Faking Straight

Chapter 60


[this belongs to me]

First, the subject "I" here refers to Wasser, and secondly, "here" refers to Li Zuoxing or Li Zuoxing's waist.

Very good, the translation is: Li Zuoxing belongs to Walser, or Li Zuoxing's back belongs to Walser.

But how is this possible? !

The viewers watching the live broadcast are going crazy, ahhh what does this mean!

Wasser, a man and person who appeared at Chengyang Military Academy not long ago to smash the father-son theory and transformation theory, left a mark of [This belongs to me] on another boy and child he called his future opponent.

Not only the Star Network audience, but also the Dream Team members at the scene felt like a thunderclap.

What does it mean

This means... a little bit wrong.

Ren Yingying couldn't hold back and came over. The Royal Academy also paid a lot of attention to Chengyang Military Academy, "Aren't Wasser and Wasser male?"

What's the meaning of this sentence... She looked at Li Zuoxing, she didn't look like a girl, how could the meaning of this sentence be so weird.

"He's a man," Xinan muttered to himself, and began to doubt himself again, and asked Jiyu beside him, "Is he a man!"

Ji Yu nodded hesitantly, "Zao Xing is a real boy anyway."

Li Zuoxing touched his waist and smiled.

"Here belongs to him," he said. "Does it mean that I belong to him?"

The advisor became extremely satisfied. If this sentence was not a question but a declarative sentence, he would be so happy right now.

Li Zuoxing belongs to consultant Cheng.

Think about it, as long as anyone sees Li Zuoxing, they will think of this sentence left by Wother, everyone, all people, will think of this sentence that he belongs to Wother.

Just thinking about it makes my spirits go numb and my toes curl up.

So cool.

The people present shook their heads violently, "We must have made a mistake!"

"Or," they gritted their teeth, "that bastard Wasser did it on purpose, definitely premeditated!"

They looked like their three views were about to be shattered. Li Zuoxing coughed, feeling a little embarrassed, "It's also possible that the 'here' he said refers to my life."

He deliberately suppressed his voice, "Li Zuoxing's life belongs to Wother, and no one is allowed to touch it except Wother."

plop plop...

Xinan's dull gaze swept across the consultant, wondering why the other party blushed

He looks like he's trying to suppress his excitement...

In the future, no one can touch the life of his opponent except Wother.

It's kind of a weird focus.

The citizens of the empire on the star network were silent for a while, and suddenly felt that maybe this was really the answer under the character.

Otherwise, how should I explain it, does Wasser want Li Zuoxing

Oh my God…

Too much stimulation.

The dazed person went from inside the light screen to outside the light screen, even if he told himself that Wasser meant to take Li Zuoxing's life by himself, but the human mind was so magical, the pure and impure all rushed up.

If it is really a simple opponent, then why do you send flowers

But if it's not an opponent, why leave this sentence behind

Wasser's gesture was high-profile, as if he wanted to pursue Li Zuoxing in front of the entire empire.

What the hell! What to pursue? No pursuit!

A group of people who are insane needs to be quiet, they need to let their minds go.

Li Zuoxing's hand was still on his waist, and he looked sideways, and there were indeed mysterious black characters on this piece.

But the skin didn't bulge in the slightest, which was amazing, and the position chosen by the consultant took on the man's natural judgment of sexiness.

Medstar's text is not like words, but like patterns, and it looks particularly beautiful when printed on the skin.

"Ask into," he asked casually, "when did you see the characters?"

Ling Nian and the others were refreshed and hurriedly looked at consultant Cheng.

After all, they had never noticed it before, when did Wasser leave the imprint

"Yesterday," the consultant Cheng thought for a while, "it was about yesterday. As for when, I'm not sure. I just saw it by chance. I thought it was my illusion."

But are they sure they haven't seen Woser yesterday

Sad face.

There was no Wasser in the live footage either. The event team had begun to check the surveillance repeatedly, but there was no sign of Wasser in any machine.

"Unless Wasser deceived us," Ling Nian mused, "and deceived the machine."

The other party can use mental power to control people, or block machines.

Swarin said in surprise: "Isn't that playing a star very dangerous?"

Advisor Cheng's eyes followed Li Zuoxing's hand, and he really wanted to touch it and follow the footprints he left for a few more laps.

It's so good, how can it be so beautiful.

"I'll be by Xingxing's side," he said fraternally. "I'll never leave. If Wasser does show up, I'll immediately ask you for help."

Li Zuoxing squinted at him amusingly, you don't leave an inch, isn't it that Walser doesn't leave

He didn't continue to talk about this topic, but let the crowd form a circle and told them ghost stories.

I was eager to try this idea, and I really wanted to see whether the consultant Cheng, who had just shown his ownership in such a high-profile manner, would hide in his arms in fright.

His kind of story is novel. Only the light of the brain is lighting the cave. The outside of the cave is dark, and the corners of the cave are also dark. I was shivering with fear, and my goosebumps were cold.

"It's this hand," Li Zuoxing said in a gloomy tone, the light of the brain hitting his face from his chin, his handsome face was extremely terrifying at this time, "protruding from under the bed..."

[Oh my God! ! ! Please stop talking! ]

[I'm hiding under the quilt and trembling now, I'm so scared, I always feel someone knocking on my door and walking around constantly outside my room]

[Goosebumps all over my body, I can't help but listen again, I feel a chill down my spine, I always feel like someone is standing behind me]

At the beginning of telling ghost stories, the live broadcast messages increased several times in an instant. At first, it was all curiosity, but later it divided into two results.

One is crying bitterly and begging to stop, the other is that the more I listen, the more frightened it is, but it feels very exciting.

[Oh my god...if this kind of story was made into a holographic movie...]

[I dare not think about it, can anyone really experience it? ]

[I will never experience it! ! ! Absolutely not! ! ! So fucking scary I can't even look under the bed now! ]

Xinan grabbed Jiyu, her fingers trembling.

Good, terrible!

Do ghosts still exist in this world

Ji Yu also shivered, and shivered: "S, Swarin, you, your hand."

Why are your hands so cold.

Ling Nian's voice sounded faintly in his ear, "This is my hand."


The worst thing is not that Li Zuoxing instilled ghost stories into them in the interstellar background, but he added the ghost stories while rendering the atmosphere.

Consultant Cheng's face was stiff and expressionless.

He has killed so many people, if there are really ghosts, he would have been killed by these ghosts in revenge. Of course he wasn't afraid, but he doted on with Li Zuoxing's performance.

From time to time, he would take advantage of his emotions and hug him by his side, and then take advantage of it.

After a super-long ghost story interspersed with various ghosts ended, Ren Yingying shook her voice, "Can, can you tell another one?"

This girl seems to have been inspired by some kind of special ability, and she was the first person in this group of pure men to get the coolness of ghost stories.

The other members of the dream team wanted to listen and didn't want to listen, and their eyes were tangled.

This kind of story seems to have some kind of magic, can't stop to be afraid, stop and feel that it's not enough.

In addition to the story of the mermaid last time... Is this guy a story nurse

The live message demanded that the world be divided equally between those who talk and those who do not talk, and some people even threatened: [If you talk more, I won't watch it! ]

[That's right, telling this kind of story at night is really scary QAQ]

But the number of viewings has skyrocketed.

Li Zuoxing, who was in the arms of nephrite jade, asked consultant Cheng, "Is it alright, ask Cheng?"

"I'm okay," he took advantage of the moment when everyone was gasping for air, and took the opportunity to touch all the places he could touch, "but do you need to turn off all the lights for a while?"

Ren Yingying was very surprised: "I think it can!"

She was so excited that she even dared to take the words of the consultant.

The girls all say yes, how can the brother say no.

A group of people nodded with some lack of confidence.

In the dark, even with night vision, details cannot be seen clearly.

Li Zuoxing felt a warm hand covering his hand, the hand of consultant Cheng.

"I'm a little scared." The other party said with mental power.

Li Zuoxing took his hand, "Are you still afraid?"

"Your mental power," the consultant Cheng couldn't hold back, "lent me a little."

It stands to reason that other people can't touch the mental power easily, but the mental power of consultant Cheng and Li Zuoxing can be touched at will by each other.

Li Zuoxing gave him a trace of spiritual power.

Even if they can't see the details clearly under night vision, they can't kiss, but they haven't kissed for two days.

In this atmosphere now, reason is shaky.

When the silver-white spiritual power radiated light to attract the attention of others, the consultant Cheng had already wrapped it up with his invisible spiritual power. His spiritual power coveted the surrounded spiritual power belonging to Li Zuoxing, but in the Under the master's control, it cannot touch the slightest bit.

After taking over the spiritual power, the consultant Cheng dissipated his own spiritual power, and then, under the cover of the night, contained a trace of Li Zuoxing's spiritual power in his mouth.

The moment it entered his lips, Li Zuoxing's spiritual power wrapped around his tongue and wrapped around the tip of his tongue.

Li Zuoxing's mouth was filled with sweetness, and all the touches seemed to be really going on.

The words in his mouth stopped consciously, and he was immediately urged to continue talking.

The advisor glanced at Li Zuoxing with a half-smile.

The mental force in his mouth is very lively, just as impatient as he is.

It turned out that the other party's heart was as eager for intimacy as he was.

As the ghost story was being told, the consultant Cheng actually laughed.

Accidentally lit the light brain and saw Ren Yingying smiling at the corner of his mouth.

... woohoo woooooooooooooooooo scary.

The author has something to say:

Imperial Citizen: I don't want to hear... (Eavesdropping