Faking Straight

Chapter 68


When Li Zuoxing woke up, he found himself lying in the rescue capsule.

The thick and viscous liquid fluctuated under him, and the clothes and the hair on the bottom of his head were completely wet. After the repair, the dozens of anesthesia needles did not cause him any pain or weakness in his limbs.

The door to the room was pushed open and someone walked in.

Li Zuoxing closed his eyes again and kept his breathing steady.

He was sure that he was no different from the sleep state he had been in before.

But the visitor knew for some reason that he was awake, and his tone was firm, "Come out when you wake up, and it is not easy to soak in the rescue capsule for a long time."

Li Zuoxing opened his eyes suddenly, lifted the hatch cover agilely and went to the ground, "It's you."

He also showed surprise at the beginning, and his sense of vigilance increased quickly. Jindi laughed and greeted him friendly, "Long time no see, Xingxing."

Li Zuoxing also laughed, "Captain Jindi, are you the one who tied me or the one who rescued me."

Too direct, Jindi sighed, "I'm the captain of the Tyran Merchant Ship, how could I kidnap people?"

"That's easy to say," Li Zuoxing said and let it go, walked into Jindi, and patted him on the shoulder, "Why am I in Captain Jindi's spaceship."

He seemed to let down his guard in the blink of an eye, and this performance made Jindi have to praise the excellent, "entrusted by others."

Li Zuoxing narrowed his eyes.

Jin Di smiled and led Li Zuoxing out of the treatment room, "The occasional cargo transported by the Tilan merchant ships also includes people."

As soon as these words came out, Li Zuoxing's expression turned cold.

From entering this world to now, if you ask him what he hates the most, it is undoubtedly the human trafficking that exists in the empire.

The various races in each planet, because they are too large and in line with the progress of world history, many local wars or small wars between planets, the empire will not intervene specially. The existence of the empire can only face the outer and inner planets of the empire. come into play only when confronted.

Various wars in different planets that never stop, have led to the existence of many human trafficking.

Cheap and many, no value.

Comparable to the ancient slaves that appeared in the future era.

Li Zuoxing calmly drew out his mental power—they didn’t even restrain his mental power—horizontal in front of Jindi’s neck, calmly said, “Return.”

"Where are you going?" Jindi, "Don't be impulsive, play the star."

He joked, "You are much more tempered now than when you called yourself a star."

"Captain Kindy seems to be taking me for a fool."

Mental force tightened his skin, blood flowed down his neck, Jindi shut his mouth.

He knew that this was not a joke, which made him very surprised. At a disadvantage, in his territory, the other party dared to really hurt him.

Didn't you just pretend you didn't know anything

The mental power met another layer of mental power, and Jindi's skin was covered with a protective layer, which instantly bounced off the mental power in front of his neck.

Li Zuoxing condensed the long knife again in the next moment, and confronted Jindi again fearlessly.

The tip of the knife pointed at Jin Di's eyes, the silver-white light was extremely arrogant, and Li Zuoxing was expressionless, "One last time, return home."

"Can you understand Interstellar, scumbag?"

Shexing became a mess.

Whether it was the military led by Yumeng or the followers of Osser who was in a secret ambush, they all fell into chaos.

The former was worried that Nan, who was finally extracted, was gone, and the latter was terrified by the disappearance of Li Zuoxing.

Li Zuoxing disappeared.

This news was like a shocking bomb, which instantly made the relevant personnel dizzy and could no longer hold anything else in their minds.

Two stories began to spread in the camp. One was that Wasser stole the medicine and Li Zuoxing, and the other was that... Li Zuoxing stole the medicine and escaped.

You Meng dealt with the rumors and jokes in a swift and resolute manner as early as the first time. Isn't the student of Chengyang Military Academy more promising than stealing a Nan

But what scares Wasser's men even more is the reaction of their boss.

When the Dream Team learned the news of Li Zuoxing's disappearance, all their faces were ugly, and they couldn't control the fact that it wasn't just Xi Nan who punched the wall.

Advisor Cheng sat on the sofa with a heavy face. There were so many people coming and going, but including the Dream Team, no one dared to approach him.

He didn't vent his anger or speak, but the aura that seemed to destroy everything made his scalp tingle.

How dare!

How dare anyone!

The vigorous and angry mental force distorted the surrounding air, and the people around him felt that it was gradually difficult to breathe.

His fists were clenched, his fingertips clenched so hard that they turned pale.

Violent, killing intent filled the advisor's bloodshot eyes.

Everyone knew that at this point in time, they couldn't provoke him.

People instinctively avoid danger, and the appearance of a consultant is too terrifying.

His men had never seen Watson like this.

There are only a few subordinates who have sneaked into the star to complete the task. They have voluntarily followed Woser for many years. After so many years, no matter how much crisis or anger, Woser has never reached this level.

This shocked them and made them wonder, whether as a teammate or an opponent, Wasser's value for Li Zuoxing was even more important than his own life.

Ling Nian put down his light brain, silently shaking his hands that were stiff from constant manipulation.

Advisor Cheng said hoarsely, "How is it?"

"I can't find it," Ling Nian once again realized his failure. He closed his eyes and regained his energy, "The other party's shield is too strong."

In fact, only two hours have passed.

But the consultant could not wait any longer.

He stood up abruptly and walked out quickly.

Jiyu and Swarin were startled, and hurriedly ran after them, "Ask! Where are you going?"

"Look for him," the consultant kept walking, not even wearing a gas mask, and walked straight to the highest point nearby, "Find him with mental power."

"Are you crazy?!"

Hearing these words, Ling Nian ran over to stand in front of him unceremoniously, "Use your mental power to find him? How far can your mental power be spread? Even if you spread it far enough, if your mental power collides with Black holes, meteorites, magnetic fields, etc. in the universe, what are you going to do?!"

"Spaceships, armies, star thieves in the universe, what if you run into them?!"

"Do you want to die?!"

Ling Nian's tone became more and more intense, and he roared out at the last sentence.

Mental power, a weakness that is both safe and dangerous, using mental power to find someone is tantamount to a baby falling into a snake's nest - there is only one way to go.

No one in the world dares, who dares

Ji Yu was also very angry, "Consultant Cheng, do you want to risk your life?"

Who would have thought

Advisor Cheng said calmly, "Get out of the way."

He knows that once his spiritual power is spread out, everyone here will know who he is.

He will reveal his identity, the Empire will know that Advisor Cheng is Woser, Chengyang Military Academy will know that Advisor Cheng is Woser, and his teammates will also know that he has another identity.

Of course, Li Zuoxing would know that his little sun would know that Worther and his advisor Cheng, who teased him back and forth, would be the same person. He would doubt his feelings, break his trust, and even dislike him and think he Just toying with him.

Consultants are aware of all possible consequences.

Including his spiritual power will be swallowed by the dangers in the universe, including his death.

But he was very calm.

The beating of the whole heart is neither fast nor slow, the brain clearly knows what he is going to do, but the reason does not stop it.

Without being impulsive, he knew that this was the coolest choice.

His little sun disappeared.

taken away.

Just thinking about the images of Li Zuoxing being tortured, consultant Cheng Cheng felt that his breathing was about to stop.

"Get out of the way," Cheng Cheng, "you will only waste my time."

But his teammates stopped in front of him, without hesitation, desperately trying to stop him from the footsteps of suicide.

Wasser's subordinates wiped away a sweat.

They put their hopes on the leader's team, expecting them to stop the consultant's plan.

I hope that Li Zuoxing will be fine, don't worry, otherwise it will be a disaster for everyone...

Li Zuoxing tried pressing the communicator for the countless times.

It was a communicator made by Ling Nian. It was made of Shi Chengxing material. It is reasonable to say that the penetrating power is very strong, and the news should not be blocked.

But the fact is that the communicator does not respond at all.

There was blood splattered on his face, and the weapons on his clothes were also drenched in blood. There was his blood on it, as well as the blood of others.

The huge spaceship has become hell, blood can be seen on the walls and carpets at any time, and every corner and hiding spot may be attacked by others.

Along the way, Li Zuoxing has destroyed twenty-three information shields, but the shielding strength is still too high. He calmed his breath, smashed the blood from the long knife, and shattered the lamp in the next corridor with his weak mental power. , marching forward in the dark.

His fight with Jindi destroyed the entire rescue capsule, and he was wounded, and the other side was no better.

The entire spaceship can be so embarrassed that it is due to Li Zuoxing's hypnotizing power. He hypnotized nearly one-third of the people on the spaceship.

After his subordinates killed each other, Jin Di, who had been smiling all the time, really turned cold. He didn't expect Li Zuoxing to have such a hand.

He underestimated the enemy and did not turn on the mental jammer when Li Zuoxing woke up, and Li Zuoxing thanked him for the underestimation.

After Jindi turned on the mental power jammer, Li Zuoxing was pressed to the extreme. After getting used to the intensity of the jamming, he could only draw out a trace of mental power intermittently to use it.

There is really only a trace, and even the attack is difficult.

He is confident in the strength of his mental power, and the growth brought about by swallowing the energy spar is absolutely unimaginable.

Not as good as Advisor Cheng, but definitely comparable to the famous powerhouse in the empire.

If it's just to capture him, the strength of the mental jammer is definitely not so strong.


But it wasn't him who planned it.

Li Zuoxing's heart sank to the bottom.

The sound of breathing was barely audible, and his hearing and vision were used to the extreme. Li Zuoxing held the gun snatched from Jindi and moved slowly.

He was heading towards the place where small crafts were often placed on the ship.

The subordinates kept pressing the communicator, not to want them to rescue, but to report safety.

No need to guess, Li Zuoxing knew that consultant Cheng would be crazy.

Before he goes crazy, I beg you, the consultant is successful, don't make any irreversible actions.

He wasn't in danger for that.

Li Zuoxing licked the blood on his lips and hid in the corner.

He saw the place where the small aircraft was placed, and also saw the people waiting for him to come over.

Jindi stood at the forefront, and his body was covered in blood, because he personally led his subordinates to kill the third of the people who were hypnotized by Li Zuoxing.

"Where are you hiding, young man," Jindi sneered, raising his voice, "let's talk about compensation."

Blood soaked his shoes, and the floor was covered in bloody footprints.

Li Zuoxing turned his head and leaned against the wall.

It turned out that the people on the Tiran spaceship before were dealt with like this.

No wonder there is so thick blood in the corners and corners that it won't dry for a few days.

Who is behind Jindi

Why are the guys who stole Nan dressed up like Wasser.

What they want to do with me.

Was it Wasser that they really wanted to capture.

Li Zuoxing breathed slowly and slenderly, keeping the sound to a minimum.

He calmly drew out the mental power that he had gathered in the first ten minutes, and shattered the lights in front of him with the fastest speed.

The people waiting in front of the small aircraft panicked, Jindi squinted, "Here it is."

Only one blow can only succeed, not fail.

Li Zuoxing rushed into the darkness with a blank expression.

Of course - success.

They wanted to stop Ling Nian, but the weak could never stop the strong.

They can only look ashen, watching the consultant come true and begin to release their spiritual power.

How can it be successful.


How can it be successful

Advisor Cheng raised his hand, and the man hiding in the dark froze.

Never has it been so calm like this moment.

Advisor Cheng's mental power began to spread out in layers, and all he thought about was Li Zuoxing.

Even if his identity is discovered, as long as he does not die, he believes that Li Zuoxing will not leave him alone.

Because he has already asked Li Zuoxing, the two of them are already married.

If the other party can't accept it... His eyes are deep, he doesn't know what he will do.

But before more spiritual power was released, Ling Nian suddenly exclaimed in surprise, "Ask Cheng! The news has come back from Zuo Xing!"

The advisor was stunned for a moment, his mental power stopped in the air.

The light brain finally showed Li Zuoxing's position, the other party took the initiative to send a communication, Ling Nian quickly clicked to receive, but there was no shadow of the other party on the camera.

The light screen was red with blood, as if the other party's communicator was covered with a layer of blood.

The hearts of the Dream Team members sank, and the consultant Cheng stared at the blood red, clenching his teeth.

"Are you your master's teammates?" came the clear young voice. "Master was seriously injured and has been sent to the rescue capsule for repair. Do you need to come over? Or should I send him back after the master recovers?"

Swarin hesitated, "The master you said is Xingxing?"

The blood on the communicator was wiped by a hand, and the screen finally appeared on the screen. The young man opposite had a beautiful face with a reassuring smile on his face, "Hello, my name is Ye An. ."

Ye An's eyes turned around several people, and finally stopped on the consultant Cheng, the smile on his face became more real, "Long time no see, Mr. Gu, I didn't expect to see you and my master again at such a time. ."

"It's just that my master seems a little miserable," the smile on his face faded, "but don't worry, I will take care of the master myself in the future."

The meaning of those words is nothing more than - blaming the consultant for only ensuring his own safety.

The consultant's face was expressionless, but he clenched his fists where the light screen couldn't see it.

The author has something to say: Xingxing was really badly injured... I don't want to write

Consultant Cheng: It doesn't matter, we already have the reality of husband and wife, you can't compare

Li Dazhao: ? ?