Faking Straight

Chapter 64


One month is the acceptable limit for consultant success.

It was also the limit of the free time he left to Li Zuoxing.

He didn't want to push Li Zuoxing too hard, but he didn't know that this hand blocked Li Zuoxing into a dilemma.

What he promised must be done. Since Li Zuoxing promised the author of the original text to maintain his character, even if he doesn't know the impact of the collapse, he must do it.

After all, the male protagonist who kidnapped others always had to pay some twists and turns.

He could only sigh deeply, and then tensed up.

After talking about it, the advisor's actions were much more dignified. He no longer used his brotherhood and Li Zuoxing to be sneaky, but kept a distance and only used a pair of fiery eyes to show his intentions.

The blatant pursuit, the sultry means emerge in an endless stream, one link is tied to the other, Li Zuoxing is uncomfortable, and can only often be tired of being with his teammates.

"I saw that Miss Ren this morning," Xi Nan suddenly remembered this during the meal, and he hurriedly swallowed a mouthful of food, "Looking quite haggard, he was talking to the officer who brought us on board. Argument, seems to want to use the rescue capsule on the boat, because she has not been able to sleep all day and night."

"The military has strict regulations on the use of rescue capsules, can they agree?"

Xinan smiled, "I refused, the eldest lady was angry on the spot and clamored to return."

Advisor Cheng didn't respond, as if this matter had nothing to do with him. He carefully poured a glass of water, 80% full, and placed it on Li Zuoxing's right hand, with an appetizing smile.

Li Zuoxing had a toothache because of the sweetness.

The other teammates secretly passed several glances. Is this the guilt of Wen Chengqiang after kissing Zuo Xing

It's embarrassing, inexplicably giving people a feeling that the consultant is chasing people three hundred and sixty degrees to show his charm.

Not daring to think deeply, for fear that they will misunderstand, they can only keep looking for topics, and then ease the atmosphere.

Facing the pitiful eyes of his teammates, Li Zuoxing was really in a complicated mood. He couldn't help but glanced in the direction of Advisor Cheng, who was propping his cheek with one hand, and curled his lips when he looked over. A smile, a wink.

Being pursued by such a person, Li Zuoxing clenched his fist to his lips, pretending to be calm, but in fact he was happy.

Both cool and tortured.

He can't wait to grab the collar of the consultant and hold the person in his arms, but the reality is that he can only watch the other side show off his tactics.

For a month, I really don't know who is cheating who.

But watching the consultant put himself into his mouth by himself is also very interesting.

I don't know what suggestion Cheng gave to Ren Qingying, but the other party didn't come up to entangle him until he got off the spacecraft. Instead, he kept clamoring to return to the main star, which was enough to make the hearts of the soldiers on the mission on the spacecraft secretly dissatisfied.

The Dream Team sympathized with them, but they were grateful for Ren Qingying's change of torture target _(:з"∠)_

No way, You Meng's subordinate officers had to send soldiers to use a small spaceship to send Ren Qingying back to the main star. When Ren Qingying left, she did not glance at the consultant Cheng. Her strange performance these two days Ren Yingying vaguely felt that she and the consultant were successful. But he didn't dare to think about it, and was even glad that Ren Qingying wanted to return to the main star.

When the matter is settled, it is time for them to disembark.

Because of the special elements, Xie Xing caused the entire planet to be covered with mist all year round. Long-term inhalation of this mist will produce toxins to the human body. When disembarking, the officers on the ship specially prepared gas masks for them.

The mask covering the lower half of the face is designed to be simple and light, and it is very cool and attractive to boys.

Yumeng was waiting for them below. He also wore a dark gas mask on his face, and his cold eyes were exposed to the mist, which softened the sharpness.

But the moment he saw the dream team, his softened sharpness became sharp again, and he even took two quick steps forward, until the distance was so close that the hazy fog was broken, and he could see the figure under the fog clearly. appearance.

Not Wasser.

The consultant's dull voice came from under the mask, and the young eyes looked back, "What's the matter with you?"

"Don't worry about it," Yumeng looked away from him, "Congratulations on winning the preliminary round."

A few people were talking while walking towards their destination. You Meng glanced at Li Zuoxing's waist, and Li Zuoxing sighed, "Do you have anything to say?"

Yu Meng said directly: "Is that a temporary imprint?"

"I don't know," Li Zuoxing felt another look on the tattoo, "at least it hasn't disappeared yet."

Advisor Cheng silently added in the bottom of his heart, probably until he died, the trace would not disappear.

This is really his own romance.

"This place belongs to me," Yumeng said silently, "What exactly does Wasser mean."

"I really want to know what information you have collected." This topic was too private, and Li Zuoxing changed the subject calmly, "Have the local residents of Shexing witnessed the shadow of Wasser with their own eyes?"

Advisor Cheng's expression didn't even change, he still followed Li Zuoxing with a smile.

"That's right," Yumen nodded, and Xinan and the others listened attentively, not letting go of any information, "More than one person and the military reported seeing Wasser's figure, and when I just landed on Shexing , and indeed felt a powerful spiritual force."

"But now the power is gone," Li Zuoxing, "right?"

You Meng frowned, "Yes."

They walked all the way to the place where the military temporarily rested, and Yu Meng's adjutant walked over quickly, "Long time no see."

After saying hello, he hurriedly said to Yumon, "Captain, the research project has progressed. Would you like to go take a look."

You Meng took ten seconds to make a decision, and said to Li Zuoxing and his party, "You can follow."

Then strode forward.

The Dream Team looked at each other and walked over quickly.

The research project on Shexing is really related to Nan. The method of extracting Nan elements has long been lost. Only the imperial government has records. Regarding the collection of Nan by Wother, the military and political leaders are very concerned.

They decided to collect the elements one step ahead of Wasser and find out what value they didn't understand.

After all, in their eyes, Wasser is an image of never doing useless work, and Wasser, who was in the growth stage, could not use Nan at all. Compared with the idea of using it for "future opponents" guessed by Yumeng, they believed that it was Wasser. They found something out of it that they didn't.

When Li Zuoxing and the others came to Shexing, the research team had been working for three days. The breakthrough was to further filter the extracted impurities, and Nan was about to be extracted separately.

The light blue and transparent liquid looked particularly good in the test tube, and the consultant's eyes were fixed on it for two seconds, and then he moved away without any waves.

After watching the progress of the experiment, You Meng and the others came to the office.

"I didn't find Wother," Yumon. "I don't know where that garbage is hiding."

Li Zuoxing felt very subtle since knowing that the advisor achievement was Worther, "Are you sure he is still on this planet?"

The adjutant added: "Worther never does useless work. He won't leave if he doesn't get Nan. Compared to his progress, our experiment is more than ten times faster than his."

Is this something to be proud of

Li Zuoxing always felt that if this was really Wother's goal, then the Nan extracted by the empire was just doing useless work for Wother.

After the discussion, Yumeng let them go. After all, they really didn't need to do anything. The dream team came here just to use Li Zuoxing to attract Woser's attention.

If you can attract it.

After they left, the adjutant couldn't help but ask, "Do you really think Wother is really interested in Li Zuoxing?"

"Otherwise?" Yumeng asked back, "This place belongs to me, what do you mean by that?"

For that kind of powerhouse, the adjutant pondered, "Li Zuoxing's life can only be taken by Wother, what a poor boy."

Yumeng sneered.

At the same time, Li Zuoxing also asked his teammates, "Why does Officer Yumen hate Wasser so much?"

The teammates discussed at length, and the consultant Cheng lowered his voice and said with a smile: "Why are you discussing Wasser, isn't it bad to discuss topics about me?"

"For example, you want to know about my problems," he gave a detailed example. "Height, weight, family, experience, dreams, etc., Xingxing, aren't you interested?"

The mask rendered his voice distorted, and the pitiful meaning in the consultant's idiom was conveyed without delay. Li Zuoxing followed his words and asked, "Then what is your dream?"

"I want to hug you, I want you to kiss me," Cheng Cheng said, "As long as you are with me, I will spoil you very much, don't you want to give it a try?"

"What else to try, besides kissing," Li Zuoxing, "Scientific research between brothers, consultant, you are really good."

What else can I do other than kiss, the consultant Cheng thought thoughtfully, "You can also slap the butt."

… this talent.

This kind of talent without a teacher, Li Zuoxing glanced at him with faint admiration.

Sooner or later, consultants can figure out how to distance boys from boys on their own.

They walked slower and slower, and the teammates in front had disappeared into the fog.

After officially chasing people, you can't be too presumptuous. This kind of ambiguous and floating period makes both of them enjoy it very much.

But consultant Cheng actually regretted giving him a one-month buffer, "Can I shorten a month to ten days?"

Li Zuoxing pressed down the corners of his mouth, but neither refused nor agreed, "Oh."

"Xingxing," the other party deliberately imitated a girl's appearance and acted coquettishly, hooking his fingers on Li Zuoxing's clothes, "shortened to ten days, you said earlier that I hoped that what I said about you was true, of course it is true. , Zuo Xing, anyway, you can't refuse me, become ten days, okay?"

"Big hanging, big hanging, big hanging~"

I have been praising Li Zuoxing for being lively and cute.

Li Zuoxing's temples bulged, this coquettish is quite pretentious.

The teammates in front specially stopped and waited for them, and their expressions changed after seeing the scene where the advisor was hooking on Li Zuoxing's clothes. Xingnao made up for the forced little pity.

Even if they are forced once, they have to protect the star, and they must not be forced a second time.

They hurriedly stepped forward to isolate the two of them calmly, changing the topic and enlivening the atmosphere.

Li Zuoxing looked at Advisor Cheng out of the corner of his eye, the guy smiled and narrowed his eyes, so cute.

There was a smile in his eyes, and the maintenance of his teammates became a sweet burden for the opponent to play tricks.

Xinan kept chattering, and said in a low voice: "Don't be embarrassed, Zuoxing, next time I ask if it's... If it's like that again, you, just..."

He grimaced, as if there was nothing he could do about it.

Poor Cena, they don't know it's just love between lovers.

Oh, it is to prepare the love between lovers.

"Oh," Li Zuoxing sighed and patted his shoulder, "I'm fine, don't worry."

The consultant with pricked ears frowned, why did he sigh

Do you really have no feelings for him

Ji Yu stopped consultant Cheng and whispered, "Ask Cheng, should you find a girlfriend?"

The consultant Cheng answered the question, "What do you think is the most attractive in me?"

Ji Yu was stunned, "He's handsome everywhere."

He is tall and has a charismatic personality.

Ji Yu's expression was sincere, and the self-confidence of consultant Cheng returned.

Li Zuoxing is not a strong girl, but the consultant can combine entanglement and fierceness, so I don't believe that I can't take him down.

It was probably ordered by Youmont, and no one stopped them when they walked along the way. After seeing a lot of things in the barracks, Li Zuoxing felt it specially, and did not find any huge mental strength.

Is it really a consultant

Rumors have always said that Wasser is a loner, but Li Zuoxing suspects that he is very likely to have his own power.

Let's not talk about it, let's talk about the password of the pharmacist that Wasser stole from him. After he took it, who did he give it to take over the follow-up work

Doing nothing is not the style of a consultant.

Li Zuoxing should have finished "Journey in Hand".

But he didn't watch.

When the consultant harvested one beauty after another, immersed in the love of men and women, he lost interest.

After sighing for a while, Li Zuoxing gathered his thoughts, but suddenly felt a slight fluctuation in the mental level.

This volatility hinted at him and had an inexplicable attraction to him.

Li Zuoxing's heart sank, and he concentrated against this force, but there was an exclamation in his ear.

"Not good," Swarin clenched his fists, and was the first to return to his senses, "Jiyu and the others!"

The three with the highest spiritual power stayed where they were, while the other three disappeared.

"Did you feel it?" Li Zuoxing pointed to his brain.

Advisor Cheng nodded and stared at the road that disappeared into the mist. The long eyelashes seemed to have water droplets formed by the mist.

There was no sound except them, and there was no sound of leaves or grass.

"The sound makes me uneasy," Swarin said, pursing his lips. "I'm afraid they'll fall into a trap."

"Let's go," Advisor Cheng said proactively, "follow that power to see what it is."

Not surprisingly, Ling Nian and the three of them were attracted by that power.

Li Zuoxing naturally walked in front of them, and touched forward as the leader.

Even if he knows that the advisor is better than him, he can stand in the front of his own people at any time. This is a matter of course for him. and a sense of security.

This is really manly and handsome.

Swarin, who was blocked by him, was moved, while consultant Cheng was emotional.

He looked at Li Zuoxing's broad back.

It felt like the duckweed in the water had no roots, and at this moment, the other party was ruthlessly dragged on a rope.

The other party told him to stop floating and wander aimlessly in the universe. The rope had penetrated the entire internal organs of the consultant. Even if he injured himself eight hundred times, he would not let go.

The author has something to say: this is probably a sense of security, Chengcheng

We are good men, don't cheat yourself, hurry up