Faking Straight

Chapter 74


Ji Yu and the others did not wait until late at night for them to come back.

After 12:00, Ling Nian stood up and walked to the bedroom, "It looks like they are having a good time."

"The communication didn't answer..." Ji Yu sighed and stood up, "Xinan, let's go, let's go back to the room."

They just disembarked from Ye An's spaceship, and they didn't believe that they would be in danger again. Besides, this was in the Tuobang Star, in the Chengyang Military Academy.

After thinking about this, they felt relieved, and the three of them tidy up and went back to the room to rest.

In another school building, Swarin smiled and collected the reward after clearing the game with his teammates in the sky garden in the afternoon.

His roommates looked at each other, "Swarin, how are you getting along with them?"

In fact, this sentence is also a white question. Anyone who knows Swarin can see his change, and he has become a lot brighter and brighter. For a person who has been shy and shy for a long time, this kind of change Surprise his roommates.

"Very good, we get along very well," Swarin said earnestly. "They're all good people, and we're happy together."

The roommates surrounded him curiously, "But the strong are always a little arrogant, do they have no quirks in private?"

"No," Swarin shook his head without hesitation, "of course they don't, they're the best teammates, the best people in the world!"

Swarin's maintenance of the Dream Team made his roommates wonder if he was brainwashed by his teammates, "No way, there is no such thing as the most violent and timid shortcomings?"

Of course... there is.

But Swaring was very protective of his teammate's image, "No."

In view of his honest and reliable image, his roommates have no doubts about his words at all, but they never thought that the dream team would be so perfect. , there are no flaws."

Swarin not only likes to eat dog food, he also likes to listen to others compliment his teammates. At this time, he is in a good mood listening to their compliments to his teammates, and his smile is getting bigger and bigger.

However, Li Zuoxing and consultant Cheng were the ones who were praised the most.

Not only because the two of them have the strongest mental power in the team, but also because they are the main attackers who kill the female sword shell beasts.

They also watched the competition of the strongest team of the Dream Team, and they were honored to say, "Our school has seven of the ten people who made the cut on Day Meteor, which is really a good result."

The most surprising thing is that none of the Dream Team members were eliminated!

However, those who watched all the live broadcasts did not have any doubts about this, as long as they had eyes, they could see the difference in strength between them and others.

"However, I have seen a lot of topics about consultants Cheng and Li Zuoxing on Xingxing," one of the roommates dismissed, "they take the friendship between our men too simple, or just take a breath underwater , if our brother encounters anything dangerous, let alone kiss him, he can be a woman!"

"That's right, what's the point of making a fuss, as if the breath they took to save their teammates was shameful."

Swarin's three views will be shattered by this rhetoric, so this is the friendship between boys

He slept with this question in mind, and went to Jiyu and the others early the next morning. As soon as he entered the door, he saw that the consultant had pressed Li Zuoxing against the wall and imprisoned the other party in his own area.

Li Zuoxing turned his face away, Jun's face was full of embarrassment, "Don't do this, ask Cheng."

The tips of his ears were flushed, and this shy and upright look made the consultant very fond of him, pressing him to keep getting closer, staying strong by the side of his face, leaving only a few centimeters away, "Baby, the relationship is solid. Now, are you still sticking to the ten-day agreement?"

This posture consultant Cheng was actually useless, his whole body was weak, and he could only rely on invisible spiritual power to force Li Zuoxing to completely agree with the relationship between them.

As soon as Li Zuoxing lowered his head, he could read the traces he left in his collar, "..."


The swollen areas are swollen, and the broken areas have been repaired under the action of the other party's NK-03. The remaining traces are evidence of last night's madness.


A night of torture.

He has also verified many times, how many drops of sweat can hold in the waist pocket of the consultant.

His eyes were on the consultant Cheng, which made the consultant Cheng extremely satisfied, and provoked with a smile, "I made you eat all night last night, why are you still watching now?"

"Because it's so pitiful," Li Zuoxing coughed dryly, "does it still hurt now?"

Advisor Cheng showed an aftertaste, "Don't worry, I'm fine. If you haven't had enough, I can accompany you for another night tonight."

What Xingwang said is true, there is no ploughed land, only exhausted cattle. Consultant Cheng sighed in his heart. Now he feels fine, but he doesn't know if he will be really exhausted by Li Zuoxing one day in the future.

After all, the other party is young and strong, fast and durable.

Li Zuoxing continued to be shy, "...I'm enough."

"Don't hold back dear," Advisor Cheng lowered his voice, "after all, we are already lovers of raw rice and cooked rice."

After the real relationship is established, the eyes are lingering, the breath in the air makes people numb, the fragments of last night are flashing in my mind, and my body still remembers the taste of annihilating everything.

Even now, the satisfaction is still there, but the desire is more urgent.

How enough, not enough.

The tattoo on Li Zuoxing's back, consultant Cheng loved it, and when the boy was suppressed by excitement, the tattoo seemed to come alive on him.

The whole room is alive and no one can stop.

Advisor Cheng licked his lips, his lips were swollen, "You like to be with me, right?"

He pressed Li Zuoxing step by step, and the nostalgic lips on the side of his face kept approaching. Li Zuoxing was teased by him. The more he avoided the advisor, the bolder he became.

The plump fruit was completely ripe, and the fragrance and temptation penetrated from the inside to the outside. Li Zuoxing enjoyed it very much. While dark and refreshing, the tips of his ears were blushing, which made the consultant's heart tremble.

Swarin's voice was weak. "Good morning?"

Li Zuoxing and advisor Cheng turned to look at him together, the atmosphere was silent for three seconds, and they let go of their little lover in a dashing manner.

This move also involved the back of the consultant. Although he was not injured, the feeling of foreign body filling it could not be dispelled.

But damn it, consultant Cheng finally felt that it had grown a little bigger, but when Li Zuoxing checked the wound this morning, he found that it was under the influence of NK-03, and it had returned to its original state.

Li Zuoxing's expression at that time was very complicated, combining joy and deepness. For the first time, he knew what kind of magical medicine NK-03 was.

After all, if this is always the case, it will always be painful and refreshing.

Cool is doubly cool.

How many Xiaoshou wanted to become like this, but ended up on the consultant who thought about the same size in front and behind.

"Good morning," Li Zuoxing greeted Swarin with a serious wave of hands, "don't worry, we're rehearsing the script."

So cute.

Advisor Cheng stared at his hand, feeling that his heart softened into a puddle of water.

Swarin wondered, "The script?"

"Ask Cheng wants that pair of plant rings made of immortal stamens," Li Zuoxing led him towards the dining table, "He doesn't have a girlfriend, so he had to borrow it from me. Have you eaten yet?"

"Not yet," Swarin pursed his lips and smiled and sat down at the dining table, "Where are Jiyu and the others?"

"I'm getting up," Advisor Cheng sat lazily on the sofa, his beautiful eyes circling around Li Zuoxing, "Swolin, do you think my partner with Zuoxing can become the number one best couple? name?"

Only then did Swarin understand what Li Zuoxing meant by borrowing. He remembered what his roommate said last night, "I can also be my brother's woman if necessary." Now he was calm and accepted it well, "Of course I can."

However, "you are all boys, will the organizer let you participate?"

And I always feel that something is wrong. If I need to ask Cheng to be so handsome, it should be easy for a girl to be willing to participate in the competition with him.

Why do you want to increase the difficulty and go to the star instead

Li Zuoxing raised his eyebrows and brought out the warm meal from the kitchen, "There is always a solution."

Mr. Star Thief wants to participate in the competition, who can stop him

The smell of the rice made Swarin unable to think about it, and after tasting the porridge in the bowl, he was pleasantly surprised, "Drink well!"

He looked at consultant Cheng with bright eyes, "Ask Cheng, did you do it?"

The advisor nodded with a smile on his face, in celebration.

Swarin was immersed in the delicious food and moved. Ji Yu and the three walked out of the room with sleepy eyes. They quickly recovered from the smell of the delicious food and joined the team to grab food.

"Where did you guys go last night?" Xinan slurped his mouthful of dishes, "We've been waiting for you for a long time!"

It turns out that there were people waiting outside when they were doing errands inside

Li Zuoxing sincerely thanked the omnipotent effect of spiritual power, "I went for a walk and forgot the time."

From Ling Nian's suspicious gaze, Li Zuoxing was open and magnanimous. Wouldn't it be okay to take a walk on the bed

The mental power also took a step in the body of the consultant.

Ling Nian withdrew his gaze and used the food in front of him gracefully and quickly, "What's that on your neck."

Others looked at Li Zuoxing's neck curiously, there was a faint tooth mark on the Adam's apple, and many red dots.

"Are you allergic?" Ji Yu frowned worriedly, "What is the allergy?"

Li Zuoxing subconsciously covered his neck, but before he could speak, his teammates exclaimed again, "There are also red dots and tooth marks on the fingers!"

Advisor Cheng turned his face away uncomfortably, his face flushed slightly.

The teammates simply didn't get into this kind of thing. Li Zuoxing fooled them with a few words. After eating, they were going to the training room, but they received a communication request from Prince Yin Sa.

The communication was sent to Li Zuoxing's brain, and the dream team looked at each other, wondering what the little prince could do with them.

Li Zuoxing clicked to accept, and the little prince's dimpled face popped up a moment later on the screen.

"Good morning," Yin Sa rolled her eyes, "I hope you didn't waste your time."

"No," Li Zuoxing, "what's the matter with you?"

"Do you know Colonel Romond?" asked the little prince.

Several people shook their heads together.

Yin Sa understood, he covered his mouth and laughed for a long time, and finally revealed: "Tell you in advance so that you can make some preparations. Tonight at the dinner party in the palace, brother will invite you on behalf of father. I hope we will have a dinner tonight. A pleasant dinner time."

After he hung up the communication, the few people standing there unconsciously pondered.

Because of what happened to Jindi just now, they are at a sensitive stage to all kinds of information from the outside world. Even Xinan has learned to think more about the hidden meanings in other people's words.

They have heard of Colonel Romond's reputation. He belongs to the type of devil instructor. The army he leads is the fastest-promoting team in the entire imperial army, and it is also the most dangerous task.

And why did the little prince Yinsa mention him alone

Why did Prince Nico invite them to dinner

"Okay friends," the consultant Cheng put down his hands, "you won't be able to taste my craftsmanship for tonight's dinner."

The teammates wailed and each groaned.

"More than that," Ling Nian sighed after reading Colonel Romond's information, "Today you still need to learn the royal dining etiquette, so you don't need to go to the training room."

The dress still needs to be in place, and Ling Nian's head is piled up with all kinds of things that need to be prepared.


A group of people tossed along with Ling Nian. At 12:00 noon, Prince Nico personally sent them an invitation in the name of Kate the Great. At 3:00 in the afternoon, the spaceship from the royal family had stopped outside the gate of Chengyang Military Academy.

As soon as the spaceship with the royal badge appeared, it alerted the senior officials who were still in the school. When the school leaders rushed over, they learned that it was the royal family who had invited the Dream Team to the palace for dinner.

They hid their shock, dispersed the students who were watching the excitement, and sent people to urge the dream team.

After a while, the dream team arrived.

The six young men were dressed very attractively at the moment. The uniforms were changed, and the black formal clothes were on the upper body. The military cadets were tall and slender in whatever clothes they wore. The school leaders nodded secretly when they saw them, and smiled at them send away.

The royal family came to invite their pupils to dinner, and it was an honour for the whole school.

The Capital Star is not far from the Tuobang Star, but if they fly over, they will miss dinner. After they boarded the ship, the escort team started the space jump and sent them to the Capital Star’s palace ten minutes later.

The little prince Yinsa waited for them personally with someone, and after seeing them, he was full of praise, "You seem to be taller than the last time you met."

Boys all care about height, and the people in the Dream Team wanted to boast back, but when they saw that little prince Yin Sa's height did not change at all, he tacitly shut his mouth.

"I watched your last game from start to finish," Yin Sa said, "I have to say thank you to you for taking care of the students of our Royal Academy."

Of course he was talking about Ren Yingying, and Xinan complained: "She looks very timid. I really didn't expect that I would lose to her when I was listening to Xing Xing telling ghost stories."

The teammates glanced at him, thinking that you cry like that, it's hard to beat you, right

Yin Sate glanced at Advisor Cheng and couldn't hold back his curiosity, "Dear Wen Cheng, I heard a lot about Ren Qingying and you in school, and I heard that she is crazy about you?"

His Royal Highness was obviously gloating about misfortune. Advisor Cheng smiled and said calmly: "Your Highness, please don't talk nonsense, after all, I still have a lover that I love in my heart. If he hears these rumors, I don't know how uncomfortable it will be. Knowing that my baby is very possessive of me often bothers me."

Li Zuoxing glanced at him, and advisor Cheng winked at him.

Advisor Cheng can't wait for Li Zuoxing to have such a deep possessiveness towards him.

Yin Sa's eyes widened, "You actually have a girlfriend?"

The consultant succeeded but smiled.

The teammates had question marks written all over their heads, and finally came to the conclusion that the consultant was pretending to be forceful.

Where is the girlfriend, the girlfriend of your dreams

It is estimated that this is to find a reason to block the peach blossoms, and it cannot be taken seriously.

In the splendid dining room, His Majesty Kate was watching them come over with a smile.

A group of people saluted him, and then sat down with the messenger. The two princes and a princess sat on the left of His Majesty the Emperor. When the Dream Team sat down, a senior general was already sitting in front of His Majesty Kate's right hand.

The first time they saw the general, they recognized that it was Colonel Romond.

Headmaster Romond had an amiable face, but his aura was extremely dignified. At this time, he nodded to them as a sign, and observed them without a trace.

"Don't be cautious," His Majesty the Emperor laughed, "Our family always has to talk a lot during dinner. Except for Romond and you, it's not the first time we meet, so try to relax as much as possible. "

"We will."

Li Zuoxing has no special feeling for the royal family, because there is no concept of the royal family in the concept, so it is really easy to say it is relaxed, and the demeanor is very unrestrained and unrestrained.

Advisor Cheng liked him like this, and couldn't help but stick his eyes on his gleaming little sun. The first time he looked at it, Li Zuoxing asked in a low voice, "Is the cushion still suitable?"

This feeling of being cared for all the time and being kept in the heart of the other party is extraordinarily sweet, the consultant nodded, and the curvature of the corner of his mouth was suppressed, "Thank you for your concern, I'm fine."

"If there is something uncomfortable, tell me in time," Li Zuoxing looked at him worriedly, "remember not to eat spicy food."


His lover is the best in the world, he is clearly the bearer, and he still cares about him after a night of doing it.

Prince Nico smiled and said, "I listened to the ghost story you told. That worldview is really eye-opening."

"Do you want to hear it?" Li Zuoxing laughed, "I also heard these stories from others by chance."

Prince Niko was about to move, but after looking at his reluctant father, he still reserved the face of His Majesty the Emperor for him, and said regretfully, "Next time, next time, you must experience the feelings brought by ghost stories on the spot."

Before the food was served, in order not to offend the princess, the six big boys of the dream team basically didn't look in the direction of the princess, but they didn't expect that after a while, Her Royal Highness the princess brought her skirt to Li Zuoxing with a smile on her face. He invited him to dance, "After a dance, it happened to be time for dinner. Would you be interested in dancing with me before dinner?"

Advisor Cheng's smile deepened, and the tablecloth under his hand was deeply folded by him.

His Majesty the Emperor was pleasantly surprised, "Of course you can do a dance, my dear, I haven't seen you so interested in a long time."

Li Zuoxing could only accept it, stood up and held Her Royal Highness's hand, and came to the empty space next to him and started dancing.

Her Royal Highness said suddenly, "I know you have a girlfriend."

At such a close distance, the hidden hickey can be seen completely, Li Zuoxing showed an apologetic smile, "I made you laugh."

"Your relationship must be very good," the blond princess looked melancholy. "You can rest assured that I don't feel that way about you. In fact, I asked you to dance with me just because I wanted to get to know your teammates."

Her fair side ears were dyed red, and her expression was also shy, "You seem to be the best one among them. What's the name of the one sitting next to you?"

Li Zuoxing's grip on her hand increased involuntarily, then relaxed and pulled away a fake smile, "Are you talking about the one sitting on the right or the left beside me?"

Advisor Achievement sat beside him.

Li Zuoxing never underestimated his attractiveness to women.

Depend on.

Li Zuoxing was distraught when he could meet suitors at a meal.

Her Royal Highness said in a lower voice, "The one sitting on your left, he fascinates me."


Li Zuoxing relaxed, "You mean... Ling Nian?"

"Is he Ling Nian?" The princess blushed this time. "Don't make a mistake, I'm talking about the expressionless gentleman who doesn't look good."

That is Ling Nian.

"He doesn't have a girlfriend," Li Zuoxing led her to bend a perfunctory waist and smiled, "I wish you good luck."

After dancing, he returned to his seat refreshed and was about to talk to his advisor Cheng about Ling Nian's gossip, when he saw that the other party's expression was wrong.

Not only is the consultant wrong, but the eyes of the people on the table are mixed with ambiguous and ridicule.

Prince Niko's admiring eyes had already taken a look at him before, and His Majesty the Emperor was no exception.

In the eyes of others, they only saw the princess' blushing cheeks and Li Zuoxing's wide smile.

Li Zuoxing's expression stiffened.

Advisor Cheng murmured to himself, and his mental power conveyed his words to Li Zuoxing's ears.

"Am I not satisfied with you yet?"

"Or did you find yourself preferring pretty girls?"

The protagonist evoked a smile, but his eyes were dark and deep, "Do you need to be locked in a room and ploughed down completely, so that you will only like me and see me alone?"

Li Zuoxing could not laugh or cry, "I—"

"I'm apprehensive."

Advisor Cheng looked at him, and in the eyes of a teenager, extremely complex emotions that only adults can have, "Don't make me so uneasy, okay, Xingxing?"