Faking Straight

Chapter 72


Li Zuoxing endured and maintained a normal state, not letting Ye An see that something was wrong.

Ye An breathed a sigh of relief, not noticing his expression.

"Master, this person is the biggest person in the empire's human trafficking. Most of the people who are used as goods are transported from him. He wanders in various galaxies. For safety, he never uses his own spaceship, but leads his men. Looting small and medium-sized ships with no reputation, and most of these ships are not wary of this, which is why they can continue to traffic people on the planet."

As a member who was once trafficked, Ye An hated this, "Using the appearance of a kind businessman as a protective color, he almost robbed and deceived any race he liked, and most people didn't know they were not until they were sold. A real caravan."

It was a disaster for both the slaughtered caravans and the people who were tricked into getting on the Jindi spaceship.

Li Zuoxing clenched his fists and his veins stretched.

The relaxed mood just now is no longer there.

He once went on Jindi's spaceship with Xinan Jiyu.

Undoubtedly, it was his and Xinan's strength that made the other party jealous, so that the other party could safely send them to Maweixing. He shouldn't have thought about it, but at this moment, Li Zuoxing thought to himself, that Jindi said that there was a batch of goods that needed to be shipped. When it arrives at the station at a specific time, is that batch of goods the people they have returned from various planets who are ready to sell

And they were also on that spaceship, missing those people.

Clearly capable, but did nothing.

Guilt and self-blame came back.

The spiritual power that merged together was affected by the master's mentality, and the luster suddenly dimmed.

Advisor Cheng's mental power flew to Li Zuoxing's face, rubbed his face carefully, and anxiously comforted him.

"I used to board his spaceship with my teammates," Li Zuoxing lowered his voice, "I noticed something was wrong, but I didn't do anything."

Instead, he pretended that he didn't understand anything, that he didn't understand anything, Jiyu was seriously injured, and Xinan didn't understand anything. When he clearly saw the blood on the spacecraft, Li Zuoxing chose to protect his teammates and himself.

After all, he is also a very selfish person.

It's just that when he suddenly knew that there was a high probability that there was still a boat of trafficked people on that ship, the heavy burden of sin completely overwhelmed Li Zuoxing.

"..." Ye An's mouth opened and closed, and it took a long time to say a word, "I believe you have difficulties..."

Li Zuoxing was silent.

"So," Ye An didn't know what to say, "do you need to send this information to your teammates?"

Li Zuoxing paused, then nodded slowly.

He didn't want his teammates to know about this kind of thing, especially Jiyu and Xinan who had a good impression of Jindi.

However, only by understanding these things can you raise a deeper defense and stick to the justice you want.

Ye An understood, but before he could say anything, the door was knocked again.

It was consultant Cheng who came, "Open the door."

"Master's current situation is not good," Ye An said politely. "You can come back later. If you have any urgent matters, you can tell me first, and I will tell you."

"Open the door." Advisor Cheng's voice was eight degrees lower, Ye An couldn't even control his hands and feet, and wanted to do things according to his orders. But Li Zuoxing was one step ahead of him, opening the door before him.

The first time after opening the door, consultant Cheng Cheng hugged Li Zuoxing.

Li Zuoxing hugged him, and now whispered to him what he hadn't said to Ye An before, "I don't think I'm human."

The consultant kissed him on the side of the face, "Then I'm not a person to accompany you."

"Don't do this," Li Zuoxing smiled and relaxed a little, "Don't fight like this."

"If you don't fight," the consultant Cheng sent a sweet kiss, "Kiss me, bite me if you're not happy, and it doesn't matter if the bite bleeds."

How can such a foul.

Knowing that Ye An was behind him and that they were standing by the corridor, Li Zuoxing still didn't reject his kiss, and put his lips together.

The warm lips have healing magic, kissing and kissing, and the movements are fierce. Li Zuoxing likes to attack, likes passion, he likes to let the people in his arms feel his enthusiasm, and also likes to hear the other party's weak moan.

Advisor Cheng sensed his enthusiasm, and returned it with a doubling, with no hesitation between his lips, and the slight humming made Li Zuoxing's heart fly again.

Ye An was stunned.

He was so frightened that he took a few steps backwards, and nearly tripped himself.

What did he see? what is this? !

The master and the advisor kissed together, not a close kiss or a playful kiss between boys, but a real adult kiss.

Lips and tongues stick to each other.

how can that be!

"What are you doing?!" Ye An's voice trembled, "Are you kissing?"

Li Zuoxing separated from consultant Chengcai. He lifted consultant Cheng's chin and looked left and right. He was satisfied, "No bleeding."

Not even swollen.

Only kissed for less than a minute.

"There are always people who want to interrupt the intimacy between me and you." Advisor Cheng glanced at Ye An, grabbed Li Zuoxing's neckline, and left a tooth mark on his Adam's apple, "Baby, the next topic Do you mind if I join too?"

Each of their actions made Ye An feel that the three views had been reshaped. His head was sweating and his face was pale.

If you ignore the gender, the atmosphere between them is easy to tell that it is a couple, but damn, it's a couple between two men? !

Between men and men! how is this possible? !

He'd rather believe the rumors of Wasser's sex transfer and master!

The door was closed again, and the advisor became a very gentleman this time, smiling politely at Ye An, "My little sun can't do without me, when he fell into self-blame, I thought I had to stay and give him a sober look. kiss."

Li Zuoxing sneered, "The kiss of reason, right?"

"Perhaps for you," the consultant shrugged handsomely, "to me it was a completely addicted kiss, I wish I could die on you."

Ye An's expression was complicated, "What is your relationship?"

Advisor Cheng didn't speak. He also looked at Li Zuoxing nervously and expectantly.

Li Zuoxing said neatly, "Lover."

As the consultant Cheng said, cheating people.

Ye An's brain was completely stunned. He didn't accept it well, and he stood up in a trance, "... Please give me some time, I want... to receive this news well."

Master's teammates become lovers, oh my god.

There is a match like a lover between a man and a man.

How can you like a man

After he left, the advisor became amused, "We need him to accept our business?"

Li Zuoxing was very calm, "Although it is a lover, there should be a prefix, lover in seven days?"

Anyone who knew him knew that he was deliberately making fun of him, and the consultant smiled and let him do it. He really did pamper him.

Li Zuoxing previously said that even if Lao Tzu loses one day in advance, the real man loses.

When they received the news from Ye An, all of them were silent, but Li Zuoxing was silent and there was a kiss of reason from the consultant Cheng. They were silent and could only be alone and cheer up together.

Among them, the most uncomfortable person is none other than Xinan.

This simple big guy, who was taught a lesson by reality, sat with red eyes and didn't speak.

"I'm sorry Xing Xing," he said finally, sadly, "you said something wrong at the time, but I didn't believe it."

Li Zuoxing rubbed his hair, and then flicked his head as usual, "It's not your fault, even if I say something wrong, I just want to escape with you and Jiyu."

Ji Yu stood up and hugged them, comforting, "No one knows what secrets that spaceship hides."

Suffering is still hardship, but then we have to move forward.

But I'm afraid that whether it's about Wasser or Jindi, the school can't control it.

So they shared the news about Jindi to Yumon.

Ye An’s spaceship was heading to the top of the star, Yumeng apologized after learning that they were safe, and finally revealed some news, “After the bottle of Nan was stolen, we extracted two more bottles. , is expected to succeed in three days.”

The news that the advisors were paired raised his lips.

He still admires the spirit of the empire's more and more courageous.

They are all big men. Xinan recovered his spirits after Li Zuoxing and You Meng hung up the communication, and his eyes were firm, "The next time I see him, I will definitely blow his head off!"

His teammates didn't want to hit him, and encouraged him: "Good ambition."

"Very good, keep going."

Change the subject after complimenting, and deliberately find a light topic to ease the atmosphere.

"I heard that there was a very hot vote in the school recently," Ji Yu thought for a while, "It seems to be an activity for voting for the best couple in everyone's mind."

Ling Nian snorted, "However, neither of us has a girlfriend."

When Li Zuoxing heard the name, he felt bad, and with a glance from the corner of his eye, sure enough, the consultant Cheng had already checked it online with great interest.

"I heard that the number one couple will win an award," Swarin was also very interested in this. Although he has no girlfriend, he is a person who likes to eat dog food. "It's made of a pair of immortal flowers. Plant ring."

What is an immortal stamen

A group of big boys who don't understand romance are stunned.

Ling Nian read the answer, "The immortal stamen has a special floral fragrance, which can make the wearer have a strong hormonal love for each other, so that the wearer can fall into a passionate love with each other anytime, anywhere."

"In other words," Ling Nian said with an expressionless face, "an aphrodisiac that only works on both sides of the wearer."

Swarin blushed silently, "Is this the effect..."

The innocent boy blushed, Li Zuoxing held his breath and tried his best to redden his ears.

In fact, this role is really not big for him and consultant Cheng. Think about the bathroom, but the bathroom is...


As long as the two of them are together, the hormones don't stop.

Li Zuoxing could already imagine what he would face after arriving at Chengyang Military Academy.

The first thing must be to go to bed.

Consultant Cheng was stunned, and Li Zuoxing was also stunned.

There are flowers, soft beds, and lights.

The red petals were sticking to the consultant Cheng, I really don't know if it was the fragrance of the flowers or the consultant Cheng was more fragrant.

Also need some necessities.

Li Zuoxing thought silently, hoping that there are necessities in this world.

Otherwise, if he is so good, he will not be beautiful when he is injured.

"I like the effect of this pair of rings." Advisor Cheng shook his long legs and moved.

Think about how cute Li Zuoxing's eyes will be when he sees him, and he will pester him that he wants to be asked by him.

- But the other party must first become his person.

And that way, no matter how young he is, the other party can't dislike him.