandoned you here?"

"We got separated," the girl said. "You can call me Yingying... My surname is Ren."

She told the truth once and for all. Ren Qingying's team wasted a lot of time because of their arrogance. After being looted by the Dream Team, they started to collect cards again, but there were only 100 contestants. They thought they It is the tenth of the winners, but now there is no one who can collect cards at all.

Ren Yingying, who had a sprained foot, could only be placed here temporarily, but I didn't expect that the person who made her mental protection shield could only last for more than two hours. Delicious weak prey.

Li Zuoxing frowned and pondered whether it was Ren Qingying's trap or a fact. The other party's behavior made him unable to tell the difference.

"Then you can only follow us first," Xinan, "or you can stay where you are and wait for your teammates. We will make protective shields for you."

"I want to be with you!" Ren Yingying said anxiously, as if she was afraid to speak too slowly, "I... have a sprained foot, is that okay?"

Several people nodded, they have completed the task and are not in a hurry.

Ren Yingying wiped away her tears, refused to help, stood up by herself, and after walking two steps, one became unstable and jumped forward. She was afraid that she would bump into the boy Ren Qingying liked, and she tried her best to get on the person next to her. fall.

Li Zuoxing's arms just happened to fall into a soft girl.

The girl breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you."

A sense of crisis exploded, causing Ren Yingying to shudder, she stood up abruptly, and subconsciously got behind the tall Li Zuoxing.

Advisor Cheng smiled gently, "Ma'am, be careful."

Ren Yingying, who was being watched by him, felt fear. She dragged her crooked feet and kept backing, covering her mouth and looking at consultant Cheng, as if he was some kind of monster.

Consultant Cheng sighed, he turned his face away, so lonely that it made people feel distressed.

The atmosphere froze.

The people on the dream team didn't want to bother with a little girl, but the other party's attitude towards consultant Cheng made them unacceptable.

"I'm sorry," after a few seconds, consultant Cheng took the initiative to smile bitterly, "It's probably my attitude that scared her."

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at Li Zuoxing several times, "I'm sorry."

Li Zuoxing came over as he wished, and had a brotherly hug with him.

Advisor Cheng pulled the corners of his mouth in the crevice of his neck, his deep eyes stared straight at Ren Yingying, the maliciousness inside was as deep as a black hole, more terrifying than the pupils of beasts.

Ren Yingying's bean-sized tears couldn't help falling from the side of her face, and the terrified expression was extremely exaggerated in this atmosphere.

The message in the live broadcast room is so explosive, I can't understand what this little girl is afraid of

Afraid of becoming a consultant

Because consultant Cheng just smiled at her

They prefer that this is a beauty trick to sow discord.

This kind of malicious means of provoking other people's relationships is really too unpopular!

Li Zuoxing hugged him for a few seconds and wanted to let go, but consultant Cheng hugged him tightly and his voice was dull, "I feel inferior."

"..." Li Zuoxing's expression was indescribable.

Getting addicted.

But the people watching the live broadcast are completely distressed for him.

"What's your inferiority complex?" Li Zuoxing cooperated with his performance and praised him, "You are so handsome, your ability is so strong, and your legs are so long, where is your inferiority complex?"

The consultant took a few deep breaths from him like a pervert, "Look, the girl cried when she saw me."

He glanced at Ren Yingying with a half-smile, but the other party was pinned to the spot by his gaze, "It's so scary... so scary..."

The small murmurs were heard by everyone present.

This girl is too sensitive to danger.

The consultant Cheng buried his entire face in Li Zuoxing's neck. From the outside, it seemed that he was completely heartbroken.

But in fact…

Li Zuoxing felt a wet tongue licking on his neck.

The protagonist explained stupidly: "I'm crying." Not taking advantage.


Li Zuoxing pressed his head, pretending to be an idiot with a doting touch, "Let it go."

The farce didn't calm down until half an hour later, Ren Yingying followed behind them tremblingly, looking at the consultant Cheng Shi and dodging.

But the consultant Cheng was in a good mood and no longer cared about the two seconds she had just occupied Li Zuoxing's arms.

Because he had a brilliant idea.

Since it is a live broadcast on the whole network, it cannot be wasted.

He wants everyone, be it women, men or enemies who want to use Li Zuoxing to force Woser to show up, to know that Li Zuoxing is someone who has a master.

It is not easy to touch, and whoever touches it must be prepared to die.

This is not a waste of the two days and one night of being delayed in punishment.

Xinan, who was stroking Ren Yingying, said in a displeased tone, "Why do you say that we are terrible to ask?"

Ren Yingying also knew that she had reacted before. Now I am afraid that the audience in the entire Dream Team live broadcast room is scolding her, but she dare not explain, and she is even afraid that consultant Cheng's eyes will fall on her again.

It's normal to see this person last time...

Why did that look just now...

As if he knew what he was thinking, the advisor turned his face sideways, the corners of his lips curled into a perfect arc, and he smiled handsomely and kindly.

This smile will only make women excited, and will never make women afraid.

But on the contrary, the more he did, the more unfathomable he seemed.

"Qingying and the others said," Ren Yingying swallowed and said intermittently, "they went north."

Li Zuoxing, "Then go north."

Their actions are leisurely, and they change direction when they say change.

A stranger was suddenly inserted into the team, which made their conversations a lot less. Xinan was still babbling, determined to find out why Ren Yingying "bullied" their questions.

"Probably I don't like girls," consultant Cheng suddenly sighed, "I don't even have the experience of kissing girls."

Ling Nian said silently, "Who has it?"

Everyone is equally poor.

Li Zuoxing wanted to get into consultant Cheng's mind to see what he wanted to do, "It's not honest enough to say that you don't please girls."

Not to mention the peach blossoms before, let's just say that yesterday's Ren Qingying, one after another, can fill the entire mountain nest.

"But I heard," Advisor Cheng calmly guided the topic in the direction he wanted, "The famous star thief Wasser has never had a lover."

"After so many years, the only one who has gone through scandals with Wasser is Zunxing," Ling Nian replied subconsciously, with a bad expression, and wandered on the edge of losing fans, "I don't believe the version of all the rumors on the star network and what Wasser himself said. The word 'opponent'."

He eloquently came up with various reasons to justify his views, which completely destroyed his personality as an iceberg handsome guy. They didn't know that there was a live broadcast. Li Zuoxing and his advisor Cheng also forgot to tell his teammates that it was a live broadcast on the whole network. .

"So..." Ling Nian made his final conclusion solemnly, "I reasonably suspect that this is just a trick used by Wasser to divert our attention. He has a bigger purpose in the works."

The audience of Xingwang was really persuaded by his words for the most part!

[It makes sense...]

[Suddenly realized, no wonder I always feel that there is something wrong in it, so the explanation makes sense! ]

Li Zuoxing rubbed his chin in thought, "So I am a shield?"

Ling Nian nodded. His teammates had always trusted his IQ very much. At this time, his face was filled with righteous indignation, and he reprimanded: "I know he is not a good thing!"

"Not a nice guy!"

"Very corrupt!"

"Trash trash trash!"

The consultant slammed into his temples, "Is there no possibility that Worther is sincere?"

[Ask Cheng is still too young, what Ling Nian said makes sense. With such a famous and powerful person as Wasser, how can he really regard a freshman as his future opponent? ]

[It would be more realistic to say that Worther is sincere than to say that His Majesty the Emperor has not encountered an assassination incident for a year. ]

The teammates shook their heads resolutely, "It's impossible, ask Cheng, don't be fooled by Woser's sweet words!"

good very good.

Originally, the consultant Cheng only intended to make the rival relationship between Wasser and Li Zuoxing further recognized by the public, to let others know the specialness of Wasser to Li Zuoxing, to let everyone who should know it, and everyone who should stop it.

It now appears that words alone are not enough.

Li Zuoxing looked at the consultant's rapidly calm expression, and felt that something was wrong. He secretly probed, "Do you have a good impression of Wasser?"

"Of course not," the consultant replied with a smile, "I'm just worried about you."

At this moment, Li Zuoxing suddenly understood how Ren Yingying felt before.

The other party is malicious.

Of course, he was looking forward to this ill will.

Li Zuoxing smiled nonchalantly, "Don't worry, Wasser is a busy man. He can't possibly appear wherever I appear, right?"

"How is that possible?" The advisor became amused. "Wouldn't that mean that everyone who follows you will be able to find Walther's trail?"

Not showing up in person

Sasao Wasser didn't show up in person



Unsurprisingly, Li Zuoxing looked forward to it even more.

The author has something to say: "Worser balabala...not a good person bala...use Li Zuoxing as a shield..."

Advisor Cheng: Be patient! (Blue veins pop up on forehead)