Faking Straight

Chapter 63


Li Zuoxing walked to the bathroom, closed the door, and washed his face with cold water.

He looked at the mirror, and the person in the mirror didn't seem to have changed, but he knew that he was really dumbfounded.

At the last moment, I was completely stunned by the sudden shrinking step of the consultant.

The sound of water sounded in the bathroom, and the consultant Cheng, who was stunned in place, suddenly woke up and walked quickly to the bathroom door. He stretched out his hand to open the door, but stopped suddenly when he reached halfway.

Only then did he realize that his hand was shaking slightly.

what does that mean

What does he mean

What does "I actually hope you say you like me is true"

Every word Li Zuoxing said was circling in his mind, and the whole sentence sounded like what he expected.

But he also said at the beginning, "Then I'll say the wrong thing too." Is this the wrong thing

How can this be wrong

The consultant felt like he was going crazy.

When he recalled it for the first time, he thought it was Li Zuoxing's positive response to him, but he thought about it for the second and third times... He was afraid that he would think too much.

After Li Zuoxing washed his face, he opened the door after being silent for about ten minutes. The consultant Cheng sat on the sofa in the living room and looked over at the moment he opened the door.

The two looked at each other and neither said a word.

There was a sound of unlocking the door, Li Zuoxing turned his head and looked away, walked over and sat on the single sofa.

Xinan and the others came in, with a strong aroma of rice, "Why did you come back suddenly? Well, I brought you some food, let's see if you didn't eat much."

After they finished saying these words, they hesitated to realize that the atmosphere in the room was not right.


Xinan Nane, "What's the matter with you?"

The two people sitting did not speak, and there was no fluctuation in their expressions.

Ji Yu and Ling Nian frowned, looked at each other, put down the food, told Xinan and Swarin not to talk, and sat beside them first.

In an open meeting posture, "Have a quarrel?"

To be honest, they didn't believe the two would quarrel.

Advisor Cheng stared at Li Zuoxing, and Li Zuoxing answered Ji Yu's question under his gaze, "No."

There was no quarrel, just one confession was withdrawn, and one confession was unsuccessful.


In the original text, the consultant Cheng treats all kinds of heroines with a casual attitude. He can easily accept other women's good feelings for him, and he can also express his liking for them very casually.

How come now, but can't tell him that he likes it

Completely changed a person.

He said no, but the others did not breathe a sigh of relief, especially the consultant Cheng. He didn't know what to do now or what to do.

Is it to forcibly reveal his feelings and bet that the other party's words are what he thinks, or should he hide and wait until the other party's true intentions are confirmed.

Consultant Cheng has never been so indecisive.

Because it is too important, it seems that he is too constrained and dare not go to blog.

"Then what's wrong with you," Ling Nian said with a straight face as if everyone wanted to say something, "Speak up if you have something to say."

"Ling Nian is right," Ji Yu agreed. "Everyone is here now, so if something happens, we can solve it together."

Sinan and Swarin, who couldn't speak, could only nod their heads sharply.

How can this be said to be so simple.

"I..." Advisor Chengcai started, but Li Zuoxing interrupted him, "Aren't you drugged?"

Li Zuoxing frowned, still worried, "How do you feel now?"

They did it once just now. In the original text... In the damn original text, consultant Cheng Ke and Ren Qingying spent the night.

I didn't see him in the original text if he had any good feelings for Ren Qingying and he could get away, why is he cringing now

The consultant was so intent on pulling it up that he forgot to keep pretending. Li Zuoxing's frown looked like he had pierced his lie in his eyes. He stood up and bent over to support Li Zuoxing On the back of the sofa, he rescued: "I feel uncomfortable."

His face was not good-looking, his eyes were red, and he really looked uncomfortable. Li Zuoxing wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve, but he didn't offer to go to the bedroom to help him solve it, "You can go take a shower."

The vibe is really weird.

The teammates glanced at each other again and decided to observe secretly.

It's not like an angry quarrel, but it does feel that there is a twist, but the interaction is quite harmonious.


This kind of complex emotional change is simply embarrassing for the old man.

Completely incomprehensible.

The blue veins popped out of the hand of the consultant Cheng holding the backrest, and the whole person was on the verge of patience.

If there is no intimacy just now, if there is no sweetness just rushed out of the mouth, this picture is still in good condition.

But no if, compared to just now, it's cruel to the end.

Two people's hearts must be unbreakable, one waits for the other party to say it clearly, and the other is not sure of the other party's intentions.

The author asked Li Zuoxing to keep a straight man, and Li Zuoxing agreed.

But now he regrets it to death, he can't take the initiative to "bend", he can only wait for the consultant to "bend" him.

The initiative is entirely in the opponent's hands.

The other party has withdrawn? withdraw? !

In the midst of this eruption, there was another knock on their door.

Ren Qingying opened her room and waited for a long time, but she didn't see any sign of Advisor Cheng. After the expected time, she came to Advisor Cheng's room again with a body of water vapor in surprise.


Li Zuoxing couldn't hold back, "Fuck!"

Swarin, who was frightened in place by his sound, froze halfway, not knowing whether he should go forward and open the door.

Advisor Cheng's eyes dimmed, and his mental power mercilessly penetrated the door and got into Ren Qingying's head.

Ren Qingying's eyes flashed, and she turned to go to her room.

"She's gone," the consultant Cheng couldn't help rubbing his face against Li Zuoxing, facing his forehead, his cheeks were hot as if he had just been drugged, "Zaoxing, Xingxing."

Li Zuoxing shook his face, "Don't move."

Teammates are all there, do you want to make it public without confessing

"Xingxing," Advisor Cheng, "I feel so uncomfortable."

Not physical distress.

He wanted to hold Li Zuoxing and tell him his love.

I wanted to tell him I wasn't joking just now.


Teammates exclaimed.

They were shocked to see Li Zuoxing and his advisor in this pose, with their foreheads on their foreheads, how could they be so close

Like, like a couple...

Li Zuoxing tilted his head, consultant Cheng no longer cared what others thought, only Li Zuoxing was left in his world. He chased after him, and his forehead touched Li Zuoxing again, looking at each other, wanting to see each other's eyes.

The eyes of the other party are bright, so beautiful.

"He has Chinese medicine," Li Zuoxing said, "Ren Qingying gave him an aphrodisiac."

His lips were open and closed, and he looked very kissable. Advisor Cheng suddenly blocked him, and in front of his teammates, Li Zuoxing laid him down on the sofa without any defense, and spared no effort to kiss him.

Li Zuoxing's pupils tightened, and his hands tried to push him away.

The more he pushed the other party, the more excited he became, the consultant bit his lip frantically, wrapped his legs around him to keep him from getting up, entangled his limbs with his limbs, and mixed everything he wanted to say into a tangled kiss.

"..." The teammates' mouths gradually opened, and their eyes widened to see their passionate kiss.

The kisses between men and men come and go, and they are rude. The lips are rubbed into various shapes, and the physical contact is more like an attack. The sound and the pulling of silver threads make other teenagers blushing and heartbeat.

Advisor Cheng and Li Zuoxing kissed.

Tongue kiss, stick out tongue.

The consultant Cheng Qiang kissed Li Zuoxing.

It's a strong kiss.

Oh my God! ! !

Ji Yu blushed and glanced at it a few times. He had not seen the live-action version of the kiss, "What should I do now? The effect of the medicine made him hug Zuo Xing and kiss."

"Drug?" Ling Nian sneered, "It's a fool's idea."

What a spoiled eldest lady, she can only think of drugs.

Such a method is truly disgusting.

They were embarrassed to speak ill of girls, but Ling Nian didn't care.

"Take a cold shower first?" Swarin also blushed, not daring to see the picture of consultant Cheng pressing Li Zuoxing to kiss him, "Let Wen Cheng calm down first."

Xinan scratched his head in embarrassment, was at a loss, and stammered, "Let's put the question aside first?"

Yup! Pull it off first!

Several people suddenly woke up, and hurriedly stepped forward to pull the consultant.

Li Zuoxing straightened up and wiped his mouth, the corner of his mouth was bitten by the other party.

The blood-stained lips were very sexy, and the consultant Cheng stared at him with frightening eyes. Li Zuoxing walked up to him and dragged him to the bathroom. He said to his teammates with a dark face, "Leave it to me."

Being dragged by Li Zuoxing, the consultant Cheng didn't struggle at all, and was frighteningly good.

Ling Nian looked at them and slowly frowned, "We came back so long after them, did consultant Cheng do something to Li Zuoxing when he was unconscious?"

Otherwise, why is it like that

What can be done

The teammates remembered their kiss just now, and blushed silently. I have to say, it was really exciting. For these little virgins, it was too intense to watch.

"Are you awake?" Li Zuoxing's expression and tone were calm.

Advisor Cheng wiped the ice water off his face, bowed his head, and had the courage to kiss each other in public. Don't you have the courage to admit it

"What are you going to say," Li Zuoxing raised his head, waiting for him to explain, "It's normal, it doesn't matter, don't worry, just help each other, right?"

"...you said something wrong," the consultant Cheng looked up at him, his eyes burning, "what do you mean."

He finally asked.

Li Zuoxing felt a little relieved, "Then what do you mean by the wrong thing?"

Consultant Cheng took a few deep breaths, and when Li Zuoxing thought he was finally going to say it, consultant Cheng, who was the male lead of the whole book, actually flinched again and said abruptly, "I don't know."

Damn don't know!

Li Zuoxing was so angry that he was about to explode, unable to say a word, he turned around and was about to leave the bathroom to calm down.

He was afraid that if he stayed with consultant Cheng again, he would not be able to resist fighting with him.

The word "love" was smothered in his throat, and then it was blocked from his throat to his heart.

Where did he not give the adviser a hint

Where did he not show his speciality

But Li Zuoxing knew that in addition to being hot, he knew what advisor Cheng was afraid of.

Afraid of his "straight man" status, afraid of leaving him and hating him.

But the confession has been spoken, isn't that sentence obvious enough

All kinds of complicated feelings stick together, and there is even a feeling of distressing each other.

Who would have thought that the advisor Cheng, the protagonist in "Journey in Hand", and the advisor of another identity of Wasser, also had such a moment when he couldn't let go.

Thinking like this, the soft-hearted side overwhelmed the other side.

"I'll wait for you outside," Li Zuoxing opened the door, "see if you can solve it yourself."

If not, of course, Ren Qingying will not be found.

no way.

The consultant who has no medicine at all needs not cold water, not alone space, not everything, what he needs is Li Zuoxing, "Zuoxing..."

here we go again.

He pinpointed Li Zuoxing's soft-hearted point, but Li Zuoxing thought that it was really inappropriate to stay here now, and both of them were irrational.

Advisor Cheng closed his eyes, his mental power obeyed his heart, spread out, bound Li Zuoxing's limbs, closed the door he opened, and the sound of the lock was amplified several times, like a landmine.

Li Zuoxing, "???"

He was stunned and stuck in place.

Isn't he strong 1

What should Iron 1, who is weaker than the opponent, do at this time

Are you glad that the other party doesn't know anything

Li Zuoxingjun's face tensed as he watched consultant Cheng walk towards him.

The spiritual force that bound him, like his master, was full of restrained and eager desires.

Advisor Cheng walked up to Li Zuoxing, and they, who were about the same height, looked at each other.

want to.

I want Li Zuoxing.

I also want Li Zuoxing to want him.

They should have each other, and there is never a presence that advisors want what they want.

Endless confidence and ambition fell a big somersault in front of Li Zuoxing.

"Tie you up first," said the consultant, with lowered eyes, "so you can listen to me obediently."

"Don't run, don't be afraid," Consul Cheng smiled briefly, "I don't want to hear any rejection."

Either very cowardly, or very rigid.

Li Zuoxing's fingers moved slightly, consultant Cheng glanced at his hand, and the other party's mental power instantly encircled his ten fingers and fixed them into a posture.

He invaded Li Zuoxing's entire space, revealing ferocious and evil desires, and did not allow the other party to refuse.

"I like you."

The consultant became enlightened. He didn't care whether Li Zuoxing was afraid of him or liked him, he bet on a 50% success rate, and toughly prevented the other 50% from failure.

If he guesses wrong, it's better to keep Li Zuoxing strong by his side.

His smile, his feelings, he will let the other party remember only him in every intimacy.

"From here to here," Consul Cheng's index finger slipped down from Li Zuoxing's forehead, slid over the tip of his nose, lips, and reached the Adam's apple, "I like it all."

He circled around his throat a few times, his index finger was down again, and his mental power followed his fingers, tearing Li Zuoxing's clothes as he slid over.

The fingertips are like knives, and the cracks on the clothes are flat and clean.

Wherever he slid, his mental power bypassed, and after continuing down, the clothes in front of the whole person were broken.

But from behind, Li Zuoxing seemed to be wearing neat clothes.

The cool feeling spread from the crack to the whole body, without looking, Li Zuoxing can think of how erotic his image is now.

Fortunately, the other party didn't cut his underwear, otherwise he would really be clean and face the consultant.

Advisor Cheng's eyes stopped on his chest, and then he suddenly remembered that he had never tasted Li Zuoxing's taste here.

He will be very cool when he is teased by the other party, will the other party be very cool when he is teased

He stepped forward as if possessed, held it in, and took a tentative breath.

Li Zuoxing's scalp exploded, "!"

"Consultant done!"

"I just want you to experience my comfort," the consultant said vaguely, "is it comfortable?"

Li Zuoxing only felt panic.

Goosebumps and scalp numbness came from the front, and the consultant Cheng's learning ability was amazing, not to mention that as a male protagonist, he really knew how to play when he wanted to make people happy, which made people very happy.

"Go away," Li Zuoxing scolded, "Fuck!"

The consultant who was scolded became violent with his lips and tongue.

"day… "

Rely on!


An iron 1, tied here and kissed by the advisor Cheng, has no room for resistance at all, and his mental power is blocked in the body by the spiritual power of the advisor Cheng who is overflowing the whole room.

Li Zuoxing's face was ugly, his chest kept shrinking back, "Stop!"

It's terrifying, just horrifying.

What did the consultant think of? This feeling... Damn, he is very, very lucky at this moment! Fortunately, the other party doesn't even understand a fart!

Do you hate me so much

Advisor Cheng didn't let go of every change in his expression, and his eyes became darker and darker.

He just wanted Li Zuoxing to experience his happiness as well. Is the other party unhappy with the happiness of being sucked out of everything

Or is he not strong enough



Li Zuoxing reluctantly calmed down, his face was ashen, "If you have something to say, talk about it."

"I like it here too," the consultant Cheng regretfully let it go, and kissed Li Zuoxing's lips again, his eyes serious, "I like everything about you, everything."

Li Zuoxing can finally speak normally, "Nonsense, or the truth?"

"Sincerely," the consultant Cheng laughed, no longer afraid, "I was afraid of your rejection just now, but now I'm not afraid anymore."

"I'll give you a month at most," the consultant Cheng approached Li Zuoxing's ear and licked his earlobe, "Don't reject me, I'm afraid I will do terrible things."

Advisor Cheng's kiss was gentle, but the possessiveness in his words made him even more frightened.

Can't leave him.

In a month, can Li Zuoxing fall in love with him

Li Zuoxing, who originally planned to make a decision to fall in love with him: ...

Damn, you're the only one who's arrogant, isn't it

You said that one month is only one month, and one day in advance counts as Lao Tzu's loss!

The author has something to say: even if Chengcheng understands a little theoretical knowledge, you will be miserable as a star _(:з"∠)_

The stars are attacking hhh

In the original text, Chengcheng was drugged, because he didn't care, so he was free